Discuss Revelation 9 Page 9

  • Insight 777 on Revelation 9 - 12 years ago
    I think the key to the bottomless pit is a nuclear missile. The mushroom cloud darkens the sun. The locusts are warplanes = the F-22. Horses being symbolic for something ridden into battle. Teeth are symbolic for missiles that destroy. The fighter jet F-22 dome or "head" is infused with real gold and is gold color in photos. The faces are the pilots that are commanded to respond to the attack. They are to hit military machines or buildings only and not bomb the countryside or because nuclear was used against them, then they are to use nuclear missiles also. The hair as women could be describing the wires and tubes coming from the pilot breathing mask/helmet. The F-22 has a small stinger like portion in the back design of the plane or the stingers could be the fire from the jets. The four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates are the military air forces of Syria, Turkey, Iraq and Iran. They are bound because they all share the banks of the Euphrates River and they are bound because they are united in a common goal which is war.
  • Garyloyd on Revelation 9 - 12 years ago
    The locusts are preachers. Strong prepared men to preach you to antichrist, their king. They have fake crowns of gold and they look like men because they are men, super natural men, but men with soft long hair like a woman because they speak like sissy preachers that beg for money on t.v. and act so kind and loving but here instead of stealing your money. They have teeth that will rip your soul away and cause you to have spiritual death. The breastplates are the same as the Israel priest wore in the old days with the 12 stones for the 12 tribes. They ride in some pretty powerful vehicles and you'll see them coming. The scorpions when it stings has meaning of how a scorpion is, it has no digestive system, no stomach, it locks on to it's victim and shoots fluids into the prey it's going to eat turning the victims backbone to mush. In other words the victim in this case is in love with these super preachers and believe their lies being sucked into following antichrist. Not only the locust preachers that come with Satan but are earthly preachers follow them and the whole bunch start gathering people for death. It tells you a few times in this chapter how long it will be, a total of 5 months is the time period. It also gives Satan’s name in Greek and Hebrew so there is no mistake. Just remember when you read the book of Revelation that most of the death up to the last 10 minutes is spiritual death by following a false god. Oh! He will look real as Christ and have power as if he were a god but is not our God. When our Christ returns with His power the war will last 10 minutes and Satan's head will be crushed a long all them that did not wait for the true Christ. When you see this one show up for his 2 and a half months of playing god, don't buy or sale and wait for the true Christ. The time has changed but the deeds and program are the same.
  • Thomas Buercklin on Revelation 9:20 - 12 years ago
    Were the men which the four angels loosed by the sixth angel killed?
  • Mike on Revelation 9:6 - 12 years ago
    Thank God Christ died for our sins, delivering is from the day of his wrath. We can't die for sins that have been already died for.
  • Garyloyd on 1 Thessalonians 2 - 12 years ago
    13. Not just us, but you! When you except it and know it. It is an invite. When you receive the blessings of others. 14. Christ Jesus is Anointed/God`s Saviour. The word "Jews" at the end is Resident, kenites mixed in with the Jews. Its not always speaking of Jews but the people that had mixed in and the "they" crucified Christ at that time. ( John 8:44…will give you an idea of who they are. Study the scriptures and it will lead you back to Genesis 3: 15 the serpents seed. Revelation 2:8 and 3:7 the two churches Jesus loved is the ones teaching the key of David about them,"they" the jews that say they are jews but are not. # 7017 kenites sons of Cain. They mixed in 1Chron. 2:55. Also God`s 10 enemies are listed in Genesis 15:19,20,21. So we learn that 2 of every flesh made it through the flood, 2 kenites. It got so bad that the Nethinims, given to service, wood cutters and water haulers for the priest that in the book of Ezra 8:15 there was "none" nope, not one priest but a bunch of kenites playing preacher. But they started watching it and Jeremiah watched the bunch of vipers and even then they had mixed in with the Jews and finely did what scriptures states in 3:15. But Christ will return and He will crush Satans head for sitting where he ought not playing instead of Christ. Just keep Christ in your mind as written in 1 Corinthians 11:10 because Satan and his bunch of vipers are coming as 2 Corinthians 11:13,14 and that transformed is #3345 disquise. Satan as instead of Jesus and satans vipers as priest with iron breastplates, meaning priest breastplates on acting as angels of light but are not spoken of in Revelation 9:9 also hair like woman means soft spoken. Yup! Super preachers and they will take your family members to death who is the son of perdition who is death. But they know the truth and don't want to go. We find antichrist an abomination. So for 2 and a half months while satan is here there is no buying or selling and we don't bow down to no fake god we wait for our True King and husband Our LORD Christ Jesus.
  • Jacque on Revelation 9 - 12 years ago
    If you want answers .. Look for a book called "Preach It" by Mark Baughman.

