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It's in the Bible. I knew I had read it.
Job1:6; Job 2:1, Revelation 12:9 and 12:7
2 Peter 2: 4-5 and Jude 1:6
Why would God destroy the earth with water unless something had happened at Eden. I'm not going to play a guessing game.
and asking god to lead government officials to lead them in his direction for usa &the world!
God is not destroying people's lives. One of satans other names is: DESTROYER. And he is the ACCUSER of the brethern. Revelation 12:10, Job 1:6,12 and Zechariah 3:1
Part of our problem is that we do not trust God. We think he does all the painful things. Like why is he allowing satan to get near us? Hear that accusatory question? Or, why doesn't Jesus just heal everybody? Why does bad things happen to good people?
There is the WILL of God. God gave free will to mankind in the garden of Eden. Satan has a will too. He's not going to do anything good with it. Read Job 1. He's defeated. Intercede for loved ones.
One of satans other names is: DESTROYER. He is the ACCUSER of the brethren. He is a murderer, a liar. Revelation 12:10, Job chapter 1-2; Zechariah
Actually in Isaiah chapter 14:12-16, satan says I WILL 5 times!
One of satans other names is: DESTROYER.
There is the Will Of God. God gave FREE WILL to Adam and Eve.
But there is another will operating that is not a part of Gods purpose for earth or mankind. I think when satan was kicked out of Heaven, he retained his WILL.
Don't blame God for the bad things that happen to you and others. We have Jesus now. I look at Job and he was a righteous man. Keep yourself & family soaked in prayer! Be alert
As least I get utief?
I will
.uk gets !a reads bible and said r pasty
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Thaks for!y!u!a d 're .s?
Dear Lord Jesus Bless our Brother Heinz with a Few Major Recording Labels To Hire Him off of LinkedIn to Write Some Songs to Glorify Your Name First and Also Bless Him with His
Lovely Hand In Marriage Sureena Nicole Hughes to Have as His one and
Only Wife to have Walk by his Side Lord Jesus
God is not destroying people's lives. One of satans other names is: DESTROYER.
Pass it on. He is the accuser of the brethern. Revelation 12:10, Job 1:6,12 and Zechariah 3:1
Part of our problem is that we do not trust God. We think he does all the painful things. Like why is he allowing satan to get near us? That's that voice of the ACCUSER. Another name of satan... or, why doesn't Jesus just heal everybody?
Something I do is read all the red scriptures in my Bible. I wanna imprint what Jesus does, what he says. Something really happens to your perception. He doesn't argue, debate or nitpick.