Discuss Revelation 6 Page 16

  • Alexandra on Revelation 6 - 9 years ago
    truly God created us and gave us our freewill that is why He can judge us.if you have your freewill then you can account for your deeds, worshiping God is not a punishment its an opportunity, a delight,even the little worshiping that we try to give Him here on earth, brings inner peace to our spirit and body.
  • Eliza Albury on Revelation 6:12 - 9 years ago
    I am trying to understand the word because it is my desire to be with the Lord for all eternity. I am not afraid I 'm just trying to lean so I can share with others about his soon return. They all say it is the event that is to take place on Sept. 14th, with this astriod thing. But I believe every word of God..
  • Word on Revelation 6 - 9 years ago
    Terry God would not create creatures, beast, or of any kind of being to stand around worshipping Him and that 's just the way it is so if I 'm wrong about the way I read it then I can say I know your wrong because that just ain 't the way Father would do things because He creates life with Freewill when it comes to worship and love.
  • Dirk Groenewald on Revelation 6:1 - 9 years ago
    The 4 Beast of Revolations is the spirits of the Antichrist in the 2000 years after the death of Jesus christ. 1. The White horse was the deceving spirit of the antichrist with his teachings and was crouned by the people 325 years at Nicia. 2. The next stage was when he jump on the red horse that was blood and he kill all the chtistions who do not beleve hi teaching. 3. The black hore simbulise dark age where he make momey. 4. Pail horse simbulise death. White, red and black mix bring pail and that is death. The antichrist will ride this horses into Armagiddon. God use the living creatures to combact the Antichrist. 1. Lion to teach the Word, 2. Ox for laber when red best kill 3. Man to bring Gods pople out of the dark ages by Wesly and all that messangers 4. Eagle to bring the bride to the full word while satin rides on the pail horse.
  • JP on Matthew 24 - 9 years ago
    Matthew 24:29 sure does seem as though it links into Revelation 6:12-13 doesn't it. God bless
  • Terry on Revelation 6 - 9 years ago
    Rick, the four beasts are beings angels who were created and placed around the throne for the sole purpose of worshipping God.
  • Terry on Revelation 6 - 9 years ago
    Word, the four beings were not created and place around the throne to protect the throne, they were placed there solely for the purpose of worshiping the Lord, just as we were created for His pleasure. God did not need to have beasts angels, or any other being whom He had created to protect Him, or the throne.
  • Word on Revelation 6 - 9 years ago
    The 4 beast 's which if translated correctly is creatures are God 's guards that guard the Throne. God got them when satan tried to steal it when Satan was supposed to be guarding it. Ezekiel 28 and 31 will explain about Satan and his attempted overthrow along with Rev. 12 which is an outline of the Bible.
  • Rick on Revelation 6 - 9 years ago
    Who are the four beast ?
  • Judith Medeiros on Revelation 6 - 9 years ago
    The Revelations of Jesus Christ has three major parts 1 Seals 2 Trumpets 3 Vials Each seems to be describing events that are prophesied to occur in bible prophecy towards the Second Coming of Christ. The Four Horsemen in Rev.6:1-8 describes the historical generations of ages in events of the past, present and the hereafter.The White Horse is the Lamb-Christ our Savior God who seek to conquer over all darkness to deliver us from evil. The Red Horse represents the conflict of humanity alluding to wars of bloodshed. The Black Horse represents the darkness as the balances could mean the good versus evil in our journey of life. However, the pale horse is that of death and the darkness that follows it, that dwells on the earth that is not of the flesh. Well that 's my opinion, but opinions due vary.