    7.And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men.

    8 And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions.

    9 And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle.
    The "locusts like unto horses" vs 7 . were airplanes and the "hair like the hair of women" vs 8 is the jet streams left from the passing of jet planes. The "stings in there tails" vs 10. were bombs from airplanes that will bring fire,bombs of poisons, and bombs to bring explosions, this will last for 5 months .. this is from Mark Baughmans book called "Preach It" .. order it !! It has Doctrinal Sermons - Evangelistic Sermons And Prophecy Sermons. This will open anyone up to the Truth and whats to come. We are in the ~end times~ I believe that ! And so should you .. So Get this book and follow after it .. you will find out how to receive salvation, and that's though Acts 2:38 .. Let me add Ephesians 4:5 One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism.
  • Susan Dalton on Revelation 9:7 - 13 years ago
    "And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men." ( Revelation 9:7)

    These locusts come out of the bottomless pit. Other places in Revelation the lake of fire is described as "a lake of fire burning with brimstone." Brimstone being another word for sulphur.

    The bottomless pit is described in Revelation 9:2, "And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit."

    Later we see these locusts "and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold..." I found something interesting. I'm not saying anything more than I found it interesting. When the bottomless pit is opened smoke arose out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace, and these locusts came out of this smoke. They have "as it were crowns like gold on their head."

    Look up "sulphur" and look at the structure of the cyclcooctasulfur molecule.

    I just found that to be very interesting.
  • Dann rivera on Revelation 9 - 13 years ago
    Revelation 9:7-10 "And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men. And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions. And they had breast plates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle. And they hd tails like unto scorpions, and their were stings in their tails; and their power was to hurt men five months."

    Alien Invasion is part of the 2012 Mayan Calendar End of the World HOAX. The world had been and continue being conditioned (Predictive Programming) of an alien invassion. Again using their voodoo science - HAARP, CHEMTRAILS, HOLOGRAPHY & SATELLITES - "THEY" will try to DECEIVE the world so that if it were possible even the elect might be deceived.

