Discuss Revelation 22 Page 30

  • André on Deuteronomy 8 - 12 years ago
    Basically no one is entitled to change or add or subtract anything from the Bible ( Revelation 22:18-19).
    Some people sure do so, but not without consequences ( 2 Peter 3:14-15).
    God bless you.
  • Michael Marlin on Revelation 22 - 12 years ago
    Read the whole Bible, don't listen to anyone\'s opinion. Read & follow all of God\'s laws, commandments & statutes and you will enter into rest with HIM in Zion. Don\'t follow God\'s laws, commandments & statutes and you will be tossed in the lake of fire it\'s as simple as that.....
  • Matthew on Revelation 22 - 12 years ago
    I don't know if this applies to anyone but after I read this last section, I almost felt light-hearted and kind of warm. I'd never felt that way in my whole life and it feels like I'm being held. This is the greatest feeling I've ever felt.
  • GERSHION WETLE on Revelation 22:2 - 12 years ago
    The idea of always being prepared makes me think of the man who lived next door to us when I was growing up. When Mr. Nienhuis came home, he never failed to back his car into the garage. That seemed unusual to me until my mother explained that Nels was a volunteer fireman. If he got a call, he had to be ready to race to the fire station. He backed in so he could leave quickly when he had to report for duty.

    To be well prepared is important in so much of life. “If I had 8 hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend 6 sharpening my axe,” said Abraham Lincoln. We prepare for a career by studying. We buy insurance in case of a car accident or a house fire. We even prepare for the end of life by making a will to provide for loved ones.

    The Bible tells us we must prepare ourselves spiritually as well. We do that by putting on spiritual armor to protect ourselves from spiritual attack ( Eph. 6:10-20); by preparing our minds for holy living ( 1 Peter 1:13); by making sure we’re always prepared to answer questions about the reason for the hope we possess (3:15); and by ensuring that we are ready for the promised return of Jesus ( Matt. 24:44).

