Discuss Revelation 22 Page 24

  • John on Revelation 22 - 9 years ago
    One of the first books of the bible I read. I believe that 's no mere coincidence. We are living in the last days, and I believe The book of Revelation is as good a book to start as any. This is your time machine. Climb aboard.
  • Issak on Revelation 22 - 9 years ago
    It is good to worship the LORD in a congregation, most people in todays world have Sundays off, so is good to worship the LORD together on Sundays,.... or you want to make another day the day of worship just because your reasoning. your ways are not my ways, your thoughts are not my thoughts. Says the LORD...there is no wisdom, nor knowledge, nor counsel against the LORD...!
  • Jan Christian on Revelation 22:21 - 9 years ago
  • RNM 22-4-23-REV on Revelation 22 - 9 years ago
    REV-22-4-23...Jay Plumlee, 1 Peter 4:15...But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, OR AS A BUSYBODY IN OTHER MEN 'S MATTERS. AMEN!!
  • Jay Plumlee on Revelation 22:11 - 9 years ago
    We are to be witnesses to the lost- not be their saviors. We are not supposed to reasoning with someone who seeks only to waste our time playing silly games with us. Jesus said "You follow me ". Did Jesus follow after those who refused to listen to wisdom? Did he chase after those who mocked God? Did Noah waste his time pleading with those who refused to get into the Ark? If he did waste his time like that... would the Ark have been built? We are to be witnesses of what we know to be true. Those we speak to must decide for themselves what is true or false. Beware of the "Time Bandits " who just want to trap you so you go nowhere.
  • Dewey J on Revelation 22 - 9 years ago
    Hello RNM, very interesting and complex subject concerning the day change of the Holy Sabbath of God. Let me begin by saying I believe along with a magority of Christian scholars that the apostle started to celebrate the Sabbath on the first day of the week when they realized that Jesus Christ had resurrected from the dead. To direct all true believers from the law of God given by Moses to the new covenant of salvation through grace and truth of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. There was no law that could save us sinners but like the apostle Paul said the law was our schoolmaster to bring us to Christ that we may be justified by faith in Jesus Christ. Not considering anything else I believe the Holy Spirit is honoring Christ by celebrating God,s Sabbath on the first day of the week under the law but also what appear to be more significant the resurrection day of Jesus Christ. God bless you and all our understanding of Scripture.
  • Hans Lim on Revelation 22:1 - 9 years ago
    I think instead of the throne of God, but the intention is the Father 's throne. God includes three persons of the Trinity. so my understanding in this paragraph is the Father 's throne and the throne of the Lamb
  • RNM 22-4-6 REV on Revelation 22 - 9 years ago
    REV 4-6...S.Horton, to answer your question about what happens to those that have followed after the sunday worship and were raised believing that, is really up to God, and those peoples circumstances I would think. GOD is just, and I feel everything will be taken into account. I also want to add that their are a lot of people that I have come in contact with in my life that I felt really loved the LORD but observe the Sunday, I just don 't have the answer, other than what the scripture tells us. So my advice is to study the word, and find every scripture that supports that 7th day claim and go on a mission to all of your family and friends and prove to them out of the scriptures. and once they see for themselves tell them to go out and do the same to warn as many as we all can do before the end, because that day is closer than we think. AMEN!!
  • RNM 22-4-5 REV on Revelation 22 - 9 years ago
    REV 22-4-5...Stanley H, I think I got side tracked from the question, If in this age a person of sound mind, trying to live a life for God, has repented, and has been through the sanctification process during their life, has read and studied the word, but has not yielded their spirit to God 's Holy Spirit to grasp the truth that God 's is reveling, which He does, God is Just, probably on numerous occasions Gods Spirit moves us to see the truth whether we pick up on it or just plainly ignores it is our mistake, the scripture tells us that we are to work out our own salvation with trembling and fear, I feel God gives us every chance or opportunity to find the truth, but as the nature of people are, they see what they want to see and are blind to the rest especially if it goes against the flow of their rubber stamped religion and they will go to their grave in this condition, then their fate is sealed, their is no return, their is always exceptions, and only God can read the intent of ones Heart, and our Lord and Savior will judge every person and we know He will be more than fair, but we need to get the word out, that is why I use this site to do just that. You know as a Dad their is nothing better than to have obedient children, well we get that from God who created us in his image and likeness, that 's all He expects to. AMEN!!