  • Jacob on Acts 2 - 9 years ago
    The Church will be taken out before the tribulation happens. Those fascinated with these signs will be deceived. The Christian is to walk by the Bible 2 Corinthians 5:7 For we walk by faith, not by sight: Look at what the Bible says, Jeremiah 10:2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven for the heathen are dismayed at them. The Christian is not looking for signs like the Jews 1 Corinthians 1:22 For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom: The church will see tribulations which are hard times but not the wrath of the tribulation Revelation 6:17 For the great day of his wrath is come and who shall be able to stand? Look here 1 Thessalonians 5:9 For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ. The Antichrist prevails against saints in the tribulation Daniel 7:21 I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them but not the church Matthew 16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Look for Jesus Christ to come for His church any minute not the signs for the Jews. Have a nice day.
  • June on Revelation 6 - 9 years ago
    All of Revllation is a warning that God has certain plans and those who do not believe will suffer, and he has planned how this will be. Check out how you really feel about the Lord now and do not delay.
  • Word on Revelation 6 - 9 years ago
    John it 's going to turn dark alright from what I see but when the Lord shows His brightness will make everything else gone caus His glory is bright! Lots of shaking going on too! But if you have wated for the true Christ and didn 't bow down to the fake you 'll be alright. Prepare with 3 months of food and pay your bills up and don 't buy or sell after the supernatual Satan gets here acting the role of Jesus.
  • John on Revelation 6 - 9 years ago
    I 've been reading how some Bible prophecy writters speculate that verse 12 is describing a huge nuclear war, the effect of which would be the light of the sun being blocked the moon made red. I think it also possible that this verse could also be understood simply as it explains, that God will cause the earth to quake substantially, will stop the sun shining and the only light that is left is from the now red of moon. I could be wrong..
  • Word on Revelation 6 - 9 years ago
    Truth is those that follow the antichrist thinking he is Christ are those that have the mark of the beast. Those that don 't wait for the truth Christ will have the mark of the beast and those that don 't follow him have not the mark.
  • Word on Revelation 6 - 9 years ago
    Daniel 11:21 21 And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, antichrist to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries. Note, Anti-Christ comes in peaceably and obtains his kingdom by flatteries. Satan claiming to be Jesus return. When Satan gets here as anti-Christ or translated it 's instead of Christ they will think he is Christ returned. And it doesn 't matter what type of faith people belong to when they see his supernatural powers and he comes with the full package of acting his role as Jesus they will start dying off spiritually like flys to the flame. They didn 't want to believe the truth.
  • Bushman Kalahari on Revelation 6 - 9 years ago
    The 1st seal is not the Divine One spreading Gospel, because Jesus himself has started to proclaim His Gospel long before John received the vision in Patmos Island, and neither Jesus ever conquered the world, It speaks about antichrist of the end times making 7 years peace covenant between Israel and many Arabs nations and others. Thus signify the beginning of the Great Tribulation. Jesus bless u all,
  • Word on Revelation 6 - 9 years ago
    Inward Jew about Salvation remember Amos 9:10 All the sinners of my people shall die by the sword,which say, The evil shall not overtake nor prevent us. Note. They will just die the people who say we are going to fly and the evil will not overtake us! Rapture not my friends and don 't believe in lies. We will be here when antichrist gets here so we need to prepare ourselves and not believe in mans traditions and made up salvation.
  • Word on Revelation 6 - 10 years ago
    Inward Jew 's the seals have not been opened yet. This is all future. We will know when the seals are open and we all need to be sealed by these so we know what is going to take place and to stay out of the new one world order. Money change and don 't buy or sell.
  • Inward Jew on Revelation 6 - 10 years ago
    The way I read Rev 6 . The 1st horse is from the time of Constantine until today . The preeminent force in the world has been that of the Christian influence . The same is true of the following horses . Until the heaven is rolled up like a scroll . ie. Rapture This takes place simultaneously with a great war . The people of the earth think this is the end of time but it is not . The end of the church age and the beginning of the Messianic age has begun Rev.7
  • Word on Revelation 6 - 10 years ago
    Ken thank you. Finely there is another elect to shoot down the chickens that believe Satan comes chopping off heads when it 's not that way at all. Satan comes acting like Christ and will not be himself even if he wanted to because God is in control of him and his locust priest that will bring peace even though its a false peace but still he comes as a political religious liar as you know but I said that for others. The rapture is going to take many to the fire and we have to try to save as many of God 's children as we can. Anyway thanks!
