King James Version (KJV)
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This verse caused me to hold church services twice-a-month for over a year during my last prison term.Prayerfully my last.
1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
4 For he ("ruler" as stated in verse 3) is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.
6 For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing.
8 Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.
14 But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.
It is clearly written that we must pay tribute to the cause of the most high...NOT unto the flesh!
Nevermore Mazango hit it right on the head...The children of Israel were obliged to subject themselves to the power of Moses, because Moses had been ordained by God. He was their Spiritual leader(ruler). The Spiritual power that be.
In sharp contrast. There was Pharoah under whose political leadership they fell. The children of Israel were to be freed from Pharoah because he was not ordained by God to rule the children of Israel.
The Spiritual power which fits perfectly well in God's plan for humanity.
The children of Israel were obliged to subject themselves to the power of Moses, because Moses had been ordained by God. He was their Spiritual leader. The Spiritual power that be.
In sharp contrast.There was Pharoah under whose political leadership they fell.The children of Israel were to be freed from Pharoah because he was not ordained by God to rule the children of Israel.
So the chapter refers to Spiritual power and not political power.
The preacher and the prophet have Spiritual power over their followers.
The followers should subject themselves to these powers because if they walk in the light they are ordained of God.
Likewise all children of God must subject themselves to the power of Jesus Christ, because Jesus Christ was ordained of God.
And all children of God must worship God through Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
God bless you all and allow you to receive the scriptures. Amen!
All Spiritual Power comes from God.
The power that is derived through Faith in God.
Everyone must be subject to these higher powers.
The powers that be are ordained of God.
Whosoever resists the power that is ordained of God, resists the ordinance of God.
Whosoever resists the power that is ordained of God, receives damnation.
That person is condemned.
Rulers ordained of God are not a terror to those who do good.
Those who have Faith in God.
But they are a terror to those who do evil. Those who do not fear God.
Why then should one be afraid of the power?
Do what is good and you will even receive praise from the power.
The power is a minister of God to you, for you to do what is good.
But if you do what is evil, then you have cause to be afraid, because his wrath will befall you.
For he is a minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath on those who do evil.
You must be subject not only for the sake of escaping wrath but also for the sake of your conscience.
You should also pay tribute to the powers’ efforts in building your conscience.
For the powers are ministers of God, attending continuously building your conscience.
Render therefore to all their dues:
Tribute to whom tribute is due.
Custom to whom custom is due.
Fear to whom fear is due.
Honour to whom owner is due.
Do not begrudge anyone, but love one another.
For he who loves another has fulfilled the law.
For if you love one another: then,
Thou shall not commit adultery.
Thou shall not kill.
Thou shall not steal.
Thou shall not bear false witness.
Thou shall not covet.
All commandments relating to sins directly against men can be rolled up in the commandment ;
Love thy neighbour as thou love thyself.
Love does not work evil against one’s neighbours, therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.
Now it is high time to wake up from sleep.
The night is far spent, and the day is at hand.
Salvation is nearer than we believed and to receive Salvation from God,
We should cast off all the works of darkness.
We should put on the armour of light.
Let us walk honestly, as in the light.
Let us not walk in rioting and drunkenness.
Let us not walk in chambering and wantonness.
Let us not walk in strife and envying.
We should make no provision for the flesh.
We should not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.
We should put our mind to our Lord Jesus Christ.
We should have total and unconditional Faith in God, through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, God wants to free us from our sins, so we don’t lose anything by turning to God. We only lose our misery, suffering and enslavement by sin.
God bless you all. Amen!