Discuss Revelation 12 Page 34

  • Adam - In Reply on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Hello David, thanks for your response. It's interesting how I shared a mountain of scriptures, but you seemed to disregard and not comment on them. All you have to do is hover over them to see what the Bible verse says.

    But I noticed you just changed your position.

    Before you said "if you are sinning still, you are not saved." However, in your last post you wrote something that seems to contradict itself. "I truly feel sorry for you. You have been sold a lie. So too has most of this world been sold the lie you cannot stop sinning."

    Then you wrote "I will stand firm on what I said that I am free from sin because of applying the blood of Jesus through repentance, salvation, and sanctification."

    But if you're already perfect and sinless why what would you need to repent from? And what would you need to be sanctified from? You already said you're sinless, so what you said contradicts itself, unless you believe you in fact do continue to sin and need to repent and be sanctified of it. So, which do you believe?

    You also said some false statements: "You choose not to believe Him. You have been given false teaching that you can't be free now."

    Why would you assume I don't believe in Jesus Christ? I've read the Bible directly and quoted the Bible directly so why do you assume I was given a false teaching? A teaching from who? The Bible, or you?
  • Richard - In Reply on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Hello Claire

    ok, Please just slow down a little bit. OK we are going to try and give you some answers, If you have confessed your sins to Jesus and accepted him into your heart you are saved, so when you start to doubt and i mean immediately remember 1st John 1 vs 9 if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Please memorize that verse that is your best defense against the attacks on your mind by satan, in the book of James it says resist the devil and he will flee from you. i have gone through attacks from satan and I still remind him that my sins are forgiven, Baptisim is important our Lord Jesus told us it was but not being baptized does not mean you are not saved but get baptized as soon as you can because it will help with a public confession of faith. I was an addict for many years and that was after knowing Christ and i still struggle with it, we all have our struggles so yes that is normal. The gifts of the holy spirit are for everyone and not everyone gets the same gifts. God answers

    prayer without a doubt and frequently the answer is no or wait but if it is good for you and his will then it will get answered when the time is right, because Gods timing is never wrong. Remember everything in the bible is true and correct God cannot lie if you ask for forgiveness you get it, repentance is also important I don't know what sins with but don't put yourself in situations where you should not be, I.e I don't go around certain people because i know for a fact that drugs could be there I don't fool myself that i can be around that and not fall, I tried that and failed so stay away from situations and people who could trip you up. You brought up tongues be wary of people who speak it but don't do it the way we are instructed to in the bible it says 2 or 3 and most and only if someone is there to interpret. Next read the bible daily and pray for discernment. My wife and I are praying for you
  • David W Black - In Reply on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    You likely will disagree, but Romans 7 that tells us about Paul, the chapter was written in present tense but was in fact reflecting back to Paul's past. It was his testimony of what he was before receiving salvation on the road to Damascus. Before Paul had received salvation he did struggle. Before he was sanctified, again there was struggles internally. Only after Paul was saved from sin and was sanctified to remove his carnal nature did the struggle cease. Yes he was saved FROM sin or God could not have used him to preach as he did.

    When I got saved, I had to follow the sinless path Jesus made for us by His example. I did so willingly as it was required by God. Both to be sin free or to remain in sin are choices. If you wanted to be free from sin, you could do so now. IF you get saved. Salvation is only complete and true if you stop sinning.

    If you choose to believe you will sin until you die, I truly feel sorry for you. You have been sold a lie. So too has most of this world been sold the lie you cannot stop sinning. Most did not believe Jesus while He was on Earth, so why should it have changed much since.

    You have made your choice to live what you believe and so have I. I choose to believe God that I must be saved from sin now. You choose not to believe Him. You have been given false teaching that you can't be free now.

    OK that is all the comments I will offer. As mentioned, I will stand firm on what I said that I am free from sin because of applying the blood of Jesus through repentance, salvation, and sanctification. If you want to make Heaven your home, you must do the same. If you fall short of freedom from sin here, you cannot enter Heaven later.
  • Adam - In Reply on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Hi David,

    If you believe you're perfect and sinless like Jesus, that would be contrary to: Romans 3:10 and Romans 3:23.

