There is only one name we have repentance and remission of our sins, there is only one name we have salvation, there is only one name we have hope in eternal life, only in the name of Jesus we are sanctified, justified. Jesus is the resurrection and the life, Jesus is the true vine, Jesus is the light of the world, we should believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ.
Acts 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
The reason Matthew 28:19 is used for baptism, in my opinion, is for support of the Creeds that many Christian denominations hold for Christian unity (ecumenism).
I tried searching just the word flesh on multiple search engines and the verse does not show up , what are they hiding ? I guess you have to go to a hard copy to get honest answers .
Think about it God says he has no flesh , and he changes not ever . That's something to consider .
It simply means, 'to give' or 'to bestow'. The tribute money (or, tax) had Caesar's image on it which could be concluded that the money was produced by the Roman government & was lawful to be used accordingly, whether for the purposes of trade or for paying one's dues.
I read in the Old Testament God speaking that he had no flesh . Yet I can not find it in word searches it never comes up ? I read it not long ago but I can not remember where .
He said he has no flesh . Or not of flesh , I don't remember the exact wording but the idea was no flesh . Thanks if you can find it for me .
Just to put in my perception of this issue you brought up. If you want to greet people with a new word thinking it is going to do something better feel free. Do you really feel that shows more love to others? Though in my eyes it really does nothing.
Are we not to love in deed and in truth from the heart? Not just from the mouth in where saying "I love you" to someone so much may become empty. It may become just as empty faith. What matters is if you are showing your love to that person in life in deeds/kindness etc. Not just words. Isaiah 29:13, James 2:14-18.
We must come to the realization that the entire English language was put together by "pagan" people. There are many, many, words that may have some meaning to them. Though to us it is just a word in our language.
Truly I would not give so much thought to using the word "hello". As I saw you said people should change their names if it has "hel" in it? How can you stop there? What about the word "help"? A new word for that too? You might as well make a whole new language. If that makes you feel good have fun. Please don't think using certain normal words in a kind way does anything wrong.
Thinking that way would just be going down a rabbit hole with no end. Focus more on the Word of God and doing the will of our Father in Heaven.
Why do you assume no one in the Bible was ever baptized in father, son, holy ghost? I bet most people were. Just because something isn't quoted in the Bible doesn't mean something didn't happen. For instance, the Bible never says Jesus took a bath or used the restroom, but it's not illogical to assume He did, in fact, it would be illogical to assume He didn't.
God tell us not to be conform to the ways of the carnal world!
Just because the people in the world speak a certain way doesn't, make it right!
"Therefore come out from their midst and be separate, says the Lord, and touch nothing unclean, and I will receive you." 2 Corinthians 6:17
Romans 13:8
You give more glory to The Lord, Jesus Christ, when you greet people with "LoveO". God Is LOVE.
Faith worketh by Love." Galatians 5:6
The powerful armor God works by Love. Love never fails!
Ephesians 6:11-17
11. "Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes."
12. "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."
13. "Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand."
14. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place"
15. "And with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the Gospel of Peace."
16. "In addition to all this, take up the Shield of Faith, with this you are able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one."
17. "Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is The Word of God.
Oh yes, Go first to the Holy Spirit and the Scripture ..... the Mind of the Spirit no rust our God is a consuming FIRE I also like Charles Capps. Thank you Mishael, I appreciate all that you share.
I will write to you a little later. One preacher who speaks well on the Authority of Jesus is Charles Capps, can be viewed on YouTube. I still watch them.
Blessings on you. Ask the Holy Spirit to anoint you and teach you.
To clarify, I am saying, you can use the word hell anytime you want, but that it is spiritually much better for people to greet other people with, LoveO, instead of HellO!
Subconsciously and spirituality over time it is better for both the sinners and the saints!!
I certainly do like people saying to me "LoveO",
Reminding me that I owe love to people.
