The term "Kinsman Redeemer" (Hebrew: Goel, [H1350] translated: "kinsman"
Num. 5:8; 27:11; Ruth 2:1; 3:9, 12, 13; 4:1, 3, 6, 8, 14; John 18:26; Romans 16:11) is the title for a position of responsibility within an Old Testament Hebrew family which was established by God.
This individual was entrusted with the ability to protect, as well as seeking justice when a family member was wronged; as a way of maintaining righteousness within the tribal society of Israel.
We might refer to this position as the godfather of the Hebrews, yet in a legal and moral function, as compared to one of criminality and abuse.
The idea of the Kinsman Redeemer held two different functions / roles within the same title.
1st, was the function / role of the "Goel" or Redeemer.
The idea was that if a man died without children, normally his brother, or Goel (Next in line of kinship), had an obligation to raise seed to the dead brother so as to keep his posterity going, along with the inheritance of the land.
He redeemed that man's progeny, this is referred to as the "Levirate law."
2nd, was the function / role of the "Avenger of Blood"
When a "wrong" (Crime) was done to a single member of the family; it was considered a crime against the entire tribe, yet the responsibility was left to kinsman-Redeemer.
It should be remembered that at this time there was no social governmental structure within Israel that would carry on this function.
And even after there was a governmental structure installed, the kinsman-Redeemer still had the responsibility to maintain order and leadership within the family, wherein the government might utilize a punishment of those that had violated a tribe member, this did not override the role of the kinsman-Redeemer.
In the case of a murder committed, the kinsman-Redeemer would fulfill Justice by killing the murderer himself.
So let's begin with Jesus. Matthew 7:15: "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves." And the word beware means all of us should be alert, but especially shepherds, to identify not just false teaching, but false teachers, whose ways are subtle. They're clothing themselves with lamb's wool while they're wolves.
And Paul used the same Greek word for beware in Acts 20:28-29 when he said, "Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. . . . I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock."
Jesus used the same word again in Matthew 16:6, but he got more specific: "Watch and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees." Paul had the same kind of group in mind and the same kind of error in mind in Philippians 3:2 and 3:18: "Look out for the dogs, look out for the evildoers, look out for those who mutilate the flesh." And then verse 18:
"For many, of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears, walk as enemies of the cross of Christ." Then in Romans 16:17, he warned, "Watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them."
"Hello brother Spencer, Good evening! Thinking of doctrine, the Church practice of
giving and taking reproof by love maybe is part of what you are thinking? Church discipline and restoration?
God bless the walk.
Brother Carleton, That I absolutely agree with! However, that is not in the context of this message.
This message is more in line with Jude 1:3-4 with the focus on what is mentioned in verse 4 "For there are certain men crept in unawares,"
This has the thought of some has come into the fold sort of like through a back door.
Jude 1:10-15. He describes them. They are not Brothern. They are not Sheep.
As for "A Holy kiss.
Does the bible say greet "them" with a Holy kiss? No, I don't think so.
Romans 10:8-10 says the words is ni thy mouth.
These words is what we can confess to others if asked by what means are you saved.
However, what about the guy whom from his heart "by his mouth" speaks against truth?
We don't judge his present spiritual condition; he's done it ALREADY by refusing to believe and enter in the straight and narrow gate. See Matthew 7:13-15. and John 3:18.
What do these verses concerning a Holy kiss have in common? This Holy kiss is for the Brothern.
1 Corinthians 16:20.
2 Corinthians 13:11-12.
1 Thessalonians 5:26.
Romans 16:16.
The Holy kiss wasn't only meant to express love for the Brothern.
The Holy kiss is meant to express acceptance especially at a time when Gentiles was coming into the fold.
It certainly wasn't for non-believers.
Look at 2 John1:10. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed.
Also see Romans 16:17-18.
Does open rebuke harm a brother?
Open rebuke is better than secret love.
Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. Proverbs 27:5-6.
God is always honest. He never deceives, nor does He promise and not deliver on that promise. He can be depended upon and His words can be taken as true and sure. There is no shadow of turning in Him, so He is consistently honest and forever honest.
As with all aspects of His nature, they never lessen or increase, never cease nor have a limit. So, he is forever honest. He will always lead us in what is true and good and pure and holy.
Heb. 6:18 says it is impossible for God to lie because it is against His nature to do so and He is only is what His nature is.
Prov. 14:5 says that a truthful witness does not deceive. So, since God is always truthful, His witness to mankind is never deceptive.
Romans 16:18 describes false teachers as those who use smooth words and flattery to deceive many Since God is honest, He will never use such words with us.
So, because God, in His infinite nature, is honest, we can put our lives in His hands, trusting in what God has promised to do for His children.
"Salute Andronicus and Junia, my kinsmen (relatives), and my fellowprisoners, who are of note among the apostles, who also were in Christ before me."
So Paul had relatives who were in Christ before him. I believe that they were certainly praying for him. I believe that God answered their prayers and saved Paul.