    Ephesians 4:32 - says be kind and tenderhearted and forgive others like Christ has forgiven you, but if you have to be 100% perfect as a Christian why would it say that? Are you suggesting that you've been 100% perfect and sinless since becoming a Christian? For example, you have never lied or quarreled or raised your voice at anyone and have always forgiven others for their sins?

    If you believe you've been 100% perfect and sinless, which even Paul wasn't able to do, then aside from Jesus you're the first and only human to be perfectly sinless after becoming a Christian? Just as a warning this could be the sin of pride Proverbs 16:5 and 2 Timothy 3:2.

    Matthew 5:48 - Jesus said to strive to be perfect and obey his commands John 14:15, but that doesn't mean you must be perfect to be saved. Ephesians 2:8. That also doesn't mean you have an excuse to sin intentionally.

    Matthew 12:31 - Jesus clearly said only blasphemy of the holy spirit is the only sin that won't be forgiven. So, if your point is the NO sins are forgiven after you become a Christian then why would Jesus say this to everyone (including his Christian followers) that all sins ARE forgiven but this one?

    Paul admits in Romans 7:15 that he deeply struggles with the flesh and sin. Does that mean you think the man who write the most books of the Bible and was the top evangelist for Christianity went to hell?

    My belief is that you don't earn heaven by being perfect. You are saved by believing Jesus, confessing and repenting of your sin and actively following Jesus. You try to avoid sin to the absolute best of your ability, but it doesn't mean you'll be perfect. It in fact says we are all imperfect, but if we're genuinely following Jesus then we're covered by grace as we progress in our life as a Christian. It doesn't mean the grace erases sin, but we will be forgiven if we're a Christian following Jesus. Jesus shares a great parable about sin and forgiveness in Matthew 18.

    Matthew 12:36-37 - Jesus sets the bar very, very high with every word you speak to others, your thoughts, and if you even look at a woman. Matthew 5:28. Am I supposed to believe your the first person since Jesus to ever do this perfectly and that you're 'earning' heaven? Congratulations, but I think you're in for a surprise, because that's not what the Bible says and above are just a few of the Bible verses that prove that. I'm offering this in kindness to offer a different perspective to a Christian brother. God bless.
  • David W Black on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Chris, Adam, and everyone else:

    The comments I have made are based on truth and on the Bible. If you don't want to believe what I have said, that is your choice. Jesus did die to save us from sin here on Earth. This means we don't continue to sin after we've been saved. Sinning christians will not go to Heaven. By the way, Christian is mentioned 3 times in the New Testament. The title saint is used more than that in the Bible. Yes one that is saved from sin by the applying of the blood of Jesus is a saint through repentance, even here on Earth now.

    So look at it this way, if you are right that we cannot stop sinning until the Judgement Day, you and I both will make it to Heaven. If however I am right and you needed to be sin free after salvation, you cannot enter but I would. Why don't you ask God honestly and sincerely to reveal where you are with Him now? Your actions do count for or against you for where you end up eternally.

    Final thought; what is the difference in one that never repents of sin and one that claims salvation but sins still? Actually God sees these 2 as being in the same spiritual condition...lost. That is why I said the Old Testament sacrifice is considered by you as the same as Jesus, because He supposedly cannot save you from sin.
  • David W Black - In Reply on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    That's fine Adam if you choose to believe falseness over truth. You, and all of us really, are in one of two categories, those that have repented and received salvation from sin, and stop sinning here on Earth by the power of Jesus, or those that continue to sin until the Judgement Day. You have been taught that you can be saved and sin, but whoever taught you that is a liar. If you cannot cease from sin with the blood of Jesus applied upon salvation, there was not any change in you. So the reference to the earlier thought some think the blood of Jesus and His sacrifice is the same as bulls and goats does in fact apply truthfully.

    And as I told Chris, you will be reminded by God at Judgement Day you read the message a saint named David wrote warning you to consider your soul. Salvation and sanctification require you to be cleansed FROM sin, requiring sinful acts to cease. If you say you cannot stop sin here on Earth, you didn't find the right Jesus, the one that is the Son of God, who came to save from sin here, now.

    So that's all there is, a warning to any reading this, Jesus came to Earth about 2,000 years ago, born of a virgin, to preach His gospel, to become the sacrificial Lamb of God, die on the cross to be the sacrifice that saves from sin as in Titus 2:11, 12 is referred to again, and to leave an example that living sin free is possible in His power.

