Discuss Revelation 16 Page 14

  • Walter on Job 38 - 12 years ago
    I have thoughts about the snow and hail being reserved for the day of battle and war. Could this be the war Armageddon as mentioned in the book of Revelation 16:16?
  • Timothy Wayne George on Revelation 16 - 12 years ago
    Revelation 16:15 When Jesus says I come as a thief, this is not the pre-tribulation rapture, because that happens in chapter 4:1 Come up hither. This is in reference to His second coming at Revelation 19:11 and it will be sudden with the saints coming with Him who were in heaven. Christ is coming to stop all of the murder, sexual assaults, and witchcraft that are taking place on the earth. The tribulation will last seven years and consist of 21 judgments that will take place to purge the world of sin. Men will continue to blaspheme God, rather than repent of their sin. The goodness of God causes men to repent. The 144,000 Jews will be saved during this time. Christ will come right after the battle of Armageddon. God is not willing that any should perish, but that all men would come to repentance. We are told to watch, and pray so that we can escape this time of great tribulation that will come upon all the world that rejects Jesus Christ as their Lord.
  • C. Boyer on Revelation 16 - 12 years ago
    Scripture provides numerous evidence for the Pre-Tribulation Rapture of Christ’s followers prior to the 7-Year Tribulation period described in Chapters 6 through 18 of the book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ, and for their return to earth with Him at His Second Advent.The Scripture passages that speak of Christ “appearing/coming” speak to His followers only, not those unrepentant at the end/battle of Armageddon. Also, this “coming/appearing” for His followers is in context quite distinct from Christ’s Second Advent to earth at the end of the Tribulation. After all, Christ is depicted during His Second Advent as coming to earth with an incalculable number of His followers with Him. In addition to this evidence we have the book of Revelation itself which speaks distinctly for a pre-Tribulation Rapture, via it’s narrative, it’s structure, and unique symbology. Revelation 3 also contains specific statements of keeping believers from Tribulaton while it lacks any statements or direction to Christ’s followers during the Tribulation period. There is not time in Biblical history where God does not speak to His followers. In Revelation, He stops speaking to them at the beginning of Chapter 4, when John (a prefigure of all believers) is taken up in Heaven (a prefigure of the Rapture). We can see in Rev. 13:9 that all the 144k Jews who had been sealed are in Heaven and no on on earth who believes in Jesus is left to preach, so God sends His angels to fly thru th eatmosphere to preach. There are no christians or believing Jews left on earth. Furthermore, the reason for the Tribulation period (explained in the Old Testament book of Daniel) is opposite of the reason for the Rapture. The Tribulation period is a time of judgment when God once again begins dealing personally with His people Israel, when He will once again commissions them to personally spread Christ’s gospel of redemption, while also holding the recalcitrant accountable for rejecting their Messiah. So the Tribulation is totally opposite dispensationally to the time we live in now, which is the "time of the Gentiles" or "church age/age of grace." In the Trib, it will be like the Old Testament in terms of judgment. We are currently under grace, not the OT law. This dispensational age--commonly called “The times of the Gentiles’ or “Age of Grace” or “Church Age“ will have its end at the time the Lord “snatches away“ His followers to keep them from the Tribulation period.
    In addition to this evidence Jesus’ own words in the Gospels, promises contained in the Epistles of Paul and others, and Old Testament prophesies and prefigures provide numerous proofs to confirm a Pre-tribulation Rapture.
  • Kevin on Revelation 16:15 - 12 years ago
    Not totally sure, but looks like this verse goes against the teaching that is popular today w/ many TV ministers. Many today preach the "Pre-Trib" teaching as fact. I agree that the rapture could occur anytime, but it is interesting how the metaphor ("thief in the night") resembles exactly the other verses in Matthew, Luke and w/ Apostle Paul when discussing the rapture.
  • David Boyce on Revelation 16 - 12 years ago
    Rev.16:15 the thief person in Rev.3:3 King James Bible comes again as a thief and this 3:3 scripture shows Holdfast and the Church of Sar'dis and by definition a Holdfast is a frog and three frogs are found in Rev.16:13, does this have something to do with 3:3? Rev.16:13 was always one of those End Time scriptures that has never been broken and must be a Second Christ 'Mystery' Holdfast appears in other verses as well in Rev.2:25 and Rev.3:11 and 'Holdest Fast thy name' in Rev.2:13 and are we looking for a name? So Rev.16:15 the thief appears again one might be naked showing off his legs or an arm,or his shame, shame contains 'she Ma', a she is a her. Dame Dragon = Armageddon is next in 16:16, ma her? Is that Hebrew? If this is a prophesy about 2012, this false Dragon Dame must be a woman always talking about the bible with a distinct voice that the whole world can hear, a true false prophet 'Dame Dragon'. Rev.16:13 shows frogs associated with mouth of a dragon, beast and false prophet, so a 'frog' by definition is a term for having a hoarse or unclear 'voice' and Holdfast appeared in 2:13 and 13 was used in Rev.16:13 for 3 frogs. A frog is also by definition, a fastener or a Holdfast and Holdfast or a 'frog' must be very near Armageddon because the man in Rev.3:3 must be the Second Coming of Christ and must be in the same area as the 'Ma her' Hebrew woman. But must be by a river or body of water as the thief doesn't want to show the body off and Armageddon is a 'Long' way west of the Euphrates and must be the omega or 'Last' body of water somewhere on planet earth. Rev.16:20 shows people can't find the 'Mountain' in these end times. Perhaps a frog or 'Holdfast' will lead them to Armageddon and away from the 'Voice of this false prophet beast, Dame Dragon of 2012. The time has come where we 'May rejoice' and seek the omega and Holdfast to the scriptures and wait for the Second Coming of Christ.
  • Garyloyd on Revelation 16 - 12 years ago
    All I read below is true except I feel 100 to 180 lbs hail. Armageddon means the gathering place. All them that gather there are them that love their antichrist, which means instead of Christ. The elect that are chosen to stand in Jerusalem won't be hit. God will make sure. The two witneses will be struck down dead in a large area and I'm sure they will make the news so when we see it the Lord will return in 3 and a half days. Now the people will be throwing a party until the hail comes and crushes them. Don't follow the antichrist or be a part of his system.
  • Ann johnson on Revelation 16 - 13 years ago
    Do not be seduced by this modern day father,son,Holy Ghost doctrine by water baptism. To be saved, you must follow the instructions given when the Church was set up on the Day of Pentecost. Peter had the keys and he used them in Acts 2:37,38. Repent, be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ,EVERYONE of YOU and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost...which has the evidence of speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives the utterance. Praise God for his wonderful plan of salvation. No where in the Bible is anyone ever baptized in the name of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. THE NAME IS JESUS. Obey.
  • Lennis on Revelation 16:8 - 13 years ago
    very breath taking
  • Reju MJ on 2 Thessalonians 2 - 13 years ago
    Corrected one, please ignore the previous one
    " 1 Thessalonians 5: 1 - 10
    1 But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.
    2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
    3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
    4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
    5 Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.
    6 Therefore let us not sleep, as [do] others; but let us watch and be sober.
    7 For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night.
    8 But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.
    9 For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,
    10 Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him.