If for the pass 200+ years, the sinners and the saints were greeting each other with "LoveO", instead of HellO, there would be a lot less 'hell' in the world today!
Also, if someone's name is Hellen, or some other word that has some negative overtones to it, then they can change their name to something more positive, if they want to! God changes peoples names all the time!!
Look at Abram!
God changed Abram's name to Abraham, and then God changed Abraham's wife's name from "Sarai," meaning "my princess," to "Sarah," meaning "mother of nations". Genesis 17:5 and Genesis 17:15
God changes names of people for spiritual reasons all the time!
God The Father even gives Christ a "new name", and this is for "spiritual" reasons first.
Revelation 3:12
"He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he will not go out from it anymore; and I will write on him the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God, and My new name."
II Cor:3-6 "Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life."
Considering how people speak to each other these days, I find this discussion on the word 'hello' a bit tedious.
Give NO PLACE to the devil.
In Texas we say Hi, Hey, Howdy, Hola, Nice to see you, Long time no see, Dude, Dudette, and numerous others.
I was saved out of the Occult. Satan loves for people to give him any kind of credence or glory. Isaiah 14:11 says that Satan is wormy. I saw a vision of hell. You don't want to see that! It's the definition of Terror; it is eternity of Waiting for the final Judgment and being cast into HELL.
Keep your eyes on Jesus and don't give "place" to Satan. If you think Halloween is a national holiday, you are deceived. If you have that stuff stored in your garage.. it's an open door for demons to make themselves at home.
If you're a Christian and you don't read your Bible; don't have a working knowledge of scripture, or are unable to memorize any scripture: demons can just walk into your house and torment you at your weakest points of entry.
Furnish YOU (your house) with deep layers of scripture. Ephesians 6. That's your SWORD!!
It's 2 edged. It cuts up the devils going in and coming out. It dispatches them to outer darkness IF you speak it? Believe me, "go on and quit picking on me", isn't going to get the demons out of your life.
Tearing apart a word like hello is not useful. Try ripping the head off a demon with a well placed "IT IS WRITTEN" (add a scripture).
They should run for the hills every time the feet of a child of God hits the floor each morning.
We have Jesus's AUTHORITY and Power to make them leave. Learn spiritual warfare. Parents Protect your kids.
That dusty Bible is the Sword of the Spirit. It's more lethal than any weapon available. To you gamers...spiritual warfare is the Real game of Thrones. Don't be deceived.
Has anyone ever done a Word study on the names of satan? Liar, Deceiver, Murderer, Adversary, Accuser, Serpent. Wicked One, Tempter, Afflictor
I agree that the words we choose have ramifications and have meaning.
However, I disagree that hell has anything to do with someone greeting another. I think this only gives credit and a sense of power to satan. Just because a word in a language has a few shared characters of a word that is negative, that doesn't mean any of the negativity rubs off on the other word. Otherwise, if your mom's name was Hellen or Helena, for example, would you disown or say bad things about her? I don't think that's loving one bit. There's names in the Bible that have those characters, but it doesn't mean anything bad about the person, like Ezra 10:35 has one: Chelluh.
A word being 'bad' also has much to do with the context and intent behind it. For example "Jesus" can be used as an uplifting name to be praised, or used as a curse word. Jesus said the word hell several times, are you suggesting that Jesus was wrong to say that word? He used it positively so that people can avoid hell. Matthew 10:28
You used the word hell too in your comment, so do you feel remorse from this? I see zero spiritual connection and disagree. Satan should not be given any more latitude than he already has. He doesn't own my words and I won't allow evil to take over exclusive use of our positive words. God bless.
If you want to use the Bible as proof of His existence, then there is a whole lot of evidence. The Jews, even to this day will tell you that He existed and that He was crucified. Since none of us who are alive today were there to actually witness Jesus when He was here in person, we simply have to go by faith. In fact, the word faith (PEITHO) literally means persuasion. A person believes that Jesus is real because they are fully persuaded (Faith) in their mind that He did, (and does) exist. Having faith (PEITHO/Persuasion) requires no evidence or proof of existence. A believer does not need evidence or proof. A believer lives by faith.