    Here's one other way to look at it. If you are in fact right and I'm not, we both still go to Heaven. But if it turns out I am right and you aren't, then you will not gain Heaven. Isn't it worth it to find out who is right?

    Finally, what is wrong by living right? Or to live sin free now? And yes living sin free is available through the sacrifice of Jesus, and only through Him.

    PS if all that continue to sin make Heaven their eternal home, what must one do to spend eternity in Hell? I dare you to ask God honestly to show you where you stand with Him now. And I also dare you to listen and obey Him.
  • David W Black - In Reply on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Hi Chris,

    Yes my comment was for you, specifically in the end of your comments where you say "And, we're not required to be 'sinless to enter Heaven': we are still saved & sanctified sinners who will be renewed in every way, outfitted for life in Eternity."

    Repentance, salvation, and sanctification from sin through the blood of Jesus does not produce saved and sanctified sinners. Romans 12:1 refers to sanctification and says in part "ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God". Those guilty of committed sins are not the living sacrifice as sin makes one dead spiritually. A sinner is not holy nor acceptable.

    Think all the way back to Genesis 2:17 where God warned Eve not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. In verse 4 of chapter 3 the serpent told Eve God was wrong and she'd not die. God was referring to the effects of son and that it does cause the soul to die. Satan as the serpent deceived Eve by turning God's words of warning to mean not dying physically.

    Here is Titus 2:11, 12 "For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men,

    Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;". The problem is you excuse sin, saying sin still is present in the saved, where God offers salvation from sin.

    Matt. 1:21 Jesus was sent to save us from sin, not still in sin.

    If you want true salvation, you will stop sinning after being saved. If you want a watered down false doctrine, feel free to think you are saved and sanctified yet still sin. But be warned, when you are at the Judgement before God, He will remind you a saint of God told you in this comment area that salvation requires you to stop the sin business. (See Matt. 25:31-46) If any stand before God with sin that is not repented of and are still committing sin, they cannot enter Heaven and will be separated from the sheep. And as a goat, be sent to Hell for eternal punishment.
  • Randall Randall - In Reply on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Well said and Holy. That was a great representation of Gods Words. We all fall short of the glory of God because we are not perfect and with sin. But we get better and try to be the best version of Christ everyday. This is called sanctification. People really need to understand this so more may come to Christ.
  • Alex on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    The reason a saved person cannot fallaway is b/c we are bornagain by his living WORD and his WORD cannot return unto him void, Thats the law with God, My word shall NOT RETURN unto me VOID but shall surely prosper in the thing that i send IT which is ETERNAL LIFE.My sheep have Eternal life and No man can pluck them out of my hand and my Father that gave them me is GREATER THEN ALL and no man is able to pluck them out of my Fathers hand. Them that hath shall MORE be given, but them that hath NOT from them shall be taken what they THINK they have. So true salvation is a have or have not situation.
  • J J on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    I live in a bad place. I cannot use the living room. I always sit in a small room sometimes using kitchen. I am very tired of that. The person owning the flat is a devil's child. Please pray for God to open the door for me like he opened the Red sea. I need a miracle. I am in danger. Please help!
  • Frank Garcia - In Reply on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Keep your faith strong God knows what you need don't worry find comfort in him amen. Bless you.
  • Frank Garcia - In Reply on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Continue to pray with the holy spirit from your heart remember Jesus is with you always, talk to all people about his love and the salvation he offers to all people who love him. I will pray for you in God's spirit bless you.
  • T - In Reply on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Amen Richard! Thank you for sharing your testimony with us! Faith works wonders and God is good!

    God Bless
  • Cb on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Please pray for my Grandma and Grandpa. Please pray for their health and well-being. They are all I got in my life. I need them more than anyone can realize. Pray to God that they are ok and they will be with me for a long time to come. Pray for me also and that I won't worry all the time. Pray I put everything in God's hands and let Him take control and do what God does. Pray God will just let there be nothing seriously wrong and let God ease my mind. THANK you for all your prayers I appreciateevery one and I pray that God blesses you all.
  • Chris - In Reply on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    David, are your comments directed to me? If so, they seem inconsistent to what I wrote earlier. Even leaving aside the matter about Lucifer, the Babylonian king & Prince of Tyrus, I'm not sure where you got the idea that I intimated that Christ's sacrifice was no better than the Jewish sacrifices of old. Of course, if you believe that Christ's sacrifice has now made all those who call upon Him, sinless, then that of course is a serious matter.