  • RNM 22-4-1 REV on Revelation 22 - 9 years ago
    REV 22-4-1...The people of today put their total faith in their church doctrine and not the word of God, and will die first rather than admit they have been duped by Satan and their church. Satan has deceived the world into believing Sunday is God 's Sabbath, thus breaking His Commandments, and Rev 22:14 clearly says blessed are they that do His Commandments, that they might have right to the Tree of Life, and enter in through the gates of the city. READ IT FOR YOURSELVES the truth is in God 's word, all through it Sunday is Satan 's MASSIVE DECEPTION. PRAISE GOD PRAISE YESHUA OUR SAVIOR AMEN!!
  • RNM 22-4-1 REV on Revelation 22 - 9 years ago
    REV 22-4-1...Stanley Horton, their is a comment to you, in the view all comments section. RNM
  • Labria on Revelation 22 - 9 years ago
    My grandmother always taught me to read the holy Bible. I never thought of it as the future of my death. But therefore I 'm believing in God and trusting him. I know sometimes I have my ups and downs days but they always taught me to pray and ask God for forgiveness. I just want to THANKS everybody who taught me about god because I want to make it to haven not hell. Hell does not have a place for me because I 'm a child of God and will always will be
  • Evang jewel on Revelation 22:2 - 9 years ago
    the bible says 'unto us is given the mystery of the kingdom ' ...when he the spirit shall come, he shall lead us to all truth.the devil understands prayer,fasting and other spiritual exercise,but he doesnt understand mystery.prayer without mystery is leg without shoes! Rev 22v2 is a mystery to extinct and calculate that serpent out who cursed man to sin thereby bringing about sickness,curses and separation from his maker.its a particular tree called 'the tree of life ' that is friutful every mth,every thing abt this tree gives life.the leaves of this tree wil restore man both physically i.e healthwise and spiritualy.that tree is the palm tree.no wonder palms were used to ursher him into jerusalem,the city of palm trees.there are also palms in heaven.his kingdom is not serving him in sickness,then u die and go to heaven with that sickness but it means joy,peace,health,and flow in the holy ghost.to enjoy his kingdom,u must be in total health.send an email to me if u want to know more on the usage of this tree
  • Angela on Revelation 22 - 9 years ago
    I was in an Intercession conference on tonight., and mention of rivers, tree of life was the subject throughout out, we even went to Revelation 22-1,2. What prophecy was spoken on tonight was good, cause God 's word is good and very good.
  • Kathy on Revelation 22 - 9 years ago
    Wow i when from 1-22 chapter and i didnt know it was that way back then and i really enjoyed sitting here listening to tthe chapter of Revelations and i read my bible many times but now i go to bible study at church and i always been one that once i read something cant remember what i read but i did enjoy the bookof Revelations
  • Pawan Upadhyay on Revelation 22 - 9 years ago
    On sunday,Jesus was visible to his followers after death.
  • Diesel on Revelation 22 - 9 years ago
  • Stanley Horton on Revelation 22 - 9 years ago
    What will happen to the ones that was raised to believe Sunday is the Sabbath and goes to church on that day?
  • RNM 22-16 REV on Revelation 22 - 9 years ago
    REV 22-16...Salvation is a gift from GOD, I think most of those reading these comments realize that. But almost all, are under the delusion that has been in effect since the middle of the first century, under the penalty of seizure of all property and eventually torture and death, these edicts were issued out by the Roman Catholic Church. Making it illegal to possess any type of manuscript of the written word of God, or copy of the Bible, observing the 7th day Sabbath, was also outlawed, through their own admittance of changing the true Sabbath of Gods to the first day of the week, without a scriptural command to do so. Only God can do this, but this apostate church claims authority over GOD. I am just stating the facts, God will JUDGE THEM AND ANYONE WHO FOLLOWS AFTER THEM and their blasphemous commands. My message is short and sweet, keep the true Sabbath of God the 7th day, if you ever wondered what the will of GOD is, this is it. Be Obedient to HIS Commandments, like God says, like Our Savior says and like the apostles says, do not follow after the commandments of man, they only lead to eternal death. PRAISE THE FATHER AND HIS SON FOREVER. AMEN!
