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Wesley's Notes for Revelation 3:18
I counsel thee - who art poor, and blind, and naked. To buy of me - Without money or price. Gold purified in the fire - True, living FAITH, which is purified in the furnace of affliction. And white raiment - True holiness. And eyesalve - Spiritual illumination; the unction of the Holy One, which teacheth all things (the Holy Spirit)
People's Bible Notes for Revelation 3:18
I counsel thee to buy of me gold. In Christ are "all the treasures of wisdom" ( Colossians 2:3). And white raiment. That they may have the wedding garments ( Matthew 22:11-13). Anoint thine eyes with eyesalve. The unction of the Holy Spirit ( 1John 2:20).
Many people have no faith to ask Jesus, themselves, to be healed (physically, emotionally, financially, making decisions, etc). Why?
It's one thing to lay on your mat and stare at Jesus wishing he would heal you. The man explained his parents must've sinned. Jesus had mercy on him. Stand up, pick up your mat and walk home. The man lays there a minute, then obeys. He stands up, dances around leaping for joy-picks up his mat and walks home.
His faith in Jesus's ability, opposed his belief in his parents sins. His faith stood up.
ONLY THE BIBLE can counteract our unbelief and excuses why we are sick or downtrodden by society at large.
Mix faith with obedience to the known Will of God.
Pray the Lords Prayer, and let your ears hear each line. Each one is a YES and AMEN, from God the Father.
Let's be real here? If there's some kind of hidden sin hindering that prayer; dig it up and give it to Jesus. "I did "this" and I'm sorry for it." Jesus's blood erases it. Guard your heart and mind.
The Lords Prayer says, THIS DAY. This is a daily thing. I do it every day. I'm not perfect yet. Some day I may shine a little like gold or silver, that I purchased with prayers. I have His Love and Acceptance now. So do you.
Revelation 4:4 says "And round about the throne were four and twenty seats, or literally thrones, 24 thrones: and upon the thrones I saw twenty four sitting, (Characteristic), clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold.
The white raiment is found in Revelation 3:5. And the crowns of gold is promised to believers ( Revelation 2:10).
There are 404 verses in the book of Revelation, and there are over 800 allusions and direct quotes from the Old Testament. The book of Revelation is a piece of Jewish Literature. And it must be understood by the symbols and the presentations that we receive from the Tanak (The Old Testament).
So there are 24 elders sitting on 24 thrones. In 2 Chronicles Chapters 24 and 25, this is where it is listed for us that where David began the courses of priests, and he assigned 24 courses of priests, that they would serve throughout the year so that the priesthood is covered. And all the people are covered, and they are called courses, 24 courses of priests.
Now 24 in Jewish Literature has to do with a perfection in covering, 24 courses to cover all of the people, and to cover all of the calendar for the twelve months.
And so here are 24 elders. Many believe the elders, who are of the church, clothed in white raiment (The promise to believers), and they have crowns of gold upon their heads, again evidence of the reward to believers.
And some believe that this is the representation of both the Old and the New Testament, the entire church, both Jew and Gentile, with the elders and the 24 courses, or 24 elders that are sitting.
Hope this helps!
Satan is a created being, what does he look like? Isaiah 14:12-15 morning star, translated Lucifer, the morning star/day star is the planet, Venus, it is brightest just before sunrise, 2 Corinthians 11:14 an angel of light, 1 Peter 5:8 a roaring lion, Revelation 12:3 great red dragon seven heads ten horns and seven crowns. There are many descriptions of Satan, but he is a master of disguise.
The horrific almost cartoonish description of Satan comes from the Middle Ages. If the understanding it is covering Satan, Ezekiel 28:14 says Satan was a covering cherub. There are seraphim we see in Isaiah 6:1-6 and in Revelation 4:6-9 called beasts, and cherubim, is in the bible more times, seraphim six wings, cherubim four wings. The biblical descriptions, I believe if we came face to face with, we would faint from fear.
Satan is not omnipresent; he can only be in one place at a time. There are evil spirits and evil angels he controls on this earth, we see in Daniel, battles that we cannot see, Daniel 10. The devil and his evil spirits can affect our life, and it can be vicious, Ephesians 6:12 but we far too often use that to excuse our own bad choices (the devil made me do it). Galatians 5:17
We also have been told, James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
God bless,
The other two heavens are the earth's atmosphere (the first heaven) and outer space (the second heaven). Paul appears to be giving the order of these heavens from an earthbound perspective rather than from an order of creation perspective, since the order of these heavens would be reversed if they were numbered from the oldest to the newest.
Genesis 1:14,15,17 says "And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven ..." but in Genesis 1:20 it says God created "...fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven." The addition of the word "open" to the firmament of heaven the birds could fly in means there was a different firmament of heaven that was not open to birds where the lights were.
(Note, I believe Genesis 1:14-19 describes objects in outer space as being "in" the firmament of heaven created on the second day to portray them specifically as they appear to earthbound observers within that firmament who use them to measure earthbound time).
