Discuss Revelation 22 Page 32

  • Steen Hansen on Revelation 22 - 14 years ago
    That is your right. If you believe in only one - there is only one.
    To make this happen - pay as much as you want to Stenus - Steen Hansen - IBAN SE8380000840 38033372 8368. BIC: SWEDSESS
  • Jonathan Lowrey on Revelation 22 - 14 years ago
    I believe that is written in Revelations is very true. I do not believe in having any other bible. Only one everyone should have is the King James Version
  • Steen Hansen on Revelation 22 - 14 years ago
    As for "those words" and the development for a new "North-Bible" the fight were given. Queen Margrete 1. and the new "religion" had to be implemented in the Occult wisdom of life, which were the pagan's reason.
    The plans were dropped - and the Bible got the "picture" as we know it today. Also the time about King James were excluded
    A manifestation of the words, that the winner alvways make the history - but sometimes there are even Gold in dirt
  • Shohanahim on Revelation 22 - 14 years ago
    And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and [from] the things which are written in this book.
  • Steen Hansen on Revelation 22 - 14 years ago
    Who has given you "the right" to plant seed for "batle between Stars"
  • Steen Hansen on Revelation 22 - 14 years ago

    NONE of them.
    If you refre to the oldest "paper" I do not know :o) - but perhaps you should read further...
    You see - there are thourgt's of an philosofi of earlier thourghts, which also was written. Those symbols "writing" are again a believe, which also were forced on the human brain to comprehend accept and obey.
    But in the (?) there's only one to decid and that's is an "consious"-"thing" and a behavior-"thing" which is planted in the understanding of an understanding of the force of human kind - placed by an suprime understandness of the need for every atom and the compacity to accept that placed im a body like the human kind.
    Is'nt that beautyfull??
    Only human kind has the force to see the "its-self" an can behave accordingly.
    Or not??
    The human kind has broken every seal in each one and there's nothing to build on. The human kind has - again - broken the most secret seal - and that is trying to get involve in things "which" are and not "for human-kind-to be" and that is sience in "being man" and not reponding to "why" i'm acting.
    The Bible - which ? - has the "force" to guide and not to obey. Still it is, that "thinking" is an absolut world, which - again - is a matter between "of the beholder and God".
    But you can make "Gold" by twisting those "holy matter's" - so therefore you see (I hope) - that we make more "Engle" than "Devils". Orh - sorry - the other way around"
    Every bibel has in the "end" - "and If you do not choose the common-power giving by the human-to-human-way, you are to be punished or even excludet off the "force" and therefore are to be the "animal" on which "laws" are buildt.
    The Astal-way goes both ways.
    Every "being" has it's own star - and some of them are "at a distance" and the "feeling" has gravity to make a "great deal of problems" in the Human brain to comprehend.
    The Bibel also "speaks" about development build on acceptance, respect and love between "individual's".
    Every "star" has it's own "sun" to shine.
    Pandora - because of the distance.

    Life is when you respond to the spirit which given to you by the planet your own.

    Now'a'days the word should be in respect of that or they/we are expelled in the universe and therefore as a "human".
    A bibel is a "step-to-step" contact between this "star" given on Earth to live a life as an individual

