Discuss Romans 13 Page 10

  • LIONEL SNYMAN on Romans 13 - 10 years ago
    I AGREE WITH BILL...this is a spiritual commandment to our soul its not about civil governments should we obey hitler stalin mao of course other translation make this sound like civil government but the time is coming when true Christians can 't obey the government.......How can you accept the corruption and and atheists of the ANC Gov in RSA. Actually supported and assisted as Terrorists by other governments in previous years.
  • Ovidio on Romans 13 - 10 years ago
    I agree with Bill above "this is a spiritual commandment to our soul its not about civil government ". ... Let Every Soul... does not mean to speak about "Every Man ". There has been a serious and criminal interpretation of this chapter, indeed. What it is refering to is that our Soul is subject to the authority of our "tutilary spirit " see the philosopher Plotinus to expand on this who in turn answers only to God and who has been commissioned by God to instruct us and watch over us to safeguard us from Evil and its corrupting powers and keep us from morally and spiritually faltering.
  • Rita on Romans 13 - 10 years ago
    Romans 13 vs 1 let every principalities and power be subject to the jehova God.
  • Pedro E. idialu on Romans 13:4 - 10 years ago
    I want know more about God
  • Bill on Romans 13 - 10 years ago
    this is a spiritual commandment to our soul its not about civil governments should we obey hitler stalin mao of course other translation make this sound like civil government but the time is coming when true Christians can 't obey the government.
  • Mark on Romans 13 - 10 years ago
    When we were asleep The time is nearer than when we believed When you are awake you don t believe because you are awake
  • James mbuthia on Romans 13 - 10 years ago
    Roman 13 encourages us to be the right trend and this is by adhering to the authority above us for its God oriented Also we ought to be obedient to the commandments of God by doing what it says bearing in mind that the time is far spent you ought to be righteous by wearing Christ and discarding what is unworthy to your life sharom
  • Roger on Romans 13 - 11 years ago
    My first encounter with this verse was as I was boarding a jail bus after court and a baliff guarding noticed my bible and told me "each of us has a place in there and his was Roman's 13" To look at him you never would have guessed him to be as source of bible knowledge but as Jesus told Peter, he would get the rocks to preach to him.
    This verse caused me to hold church services twice-a-month for over a year during my last prison term.Prayerfully my last.
  • Thy word is truth on Mark 16 - 11 years ago
    I would like to remind the adventist that no one knew to keep the Sabbath until EXODUS chapter 20. And madest known unto them thy holy sabbath, and commandedst them precepts, statutes, and laws, by the hand of Moses thy servant: ( Neh 9:14) Also see the N.T. for further instruction. Ye observe days, and month, and times, and years. I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain. ( Gal 4:10-11). Let no man thereford judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: ( Col 2:16). Read Romans 13:9 and see that during the Church age of grace, the Sabbath is left out of the commandments. Hope this helps. ( 1 Cor 14:28) :)
  • Vanessa on Romans 13:1 - 11 years ago
    Everyone needs be subject to the ones that have rule over you. It can be your parents, teachers, ministers or whomever that have authority over you. All authority come from God. Some people are place in our lives to make us come higher in God. Be obedient to God and the ones that have rule over you so one day you will wear that crown.
  • Phyllis on Romans 13:1 - 11 years ago
    If taken as a commandment, this passage would condemn the American War for Independence against Great Britain. Our founding fathers would have been in disobedience to God. In the context of the time, the early Church had to be wise in their dealings with hostile governments in order to survive. The only authority that the Church is subject to is the Bible.
  • Rob on Romans 13:1 - 11 years ago
    I think AA and other religions misuse the term and that it is from the New Age religion which I don't and won't endorse. To me this is blasemphy!
  • Janet Allen-Collins on Romans 13:12 - 11 years ago
    It is a good lesson reminding to be on out watch and I find it very iinteresting
  • Ambassador T. BRIKINS on Romans 13:6 - 11 years ago
    Since all power and authority belongs to God, it follows that government is held in trust for God. Therefore, the ultimate preoccupation of any government should be to be off service to the people from the perspective of God not party perspective
  • Brant on Romans 13:1 - 11 years ago
    When God's rule is rejected, as it first was civilly in the First Book of Samuel, then we are subject to the rule of men. That is when each of us refuse to live the way we know we should,in love and in peace, in God's grace. To love the Lord our God with all of our heart, all of our soul,all of our strength,and all of our mind. And to love our neighbor as our self. We relinquish our freedoms to the degree we relinquish our responsibility to obey this command. We are warned in the eight chapter of First Samuel of the consequences of human rule and the eleventh chapter of Zechariah of the what was to come. As Israel rejected God for a human King,as the Jews rejected Christ as Savior, so we lose are freedom by rejecting the Word of God. It is by this that man is subjected to the powers that be, it is his own doing.
  • Coca Money on Romans 13 - 11 years ago
    Magnus...you are correct. Clint please reread this chapter.