  • Ken on Revelation 6 - 10 years ago
    we will be changed into a spiritual body in the twinkling of a eye, but there is no rapture, it is not in the bible,,, Jesus is coming here to earth, the millennium is here on earth.
  • Catherine on Revelation 6:8 - 10 years ago
    God is telling us He 's coming I am anticipating the end I only can pray I and my family will live with Jesus in paradise
  • Insight 777 on Revelation 6 - 10 years ago
    There are 2 beasts spoken of in Revelation, the Sea Beast and the Beast both have different numbers of heads and horns. Heads are nations that want the war and horns are countries that support the aggressive nations. Both are part of World War 3 but in two different parts of the world. The nations involved overlap. China is the rider on the white horse. The Sea Beast is war with China over the rights to the countries and resources in the South China Sea. White is the color of death in China, most people are buried in white clothes. The bow in verse 2 does not mean a bow and arrow, the word has the meaning of a lightly woven piece of cloth which I think is a net. China wants to have all fishing and mineral rights to the South China Sea and wants ownership of islands in dispute with Japan. They are going forth to conquer. Also if a bow is symbolic of a net then a double meaning to net applies as China has hacked into US pentagon computers and stolen important defense data. The US is under treaty to support Japan in their conflicts. The Sea Beast war is won by deceit.
  • Coop on Revelation 6 - 10 years ago
    If you are living a Godly life you will be snatched up in the twinkling of an eye if your not you will be left behind but in this ungodly world god still has mercy upon you he gives a chance you must die for him and his testimony against Islamist
  • Danny on Revelation 6 - 10 years ago
    How does Mathew 's comment Rev 6 V5 regarding balances , in his hand gets Yokes???? Need Answer.
  • Word on Revelation 6 - 10 years ago
    As you see this white horse in the first seal open and with antichrist on it coming shows his method of operation with a fake crown and bow and if you go to The book of Daniel 11 20 to the end you read of the vile one which is Satan as antichrist and you read how he comes in peace to take controll, with flatteries and dividing the spoils, meaning paying your bills and doing everything to be nice to you to get you to worship him. The mark of the beast is ignorance, it 's in your mind, so don 't believe them that say it 's a stamp for satan to keep track of you for buying and selling. He is not here as a war lord but comes acting and deceiving buying souls with priest and friendship peace. Acts like Jesus and not here to chop off any heads as the ignorant ones tell you. Instead of Christ is antichrist and he comes looking like the Lamb but it 's the dragon.
  • David on Revelation 6 - 10 years ago
    Think about the the black horse. Its ' rider has a scale representative of balance, the barley and wheat and a voice is heard saying "don 't hurt the oil and wine ". These are always biblically represented as good things, There are many references throughout the old and new testament representing "Balance " Happy people are balanced people right? Stick with Jesus Christ He is "The way the truth and the life " Call on him. His message is simple and to the point.. Matthew 11 28 30 30 "Take my yoke, it is easy, my burden is light ".
  • Sharon on Revelation 6:12 - 10 years ago
    There will be a great earthquake the shaking of the nations. Change will take place nothing will remain the same. Our President called it in Change is coming this change is going to affect everyone s beliefs, rights and life. This is a good time to trust and believe in Our Lord, Master Jesus Christ. The King of Kings is coming for His bride. Are you ready!!!
  • Rosemary Lohman on Revelation 6 - 10 years ago
    I 'm glad to see that some of you see the truth. I, too, am prepared for death. I know that I will be beheaded for the name of my Jesus. Islamic fake Isa supposedly Jesus but not him is the only Jesus that we will see until after the tribulation.

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