Discuss Revelation 12 Page 63

  • Steve on Revelation 12 - 7 years ago
    The woman in verse 14 is of course Israel. In the final 3.5 years of the great tribulation, she (Israel) will take flight on the wings of a great eagle (possibly the USA will help) to flee from the serpent. America is not specifically mentioned in prophecy, but the eagle may represent America. Israel will actually flee to Jordan and Saudi Arabia who will sustain them. Hard to believe, but true.
  • Obbie Beal on Revelation 12 - 7 years ago

    17 "And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ" ... This verse (17 above) is 'WOW' because 'most in the USA is not prepare for the 'to-kill-you- battles' the dragon is about to bring to our front door. Yes, many are already fighting, but the worse is yet to come in USA, WOW!
  • Lucy on Revelation 12 - 7 years ago
    Cheryl, while Satan was banished in the beginning for rebellion, once he tempted Adam and Eve to sin, he returned to Heaven's counsels as their accuser and Earth's representative. The casting out of vs. 9 means that after Jesus died on the Cross, Satan could no longer enter Heaven to accuse human beings to God. Instead, he turned his attention to persecuting God's people on Earth.
  • Bud on Revelation 17 - 7 years ago
    Truthseeker: I did agree with you on female. Read Isaiah 14:12. 2 Corinthians 11:14, Revelation 12:9. Altho each reads the bible in his own way.
  • A disciple on Revelation 12 - 7 years ago
    Cheryl; There are some who believe that these events are mentioned in Genesis and the Prophets in some very interesting and mysterious sentences about the "earth becoming without form and void," as if by a terrible cataclysmic event; like Satan being cast out of heaven; so for that reason the earth was literally turned inside out! The Lord Jesus said, "I saw Satan as lightning fall from heaven!"
  • Cheryl on Revelation 12 - 7 years ago
    When was Satan and his followers cast down to Earth , if in Genesis it said the Earth was void in the beginning and man was not yet form ?
  • Alex on Revelation 12 - 7 years ago
    The woman in rev 12 also answers to Zech 9 v 9, she answers to donkey and her colt is a baby Christ,we are the donkey spritual speaking thats y he said my yoke is easy and my burden is light, and our colt is a gonna be a baby christ, the kingdom comes with the woman and her child, when jesus entered jerusalem on the donkey and her colt they cried now is come the kingdom of our God.We be the woman.
  • Christi on Revelation 12 - 7 years ago
    The great red dragon is probably Nibiru, which has an asteroid belt or "tail" as described in verse 4. The stars that it knocks down to Earth are the asteroids that fly around it. The Earth may have a 28 degree pole shift, which could be the reason one third of the life on Earth will perish. We need to be ready to see the Lord any day now. The Rapture comes after tribulation. Stop sinning now.
  • Alex on Revelation 12 - 7 years ago
    Why didn't this woman birth the children 2000 yrs ago,simply b/c Micah 5 says he wd give them up TILL she that is in Travail has given birth then the Remnant of his Brethren wd return unto the children of Israel and Malachi said that Elijah wd come and turn the hearts of the fathers to the CHILDREN, The Book in the right hand of the FATHER CONTAINS THE SEEDS/WORDS OF THE SOWER, THUS THE CHILDREN
  • Alex on Revelation 12 - 7 years ago
    That Woman in Rev. 12 is US,unto US a child is born,unto US a son is given, we are all gonna birth a baby christ via his seed which is his Word,the Child is the H.G. HE SAID THAT WHICH IS BORN OF THE SPIRIT IS SPIRIT which is tHE H.G. IMMANUEL,MY LIL CHILDREN OF WHOM I TRAVAIL IN BIRTH TILL CHRIST BE FORMED IN YOU,THATS Y HE REFERS TO HIMSELF AS THE SON OF MAN,MANKIND IS GONNA BIRTH CHRIST.
  • Brenda Boze on Revelation 12 - 7 years ago
    Never has there been so many facts that line up to Christ's return for His church. I believe that the Virgin is Israel and the manchild is the Holy Spirit that resides in each redeemed believer.
    The dragon represents the roman empire from which the whore of Babylon comes. She, the roman church has caused generations to drink of her poison and has led people to worship idols instead of God.
  • Scott phinn on Revelation 12 - 7 years ago
    23 sept Jupiter will pass through constellation of Virgo in retrograde. Virgo is the woman. And the crown jewels on her head are planets n alignment. It did say there will be signs in the heavens. And the red dragon could be a meteor with comets. Or NIBIRU....BTW. THE SITE KEEPS DELETING MY COMMENTS. god bless you all
  • Daniel Burkwit on Revelation 12 - 7 years ago
    Unfortunately for those of you seeking Truth or some level of tangible
  • A disciple on Revelation 12 - 7 years ago
    Chris; This wonder is one of the many, many kinds of visions given by God to describe what's done in the spiritual realm; (in heaven); concerning God and men. The war in heaven has already been, and the devil and his angels ARE cast out. The woman who gave birth to the Anointed is not only Mary of Nazareth but spiritual. Mary wasn't given wings to fly into the wilderness. The flood is persecution.
  • Chris on Revelation 12 - 7 years ago
    5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron

    This is Mary giving birth to Jesus.