    The difference between the old sacrifices & the sacrifice of Jesus is that the old sacrifices were temporary, limited & served only to alert Israel to their sin & need for restitution. Christ provided the 'better' Sacrifice because it came out of God's Love sending forth His Word as a Man to be our substitution & to bear our penalty: being therefore Perfect, there was no further need for subsequent offerings & it was the only one that permanently averted God's Wrath from the sinner.

    You wrote, "God will not buy your saved sinner excuse to remain a sinner". I'm unsure where you got this idea from as I never spoke of a saved sinner excusing himself to commit sin. Yes, there are some who might hold to this belief, but it's from Hell - no sinner saved by God's immeasurable Grace to them, would ever desire or contemplate unrestrained sinful behaviour as his 'free right' through Christ.

    So maybe your comments were actually directed to my comment, "we're not required to be 'sinless to enter Heaven'". We are required to be forgiven, born again & Spirit-indwelt so as to have the Seal of God in us for entrance into Heaven, but not to be sinless. Can anyone ever say that he/she is sinless now, given the reality of our earthly existence & many follies? Would all the exhortation from the apostles & preachers today for us to turn away from the "sins that so easily beset us" all be wasted effort if the 'sinless' believer could never be drawn into sin? But maybe, I have misunderstood you in this matter, for which I apologize.
  • Corrisa on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    My prayer is for to continue to keep the faith and know that things will get better. Praying that I find a place to live soon and pray that the person fixing my car does the right thing. Praying for strength to keep fighting my lupus. Please keep my children and grandchildren safe from harm. My heart is very heavy give me peace and calmness to make it through these rough days I have had and pray they come to an end.
  • Adam - In Reply on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Hi David,

    I'm not sure where you get your information, because it doesn't seem to be from the Bible. Grace doesn't mean it erases sin, like it never happened. Grace is forgiveness of sin. Forgiveness is different than something that never happened. People who sin are forgiven if they are genuinely Christians who follow Christ. It sounds like you're claiming that Christians have to be perfect and without sin to enter heaven? If that is your belief, Jesus already said no one is without sin Romans 3:10. So, are you calling Jesus a liar? You also seemed to question why Jesus died on the cross. Jesus already explained exactly why he died on the cross- it's black and white in the Bible. So, the following statements from you are false:

    >So let's be clear, if you are sinning still, you are not saved. You will not go to Heaven if you die in sin.

    There is a difference from a Christian who tries their best to follow Christ but still sins (grace) because they have temptations of the flesh (just like Paul did), and someone who claims to be a Christian, but is not interested in following Christ, but desires to enjoy sin as much as possible because Satan told him he was saved and doesn't have to change (not grace).
  • David W Black - In Reply on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    So the blood of Jesus does no better as atonement for our sins than the bulls and goats of the Old Testament. This is what you believe and want me to believe if Jesus cannot save you from sin now. If Jesus cannot save you from sin now, why did He die? Why did He bother to sacrifice Himself if it's no different than the Old Testament animal sacrifices? I know there is a difference in these sacrifices, and I know Jesus saves from sin here on Earth, if you truly repent. Those that aren't saved from sin, and those that say they are sinners saved by grace, do not want to stop their sins, so they've made false doctrines like this.

    This is just an example to get you to think. Suppose your sin is murder. You kill somebody else, you are arrested, put in jail, and are then taken to trial. The judge asks you what your plea is. "Your honor, we're just sinners saved by grace. I couldn't help myself." The judge will sentence you to life in prison or the death penalty as this judge will not buy the saved sinner and cannot help yourself plea. Yet you want us to believe God will buy the story that you can't help yourself when you face Him at the last judgement. God will not buy your saved sinner excuse to remain a sinner. He sent Jesus to save you from sin. And if you die in sin, your sentence is eternity in Hell.