    How well prepared are you for what lies ahead? Unsure? Ask the Lord for His help and guidance.
    When I awake at early mornTo meet the coming day,I want to be prepared to takeWhatever comes my way. GERSHION D WETLE.
  • Timothy Wayne George on Revelation 22 - 12 years ago
    Jesus said behold I am coming quickly, and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. We are workers for Jesus, and we are working in His vineyard. What ever is right, He will pay. So let us continue to share the good news to every person, so that they can repent of their sins, and receive Jesus Christ as their Savior. There is no other name given unto man where by he must be saved, and it is Jesus the Messiah. The book of Revelation, is about the unveiling of the Lord Jesus Christ in all of His glory, and we will see Him face to face when He comes to take us to be with all the saints in heaven. Let us work while it is day, for when the night comes, no man can work.
  • Visalia Lopes. on Revelation 22:7 - 12 years ago
  • Elder Vann on Colossians 1:15 - 12 years ago
    According to to all these Bible scriptures and the Hebrew prophets there is no Son of GOD who is not also! GOD(Hebrews1:6-13) because if he is not God manifest in the flesh then he's not the son of God either ( 1Timothy 3:16) Psalms 100:2 says know ye that the Lord he is God" How many Gods do you think there are? To say that Jesus is separate from God contradicts the words of Jesus himself (StJohn10:30) even the Devil knows there's one God and trembles, to believe there's more than one God is to be a heathen(Deuteronomy6:4 (James2:19) ( Isaiah 9:6_(40:3..6(44:6..8)(45:20..23)(Psalms110) Revelation 22:3..5 tells us int the end there is no more curse but the throne of God and of the Lamb is in it that concludes the whole prophetic word of redemption, once the son ship is over! Jesus Christ in his eternal glory is the eternal God.
  • Kennygross on Revelation 22 - 12 years ago
    GOD, the creator of all things. As the world that
    we're living in now is wearing out. The Lord is
    preparing a place for us to live with him in heaven. A place far beyond what we could ever
    imagine. All the servants of God will be sent out into the world one last time. To witness to all the people left in the world. To repent one last time before we can spend eternl life Jesus. One last time to serve God here on earth. Then we all will be taken up into the lower heavens till the final judgement of all the nonbleivers in Christ.
    And all those who serve the Devil will face God
    for the finel judgement and then into the lake of fire. Even them Whomever dare to add or take away
    from the Bible. Those who lead away from the truth. As what Jesus said about Judas Iscariot. It would've been better if that man had never been born. Same for those who add or take away the Bible. Go to the Bible and read the book of Jude:vv 10-16. And then read lJohn5:19-21. Little children, keep your selves from idols. Amen And I pray this also.
  • Jackson swai on Revelation 22 - 12 years ago
    In REV 22:12,14 We studies about coming of JESUS CHRIST, HE shall come to caugt his people,whom was repenting their sins.so! we ought to be ready,in that may go with the christ when he came.
  • Ann johnson on Revelation 22 - 12 years ago
    My comment is to Matthew who witnessed it is first time reading the Bible. You are correct, Matthew, the word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than a two edge sword. We must believe the gospel, which is the death, burial, and ressurection of Jesus Christ. When we believe this instruction is given us in Acts 2:37,38 to repent, be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remisson of sins and we shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. May you be filled with God's Spirit!
  • Matthew on Revelation 22 - 12 years ago
    I know its a wonderful thing to believe in God but is it wrong to believe in the possibility of extraterrestrial life? I am lost about that.
  • Matthew on Revelation 22 - 12 years ago
    This is my first time reading the Bible and it is powerful... The last sentence just hooks me. I think I can call myself a true believer now and I look forward to meeting Jesus when He comes.
  • Chrisie Lambert on Revelation 22 - 12 years ago
    Revelation 22 seems to have some sort of code as most bibles seems to end in a map and it must lead us down Christ's Path to the river of life.
  • Samuel Bonaya Buya on Matthew 1 - 12 years ago
    In Mathew 1:1 Jesus Christ is son of David, son of Abraham. He was made seed of David according to the flesh ( Romans 1:4). He, as seed of Abraham was promised to possess the gates of his enemies. In Abraham's seed all the nations of the earth be blessed ( Genesis 22:17-18). In Mathew 1:18) He is Child of the Holy Ghost. He came down from heaven ( John 3: 13). This Child of the Holy Ghost was the word made flesh, the only begotten of the Father ( John 1:14). The Holy Ghost is the Father. The Holy Ghost and the Father are the self same person. God is a Spirit ( John 4:24) and you must be born of water the Spirit to see the kingdom of God ( John 3:5). God is the Father and He is the Holy Ghost. God was manifest in the flesh ( 1Timothy 3:16) For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham ( Hebrews 1:16). God was manifested in the flesh make atonement for sin and to purchase His church by His own blood ( Acts 20: 28). The Shekinah glory that was in that once filled the temple in Jerusalem took a body of flesh. He became God's Choosen Place of Worship, God's Temple that He choose to put His name, the perfect realisation ofthe old testament temple (Deutromy12:5-11). Jesus was God's temple and the Church is the temple of his body ( John 2:19; Ephesians 5:30; 2:21- 22). The church of Christ, the bride is the mouthpiece of the Holy Ghost for the commission was its not ye that speak but the Holy Ghost ( Mark 13:11) and again what Holy Ghost speaks the true church speaks the same ( Revelation 22:17), for He that is Joined unto the Lord is one Spirit ( 1Corinthians 6:16). Now the Spirit of the Lord that was on Jesus is in His church even as He promised: as for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the LORD, My spirit that is upon thee and my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out the mouth of thy Seed's seed, from henceforth and forever( Isaiah 59:21). The witness of the Apostles and prophets in the Bible is the witness of the Holy Ghost, for they were sent by the Holy Ghost ( Acts 13:4) and they preached by the Holy Ghost ( Galatians 1 :11-12). For the church to receive the blessing of Abraham the must stay exacty with the original gospel as Spoken by the Holy Ghost through His apotles