  • Itsme Thistime on Revelation 9 - 13 years ago
    GaryLoyd I think that's a very intereting theory considering how excited people got just a few days ago when they found "earths sister planet" (kepler 22b) your theory would eplain the means in which all the "fly away" believers would think they're going to be flown away and to me kepler 22b is at least an example of the "new earth" they may believe they're flying off to. Again these are theories and simply interesting and something to think about. Either way God's elect are watchman so watch, watchman, watch!!! :D
  • Garyloyd on Revelation 9 - 13 years ago
    This is all spiritual death. Example. Mother,brother,father,sister, all leading their loved ones to death. Who is death, the son of perditon,who has been sentence to death satan. Ezekiel 28 about vs. 19 I think. Burn from with to out, satan is the only one already a dead man walking. The Scorpian sting turns the victims backbone to mush. The locust army are priest and they will be blowing smoke and lies with Iron breastplates, long hair soft speaking super preachers. Tare your soul away with their lion teeth. Its 5 months of hell. First half satans spirit will be controlling things and the last half of the hour of temptation supernatual with him and his bunch. There are 4 stages of a locust and they are setting things up for their antichrist. I believe when satan heals one of his heads deadly wound and the world thinks god is with them, and this is just my thinking this last statement from here, ships might just show up with his bunch like the ones we read about in Ezekiel chapter one. All the space freaks that love space travel will sale their soul for a ride with antichrist. Just a thought?
  • Itsme Thistime on Revelation 9 - 13 years ago
    Nicholas, Christ comes at the 7th trump, the anit-christ ("instead of"-christ) comes at the 6th trump, claiming and appearing (to those unlearned) to be Christ. 6 comes before 7.
  • Rose trevino on Revelation 9:9 - 13 years ago
    when my son was murder back in 2009, i saw this vision before with Jesus riding a white horse and behind him was an army of 10000.0 of men, I saw my son face and in my heart was told that they were getting ready for war with satan and his dark angels.
  • Susan Dalton on Isaiah 24:5 - 13 years ago
    "The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant." ( Isaiah 24:5) What is the outcome of going against God's way? When we transgress His laws, we move ourselves away from His judgments, thus, we move ourselves away from Him. Devils seek to get man to transgress. Their goal is to traduce man, to lead man across. If God is "A" and Satan is "B", his goal is to lead you from "A to B". Mans transgression began in the Garden of Eden. Satan's trangression began before that, when he transgressed against and away from God. Transgression can be willful or it can be from ignorance. Man can repent from his transgressions and receive forgiveness. A further progression from transgression can be seen in "changed the ordinance..." Man can transgress God's laws, and he can seek to change the ordinances of God. If man does not repent from his transgression, he establishes his own ordinance, his own way. This can be seen in individuals and in groups of peoples. (churches, nations, etc.) I think of Revelation 9:20-21, when it says, "And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the work of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk: Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornications, nor of their thefts." They have neither repented of the original transgression wherewith every human person is born with a nature transgressed away from God. Neither have they repented from the transgresssions they now commit. If man continues against God's covenant, he will end in ruin. When we transgress against God, and change His ordinances, and break, or despise His covenant, the end of that way is desolation; that is why we can see two ways - the ways of Life and of Death. We can also see the image of God (Jesus Christ) and His kingdom, and the false image of Satan and his kingdom. Satan is a traducer, Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer!!! He is our way back to God the Father.
  • Nicholas nelson on Revelation 9:6 - 13 years ago
    tell me about this thing.did Jesus come before the 666 come or 666 before Jesus
  • Scott on Revelation 9 - 14 years ago
    this is Satan's answer to revelation 7. There God chooses His group for the final Battle of Armageddon, here God allows Satan to gather his army together. They are 2 groups of demons. The first will possess and torment mankind and the other, many will willingly join with the demons and kill a large amount of their fellow men.
  • Scott S. on Revelation 9 - 14 years ago
    I absolutely believe this is a revelation of future events. Never before has any country ever been large enough to field a 200 million man army. However, China is more than big enough to do that now with approx 1.5 billion people.

    And the number of the army of the horsemen [were] two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them.

    Do the math. 200,000 x 1,000 = 200 million. :)

    Ohh we live in such exciting times!

    Don't worry, be happy. In the end, we win!
  • Maynard on RevelatiON 9 - 14 years ago
    The funny part was at the end where it says "Help share God's Word with others..."

    Oh and to Sue:

    "20 And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk:

    21 Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts."