It would be the same as asking if George Washington ever existed. None of us were there at that time either, so how do we know?
Hello Dot, Paul tries to tell us that we remain in need so that grace may abound, we do not want to sin, but we must remember that we came to Jesus as a beggar by the gate with open sores on our face that dogs would lick and He accepted us. How can we not remember others at any cost now that we are rich in Christ Jesus?
Dot , when we help some one in need we are not only helping them ,we are also helping our selves and showing some one who is a potential Christian the love of God towards them . I personally would never give cash to some one if i knew they were a drug addict ,anything else yes ,food clothing etc but not cash but thats just me . We receive everything and are entitled to nothing ,nothing belongs to us ,we dont belong to this world and this world doesnt belong to us ,we are waiting for the world to come ,in which no one will have more or less than they need ,just like the manna in the wilderness ,every one had enough .
Every Day with The Holy Spirit on Romans 13 - 3 years ago
Romans 8:34
Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the RIGHT HAND OF GOD, who also maketh intercession for us.
Romans 8:27
And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he (Jesus) makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.
He is in heaven where the above scriptures say what He is doing. When this age closes, the Father will tell the Bridegroom to go get His Bride.
The Holy Spirit is on earth now performing His ministry. Jesus went to the Cross to give believers the Holy Spirit who indwells each believer with the spirit of Christ.
He comforts, teaches, baptizes, speaks, strives with sinners, creates, renews, convicts, anoints, guides, empowers, sanctifies, gives gifts, illuminates, reveals truth of God, and much more.
After the "caught up in the clouds", of the Church, His ministry will be diminished.
I would say I have a close relationship with Him. I pray, talk with, worship Jesus, read huge chunks of the Bible daily, sit still until He teaches me what I just read; He sharpens my spiritual discernment, corrects me often. I cannot express the inner JOY it is, to covet being in His presence. He speaks to me at home, in the car, taking a walk. He gives words of knowledge and words of wisdom; verses to go look up.
If you are daily crucifying your flesh so you may walk in the spirit, you too will experience this joy. I like to get in my closet, sit under the clothes and practice intense listening.
Get to know Him! He's a real Person who happens to be invisible to our eyes; but visible in the spirit; to hearts and to our spirit inside, ears. The Bible says God is a consuming fire. The fire of His love for us burns steady. How is yours?
Turn off the noise of the world for a little while, and get to know the ways of the Holy Spirit.
If I might add some more, Romans Chapter 13 gives us the institution of government, the doctrine of submission, and then what our participation should be. Romans 13:1 says, Let every soul be subject, or submitted unto the higher powers. That's a command. Be in submission to the higher powers, or authorities in government especially. It goes on to say, for there is no authority but of God: and the authority that be are ordained by God.
God originated authority. He originated organization in the sense of an orderly leadership and relationship amongst people. Being in submission means to be in an orderly arrangement, or to be lined up. In the New Testament, when it teaches on submission, it means to line up in an orderly arrangement, and Christ is the head with whom everybody lines up. Everybody is called to be in submission to Christ.
But being in submission whether to the government or anyone else does not mean to do everything that we are told to do. According to the bible, any time someone approaches us to do something that is a sin or illegal, the answer is no! That's not disobedience.
A good example would be in Acts 5:29 when the leadership came to the disciples and said "You cannot preach anymore in this man's name." They even locked them up. But an angel came and let them out and they went back into the temple and started preaching again. So they came and rounded them up again and they said "Didn't we tell you that you couldn't preach in this man's name?" Then Peter and the other apostles said, "We ought to obey God rather than men."
That doesn't sound too submissive to me but it is because they were in perfect submission to God. So we always have to line up with Christ. We do not submit to our government when they are not being lined up with the things of the Lord.