    So if you ask me, which one of the Bibel's that are most "Natural" - King James - ofcourse, thoug it is "not written" on so many different "understanding of spirit"
  • Hannes on Revelation 22:14 - 14 years ago
    which of these translations is the original translation----wycliffe or king james
  • Steen Hansen on Revelation 22 - 14 years ago
    Craig. I'm not a muslim or a person, who is founded in Islam.
    I feel mostly Jewish - but according to history I'm also to Catholics, Cristian, Pagen and Heathens, devils and Angels.
    When a person comes to me and tell me, that he has a thing, which is holy for him. I even that "lucky", that the "Holy thing" is a book which I can read.
    I just - also - believe a truht, which is beyond the truth, which was to be respectet as "the only truht". Prejudice and Lies - you have to dicover in all It's glory. :o)
  • Craig on Revelation 22 - 14 years ago
    The entirety of the book of Revelation is the revealing of God,s nature; God,s love; God,s mercy; and ultimately God,s Judgement on mankind for unrepentant sinful living! Jesus who is God in the flesh;( read first chapter of John); who gave his life up as a living sacrifice on the cross; is the same Jesus who is revealing his true nature; which is multi-faceted; and perfect! Therefore he is telling and encouraging us; that if we accept his free gift of everlasting life, we have nothing to worry about; but if we live in rebellion against him; we will suffer eternal death! For God is perfect and rightious; and sin can not look on the face of God and survive. He is tellin us that the rightious better remain rightious; or they will suffer his wrath; because all sin; (rebellion against God); must be judged; because that is what a perfect God has to demand. That is why he came down from heaven in a human body (Jesus); and made himself the living sacrifice for our sins; once and for all! We could never attain Heaven otherwise; since it took a perfect sacrifice (Jesus); for our forgiveness. Therefore everyone who accepts this perfect sacrifice; is perfected in God,s sight; and can therefore enter into Heaven. We are justified in his sight then; because we have accepted his death on the cross; instead of our deserved eternal death; hell; and the lake of fire; where Satan and the fallen angels; who rebelled against God; and tried to overthrow God and his kingdom; will reside forever and ever! God never meant for man to go to Hell. Hell was created for Satan (lucifer); and the other rebellious angels; to separate their rebellious evil spirits; from the rightious spirits of forgiven humans; and obedient Angels! This is the Good news! We have passed from eternal death to eternal life! The king james bible is the true holy spirit; inspired word of God; factually backed up by The Dead Sea Scroll Manuscripts discovered in caves in 1948 by a young man in a cave.(look up on google). Previous comments on this book of revelation by Steen (the muslim that called the unholy (Qur-an) holy; are unfounded and untrue. The unholy Qur-an or Koran as it is also known; is a book filled with hate and murder against all who don,t believe that allah is god! Mohammed; their prophet; wasn,t even born until the ninth century A.D. There has never been another human being who has risen from the Dead; but Jesus. That,s because like the egyptian pharoahs; who worshipped pagen false gods; their faith is based on nothing that can be factually backed up or prove! I think we all know that our true God (Jesus) is a God of love and forgiveness to those who accept it). The muslim faith is about killing the infidels ( all non-muslims) and taking over the world by any means necessary; including Jihad (unholy war; not holy as they say. Only the true God (Jesus is holy)! He is going to dstroy this evil world system soon and set up his eternal; rightious government! He is coming very very soon! Those who want everlasting life better choose Jesus soon; before it is too late. The false god (allah); and the false book; based on false teachings of Mohammed will not save you on judgement day; when every knee shall bow before almighty God; and every tongue confess that Jesus; (the only Messiah); is Lord of All!!!
  • Moffat Teya on Revelation 22 - 14 years ago
    sure the time is at hand,all the signs in the world show,daily events potray that the Lord is standing at the door waiting for us to repent and fully acknowledge Him as Our Saviour.its upon us to choose to be unjust,filthy or righteous.
  • Steen Hansen on Revelation 22 - 14 years ago
    Futhermore - :o)
    I do believe in the King of Solomon, which gave us David.
    I do believe in GOD and his son Jesus.
    I do believe in the Holy Qur-An
    I do believe in fathers and Sons/daughters and I do believe in Love.