    As for the war described, it has not occurred yet. Let's just hope your part of the right army when that day comes. The army headed up by the woman clothed with the sun.
  • Goldie on Revelation 12 - 7 years ago
    I think the woman in white represents the church of the living GOD.
  • Shanyn on Revelation 12 - 7 years ago
    A war in heaven... pre-existing spirits. Taking up Gods side... those who didn't were cast out... 1/3 of the host/stars... out into the earth to torment those here who are on the Lords side. I've heard this somewhere before.. most importantly the affirmations of a preexisting state of the beings in heaven and now on the earth...
    There's a plan The Lord's plan... trust in Him, learn his plan

  • Steve on Revelation 12 - 7 years ago
    In short, the purpose of this passage is for encouragement. The woman represents the group of believers; the dragon represents the pagan empire during Constantine's Christian conversion. This dragon is very same 4th beast in Daniel. Revelations describes Daniel's fourth beast in various phases until it develops into the Holy Roman Empire. This is God contrasting his kingdom to man's kingdom.
  • A disciple on Revelation 12 - 7 years ago
    DON"T BE A FOOL! How many self-seeking false prophets have to make a fool of themselves and everyone who listens to them, before the words of our Lord are believed and obeyed? "No man knows the day nor the hour when the Son of Man returns; only the Father! The vision and the sign describes the true state of the world, and the reason for what things tale place. IT'S NOT to decrypt some hocus pocus!
  • Yarah Sakal on Revelation 12 - 7 years ago
    Chapter 12 has parallel meanings but most importantly it is a sign. The sign is in the heavens and refers to the celestial alignment taking place on September 23, 2017. Many feel it is pointing to the Rapture because of the context of the vision. What is important is not if the Rapture happens at that point since we should always be ready for that amazing "twinkling of an eye".
  • John on Revelation 12 - 7 years ago
    Looks to me like God cleaned house in Heaven and figured it's time for man to do the same under the pretense and directive of God to be the hands and feet to ensure Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven
  • BSP on Revelation 12 - 7 years ago
    Verse 12 shows how angry Satan is that he has been thrown out of heaven. He has not given up in his fight to turn as many away as possible.
  • BSP on Revelation 12 - 7 years ago
    In verse 7 we can see that Satan and his demons did not willingly leave heaven. There was a war that had to be fought and Jesus hurled Satan and the demons out of heaven.
  • John on Revelation 12 - 7 years ago
    Revelation 12 covers history for thousands of years, even from the ancient beginnings in heaven. Revelation 12 tells about God's purpose: God's reason for creating man, the calling of Abraham onto Jacob that is to be Israel, and ultimately to the King of Kings, the Lord, and to the remnant of Israel, which triumph over the Devil/dragon/Satan, by the love of Christ, the Lamb of God himself. Amen.
  • Daniel on Revelation 12 - 7 years ago
    Verse 17, Jesus indicates a remnant (remainder) woman (church) that is under attack by the dragon (satan) because the church remains faithful in keeping the ten commandments, including Sabbath commandment. And the church is concerned with prophecy (testimony of Jesus as told in Rev 19:10).
  • A disciple on Revelation 12 - 7 years ago
    Things in the spiritual realm we have only a small glimpse into, but the images and teaching in this Prophecy give us much important knowledge. How Satan fell from heaven like lightning, and how he is still permitted to go about and deceive the Nations to bring all things to completion; we must leave in God's care. The Lord Jesus has given us authority in His Name over ALL the power of the enemy!
  • SabbathkeeperandWife on Revelation 12 - 7 years ago
    Pt 2- and IF you follow what this man does, you'll see that HE is the one who is calling those who keep God's commandments cowards, haters, fundamentalists and any thing else to cause dissention. He just met with Russian Orthodox, now they banned JWs and SDAs because he calls there evangelizing"terrorism". Then went to Poland and they implemented a Sunday law. Follow and see what he does. Peace
  • SabbathkeeperandWife on Revelation 12 - 7 years ago
    anti-Christ is translated"instead of" or in His place. All this futurism fairy tale is designed to take your eyes of the guilty ones. A pagan-satan worshipping religion that's been around over 1000 yrs with it head man sitting on a throne calling himself God. They forgive sins in God's place too. Hint: they burned over 50 million protestants who said BIBLE ONLY at the stake. It is Rome...still
  • Karl on Revelation 12 - 7 years ago
    to Diriba, you're not alone in trying to understand Revelation, When JESUS spoke to his disciples, it was in parables. The imagery of these passages are, I believe, such a parable. The dragon, satan and his forces, manifested and opposing the LORD and his. The war in heaven mirrored on earth, the same war on earth an echo of that heavenly battle. Take strength in that, hope that helps? - karl
  • John arnette on Revelation 12 - 7 years ago
    answer in verse 9,that old serpent, called the Devil

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