Just a question, if we continue to help those that are so call in need, are we hindering them to call upon the Lord in times of trouble, in times of need? At what point do we stop helping them out of the pit they have dug for themselves (not all) so they can call upon Him instead of man? When they choose not to even pray for help.
Hello, I think you're talking about Romans 13:1-2.
In your comment you said God "appointed" them, but that's not what this says. It says the powers are ordained. God allows power and also allows power to collapse. Plenty of civilizations have thrived and collapsed. God allows things but is ultimately in control. For example, He allowed the world to be wicked and evil up to a point where he wiped it out with a flood, Sodom and Gomorrah He tolerated up to a point then destroyed the city. Fall of Rome. Maybe the fall of the United States will be added to the list. God can discipline too and let people self-destruct. The souls of the aborted babies cry out to God and He hears them. Ultimately no sin will go unpunished. Everyone will account for their actions before Him and He will judge fairly. Ultimately the souls of the innocent babies will be in paradise. Hitler will obviously be judged fairly by God and there's no question in my mind where he's going.
Sarah, may the Spirit grace us with HIS wisdom and HIS understanding.
Ecclesiastes 3:11 He hath made everything beautiful in his time: also he has set the world in their heart, that no man can find out the WORK THAT GOD MAKETH from the beginning to the end.
Isaiah 28:21 .....that he may do HIS WORK, his strange work; and bring to pass his act, his strange act.
The tree of (the) knowledge of GOOD and EVIL. One tree, two fruits within themselves. You can't eat one without eating the other.
Children are born without knowledge; the FATHER tells them DO NOT touch the stove, it's hot. HOW CAN THEY BELIEVE, they don't know what hot is. So the FATHER has to teach knowledge through the experience of extremes found in the world. GOOD AND EVIL; but also HOPE.
Romans 8:20 For the creature (creation) was made SUBJECT TO VANITY, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in HOPE.
In God's strange act he is choosing a FEW to become Sons of God; that they with him will deliver the rest of creation from corruption.
Romans 8:19 For the earnest EXPECTATION of the creature waiteth for the MANIFESTATION of the SONS OF GOD.
Romans 8:21 Because the creature itself shall ALSO BE DELIVERED from the bondage of corruption (death) into the glorious liberty of the children of God.
I'm sorry to hear reading that made you cry. For just a short reply. I don't believe "God appointed Hitler" nor any other evil person in history. Satan is real and is the evil force in this world against God and Christ.
Though nothing can happen unless God allows it. We can not even try to comprehend His wisdom and thoughts. Everything happens for a reason weather good or bad. Why we must put our full trust in Him surpassing our own understanding of things that happen.
Also as we are told to test the spirits as in 1 John 4. Read the whole chapter. The Lord told us a tree is known by it's fruit. Matthew 7:15-20. If the rulers are of evil things and are producing ungodly, corrupt, fruit you know they are not with the Lord. Yet hopefully as we must pray without ceasing with a pure heart.
Hello Sarah, Only Jesus that came to the world was true and faithful, but God honors order and order supports the poor which will aways be.
John 15:19
If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
John 3:17
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
I know of a minister that was convicted of sin and turned his life in repentance to Jesus as he was jumping on a bed with his younger brothers and sisters upstairs in an old house. From below his mother called to the children while she labored to stop jumping on the bed. Well of course it was too much fun and they continued. At least one more warning came from below went unheeded. Finally the mother started up the stairs and this boy heard her coming and quickly got off the bed and sat in a nearby chair when she arrived while the others were jumping still. All on the bed were punished. Time continued for a while until this boy felt the call of God and God called him to repentance in this disobedience and hidden deceit. He answered that call!
We should obey those that have rule over us as it allows us to live as the quiet of the land as Christian witnesses to the Truth's of God.
As you can see this boy did not have any association with abortion, but his testimony would be if he had not repented, he was destined to hell.