    Amos 5:18
    Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! to what END [is] it for you? the day of the LORD [is] darkness, and not light.
    Job 36:20
    Desire not the night, when people are cut off in their place.
    John 9:4
    I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the NIGHT cometh, when no man can work.
    Revelation 3:3
    Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.

    Revelation 16:15
    Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed [is] he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame
    The meaning of coming as a thief is that they will know when He comes but will be caught unaware and will be rejected, will have no chance to escape. So we shall not be left for the night. Coming of the Son of Man as a thief at night is about the day of the Lord. The Church is looking for Him not as a thief in the night. His coming as a thief in the night is for those who do not expecting Him, the Church is not of that fold.
  • Ajay on Revelation 16 - 13 years ago
    My friend Matthew has helped me repent, and I feel closer to God. I will be faithful to Him no matter what during those times
  • MIKE on Revelation 16 - 13 years ago
  • Kalijah on Revelation 16 - 13 years ago
    Jesus and God and his seven angels will win in the end!
  • Dwyer Baker on Revelation 16 - 13 years ago
  • Lashawnda hylton on Revelation 16 - 14 years ago
    thoses who has and ear let him hear what thus says the Lord God Almighty!!!!!! Repent be baptise and live righteous.
  • Shawn ward on Revelation 16:16 - 14 years ago
    even though we don,t know when this battle will take place but we know when it is very near jesus said when you see these signs lift your head up and rejoice your redemption drawth nigh because the bible says about rapture will take place before this battle starts god will destroy his enemies and all will be at peace he will wipe every tear from their eyes and there shall be no more death no more sorrow no more pain
  • Lalita Sadhana on Revelation 16:3 - 14 years ago
    The ocean is red from blood flowing from my body...flowing from all the people killed in war past, present and future, from all the animals that are the silent victims covered in oil, so they can't move to gather food, starving to death...and on that happy note I must go run, I must out run all this thought...
  • Jim on Revelation 16 - 14 years ago
    "and it became the blood of dead man"
    the oceans and seas became still. the currents stop flowing.

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