    Sound familiar?
  • Garyloyd newman on Revelation 9 - 14 years ago
    Star here as angel, verification 7 stars over 7 churches were also Angels but this one is bad and he is coming de-facto. This is also a simulation presented,or wjats about to take place, to us to have a look of what it will be like when the anti-christ is on earth. The false christ or instead of Christ as its translated will get here on the 6th trump,6th seal,6th vial. This actually reads in the Greek "and a star which has fallen" he is one of the fallen angels. A past tents written as in had fallen. Anyway he comes as an actor playing like he is Christ and says he is god and puttin on a big show being every bodies, he is acting like Jesus peaceful friend and flattery he gets the world to chase after him. In the Book of Daniel 11:21 the vile person. He obtains the kindom with flatteries and as you go on he has a strong people(kenites) 24. Says peaceably and read on thhe ships of Chittim(Elect). You will read they waver a little but God helps the elect a little but Gods little is alot! The daily sacrifice is taken away and that is spoken also in 9:27 oblation, communion, why? Because they think he is Jesus. Not! We don't stop, this is not Our Rock, Our Christ returns with a rod of iron. Our love for our Lord is waiting for the true Christ to return. When the Holy Spirit speaks thru the elect many will turn away but there will be some that still cleave to antichrist and his flatteries. Its been shorten to 5 months from 7 years,for the elect sake. The key that he obtains supplies him with the visual aids. And he comes blowing smokes and lies. He will be imitating the return of the true Messiah as much as he is able to. Always remember satan knows the scriptures, he twist them for his own reasons. Makes it sound so very nice but its never right when he says them. In the desert he twisted the scriptures. The devil tryed to temp the WORD of God. The devil is not to smart. But anyway, he will be creating an illusion that darkens, to make his countenance appear brighter.them that have not the seal in their minds the scorpions will make mush of their backbones and they will believe the lies. These locust are a bunch of priest/preachers. Like horses they have power. Crowns are fake gold, faces like men because they are men, hair like woman because their so soft spoken and sweet acting. Bring your loved ones to bow down to jesus he will save you. Yeah right into hell! This one antichrist is death, the son of perdition whichj is death. Don't turn your brother,sister,mother,father, over to death. Teeth as lions because they will tare your soul away if you believe their lies. Then it says 5 months and satans name in hebrew and Greek, the destroyer.2 and a half months he sets up his system with 10 kings of the flesh. Then he comes with his supernatural kings for 2 and a half months. Don't be deceived. Trust God and He will be with you. G
  • Daniel on Revelation 9:12 - 14 years ago
    The first Woe! This is the first world world in 1914-1918! The second Woe is the second world war in 1941-1945! The third woe is the third world war which will take place in the near future.

    We are 96 years away from WW1 and 69 years away from WW2. 9669 what a number!

    The time period between WW1 and WW2 is 27 years!
    Will the WW2 and WW3 be 72 years?

    27 = 3x9
    72 = 6x12

    WW3 will be on 2013?
  • Garyloyd newman on 2 Thessalonians 2 - 14 years ago
    Let no man deceive you. Jesus told us don't follow no one. Anti-christ means instead of jesus. Daniel tells us in chapter 10,11, Of his book that satan comes in peace speaking flatteries. Looks just like the lamb but speaks as the dragon. When you see the great Apostascy, a falling away, people leaving there Religions and chasing after antichrist who looks just like Our Christ,then you`ll know. Its a 5 month period. Shorten for the elect. Revelation 9. Satan comes in peace to deceive the world.the time was shorten. The seals and the program remains. God said in Ezekiel 13 of the K.J.V. He`s against them that teach His children to fly away to save their souls. Don't read the N.I.V. it missleads God`s plan, birds was replaced. 1st seal, satan comes with a fake crown and a poison bow. His sword is his lies to deceive. How else could he get the world to follow him. What is the opposit of war,its peace. Wars and rumours of wars don't be toubled. Peace is when you worry. Matthew 24: 4 first seal,first warning, let no man deceive you. 5. Yea, a lot of bad Bible teachers but satan brings a pit full of locust priest, Revelation 9:7 horses is power, with fake crowns,faces of men because they are, hair like a woman, so soft spoken and sweet, come to jesus and turn over them to the son of perdition[ death ] our little rock. Their teeth of lions to tare your soul away.9:9 breastplates of iron. Not our Breastplates our Priest wear with the 12 stones that are our tribes as worn in the old days. The sound of their chariots, check Ezekiel chapter one that may be the transportation they use to get here in. The dead that you read of in Revelation is the spirituall death. Smoke,fire,brimstone, Lies! When you read 666 its in your brain, read the IN! And on the hand, is nursing the system along wkth buying and sellin. Luke 23:29 Blessed are the barren, Cause we are not going to be deceived, the wombs that never bare and paps which never gave suck. Don't whore after the first one that comes as a lamb this time and wants you to fly away with him. Our Lord returns as a Lion,not a Lamb. When the money changes and the one world system is in place because that man of sin shows up and heals that deadly wound and the rest of the world whores after him, turn away. Pray to God above for direction. He loves you, we are His children.
  • Joe on Revelation 9 - 14 years ago
    the tribulation has already occured. It took place during the dark ages, read into it:)
  • Sue sayer on Revelation 9 - 15 years ago
    this refers to the future, not the past. This tribulation is yet to come....perhaps in 2 years or less.

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