It should be a comfort that any innocent soul lost by somebody's else sin is saved by the blood of Jesus at Calvary. In the time of persecution girls as young as 12 were buried alive vertically given many chances to recant infant baptism instead of counting their born again experience as their drawing to their glory in the Cross.
There is only one name we have repentance and remission of our sins, there is only one name we have salvation, there is only one name we have hope in eternal life, only in the name of Jesus we are sanctified, justified. Jesus is the resurrection and the life, Jesus is the true vine, Jesus is the light of the world, we should believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ.
Acts 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
The reason Matthew 28:19 is used for baptism, in my opinion, is for support of the Creeds that many Christian denominations hold for Christian unity (ecumenism).
God bless, Ron
Think about it God says he has no flesh , and he changes not ever . That's something to consider .
He said he has no flesh . Or not of flesh , I don't remember the exact wording but the idea was no flesh . Thanks if you can find it for me .
You are so right. God is Love. By being loving and being kind to others, we represent Jesus the best way possible.
The visible world is where we stand and love others, inside of.
The invisible world must be discerned. We need to be alert. Good, evil; angels and demonic are all in the same landscape.
Jesus said he has overcome the world. We are overcomers through His life. And we are wise children, mild as doves; just like Our Savior is.
Peace be upon us. Mishael.
Blessed Mother's Day upon everyone who nurtures a child in their life.
Just to put in my perception of this issue you brought up. If you want to greet people with a new word thinking it is going to do something better feel free. Do you really feel that shows more love to others? Though in my eyes it really does nothing.
Are we not to love in deed and in truth from the heart? Not just from the mouth in where saying "I love you" to someone so much may become empty. It may become just as empty faith. What matters is if you are showing your love to that person in life in deeds/kindness etc. Not just words. Isaiah 29:13, James 2:14-18.
We must come to the realization that the entire English language was put together by "pagan" people. There are many, many, words that may have some meaning to them. Though to us it is just a word in our language.
Truly I would not give so much thought to using the word "hello". As I saw you said people should change their names if it has "hel" in it? How can you stop there? What about the word "help"? A new word for that too? You might as well make a whole new language. If that makes you feel good have fun. Please don't think using certain normal words in a kind way does anything wrong.
Thinking that way would just be going down a rabbit hole with no end. Focus more on the Word of God and doing the will of our Father in Heaven.
Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life!
God Bless you Sam.
Thanks for your comments!
God tell us not to be conform to the ways of the carnal world!
Just because the people in the world speak a certain way doesn't, make it right!
"Therefore come out from their midst and be separate, says the Lord, and touch nothing unclean, and I will receive you." 2 Corinthians 6:17
Romans 13:8
You give more glory to The Lord, Jesus Christ, when you greet people with "LoveO". God Is LOVE.
Faith worketh by Love." Galatians 5:6
The powerful armor God works by Love. Love never fails!
Ephesians 6:11-17
11. "Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes."
12. "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."
13. "Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand."
14. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place"
15. "And with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the Gospel of Peace."
16. "In addition to all this, take up the Shield of Faith, with this you are able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one."
17. "Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is The Word of God.
Blessings on you. Ask the Holy Spirit to anoint you and teach you.
To clarify, I am saying, you can use the word hell anytime you want, but that it is spiritually much better for people to greet other people with, LoveO, instead of HellO!
Subconsciously and spirituality over time it is better for both the sinners and the saints!!
I certainly do like people saying to me "LoveO",
Reminding me that I owe love to people.
If for the pass 200+ years, the sinners and the saints were greeting each other with "LoveO", instead of HellO, there would be a lot less 'hell' in the world today!
Also, if someone's name is Hellen, or some other word that has some negative overtones to it, then they can change their name to something more positive, if they want to! God changes peoples names all the time!!
Look at Abram!