    1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
    4 For he ("ruler" as stated in verse 3) is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.
    6 For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing.
    8 Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.
    14 But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.

    It is clearly written that we must pay tribute to the cause of the most high...NOT unto the flesh!

    Nevermore Mazango hit it right on the head...The children of Israel were obliged to subject themselves to the power of Moses, because Moses had been ordained by God. He was their Spiritual leader(ruler). The Spiritual power that be.

    In sharp contrast. There was Pharoah under whose political leadership they fell. The children of Israel were to be freed from Pharoah because he was not ordained by God to rule the children of Israel.
  • Tracy talosig on Romans 13 - 11 years ago
    I learn a lot from the word of God, it helps me to meditate.
  • Mac on Romans 13:1 - 11 years ago
    Trying to compare Pauline position with Rawls’ justice theory position and Kant's categorical imperative. Does the state have a divine mandate of heaven even the immoral ones or does humanity have the responsibility to choose a better way?
  • Owen gwasira on Romans 13:8 - 12 years ago
    I love that verse. It teaches me to be financially independent but spiritually fulfilled.
  • Duncan Bates on Romans 13 - 12 years ago
    Romans 13 needs to be read in context with the rest of the Bible, where God explains what qualifies as a "higher power". For those still stumped, I recommend a book by Pastor Chuck Baldwin titled Romans 13: The True Meaning of Submission.
  • Ladi Dy on Romans 13 - 12 years ago
    I think this is about our government and our laws. The next chapter is about what will happen when these laws are broken; speaking not only of the law breakers, but of the unlawful law-givers.
  • Clint on Romans 13 - 12 years ago
    Magnus, it seems you obviously don’t believe God’s word! He says to us that we are to give respect, honor, taxes, tribute and obedience to the government where we live. Any other evil government, wealthy person or anyone you may have problems with God shall judge and hand down His justice. God isn’t talking about Satan and his demons, because Michael the archangel said ”The Lord rebuke thee Satan”.
  • Magnus on Romans 13 - 12 years ago
    So, are we not allowed to resist injustice and persecution and undemocratic regimes? Are we not allowed to protest about the fact that £13 trillion are stashed away in off-shore tax-free havens by the world's rich and poweful, while the vast majority of the world's peoples are struggling along as best they can. Am I not allowed to detest what Cameron ond Osbourne and CLegg and Co are doing, while they themselves enjoy lives of arrogant ease and comfort with their millions? And Mitt Romney with his billions built on the back of asset-stripping and exploitation? This chapter seems to be telling us to accept the status quo on earth. I will never ever do that.
  • JEFFERY NORRIS on Romans 13:2 - 12 years ago
    it tell the true on ordinance of god .his he calling me to be ordinance to preacher the gospel to the people he have to teacher how to do at .for lord jesus christ.why i begin see bright light from the angel gabriel what do is mean to me lord jesus christ need know answer to.
  • Nevermore Mazongo on Romans 13 - 12 years ago
    The power being talked about in Romans chapter 13 is that power which fears God. The power which has been ordained by God.

    The Spiritual power which fits perfectly well in God's plan for humanity.

    The children of Israel were obliged to subject themselves to the power of Moses, because Moses had been ordained by God. He was their Spiritual leader. The Spiritual power that be.

    In sharp contrast.There was Pharoah under whose political leadership they fell.The children of Israel were to be freed from Pharoah because he was not ordained by God to rule the children of Israel.

    So the chapter refers to Spiritual power and not political power.

    The preacher and the prophet have Spiritual power over their followers.

    The followers should subject themselves to these powers because if they walk in the light they are ordained of God.