    But look around.
    The Human Being has forsaken its own being for Gold etc.
    Easyly we slaughter - just because we can.
    We slaughter for space to grow by increasing the space of others. Not because hunger etc. but just for fun and the thoughts of a eternal life.
    Who - in the end - has the power of life and dead?
  • Steen Hansen on Revelation 22 - 14 years ago
    For Marlon.
    Please read it again, and comprehend that the words are written by someone who wants to testify, that he believe to be a "message from GOD"
    If it should be a King (James) he denies the truth of the individual and wants to place his own instead.
    You write "anything which is not written belongs to GOD" Nevertheless the written words should be GOD's ??
    Power - real Power - is not taken, but given which also make a point. 22.18 talks about Power from an individual who just wants more Gold.
    Thats why the revelation is unfinished.
  • Steen Hansen on Revelation 22 - 14 years ago
    I too have studied a lot of scripts conserning thems of religion. Stories written down to place the King, government or just the Power at the place, where common people were to look up, listen and obey. For about 2000 years ago something happend with the belief of man. Suddenly it became obvious, that many things were to be solved, if the individual had til capacity to look inside "the self" and from there take the steps to come forward. Earlier it was custom to look at the King, Empeour etc. as a God - and when the "holy" was dead - you ate some of him and used the bones as a "holy thing". You also believed, that the Earth was flat.
    At the time around Jesus, there was some Irish Munks, who placed individuals in very small rooms. No connection with the outside world. Just the needed food. The found out, that the Human Brain was empty - and not empty.I believe that you still keep the brain of the deceased Jesus in a Bowl - somewhere.
    Well - anyway. You can read that much, that your head is spinning - and still you do not know anything.
    But you can only be sure of one thing. That is, that the "things" you are reading, is someone elses thoughts and doing. For seeking - you have to not only read - but even look at the surroundings. Both Politicaly and Human-wise.
  • Adanna on Revelation 22 - 14 years ago
    That was the word of the Lord. People of the earth please take heed. His coming is very near. God's richest blessing upon all.
  • Steen Hansen on Revelation 22 - 14 years ago
    Hi - Thank's for the commitment. First - Jesus was eaten by the priesthood etc. because at that time they believed, that when you eat a piece of the "GOD" - something were to "live within you". A custom which is to be be seen during several hundred years later - even up to our days, where we eat (not the flesh) but the thought, dreams and behaviour of the children. Think about it.
    I do not believe "stories" from powerment, who only go for the Gold. So allready 2 things. Jesus (GOD) did not forgive the Human Spirit for its doing and second the bible (Words) was not to manipulate people to be "wanna-bies".
    The people (natives) are not to know the truht because of the impact of knowing is a powerfull tool in the hands of slaves.
  • EE on Revelation 22 - 14 years ago
    To think, His (Jesus') own father could not even look upon Him because he bore the sin of the world... That breaks my heart, because I, in part, caused that. The basic fact is that Jesus forgave us who believe in Him, even though we may have (most likely have) rejected Him in the past. He climbed on that cross (or let himself be put upon it) knowing that we were could be forgiven; He could die for the evil that we had committed (our sin), so that we could be reconciled with God. God sees Jesus' righteousness rather than our (the believer's) sin, as we believe in him (even though we still sin). Not only that, but upon trusting Him, He improves our lives beyond measure (although maybe not on a worldly scale at times). That is what I did not understand, that the Holy Spirit would come into my life and improve every aspect. Even if I am wrong about these things, He has improved my life. These things are important to me.
    For example, God has helped me financially to a high degree, though people don't understand why I don't need or desire cable/satellite TV. The cost of cable has saved me enough money to buy a 50 inch TV every year, but people still don't understand. Even so, the cost has saved me enough to help others too... If you don't understand, just please know that I believe that Jesus, the Son of God, our creator, died for our sins. The penalty for our sin had been death, and he paid that price, by dying for our sin. That is why there are no more sacrifices, because the ultimate sacrifice had been made. When God put the sin of people on Jesus' head, God couldn't even look upon him, and Jesus said, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani, which means "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me" -NIV, Matthew 27:46. He was separated from God because of our sin for that time, and felt all of our pain during those moments.
  • Noticesable on Revelation 22 - 14 years ago
    @ Steen--come on bro/sis:
    --where in crackers did this theory derive from? --i have studied tons of philosophers and heard tons of philosophy down through the years,--have heard tons of ministers, theologians and scientists alike--but ah, never, ever have i heard anything close to your theory AT ALL. where do the origins of this come from? what belief systems embrace your statements?
  • Noticesable on Revelation 22 - 14 years ago
    @ steen--common bro/sis:
    --where in crackers did this theory derive from? --i have studied tons of philosophers and heard tons of philosophy down through the years,--have heard tons of ministers, theologians and scientists alike--but ah, never, ever have i heard anything close to your theory AT ALL. where do the origins of this come from? what belief systems embrace your statements?
  • Dwayne on Psalms 83:18 - 14 years ago
    In response to Maigyn I would like to offer the following: Have you read Acts 15:14 where it states that God turned to the nations to take a people for his name. Thus it is important to know God's name in order to identify God's people. As well Revelation 22:18&19 states that anyone who adds to the Bible or takes away from the Bible will be receive God's judgement for doing so. How important then to leave the Bible intact, including not removing the name Jehovah.
  • Marlon L. Cabides on Revelation 22 - 14 years ago
    for Steen Hansen: Rev 22:18 "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book." What is written in this book is enough for man to heed to God's revelations. Anything that is not written belongs to God.
  • Steen Hansen on Revelation 22 - 14 years ago
    This is not the last chapter of the Revelation, because man are to be that beast, whereupon the human spirit were built.
    The Human Spirit was a Gift and a promise to care about all living creatures on Earth.
    Man has not done that - and are to vanish from the face of the Earth.
    On the Cross - Jesus never forgave the Human - but he forgave the animal within.
  • Pollie Plaatjie on Revelation 22 - 14 years ago
    All has been read and heard and now it's time for us to act... The lord wants us to knonw hin and trust him as the only living God who created life and created such perfection...New heaven and earth can't wait to be there..2010 is OVER now and the ttime has come for the lord to keep his promise and his 2nd coming
  • Robert White on Revelation 22 - 14 years ago
    we better get to GOD now call on him while he is near because his spirit will not always strive with man. those that want to be unjust you will stay that way, he that is filthy you will stay filthy when the lord return. and he who is righteous will be righteous still.and he who is holy will be holy still.the time is now to seek God with all your heart,and soul, and with all of thy mind.

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