God changed Abram's name to Abraham, and then God changed Abraham's wife's name from "Sarai," meaning "my princess," to "Sarah," meaning "mother of nations". Genesis 17:5 and Genesis 17:15
God changes names of people for spiritual reasons all the time!
God The Father even gives Christ a "new name", and this is for "spiritual" reasons first.
Revelation 3:12
"He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he will not go out from it anymore; and I will write on him the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God, and My new name."
spiritual warfare? Or would you recommend getting well-versed in the Bible alone? Thank you . . .
I was saved out of Buddhism, the occult and New Age practices. I need to be fully armored in the Word
of God. God is preparing me to battle, I'm very aware.
II Cor:3-6 "Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life."
Give NO PLACE to the devil.
In Texas we say Hi, Hey, Howdy, Hola, Nice to see you, Long time no see, Dude, Dudette, and numerous others.
I was saved out of the Occult. Satan loves for people to give him any kind of credence or glory. Isaiah 14:11 says that Satan is wormy. I saw a vision of hell. You don't want to see that! It's the definition of Terror; it is eternity of Waiting for the final Judgment and being cast into HELL.
Keep your eyes on Jesus and don't give "place" to Satan. If you think Halloween is a national holiday, you are deceived. If you have that stuff stored in your garage.. it's an open door for demons to make themselves at home.
If you're a Christian and you don't read your Bible; don't have a working knowledge of scripture, or are unable to memorize any scripture: demons can just walk into your house and torment you at your weakest points of entry.
Furnish YOU (your house) with deep layers of scripture. Ephesians 6. That's your SWORD!!
It's 2 edged. It cuts up the devils going in and coming out. It dispatches them to outer darkness IF you speak it? Believe me, "go on and quit picking on me", isn't going to get the demons out of your life.
Tearing apart a word like hello is not useful. Try ripping the head off a demon with a well placed "IT IS WRITTEN" (add a scripture).
They should run for the hills every time the feet of a child of God hits the floor each morning.
We have Jesus's AUTHORITY and Power to make them leave. Learn spiritual warfare. Parents Protect your kids.
That dusty Bible is the Sword of the Spirit. It's more lethal than any weapon available. To you gamers...spiritual warfare is the Real game of Thrones. Don't be deceived.
Has anyone ever done a Word study on the names of satan? Liar, Deceiver, Murderer, Adversary, Accuser, Serpent. Wicked One, Tempter, Afflictor
However, I disagree that hell has anything to do with someone greeting another. I think this only gives credit and a sense of power to satan. Just because a word in a language has a few shared characters of a word that is negative, that doesn't mean any of the negativity rubs off on the other word. Otherwise, if your mom's name was Hellen or Helena, for example, would you disown or say bad things about her? I don't think that's loving one bit. There's names in the Bible that have those characters, but it doesn't mean anything bad about the person, like Ezra 10:35 has one: Chelluh.
A word being 'bad' also has much to do with the context and intent behind it. For example "Jesus" can be used as an uplifting name to be praised, or used as a curse word. Jesus said the word hell several times, are you suggesting that Jesus was wrong to say that word? He used it positively so that people can avoid hell. Matthew 10:28
You used the word hell too in your comment, so do you feel remorse from this? I see zero spiritual connection and disagree. Satan should not be given any more latitude than he already has. He doesn't own my words and I won't allow evil to take over exclusive use of our positive words. God bless.
The words we speak change our spiritual way of thinking.
People all over the world greet each other, saying, Hello!
Look at this word "Hello", again now from a spiritual perspective! "Hell-O", "Hell-Owe"!
HELLO, sounds same as HELL-Owe. Spiritual there is a connection, and here is proof:
Sometimes in thw world, carnal men and women tell each other, "They got hell to pay"! They are saying "owe"hell...Hello, Hell-Owe.
We as God's children should not use the word "HellO" as a greeting anymore!
The Lord, Jesus Christ tells us in Romans 13:8 that, "The only thing man should 'owe', is Love."