    Likewise all children of God must subject themselves to the power of Jesus Christ, because Jesus Christ was ordained of God.

    And all children of God must worship God through Jesus Christ, the Messiah.

    God bless you all and allow you to receive the scriptures. Amen!
  • Nevermore Mazongo on Romans 13 - 12 years ago
    Power ordained of God and The Power of Love.

    All Spiritual Power comes from God.

    The power that is derived through Faith in God.

    Everyone must be subject to these higher powers.

    The powers that be are ordained of God.

    Whosoever resists the power that is ordained of God, resists the ordinance of God.

    Whosoever resists the power that is ordained of God, receives damnation.

    That person is condemned.

    Rulers ordained of God are not a terror to those who do good.

    Those who have Faith in God.

    But they are a terror to those who do evil. Those who do not fear God.

    Why then should one be afraid of the power?

    Do what is good and you will even receive praise from the power.

    The power is a minister of God to you, for you to do what is good.

    But if you do what is evil, then you have cause to be afraid, because his wrath will befall you.

    For he is a minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath on those who do evil.

    You must be subject not only for the sake of escaping wrath but also for the sake of your conscience.

    You should also pay tribute to the powers’ efforts in building your conscience.

    For the powers are ministers of God, attending continuously building your conscience.

    Render therefore to all their dues:

    Tribute to whom tribute is due.

    Custom to whom custom is due.

    Fear to whom fear is due.

    Honour to whom owner is due.

    Do not begrudge anyone, but love one another.

    For he who loves another has fulfilled the law.

    For if you love one another: then,

    Thou shall not commit adultery.

    Thou shall not kill.

    Thou shall not steal.

    Thou shall not bear false witness.

    Thou shall not covet.

    All commandments relating to sins directly against men can be rolled up in the commandment ;

    Love thy neighbour as thou love thyself.

    Love does not work evil against one’s neighbours, therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.

    Now it is high time to wake up from sleep.

    The night is far spent, and the day is at hand.

    Salvation is nearer than we believed and to receive Salvation from God,

    We should cast off all the works of darkness.

    We should put on the armour of light.

    Let us walk honestly, as in the light.

    Let us not walk in rioting and drunkenness.

    Let us not walk in chambering and wantonness.

    Let us not walk in strife and envying.

    We should make no provision for the flesh.

    We should not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.

    We should put our mind to our Lord Jesus Christ.

    We should have total and unconditional Faith in God, through our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, God wants to free us from our sins, so we don’t lose anything by turning to God. We only lose our misery, suffering and enslavement by sin.

    God bless you all. Amen!
  • Reginald Mensah on Romans 13 - 12 years ago
    I have read all the comments and views of people, but then i wish to inform you all that, this scripture was given to me in a dream Romans 13 vrs 11 to 14. I want you to know that, The acts of the sinful nature was my daily bread, i yielded to all forms evil vices , fornicating, orgies, adultery, drunkenness, you name it, But when god loves you, at the appropriate time he speaks to you in a way he wishes and makes sure you receive the message at all cost. when he gave me this message, i told my wife when i woke up in the morning about 7 or 8 years ago, but because i had been captured by the acts of the sinful nature, i did not take critically study the message and what it meant in my daily life.It was only last year when through constant hearing of the message from the Man of GOD which transformed my my life. Read Isaiah 66 vrs 1-3 we have to keep our bodies holy for the holy spirit to come and dwell in it. our bodies must be vessels of the holy spirit.
  • Reginald Mensah on Romans 13 - 12 years ago
  • Cgjames on Romans 13 - 13 years ago
    The king James version is very close to what I believe God would want from all of us insofar as respecting authority when the authority is of good. However the U..S. Gov is using the NewInternational Version which is completely in favor of gov authority . This was used in hurricane Katrina to get into peoples homes by use of the local clergy to obey the gov this is WRONG!! The NIV has been tainted by people of discontent and malice Know what I know , see what I see... Cgjames....the one...
  • Adebuji Oluwasegun on Romans 13 - 13 years ago
    As d bible rightly commands, we must do but then when wot is being commanded does not negate d statutes of God n has a human face. However, we need to pray 4grace to do it coz human beings remains d only animal dat's uncontrollable. God help us.

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