  • Arnold Joseph Bur on Genesis 1:3 - 9 years ago
    Genesis 1:16 God made the two great lights, the greater light to govern the day, the lesser light to govern the night and He made the stars also. Verse 19 There was evening and there was morning, a Fourth day. The City does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp. Revelation 22:5
  • RNM 22-3 on Revelation 22 - 9 years ago
    REV 22-4...And neither does the 1st Amendment, which is really what I wanted to say, but you get my point, right. Even GOD draws lines to our Freedom, AMEN!!
  • RNM 22-3 on Revelation 22 - 9 years ago
    REV 22-3...mr. keyes: Maybe you need to take a break from the video games, and TV, for awhile, it might do you some good. The only zombies, the Messiah will bring back to life is at the end of the millennium, the second resurrection. In the mean time I would pray for forgiveness, for making slanderous comments toward our Messiah and King. The 2nd Amendment don 't hold water, at the Throne of GOD. PRAISE OUR KING AND SAVIOUR AMEN!!
  • Colette cleveland on Revelation 22:19 - 9 years ago
    Just as revelation 22 verse 18-19 says, obey the word! It 's written! I only stick to KingJames! NIV bible is missing powerful words! Yet many teachers teach from it! Truth is truth! We living in a dark world and I 'm not surprised bibles being tampered with! Children gets a hold of these bibles may loose the truth on Gods principles! It 's up to the individual to search seek and find! When God says it 's a command then do it! Read from a watered down bible! You get a watered down teaching! To a compromising teacher! No power no flame! Luke warm!!!
  • James C. Keyes on Revelation 22:11 - 9 years ago
    Zombies will be coming back to life in Jesus 's name all around the world. JESUS Frequency LIGHT :
  • Nancy negron on Revelation 22:5 - 9 years ago
    The lord will come one day
  • Pawan Upadhyay on Revelation 22 - 9 years ago
    Sunday is holy because Sunday is the resurrection day of Jesus
  • Lilian on Revelation 22 - 9 years ago
    God provide us with his heavenly manna, the word of God. He who loves Jesus will keep his word and commandments. Jesus himself is a word of God which gives us life in abundance, healing and peace. Praise Jesus and thanked him for everything he has done in our lives. Jesus loves you there is no need to understand his theory just believed God and seek him first and you shall find. God is so powerful and he knows that our thoughts and ways are lower than his ways and thoughts. God is loving Father and merciful we live because of his forgiveness. Keep on praising God and thanking him for his blood shed for us to be saved.
  • RNM REV 22-----12 on Revelation 22 - 10 years ago
    This scripture is from Rev chapter one describing the SON OF GOD: And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow and his eyes were as a flame of fire And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace and his voice as the sound of many waters. This next scripture is from Rev chapter four. And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald. This is proof from God 's own word, that the two Holy Beings described in the first and fourth chapters, are two very different descriptions given for GOD and GOD 'S SON! AMEN!!
  • Vincent Grant on Revelation 22 - 10 years ago
    There is one God:Deutoronomy 6:4 Hear O Israel the Lord our God is one Lord.In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.There is no trinity.The lamb and God are the same person.
  • RNM REV 22-------5 on Revelation 22 - 10 years ago
    In my last comment I stated that by me using scripture to call you down, I am truly sorry for expressing my self in that way, I am nobody to talk so high handedly to you or anyone else. I love the Lord, and I feel blessed by our Heavenly Father in many ways, but one thing I don 't want to do, that is to lose site of who I am, and what God purpose is for us here in these last days so please accept my apology, my intentions are not to hurt but to help people that have been brainwashed by this so called knowledge which is carnal and spiritless and driven and inspired by the father of lies and deception, which is what makes those words so convincing because they appeal to the flesh, that should be anyone 's first clue as to who the author is anytime it pleases the flesh then your entering Satan 's realm, and that is what he 's waiting for like a spider and his web! PRAISE GOD! PRAISE HIS SON, PRAISE THE HOLY SPIRIT AMEN!!

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