  • Dudz on Revelation 22:16 - 12 years ago
    STAR is the trademark of God for us to look up Him now and forever.have faith with Him trust with all of our hearts spirit.
  • BBARBARA T. EPPS on Revelation 22 - 12 years ago
  • Rodger on Revelation 22 - 12 years ago
    This is a hard book for me even as a boy my knowledge of it is so little. and I don't want to the untrue interpretation of it. Its a very haed book to understsnd but by Faith and trusting in God we will get a righteous interpretation by Faith and trust in Jesus Chirst Father God of Heaven. Now more then ever we need righteousness and not evil right and not wrong please pray for me that understand my payer is the same for you that we all may have it amen.
  • Evang. Alleine Moseley on Revelation 22:18 - 12 years ago
    He says, Your name. Yes your blessings as well. God doesn't bless disobedience but the verse specifically states, "Your Name" shall be REMOVED out of the lambs book of life. We all know you're name has to be written within. God bless
  • Harry on Matthew 5 - 12 years ago
    Did any of God's people hear the words of Jesus, our Lord and Savior concerning God's ten commandments? From the words of Jesus the ten commandments are not done away with. Since this is true, I would like to know why the fourth commandment is violated every first day of the week by everyone who goes to church on Sunday? We know that the Bible is all truth. If it is not in the Bible then it has to be a lie. Satan is the father of lies and he is the master counterfeiter, therefore all of God's people should prayerfully seek God for the truth. We must remember that not one sinner will be allowed entrance into the city and they will not have a right to the tree of life. Who do Jesus say will be allowed to into the city and who will be able to eat from the tree of life? "Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city." ( Revelation 22:14) Let God be true and every man a liar.
  • Biged on Revelation 22 - 12 years ago
    All the wheels are in place for the world to end soon
  • Max sealy on Revelation 22 - 12 years ago
    all God is looking for is holiness,not in which day we worship, all he wants us to do, is to have time for him.revelation gives us that assurance where one day,we will be truly happy the way God intended it to be in the first place. people live for God stop fighting over aday.God want us to serve him in spirit and in truth.
  • Garyloyd on Genesis 1 - 12 years ago
    God the Father is God the Holy Spirit and came to earth as God the Son or God with us as the Son of God.
    Revelation 22:3They are One joined together on the Throne.
  • Levi on Revelation 22 - 12 years ago
    It says at the end, "Amen." Does that mean the books/bible is a big prayer?
  • Alain Morin on Revelation 22:18 - 13 years ago
    Rev. 13:18 «if anyone insight,let him calculate the number of the beast» This verse indicate that interpreting prophecies for your understanding is of God and it'snt adding to the book. The book always remain as written and can be interpret differently by somebody else.
  • Donna on Revelation 22 - 13 years ago
    I have to wonder why so many people claim to love Jesus but they continue to follow the world. For example Christmas what does this holiday have to do with Christ. NOTHING. In Leviticus 23 God tell us of his holy days that we are to keep forever. In the scripture there is no mention of Christmas, Halloween, Easter, ect. So why do man follow these ungodly pagan holidays. Satan has deceived the world. Think about it when you open your presents do you think about God? When I use to celabrate christmas I never thought about Christ, I was to busy opening my presents. As I look back at my mistake, I've ask God to forgive me for not studying his word for in the word is the truth. I can truly say that I am not a part of this world, I'm just passing through. Seek the truth for yourself, and may God give you the truth. Thanks be to God, for He is Worthy to be Praise.
  • Denise on Revelation 22 - 13 years ago
    Revelation is a powerful book.If you read this book and your life does not change something is wrong.I ,want my name to be in the Lambs book of life.I want to drink from the living waters.Its great to know that there will be no more pain, suffering, hunger,I love you God.
  • NeilJ on Revelation 22:21 - 13 years ago
  • Peter on Psalms 83 - 13 years ago
    Anyone who thinks removing Gods name Jehovah from the bible is a non issue or isnt important must reconsider that thought since it does take away a bit of trying to have a close personal relationship with him and is a bit impersonal. like calling a close friend person, since the word God is only a title. Not to mention the fact that diluting the bible is a sin itself that has a penalty of everlasting death as stated in revelation 22:19. So i wouldnt wanna be that guy. In my opinion they took the name out to support the trinity doctrine, since originally his name was in the bible over seven thousand times and would make a three in one God teaching a bit hard to swallow. It actually wasnt taught until the 3rd century, the way i understand it anyway.
  • Nataleigh on Revelation 22 - 13 years ago
    Consider this: Eternity is just a heart beat away
  • Nataleigh on Revelation 22:21 - 13 years ago
    I love your user friendly website and all the easy references to more modern English - Essentially I prefer the old english as it seems more powerful. I have studied Revelations for years, more and more unfolds, I am looking forward to studying it afresh with your easy reference system :-)

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