Discuss Revelation 14 Page 13

  • Rcmckinnon on Revelation 14 - 10 years ago
    What is the work God wants us to do? This is mentioned many times in different verses in the Bible. Please explain. Thank you
  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Revelation 14 - 10 years ago
    Hello Robert When you read Acts 2 39 it states that "For the promise is unto you this means the Jews , and to your children this means their children , and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call this means everybody else who is not Jew this promise is for them to if they follow Acts 2 38 . Isaiah prophesied about the Holy Ghost, Isaiah 28 11 For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people. When you look at Acts 2 6 thru 11 you will see a word called Proselytes. If I can say it like this, these are people who were not Jewish who were either bought by Jews as slaves or converted into Judaism through faith, Acts 13 42 43. A Proselyte Jew, which was Gentiles, had to be circumcised of the ** just like the Jewish men, Exodus 12 48. Remember person who is not born naturally into the Jewish people are considered Gentiles. Then you have the Gentiles in Cornelius house that was saved, just like the Jews on the day of Pentecost. Please read Acts Chapter 10.
  • Robert on Revelation 14 - 10 years ago
    Romans 10 9 10 . We must come to the Lord with a repentent heart and believe and trust Him for our salvation. Acts 2 38 has nothing to do with a christians salvation in the church age. It was a Jewish festival and an admonition to the Jews, because they had killed their Messiah. It happened only one time in history. Their was not a christian present at this festival. These 3000 Jews where the only ones EVER saved this way. We receive the Holy Ghost when we are saved. Our gospel is in 1Cor.1 4 the gospel of grace. Also works has nothing to do with our salvation. We do not work to be saved,we work for the Lord because we are saved. The passage in James 2 is addressing Tribulation Jews that must believe in Jesus plus works to be saved. Our faith alone in Christ is sufficient for our salvation we need no works. The Jews will in the Trib.period. Remember 2Tim.2 15 "Rightly dividing the word of truth ". James is a prophesy book about Jacobs trouble tribulation period of the Jews. James 1 "To the twelve tribes " we are not one of the twelve tribes.
  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Revelation 14 - 10 years ago
    Hello Schu A person needs to do more than just believe in their heart that Jesus Christ is their personal savior. See even the devils believe and tremble, James 2 19 Thou believest that there is one God thou doest well the devils also believe, and tremble . Faith without works is dead, James 2 verses 17, 20, 26. A person can believe and have faith but if they do not follow up with the work then the scripture states that their faith is dead. A person has to follow Acts 2 38 in order to be saved. If a person does not then when the rapture takes place that person will not go up. If I can sum it up like this, the Holy Ghost is the power that everyone needs to be transformed and take flight.
  • Schu on Revelation 14 - 10 years ago
    William All you need is to believe all in your heart that Jesus is your PERSONAL SAVIOR. Anyone who accepts HIM, no matter what that person has done in the past, will be with him in paradise. Think of the two criminals that hung with Jesus, What did Jesus say to the one that believed in Him?
  • Larry Sherman on Revelation 14:13 - 10 years ago
    I would like to have seen some cross references. Although the verse references the dead in Christ I would like to encourage the believer that if their children do not walk with the Lord that by their good works their children will see the path they need to take the path of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!
  • Annn on Revelation 14 - 10 years ago
    I think that the mark of the beast is a form of monetary system, that is soon to come, or is already here but is not yet in effect. I believe that those who are of this world, who loves this world and all that it as to offer will succumb to this system, because they do not accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. William Ludington Don 't be discouraged, don 't feel afraid. If God is for us, then who can be against us. Submit to God, Resist the devil and the devil will flee from you. I am not perfect myself. I also fear. But I have faith in Jesus that He will see me through. My challenge is forgiveness. I fear sometimes that because I do not forgive quick enough, that my unwillingness to let go of the bad that people do to me, will hinder me from going to heaven. Pray for me, as I pray for you Mr. William Ludington. Pray for all of us, even the unsaved.
  • Leon on Revelation 14:12 - 10 years ago
    God 's Holy ten Commandments can never be abolished by men, so we are required too remain true and faithful to the practice of these Holy Commandments written with the finger of a Holy God and Creator of all creation..
  • Betty on Revelation 14 - 10 years ago
    The 144,000 are of Jesus ' choosing. They are from all over the world. They may be bloodline Hebrew or grafted in. They are New Israel, the church. They also include the Philadelphia Church and the Woman in 12 Rev. See. Exodus 19 4. You will also see this 144,000 on Mt. Zion in Rev. 14. They are protected during the tribulation period. Also there is no scriptural evidence of the tribulation lasting 7 years. It looks more to me like 3 1 2. 1 Cor.15 52. This shows the time when Christ returns.
  • Dejan on Revelation 14:4 - 10 years ago
    I say they are children, because only children are pure.
