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Let me give you further enlightenment. This woman of Revelation 12:1 is definitely representing the nation of Israel since she was with a child, crying and pained to be delivered. It is the nation of Israel prior to the birth of Jesus Christ under the reign of the Roman Empire appearing in the book of Daniel 7:7. Use the amplified bible version. Her pains represent the sufferings and hardship of the people of Israel crying for salvation. I hope this adds some truth. Thank you.
Three main characters emerge in this scene: the woman, her male child, and the dragon. The woman gives birth to the male child, who is attacked by the dragon. The child is caught up to God and enthroned, while the dragon is defeated and cast down ( Rev. 12:1–9). Two of the three characters are easily identifiable. The dragon is explicitly identified as "that ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan" (12:9). The male child is Jesus Christ, for he is described as destined to "rule all the nations with a rod of iron" ( Rev. 12:5) a reference to the description of the messianic king in Psalm 2:9. Furthermore, since the child is caught up to God and sits on His throne, most scholars identify the child as Jesus Christ. The other two main characters are identified as individuals (the male child being Jesus Christ, and the dragon Satan), it seems unlikely that the third major character is only a symbol for a collective group. Rather, if the dragon and the child represent individuals, the woman also is likely to be an individual.
The woman of Revelation 12 is the BLESSED VIRGIN MARY. A Marian interpretation avoids the pitfalls of views that see the woman not as an individual at all, but only as a symbol for the People of God. Such an either-or proposition itself is foreign to the biblical worldview in which individuals often symbolically represent collective groups (e.g., Romans 5:19, where Adam represents all humanity, and Psalm 44:4, where Jacob stands for all of Israel). Given this biblical notion of individuals representing larger groups of people, the woman in Revelation 12 could be understood as both an individual (Mary) and a representative of God’s People as a whole. And the Blessed Virgin Mary is just the right person to embody both the Old and New Covenant since she herself stands at the hinge between the and the New. If there was one woman in salvation history who could represent both Israel and the beginning of the New Covenant People of God, it would be the Blessed Virgin Mary.
3 It is just as Jehovah foretold: “I, even I, have installed my king upon Zion, my holy mountain.” ( Psalm 2:6; 110:2) This no longer refers to the earthly Mount Zion, the geographical location of earthly Jerusalem, in which city human kings in the line of David used to reign. (1 Chronicles 11:4-7; 2 Chronicles 5:2) No, for Jesus, after his death and resurrection in 33 C.E., was installed as a foundation cornerstone on the heavenly Mount Zion, the celestial location where Jehovah determined to place the “city of the living God, heavenly Jerusalem.” Hence, “the Mount Zion” here represents the exalted position of Jesus and his joint heirs, who make up heavenly Jerusalem, which is the Kingdom. ( Hebrews 12:22, 28; Ephesians 3:6) It is the glorious royal situation to which Jehovah elevates them during the Lord’s day. Over the centuries, anointed Christians, as “living stones,” have earnestly looked forward to standing on that heavenly Mount Zion, united with the glorified Lord Jesus Christ in his majestic Kingdom.—1 Peter 2:4-6; Luke 22:28-30; John 14:2, 3.
4 John sees not only Jesus but the complete body of the 144,000 fellow heirs of the heavenly Kingdom standing upon the Mount Zion. At the time represented by the vision, many, but not all, of the 144,000 are already in heaven. Later in the same vision, John learns that some of the holy ones still have to endure and die faithful. ( Revelation 14:12, 13) Evidently, then, some of the 144,000 are still on earth. So how is it that John sees all of them standing with Jesus on Mount Zion? In that, as members of the congregation of anointed Christians, these have now “approached a Mount Zion and a city of the living God, heavenly Jerusalem.” ( Hebrews 12:22) Like Paul when he was still on earth, they have already—in a spiritual sense—been raised up to be in union with Christ Jesus in heavenly places. ( Ephesians 2:5, 6) Additionally, in 1919 they responded to the invitation, “Come on up here,” and in a figurative way “went up into heaven in the cloud.” ( Revelation 11:12) In view of these scriptures, we can see that all the 144,000—spiritually speaking—are located on Mount Zion with Jesus Christ.