"Owe no man any thing, except to love, for he who loves the other is satisfying theLaw." Romans 13:8
We as God's spiritual children should use "Love-Owe" as our new greeting, because the only thing man should owe is Love!
The bloodline of Jesus, came to Bethlehem through Jacob. Not Esau.
Do you know that God is there when we were in the womb? I believe that Isaiah and Ezekiel were called to be prophets, in their mothers wombs.
Genesis 1:1 shows that God is not constrained by the Creation of Time (in beginning...)
He is the Alpha and the Omega: the beginning of time and, the End of Time.
He's God. He sees everything. He does not violate our free will to choose what we do.
If you want to use the Bible as proof of His existence, then there is a whole lot of evidence. The Jews, even to this day will tell you that He existed and that He was crucified. Since none of us who are alive today were there to actually witness Jesus when He was here in person, we simply have to go by faith. In fact, the word faith (PEITHO) literally means persuasion. A person believes that Jesus is real because they are fully persuaded (Faith) in their mind that He did, (and does) exist. Having faith (PEITHO/Persuasion) requires no evidence or proof of existence. A believer does not need evidence or proof. A believer lives by faith.
It would be the same as asking if George Washington ever existed. None of us were there at that time either, so how do we know?
best regards,
For our meditation by His love.
Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the RIGHT HAND OF GOD, who also maketh intercession for us.
Romans 8:27
And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he (Jesus) makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.
He is in heaven where the above scriptures say what He is doing. When this age closes, the Father will tell the Bridegroom to go get His Bride.
The Holy Spirit is on earth now performing His ministry. Jesus went to the Cross to give believers the Holy Spirit who indwells each believer with the spirit of Christ.
He comforts, teaches, baptizes, speaks, strives with sinners, creates, renews, convicts, anoints, guides, empowers, sanctifies, gives gifts, illuminates, reveals truth of God, and much more.
After the "caught up in the clouds", of the Church, His ministry will be diminished.
I would say I have a close relationship with Him. I pray, talk with, worship Jesus, read huge chunks of the Bible daily, sit still until He teaches me what I just read; He sharpens my spiritual discernment, corrects me often. I cannot express the inner JOY it is, to covet being in His presence. He speaks to me at home, in the car, taking a walk. He gives words of knowledge and words of wisdom; verses to go look up.
If you are daily crucifying your flesh so you may walk in the spirit, you too will experience this joy. I like to get in my closet, sit under the clothes and practice intense listening.
Get to know Him! He's a real Person who happens to be invisible to our eyes; but visible in the spirit; to hearts and to our spirit inside, ears. The Bible says God is a consuming fire. The fire of His love for us burns steady. How is yours?
Turn off the noise of the world for a little while, and get to know the ways of the Holy Spirit.
If I might add some more, Romans Chapter 13 gives us the institution of government, the doctrine of submission, and then what our participation should be. Romans 13:1 says, Let every soul be subject, or submitted unto the higher powers. That's a command. Be in submission to the higher powers, or authorities in government especially. It goes on to say, for there is no authority but of God: and the authority that be are ordained by God.
God originated authority. He originated organization in the sense of an orderly leadership and relationship amongst people. Being in submission means to be in an orderly arrangement, or to be lined up. In the New Testament, when it teaches on submission, it means to line up in an orderly arrangement, and Christ is the head with whom everybody lines up. Everybody is called to be in submission to Christ.
But being in submission whether to the government or anyone else does not mean to do everything that we are told to do. According to the bible, any time someone approaches us to do something that is a sin or illegal, the answer is no! That's not disobedience.
A good example would be in Acts 5:29 when the leadership came to the disciples and said "You cannot preach anymore in this man's name." They even locked them up. But an angel came and let them out and they went back into the temple and started preaching again. So they came and rounded them up again and they said "Didn't we tell you that you couldn't preach in this man's name?" Then Peter and the other apostles said, "We ought to obey God rather than men."