John 1:1-5, Revelation 4:10-11, Colossians 1:12-23, Ephesians 3:9, Revelation 10:1-7,
Note: Isaiah 42:1-12, Isaiah 42:23, compare: the Gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke & John,
There is a difference I believe because it seems to point out that man Adam being put into the Garden, symbolic of the Church. To tend it, where GOD seems to already have given the Genesis 1:27-28 'created female & males, direction to multiply & subdue take dominion over the earth & creatures land & sea. Genesis 2:7-8, Genesis 5:1-3, interestingly it is the lineage of Seth the Jesus comes through : Luke 3:23-38
1Corinthians 15:45, 1Corinthians 15:42-47, Genesis 2:15, Genesis 2:18-24,
Yes, I believe we will see our loved ones in Heaven, and yes, "In Heaven"
I like the scripture free has given and king David seems to suggest the same.
"But now he is dead, wherefore should I fast? can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me".
2 Samuel 12:23.
Here's a few of many scriptures that suggests we will be in Heaven.
Revelation 4:1-2. After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter. 2) And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne.
Revelation 4:4.
Revelation 4:10.
Revelation 5:1-3. Notice verse 3- "And no man in heaven", nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon." Not only are there people in Heaven and on earth here, but this is also before the tribulation!!
Revelation 5:13-14. And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever.
And the four beasts said, Amen. And the four and twenty elders fell down and worshipped him that liveth for ever and ever.
There is several different views on whether we will be in heaven or not.
I'm not interested in going into that debate besides your question was "Will we see our loved ones in Heaven' and answering your question is most important.
God bless.
John 4:35,
But Also : Genesis 40:16-23, Joel 1:7, Leviticus 13, Revelation 15:6,
Hopefully these are helpful.
For man, his desire to create & progress in his knowledge & experience is fuelled by desiring better ways or tools to get tasks done, to make life more comfortable, to deal with crises (e.g. disasters, epidemics, etc.). God has no need to acquire such knowledge & experiences. But His creative Attribute which harmonizes with all His Attributes, expresses itself in what He has created & continues to do. Those beings in Heaven & around the Throne, the worlds suspended in space & even insignificant man amidst all that grandeur, must be products of God's Attributes giving full expression.
If we believe that man's faith without works is lifeless faith, can we not expect that a God with indescribable Attributes that make Him Who He is, would also exercise & express Himself in all manner of ways, one of which being, to create all things for His pleasure? In Greek: He created according to His Will ( Revelation 4:11). And that Will which is inseparable from His other Attributes of Holiness, Love, Truth, etc., is seen in all that He has created. Maybe, one could say that if God didn't create, then His other Attributes exercised in unison would not find their full expression. Just adding my few thoughts to this conversation.
I am sorry for the heavy heart & loss you're feeling. Years ago I was going through heavy loss & I looked up the deeper the meaning of "HE binds up their wounds" & realized in life when we've gone through a surgical procedure or similar the bandages are wrapped around & tended to, sometimes removed & rebound. In the healing process. The more serious, bigger etc. The more to the process & longer to heal. It was comforting to me & I hopefully to you. That it seems to be written in the present tense, meaning HE's actively binding up our wounds. Psalms 147:3, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18,
Isaiah 26:19, 2Samuel 12:19-23, Revelation 20, Revelation 1:5, Revelation 4:13,
Hopefully these help answer your question & helps comfort you, in this moment.
Chapter Revelation 4:1 is the verse that's used by those who believe that the believers will be raptured prior to the Tribulation Period, because number 1, the door had been opened, and number two, a trumpet was talking to him.
It's the same as Paul said in 1 Thessalonians 4:13, I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that you sorrow not, as others which have no hope. He had just said in this chapter that the trump of God would sound. It would be a great shout, and the trump of God would sound. And so here is the trumpet talking to John saying come up here.
And those who hold the Pre-Trib. position see that as equivalent to the rapture of the church that is happening. And from now on, John will see everything from heaven, and the church will no longer be on the earth, but the multitudes will be in heaven.
And many believe that's an indication, among other scriptures, especially 1 Thessalonians Chapter 5 where it gives us the Tribulation Period, and he says this is for the wrath of God, and we (have not) been chosen for the wrath of God.
4:1 After these things - As if he had said, After I had written these letters from the mouth of the Lord. By the particle and, the several parts of this prophecy are usually connected: by the expression, after these things, they are distinguished from each other, # Rev 7:9|; 19:1. By that expression, and after these things, they are distinguished, and yet connected, # Rev 7:1|; 15:5; 18:1. St. John always saw and heard, and then immediately wrote down one part after another: and one part is constantly divided from another by some one of these expressions. I saw - Here begins the relation of the main vision, which is connected throughout; as it appears from the throne, and him that sitteth thereon; the Lamb; (who hitherto has appeared in the form of a man;) the four living creatures; and the four and twenty elders, represented from this place to the end. From this place, it is absolutely necessary to keep in mind the genuine order of the texts, as it stands in the preceding table. A door opened in heaven - Several of these openings are successively mentioned. Here a door is opened; afterward, the temple of God in heaven, # Rev 11:19|; 15:5; and, at last, heaven itself, 19:11. By each of these St. John gains a new and more extended prospect. And the first voice which I had heard - Namely, that of Christ: afterward, he heard the voices of many others. Said, Come up hither - Not in body, but in spirit; which was immediately done.