    The act of repentance in which people are saved from sin includes forgiveness of the penalty, removing the guilt, and breaking the power of sin. If it is real repentance and if you are serious that is. However, many people that claim to be a Christian claim He cannot save from sin. So let's be clear, if you are sinning still, you are not saved. You will not go to Heaven if you die in sin. Now is the time to be saved from sin. The Judgement Day is set aside to judge you not to save.
  • Claire on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Please can someone explain these scriptures to me because I feel like I can't moved forward on my Christian walk. I have not been baptised yet, So I don't even know if I'm saved yet or if I have lost my salvation

    How I read it, It (is) possible for us to lose our salvation, Although everyone at my church (including the pastors) believe "Once saved.. Always saved.. Although I can't find any scriptures in the King James Bible to prove their doctrine and this is causing me a lot of distress and anxiety.

    Please can someone show me the scriptures in the King James Bible where it says we (can't) lose our salvation because I can't find any scriptures to verify this. Thank you.

    Hebrews Chapter 6.4-6

    Matthew Chapter 7.21-23

    Ezekiel 18.24-26

    John 10.28-29

    2 Peter 2.20-22

    Hebrews 10.26-28

    1 John 2.3-4

    2 Timothy 2.11-12
  • Richard in Christ - In Reply on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago

    The Lord led me to reply to your post. As seeing you have someone named "Richard" in your family that is dealing with epilepsy or "seizures". I dealt with seizures for over seventeen years and it was the most detrimental thing I've ever had to live through. As no medication stopped them. Getting in many car accidents because of them and so on. I would pray to God in tears "why me"? Just thinking I was going to have to deal with that issue for the rest of my life as nothing ever changed.

    Just last year I was lead to the Bible. After reading the words of Jesus Christ I was truly taken and gave my life to Him. Praying for Him to come into my heart, that my life was His, how sorry I was for stopping believing in Him and How much I loved Him. I am now a living person with a Testimony of a miracle of healing that the Lord can do. I prayed to Jesus Christ, to heal my seizures, and He showed me that he was healing me. It wasn't instant but things began to change.

    God truly works in mysterious ways that we cannot fully grasp as He knows the end before the beginning. He has a plan for all of us. Now I confess that Jesus Christ healed my seizures, along with changing my life, to as many people I can. To try and get them to the Lord. I only tell the truth and it is all for His glory not mine.

    You, and your family, are always in my prayers. Keep your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. God Bless you.
  • Melinda on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    pray that all my parts are god no miss count no miss lable no miss clips no miss foarm no fried me no suppenned me car doors open and close ok car will strate set blet work ok and have enough money to paid my bill and to have over time mom hart gets better
  • Claire - In Reply on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Hi Vlad,

    Thank you for your prayer.

    God bless you and your family.

    Kind Regards

  • Vlad - In Reply on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago

    I will pray a Rosarium for you and your family and for you to find a proper spiritual guidance.

    God bless you.
  • Linda on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    I have been in the hospital 5 times this year with breathing and lung conditions. Please pray God will heal me.
  • Wondering stranger - In Reply on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Philippians 4:7(KJV)

    "[4] Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice. [5] Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. [6] Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. [7] And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."
  • Lothan Henry on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    For healing of my body and good health !
  • Patty Tozi on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    For God so Loved the World. What did He Do? He Gave His Only Begotten Son to die and suffer for our Sins. Your Sin is Repeated against God's Ten Commandments. Why? Do you hurt yourself so that you would take Satan's side, while on this Earth. You only push Jesus away from guiding you. What if you were to die today? Where would you go? Ask God now for forgiveness. Be able to face your Mighty Lord when He reads your Life in His Book. This is Life or Death to you once in Heaven. There is no turning back. Think...Now... Where are You???
  • Christy on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Pray for a miracle in my marriage. That hearts will be soften, marriage counseling would be chosen. Bitterness and anger removed. New eyes to see each other. We will look only to God and his truth. Divorce will not be an option.
  • K amrutha varshini on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    please pray for my family includes, k lakshmipathi and k alivelumanga.
  • April on Revelation 12 - 4 years ago
    Prayer for God to continue to bless, favor, shield, lead, guide and protect my children , grandson & I & for God's will to be fulfilled in our lives and a right now & future. Prayer to be led to a anointed Church that teaches the Bible and accepts and embraces my children, grandson & I as church family should here on out through years to come with unity & agape love. Prayer for spiritual growth, God's 5-fold ministry & wisdom, knowledge & understanding of His will & more of His power & anointing edifying in our lives. Blessings & prayer for peace in Jerusalem & God to heal our land.

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