The 144,000 have no part with the worshippers of the wild beast, who are marked with the symbolic number 666. ( Revelation 13:15-18) In contrast, these loyal ones have the name of God and of the Lamb written on their foreheads. No doubt John, a Jew, saw God’s name in Hebrew lettering, יהוה. In having the name of Jesus’ Father symbolically written on their foreheads, these sealed ones make known to all that they are Jehovah’s witnesses, His slaves. ( Revelation 3:12) Their having Jesus’ name also displayed on their foreheads indicates that they acknowledge being owned by him. He is their betrothed “husband,” and they are his prospective “bride,” “a new creation” serving God with heavenly life in view. ( Ephesians 5:22-24; Revelation 21:2, 9; 2 Corinthians 5:17) Their intimate relationship with Jehovah and Jesus Christ affects all their thoughts and actions.Thats the best I could do, and the rest up to you, weather you except this conclusion or not.
It was at Babylon, more than 4,000 years ago, that Jehovah confused the tongues of the would-be builders of the Tower of Babel. The different language groups were scattered to the ends of the earth, taking with them the apostate beliefs and practices that are the basis of most religions to this day. ( Genesis 11:1-9) Babylon the Great is the religious part of Satan’s organization. (Compare John 8:43-47.) Her most prominent segment today is apostate Christendom, which emerged as a powerful, lawless organization in the fourth century after Christ, with creeds and formalisms derived, not from the Bible, but largely from Babylonish religion.—2 Thessalonians 2:3-12.
. John is struck with wonderment at what he next hears and sees: “And one of the seven angels that had the seven bowls came and spoke with me, saying: ‘Come, I will show you the judgment upon the great harlot who sits on many waters, with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, whereas those who inhabit the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication.’”— Revelation 17:1, 2.
2 “The great harlot”! Why so shocking a designation? Who is she? Some have identified this symbolic harlot with ancient Rome. But Rome was a political power. This harlot commits fornication with the kings of the earth, and this evidently includes the kings of Rome. Besides, after her destruction, “the kings of the earth” are said to mourn her passing. Therefore, she cannot be a political power. ( Revelation 18:9, 10) Additionally, since she is mourned also by the world’s merchants, she could not picture big business. ( Revelation 18:15, 16) We read, however, that ‘by her spiritistic practice all the nations were misled.’ ( Revelation 18:23) This makes it clear that the great harlot must be a worldwide religious entity.
Which religious entity? Is she the Roman Catholic Church, as some have maintained? Or is she all of Christendom? No, she must be even larger than these if she is to mislead all the nations. She is, in fact, the entire world empire of false religion. Her origin in the mysteries of Babylon is shown in that many Babylonish doctrines and practices are common to religions around the earth. For example, belief in the inherent immortality of the human soul, in a hell of torment, and in a trinity of gods is to be found in most Oriental religions as well as in the sects of Christendom. False religion, spawned more than 4,000 years ago in the ancient city of Babylon, has developed into the modern monstrosity that is called, appropriately, Babylon the Great. Why, though, is she described by the repugnant term “the great harlot”?
2. And she being with child cried,(Jesus)travailing in birth,(birth of a new age on earth in the flesh) and pain to be delivered.( Birth of the age of salvation to be borned of woman. Not knowing of before so that you can make a choice. Love God and be good or love satan and live wicked. Run the race to eternal life and shed the sins for our Father loves us all but you must want to live a good life. Satan don't love no body.
3. And there appeared another wonder(sign. 2 signs to watch. One good and one bad. Two Christ coming One Good and one fake. Jeremiah 24 two baskets of figs, one good and one bad. Sign translates from Greek semeion here "sign" not "treas" wonder.) in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.( this sign appeared at the katabole, cast down overthrow. Satans attempted take over of God and Gods Throne. Lucifer was one of Gods good angels made to almost the full pattern and then after millions of years as a good created man of God there was sin found in satan and this is speaking of the dragon and his leading 7 hells angels with 10 horns of power. A political party to steal what belongs to God. As the dragon it is showing us his method of operation. His established cause,position,his plan at the katabole and to watch this same manner at the end. Keep your watch for the anti-christ translated "instead of Christ". Don't follow a loser.
4. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven,(Gods children) and did cast them to earth:( Matthew 13:37 to 43. Parable of the Sower explained by Jesus of the casting of the childern of God and of the wicked one sending his third that he convinced to go his evil ways. But God loves life for his creations and loves all his children and hopes that all will be saved but God knows that many will die but He cares. Life is very important to our God of life and pure love.) and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. ( satan tried when Jesus was a little one and up to the time that Christ was put on the Cross. Satans kenites, tares, work their way into the position of the church to have Christ killed. Even in the garden in the beginning he tried to destroy Gods plan. Then in chapter 6 satan sent his fallen sons of God to destroy the family the blood line was coming through. Then through Herod a city of children died. Out in that desert when satan tempted Jesus with twisting the words of God during the night I think satan and his bunch were hurting Jesus. But now that the evil side killed Jesus, well, Father can killed satan and his evil bunch and get rid of them and we can have peace.
5.and she (Mary) brought forth a man child,(Jesus) who was to rule all Nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God,( ressurected) and to his throne. King of kings and LORD of lords.
6. And the woman( Isreal,Mary,Elect.) Fled into the wildreness,where she hath a place prepared by God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days. (Solar. 1,260 days, Daniel`s 1,290. Note 600 B.C. the 10 tribes that were scattered. Captive to Syria and went north over the Carcus Mts. And settled in Europe and then to the America`s. Christians Nations of today. In God we trust.
7. And there was war in heaven: Micheal and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels. ( Michael kicking the dragon around.)
8. And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.( no place for satan the dragon in heaven and Michael is getting ready to kick satan to earth.)
9.and the great dragon was cast out. (Booted de-facto to earth.) That old serpent, ( cunning slick talking snake and liar) called the devil, and satan. Which deceiverth the whole world:( what dose he do, deceives. A wolf in sheep clothes bringing peace and buying souls. There will always be wars and rumore of wars,so, what's the opposit, peace as instead of Christ or antichrist.) He was cast out to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Long hair soft spoken preachers saying bring your loved ones to to death or instead of Jesus.
with a sword or a mouth full of lies for that is the weapon used against us. ( Revelation 12:13 to 16 the woman/Elect and out of his mouth is a flood of lies as in Rev. 9:18. Their weapons are lies.) And the hunger is for the true Word of God, with the son of perdition and with the beast. This Greek word beast means, poisonous, venomous, beast of earth, or think harm. Not good. Their like Scorpions of the earth because the scorpions grab their prey by their claws and digest a fluid into their victims using their victims as a stomach because a scorpion has no stomach to digest its food in. The scorpions turn their victims backbone to must and can do whatever they want with their victim. These soft spoken ministers of light will do the same and lead you to antichrist.
This beast is the system of the kenites, the small people, sons of Cain, a generation of people of spoken all through the word giving us warning and even in the Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13:36 to 43 Jesus Himself explains it to the disciples when He was just teaching to them alone. Satan will have his beast system in place to steal the souls of the unlearned. Oh! It looks religious. It takes on the appearance of a church with all its beautiful glitter and it will look like a place of God and people will think they are in a place of God but what lead them to being lost from the truth is from traditions of men who preached out of their own minds and hearts instead of seeking the truth. So, when you see one who comes and heals a deadly wound that saves the world from some destruction and who can work miracles in the sight of men as bringing lightning from the sky and the great falling away, the apostasy happens where people leave their church’s and follow this new political religious leader who is the false prophet, the antichrist, the serpent, that old dragon with his new world order church’s, you will know that it’s time not to buy and sell but to wait for the true Christ to return. Two and a half months period we won’t buy or sell but barter only. Be prepared by watching for the two witnesses.
Has one considered the ripple effects this change makes to present theology?
Some corrupt and perverted translations have, "angel of the Lord." NO, NO, NO if anything this is one of Satan's angels. Revelation 12:9 "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."