  • William Ludington on Revelation 14:7 - 10 years ago
    Lately I 've been feeling unhappy sad depressed about the way my life has turned out well this past Saturday I was driving to a friends house when I got there I was quite surprised that he had a bible study going on. Of course I was invited to join them of course the way I been feeling I welcomed it I was also asked if I knew what the good news was? I said that Jesus is coming soon and I 'm sure I 'm not one of thee 144,000 that get to go to heaven but I pray I can live here heaven on earth thee elders told me to read Proverbs 29 25 and Revelations chapter 14 6,7 I did and was quite moved I left that day feeling refreshed what other chapters could I read to keep this feelings I feel? I know satin will be waiting to test my faith what can I do to protect myself? I 'm 54 single I was married for 16years no children I thought I did every thing God expected of myself it just didn 't turn out the way it was supposed to I used to think God made a mistake but no God makes no mistakes I can 't change the past but I have today and tomorrow is promised to know one. I know the pain I feel can 't compare to the pain Jesus felt that day he died for me he died for our sins that we mayhave ever lasting life! I need to protect myself will you please help me? Sincerely W.Ludington
  • William on Revelation 14 - 10 years ago
    I 'm trying to read Revelation chapter 14 versus 6,7
  • Rainers Mduma on Revelation 14 - 10 years ago
    Since the 144000 are all Jews, I believe the fullnes of the gentiles happens first and that culminates in the rapture then time for the awakening of the nation of Israel kicks in and these Jews, marked with the name of God in their foreheads will be evangelizing to their fellow Jews. so they are the first fruit among Jews because the other Jews will have to go through the whole tribulation. I therefore see pre Trib rapture is still valid!
  • Cat on Revelation 14 - 10 years ago
    I think since they are without fault and virgins they are young, perhaps just around their bar mitzvah time. Remember Jesus was in the temple at age 12 amazing tge priests. Anyway no matter the fact is G D has said it will be so and so it will be, weather we understand it or not.
  • LaBonnie on Revelation 14 - 10 years ago
    Who so ever is 1stthe shall be last and the last shall be 1st. Just a thought.
  • Michael on Revelation 14 - 10 years ago
    How can the 144,000 be the firstfruits if they 're already in heaven before the harvest? I 'm addressing the idea that the chapter is completely chronological.
  • Michael on Revelation 14 - 10 years ago
    How can the 144,000 be found without fault before the throne of God, prior to the hour of his judgment?
  • CANDIA AIKENS on Revelation 14:1 - 10 years ago
    wow, i am amazed it is very, differently than i exspected but it exsplains alot thanks.
  • Jim on Revelation 14 - 10 years ago
    Rev 14 is chronological. You find events listed. In the order they happen. The 1st fruits are faultless and appear before the throne of GOD where angels harps the lamb are Rev 6. They are taken to GOD before the judgement vs 7. Then other events happen in order. You have angels coming in numerical order. You can 't have a 2nd before the 1st. Watch what happens. 1st angel preaches the gospel. Then the judgement and Mystry Babylon is fallen. Then 3rd angel vs 9 mark of beast. Vs 12 and 13 Christians and Jews slaughtered. Vs 14 and 15 Jesus comes on a cloud and redeems from the earth in a harvest. Now that GOD 'S saints are gone the trumpets start blowing the wrath of GOD vs 19 Compare this with Mat 24 and it fits perfectly. You will find Math 24 stops at the harvest and does not describe the grapes of wrath for the are reserved for that Antichrist. People do not want to believe this but it is here in black and white. He that has ears to hear let him hear. Since this is in numerical order of events please show me where the pre trib rapture occurs in Rev 14. I would really like to believe it. If the 144000 are first fruits we must be 2nd fruits but where are the 2nd fruits in scripture. If G GOD declared them the 1st how can we be before the 1st. I really can 't answer this question can you?
  • Gale Bagley on Revelation 14 - 10 years ago
    Of the 144,000, 12,000 from each tribe, where did these 12,000 come from?
  • Lester Manga on Revelation 14 - 10 years ago
    The 144000 who follow Jesus wherever he goes. The following does not necessarily start in heaven but on earth
  • Jazmine on Revelation 14 - 10 years ago
    Rev 14 1 4 talk about the 144 000 faithful men who followed Jesus Christ faithfully and are not defiled and remain blamless in the eyes of God This is a specific number of men who will be resurected to a spirit life in heaven who will rule as preist and kings with christ
  • Rose on Revelation 14 - 10 years ago
    The elect are the 144 000 Jewish remnant there are no saints He goes on to tell that the saints will be killed How blind can you people be Ezekiel 9 1 6 144 000 sealed saints killed
  • Mel on Revelation 14:4 - 10 years ago
    Redeemed from the earth
  • Michell on Revelation 14:12 - 10 years ago
    love this the best
  • Diann on Revelation 14:4 - 10 years ago
    Priests, monks, or/and even men who have not been with women. It is spelled out as virgins). I have had homosexual men to bring my attention to this verse to justify their homosexuality.
  • Rosemary Lohman on Revelation 14 - 10 years ago
    The reapers are the angels, Gods elect are the saint who have served Jesus faithfully. The angels are not redeemed from the earth.
  • Sam on Revelation 14 - 10 years ago
    Rev 14 is an expansion of Daniel 2 & Daniel 7 into a clear
  • Sam on Revelation 14 - 10 years ago
    Rev 14 helps me to to know the will of God in my life, and the preparation to meet him when he comes the second time.
  • Nia on Revelation 14 - 11 years ago
    Revelations 14 is self explanatory either you serve the lord and live a everlasting life or you serve the devil and live in the pit of fire for eternal. God gives us a choice so make the right choice.

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