King James Version (KJV)

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The locusts (helicopters)were armor plated Above their heads was a propeller that looked like a crown of gold their faces were like men because they are men.
He is preparing the youth today to fufil this prophecy of not repenting of sexual immorality, Sorcery, and their murderings by his media influence over society today.
The mainstream of the current youth popular books ( including public school books) that focus on the occult, witchcraft, and sorcery,combined with the increasing popular violent video games that involve revenge or retaliation through murder, and the TV shows that weaken the concience through immorality by flauntiung a impure lifestyle that denies God and obedience to his word. No wonder we have a society that mocks the very idea of living for God.
Parents pray for Gods Wisdom in how to raise our children in such a way so they do not fall prey to the devils plan to prepare them to fufil this prophecy in revelations.
This is a small portion of the ancient mysteries locked into Revelation.
Also,Jesus said in Luke 16:23, about the rich guy who died and went to hell, but he saw Lazarus sitting in the arms of father Abraham and recognized him. So, I came to the conclusion that we will recognize our relatives. I hope this will help you to come to a conclusion. God Bless You
Men will seek to die: look at the machinery that they are able to attach to the body. With the use of machines and electronics:
1. Now they can help the humans and other creatures to see.
2. They can give hearing to those who have no hearing.
3. They can replace the arms and legs with bionics.
4. They have nanotechnology.
5. They are able to take plants and manipulate the DNA and when the plant is mature in full leaf if you desire, words will appear on the leaves.
6. Those of the eugenicists crowd the so-called “new world order” one world government, they intend to use the electronics to keep themselves running forever, or so they think. Like the Frankenstein monster, they desire to become a cyborg.
Like the door on the ark, as we approach the final hours of Satan's world. There is still time for those humans to reflect, and look through the lens of the time continuum of government in human hands. Since the time Adam and Eve left the garden, and the millennium long passing, has proven their so-called new world order, to be nothing more than the same old rubbish that has been on this planet since Adam and Eve left the garden.