I will share my thoughts.
The Lord gives the outline of the book in chronological order and division of this book into 3 time periods of past, present, and future in Revelation 1:19. The things he has seen, "past tense" is the Glorified risen Christ, the things which are, "present tense" the Church here and now and the better of over 2000 years. And the things after these things, "future" Gods program after Revelation ch 2 and 3. "Church here on earth"
That brings us to Revelation 4:1. "The Lord says I will show you the things hereafter" After What? The Church things!
( This is the things future tense described in Revelation 1:19.) " Things shall be hereafter ".
Note: Revelation 4:1. We have an open door! Everyone around the throne had to go through that door. Who's the door?
In Revelation 4:2. The scene is in Heaven.
In Revelation 1:20. The Lord tells us that the seven golden candle sticks/lampstands in Revelation 1:12-13. Is the Churches. (The Church as a whole over the ages ). In Revelation ch 4 the lamp stands is in heaven.
"After these things" you see the 24 elders/representatives in white robes, who has been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb and according to Revelation 5:9-10. They are kings and priest. Only three in scripture is called kings and priest, That's the Lord, Melchizedek, and the Church. 1 Peter 2:9.
Hopefully that helps.
God bless.
I don't know the answer to your question, but beware of people replying that go against scripture and don't cite any scripture themselves. God's word always dominates over man's opinion.
1 Thessalonians 4:17 clearly talks about believers being caught up in the air.
Luke 17:34-37
1 Corinthians 15:52
This event is called rapture and comes from the Bible.
God bless
When we know the lawgiver; grace sets us free. We have an indication of the literal and spiritual descendants ruling and reigning in Zion; whether on earth during the Millennium; or when the heavenly city comes to earth afterwards and all are in eternal bodies. The Old Testament saints such as David will rule and reign; and certainly the Apostles as well; as this group likely constitutes the 24 elders in Revelation 4:10. The Lord will surely restore the earth in fullness when He returns as v. 15 states. He who is trusted in earthly things can be assured authority over heavenly ( Luke 16:11); this and many other similar admonitions encourage us to trust that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him ( Hebrews 11:6).
We could (maybe foolishly) ask the question, 'why doesn't God then 're-constitute' Jesus to shed His glorified flesh & return Him back to being the Word within the Godhead?' Jesus is still God's Word ( Revelation 19:11-16), but now in flesh, & will probably evermore be what the Father planned: His eternal Witness of God sacrificing Himself, but now reigning as "King of kings and Lord of lords" ( Revelation 19:16): as Israel's promised Supreme Messiah-King, the Root & Offspring of David ( Revelation 22:16), & also of those Gentiles who have been saved because of faith in the Messiah of God. Therefore, in these final chapters of Revelation, we see both God, His Son (Word made flesh), & the Holy Spirit ( Revelation 4:5, 'the seven-fold Spirit of God' and Revelation 22:17) - neither ceasing to be within the Godhead, yet remaining both a physical & spiritual Presence of God as God has determined of Himself.
Revelation 4:13 .....Blessed are the dead which DIE IN THE LORD from henceforth .....
Only the VESSEL (our body) remains to be inhabited by GOD.
Ephesians 4:4 ONE BODY, ONE SPIRIT.
We are the body of Christ
Colossians 1:27.... this mystery.... Christ in you .....
There's two popular views, One is they're the 12 Apostles and the sons of Jacob.
The other view is they represent The Church/ Redeemed.
Because of what's mentioned in Revelation 5:8-10.
Revelation 1:6.
and 1 Peter 2:5-9.
Revelation 5:8-10. And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints.
And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood OUT OF EVERY KINDRED, AND TONGUE, AND PEOPLE, AND NATION;
And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.
What's interesting is what's mentioned in Revelation 5:6. in conjuction with Revelation 2:1.
Seems to be a change of location In Revelation Ch 2 and 3 Jesus is in the midst of the Church on Earth, by the time we get to Revelation 4:1. The scene is in heaven!! And Jesus is in the midst of the Church in Revelation 5:6.
Revelation 5:6. And I beheld, and, lo,-
as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.
If this is the Church they're in Heaven it seems to suggest a pre trib Rapture.
God bless.
Perhaps they are the twelve sons of Jacob and the twelve apostles?
My original was "What color is jasper and sardine stone". I shocked by the answer and I had to respond. Amazon fixed it.
Again sorry
REVELATION 4:3 KJV "And he that sat was to look upon like ...
Where did this comment come from. It popped up linking your site using Amazon fire tablet. First no man has seen the Father. Second jaspers come in a variety of colors. Look up Fancy Jaspers. " undoubtedly negroid"? Did you ever think that John was seeing His radiant glory that of a sunrise or sunset. This entry looks suspicious.