Discuss Revelation 12 Page 66

  • Troy Allen on Revelation 12:11 - 10 years ago
    We the true believers in Christ Jesus, the Son of God, are made new creatures and have overcome satan by our testimonies. We must not return to our old ways, because if we do, we will die spiritually and lose our freely given salvation. It is highly important to cling to our deliverance and not turn back into a life of sin. Because sin is death to those that have overcome.To love the things of the flesh and not live in obedience to the words of Christ Jesus is death.
  • Doris on Revelation 12:11 - 10 years ago
    The devil is defeated long ago, his under our feet. In all this we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus. Halleluiah
  • Martin Waduge. on Revelation 12:11 - 10 years ago
    Till every Christian follow and obey fully the Revelation 12 11, Satan and his host will try to find some or other try to defeat the believers.
  • Okokoh on Revelation 12 - 10 years ago
    LET ME QUICKLY COMMENT ON THIS NIGEL MCMILLAN 's. if Mary never did, then the dragon never did too! and who is arguing with you that she was Mary now?
  • Michael farrugia on Revelation 12:11 - 10 years ago
    The other key to this verse they did not love their lives even unto death is the true faith that has been tested in fire which I battle with every day laying down my life for his will not mine You 're brother in Christ Michael
  • Elijah on Revelation 12 - 10 years ago
    The woman is Israel and The child brought forth is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ. You see that in verse 5 where it says "And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne. " It is the Lord who is going to come back and rule all nations from Jerusalem after the great tribulation.
  • Randall stewart on Revelation 12 - 10 years ago
    i believe it is literal and speaking about seperate child that is born in the time of the end i believe the man child struck the beast on the head and michael cast satan out and was caught up to heaven to see god and witness heaven and and gods works hince who has heard such things who has seen such things
  • Anonymous on Revelation 12:1 - 10 years ago
    The note on Rev 12 1 in a study bible I own reads "12 1 The number twelve suggests that the woman represents God 's people cp. 12 15 17 see Jer 2 32 2 Cor 11 2 Eph 5 32 , from whom came the Messiah. This woman is marked by God 's glory in contrast with the prostitute see 17 1 6 , who is destined for destruction. "
  • Benjamin Gonzales on Revelation 12:11 - 10 years ago
    Powerful passage for sure!! God has shown me that most understand the blood of the Lamb, but leave out the power of the testimony?? We at best get up and give a good sermon, yet the alters remain barren?? Would love to have at least on person be allowed more than 2 minutes to share how God has transformed their lives. Chances are someone if not many will recieve hope from this!! 1 Peter 3 15 Respectfully yours, Benjamin Gonzales
  • Pastor kusiima godfrey on Revelation 12:11 - 10 years ago
    The lord revealed to me , the highest sacrifice ever made that nullifies and lenders other sacrifices powerless whether past ,present,or future is the blood of jesus and the word of their testimony emanates from abiding with the revealed word of God, when you obey rhema you walk daily with God in obedience. Having done the said the devil will try by all means to torture your life. But be of good cheer for Jesus has overcome.
  • NIGEL MCMILLAN on Revelation 12:1 - 10 years ago
    With respect to the views of others who have commented here I must respectively disagree. We must remember that no scripture is open to our personal interpretation. This scripture must be compared with others and the whole context of the scene examined. Woman in prophecy is always represented as a 'church ' which in this verse the church has the real light surrounding her. This woman is God 's true church and not Marry as when we read on reveals that she fled into the wilderness, something Marry never did , however God 's true church did under Roman persecution which is to repeat itself in the future. Another woman was also mentioned, which is a false church clothed with artificial light. Verse 17 Reveals the true church which is perused by the Dragon keeps the ten commandments and has the testimony of Jesus Christ. REV 19 10 tells us the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
  • Del Olds on Revelation 12:4 - 10 years ago
    The 1 3 part of the stars in chapter 4 is us, you and me. Satans and his angels were cast out with him by Micheal in 12 9.
  • Joe on Revelation 12:4 - 10 years ago
    How can so many educated people be so wrong? read and re read the Good Book you will come to the conclusion that it is indeed talking about those fallen ones 3rd part? Unmistakable makes you wonder are these people deliberately giving false info or is it the spirit of the beast?
  • Stephen Pierce on Revelation 12 - 10 years ago
    I tell you the truth The woman represents Gods people who are faithful and not conformed to worldly things. The crown is the 12 tribes of Israel. The Great Dragon was the monarchies that formed the Roman Empire, and the tail of the dragon was the military might of the empire. It standing before the woman was King Herod and the slaughter of innocence. The birth was the messiah, Jesus Christ and the resurrection meaning he went to God alive. Because of the resurrection Satan lost his right to accuse men before the throne of God. Thus he rebelled against God and was cast out on to the earth. So he no longer has the right to accuse, and he no longer has the right to come and go between heaven and earth because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ who paid for our sins. Now cast out, he uses the monarchies and the empire to persecute the Jewish people and the newly formed Christians. As a new era comes and the empire of Rome transforms to the European Monarchy, it will hand its authority to a new beast rising up out of the sea America.
  • Monica joseph on Revelation 12 - 10 years ago
    It is very inspiring especially when you are going through tribulations.
  • Word on Revelation 12 - 10 years ago
  • Carroll Sanders on Revelation 12:4 - 10 years ago
    The tail of the great red dragon and the head of the Head of the church is identified in Isaiah. Isaiah 9 15 KJV ... The ancient and honourable, he is the head and the prophet that teacheth lies, he is the tail. Jesus Christ is the ancient of days, head of the church and the false prophets are the tail of the dragon!
  • Bill on Revelation 12:7 - 10 years ago
    I was taught that after the war in heaven Lucifer Satan along with a host of angels perhaps 1 3rd was cast out of heaven and exiled to a place of utter desolation Is this accurate If so where does it fit into the story of creation and the Garden of Eden
  • Peter on Revelation 12 - 10 years ago
    revelation is about the end times not about past events verse one will take place on Sept 22 or 23 2017 and the planets and other stars are involved Virgo will give birth to Jupiter and there is a red dragon constellation at her feet verse 14 could be about the rest of the church after the rapture of the elite whom the Lord will nourish in the wilderness for 1230 days
  • Grateful to God on Revelation 12:1 - 10 years ago
    September 12 3 B C John is giving the date of Jesus birth Just after sunrise in Israel looking East into the Sun is Virgo the Woman virgin the Moon is at her feet and there is a conjunction of Regulus King of Stars and Jupiter King of Planets above her head in Leo Judah For does not the heavens declare the glory of God
  • William Kroupa on Revelation 12:1 - 10 years ago
    The woman could possibly represent Mary giving birth to a son JESUS(verse 5) , who is destined to to rule all nations with an iron rod. It then sounds like God prepared a place for her for quite a few days.
  • Faithfull on Revelation 12:17 - 10 years ago
    And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant (then that stayed behind) of her seed (the woman did not take her whole family with her), which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