That doesn't sound too submissive to me but it is because they were in perfect submission to God. So we always have to line up with Christ. We do not submit to our government when they are not being lined up with the things of the Lord.
In your comment you said God "appointed" them, but that's not what this says. It says the powers are ordained. God allows power and also allows power to collapse. Plenty of civilizations have thrived and collapsed. God allows things but is ultimately in control. For example, He allowed the world to be wicked and evil up to a point where he wiped it out with a flood, Sodom and Gomorrah He tolerated up to a point then destroyed the city. Fall of Rome. Maybe the fall of the United States will be added to the list. God can discipline too and let people self-destruct. The souls of the aborted babies cry out to God and He hears them. Ultimately no sin will go unpunished. Everyone will account for their actions before Him and He will judge fairly. Ultimately the souls of the innocent babies will be in paradise. Hitler will obviously be judged fairly by God and there's no question in my mind where he's going.
Ecclesiastes 3:11 He hath made everything beautiful in his time: also he has set the world in their heart, that no man can find out the WORK THAT GOD MAKETH from the beginning to the end.
Isaiah 28:21 .....that he may do HIS WORK, his strange work; and bring to pass his act, his strange act.
The tree of (the) knowledge of GOOD and EVIL. One tree, two fruits within themselves. You can't eat one without eating the other.
Children are born without knowledge; the FATHER tells them DO NOT touch the stove, it's hot. HOW CAN THEY BELIEVE, they don't know what hot is. So the FATHER has to teach knowledge through the experience of extremes found in the world. GOOD AND EVIL; but also HOPE.
Romans 8:20 For the creature (creation) was made SUBJECT TO VANITY, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in HOPE.
In God's strange act he is choosing a FEW to become Sons of God; that they with him will deliver the rest of creation from corruption.
Romans 8:19 For the earnest EXPECTATION of the creature waiteth for the MANIFESTATION of the SONS OF GOD.
Romans 8:21 Because the creature itself shall ALSO BE DELIVERED from the bondage of corruption (death) into the glorious liberty of the children of God.
I'm sorry to hear reading that made you cry. For just a short reply. I don't believe "God appointed Hitler" nor any other evil person in history. Satan is real and is the evil force in this world against God and Christ.
Though nothing can happen unless God allows it. We can not even try to comprehend His wisdom and thoughts. Everything happens for a reason weather good or bad. Why we must put our full trust in Him surpassing our own understanding of things that happen.
Also as we are told to test the spirits as in 1 John 4. Read the whole chapter. The Lord told us a tree is known by it's fruit. Matthew 7:15-20. If the rulers are of evil things and are producing ungodly, corrupt, fruit you know they are not with the Lord. Yet hopefully as we must pray without ceasing with a pure heart.
God Bless. Peace be with you.
John 15:19
If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
John 3:17
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
I know of a minister that was convicted of sin and turned his life in repentance to Jesus as he was jumping on a bed with his younger brothers and sisters upstairs in an old house. From below his mother called to the children while she labored to stop jumping on the bed. Well of course it was too much fun and they continued. At least one more warning came from below went unheeded. Finally the mother started up the stairs and this boy heard her coming and quickly got off the bed and sat in a nearby chair when she arrived while the others were jumping still. All on the bed were punished. Time continued for a while until this boy felt the call of God and God called him to repentance in this disobedience and hidden deceit. He answered that call!
We should obey those that have rule over us as it allows us to live as the quiet of the land as Christian witnesses to the Truth's of God.
As you can see this boy did not have any association with abortion, but his testimony would be if he had not repented, he was destined to hell.
It should be a comfort that any innocent soul lost by somebody's else sin is saved by the blood of Jesus at Calvary. In the time of persecution girls as young as 12 were buried alive vertically given many chances to recant infant baptism instead of counting their born again experience as their drawing to their glory in the Cross.
God bless our meditations.