    Even though the family knew to “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. For her sins have reached to heaven

    Because the whole worlds nations gave ear to the beast and their is no nation that is worthy, no city that shall stand the great and terrible day of the Lord. Only the wilderness is left not being ruled by men.
  • Faithfull on Revelation 12:13 - 10 years ago
    And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child.

    Satan seeing his days were numbered having been cast into the earth, persecuted the woman causing chaos in the tabernacle's of God bridging Union and church, and decreeing that a mark should be put upon all lawful people in this denouncing God all together. A nation without God is dead already. America still believes in God, and always will!
  • Faithfull on Revelation 12:12 - 10 years ago
    Revelation 12:12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.

    Knowing that he has but a short time Satan (the Great Red Dragon) sought out to destroy Gods Heaven Earth and everything in and on it!
  • Faithfull on Revelation 12:9 - 10 years ago
    And the great dragon was cast out, (Lucifer) that old serpent,(Leviton) called the Devil (Chretien), and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. The Government (nation's leaders)that helped Leviton return into heaven in the last days.
  • Faithfull on Revelation 12:1 - 10 years ago
    And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun (cotton), and the moon under her feet(she walked on the moon), and upon her head a crown of twelve stars (all twelve tribes of Israel is accredited to her)She is and only can be America the free, them having not taken the mark of the beast in order to buy sell or trade, after or before march 31 2017 eleven days after history's worst winter ends, and this winter starts 11 days before the 7th king is crowned. a picket fence of days like the ASCII Code (UPC-bar code)where the posts of the fence all equal 6's
    We are not the children of the bondwoman, but of the free" (Ga 4:31)

    and the woman was given two wings of an eagle that she (might) fly away into the wilderness. not all of the woman flew away the remnant of her seed (them who stayed behind and did not fly away) and keep the faith in Jesus and his commandment were persecuted, by the dragon (Lucifer).

    Revelation 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues
  • Lionel on Revelation 12 - 10 years ago
    Revelation 12 verse 7 Here Satan is removed out of heaven and his place will never be in heaven again. Satan on God's command will be kicked out of heaven on to earth. He will sit in the temple of God in Jerusalem claiming to be the true Christ ,but will be a fake.(the Anti-Christ) He will perform all kinds of Miracles in the sight of Man to deceive them into thinking that he is Jesus Christ.
  • Dennis on Revelation 12 - 11 years ago
    Tj my brethren... in scriptures it says we shalt be like the son of man in that day we are taken up. Therefore if we shalt be like the Lord, also are the angels in heaven. there are 3 different realms, there is hell, heaven, and earth. Hell it says there will be screams, gnashing at teeth and so forth, all will be equal, just like on earth is equal. In the heavens also created equal. So if heaven being equal, Who is it that overcome the Lords might? God is life, and eternal. Whom can over take that? We wont be as God, but we will be like him. hope this helps you.
  • Dennis on Revelation 12 - 11 years ago
    Revelation 12:4 the man child that is to be born would be a wonder in heaven, the woman is the constellation Virgo, Virgo represents the virgin Mary, the moon will be at her feet as the sun will be over her (clothed with the sun). there will be a star between her legs (the star of the Christ). The star will be caught up unto God's thrown ( Glorified ). When this happens, the star will burst into a sun. (Sun = pillar in heaven.. a pillar is a foundation, the foundation of heaven is light, a purifying fire) Jesus promised that he wouldn't wear his crown till he comes back, the crown being his likeness, his fullness... his glory, his light). Jesus was born of Mary on earth, as will he be in heaven). Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.... That white cloud the Lord will be riding when he comes back... picture a star blowing up into a star, a cloud will be blasted from it and traveling at a high rate of speed, when the Lord says, "Behold, i come quickly", he means it. Talking about the heavens being moved and the eastern sky opening up. :)
  • Dennis on Revelation 12 - 11 years ago
    Revelation 12:3. Im pretty sure that is concerning a fallen star (a burnt out star)as nasa would call a brown dwarf star, having 7 planets (heads), 10 moons (horns).. not sure what the crowns are yet, God hasn't shown me yet :)

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