In Galatians 1:15-16 Paul writes, "15 But when it pleased God, who separated me(Paul) from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace, 16 To reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen..."
Here Paul claims that God had chosen him from his mother's womb to send him to preach about Christ.
SO which one is true? Was Paul saved because some people were praying for him OR because that was God's plan before Paul was born?
The answer is, both.
Lets examine it. It was Jesus who appeared to Paul on his way to Damascus. Later God called him to go and preach to the gentiles together with Barnabas, and led them to all the places He intented them to go ( Acts 13:2-4).
So one expects that God gave them His grace to complete their ministry, doesn't he?
But lets read Ephessians 6:19, "And (pray) for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel," Somewhere else Paul asks for prayers for him to be freed from his enemies.
So the question is. Why is Paul asking his fellow christians to pray for him to be given words of preaching? Wasn't God who sent him to preach? Wasn't God going to give him words to do what He asked him for?
Yes it was God who sent him BUT God is expecting us to cooperate with Him. God will not do anything unless we cooperate with Him. He asks for our cooperation, whatever that is, prayers, testimonies, preachings, helping others, ...
Lets not expect for God to do all things on His own while we are laying lazely on our couches. HE WILL NOT. He demands our cooperation, the offering of ourselves for His purposes. And prayers are very significant. So... lets go.
And then we have the doxology. Even the doxology is a doctrine. The last few verses cover implication, the doctrine of God as Paul presents the doctrine of God like a summary statement in Paul's benediction.
XI. The Doxology ( Romans 16:25-27)
Implication - The Doctrine of God ( Romans 16:25-27)
Romans 16:25-27 - Paul's Benediction
I know this was a long introduction, but there is so much that we need to know and understand about Romans. It is quite a book and it covers a lot of information. It is my personal belief that if all we had as believers was the book of Romans, we would have everything we need to know about the Christian faith.
I will share my introduction to 1 Corinthians next. God Bless!!!
The first one is instruction, the doctrine of transformation in Romans 12. This is our participation in the body of Christ.
In Romans Chapter 13, we have institution, the doctrine of submission. This is our participation with the system of the world and submission.
Then we have influence, the doctrine of sacrifice. This would be Romans 14:1 through 15:13, as we learn about our participation in the responsibility toward other believers. Uh Oh! That is the doctrine of sacrifice. It is not taught as a suggestion!
Next is identification, the doctrine of the providence of God. This is Romans 15 Verses 14 through 33 which is the participation in the will of God in all of our situations.
And then the interaction, the doctrine of fellowship which is Romans 16 Verses 1 to 24. Romans 16:1 to 16 are personal greetings, Verses 17 to are proper discipline. In other words, once we get to Romans 16 Verses 17 to 20, he's going to say that if you are in association with anyone that is not obeying and teaching the proper doctrine of the book of Romans, don't have anything to do with them.
That's a pretty serious thing to say, especially in our day and our culture when love is supposed to rule over truth. You know? We don't hold anybody to the truth, we got to love them! Paul says, "Well, I got some discipline for you.
In Romans 16:21 to 24, we have the people that were with Paul. They identify themselves.
Interaction - The Doctrine of Fellowship ( Romans 16:1-24)
Romans 16:22 tells us that it was written by Tertius. He was the amanuensis, the one taking dictation from Paul. It was delivered by Phoebe. In Romans 16:1-2, it gives us her history. She was a deaconess in the church in Cenchrea which is the seaport of Corinth. So, she's going that way and Paul commends the believers there to receive her and help her to deliver this letter up to Rome.
Saint Augustine was converted while reading through the book of Romans. Martin Luther began the Protestant Reformation based on Romans 1:17, "The just shall live by faith." It is just a simple sentence. I'll tell you now that we don't understand it! If we did, we wouldn't be conducting ourselves the way we do as far as our approach to the things of Christ. By faith means faith, trust, believe!
The book of Romans has been known down through history as "The Constitution of the Christian Faith." It is quite a book! When people are first saved, I recommend that they read the gospel of John, and read the gospels about the things of Christ. But as soon as possible, get into the book of Romans because it has every doctrine of the Christian faith contained in it.
Greetings Scotty, Romans 1:16 is Paul announcing he is ready to proclaim what Jesus wanted Paul to relay to us.
At that time is "the transition" to include all us gentiles = of all nations was in play.
Romans = doctrine
As Paul progresses in order in his gospels with doctrine Reproof & correction mixed in..
Note: We are truly justified in Romans 3:24-26 equals Gods free gift!
(Please also note Ro. Chapters 9/10/11 where Paul is speaking to his brethren/ Israelites/ at that present time beseeching them & only them to perform Ro. 10:9 as we know praying is a work & how the Jews at that present time in their life THEY would be accepted by The Lord. Some of that (rightly dividing of course) is for both!
Scotty as you read God inserts into the reader his understanding bc God knows who is serious & who is not. God knows the beginning to the end and the end to the beginning!
Knowing that God is a God of order & the simplicity in Christ Jesus!
Jesus tells us to follow Apostle Paul & His "establishment commandment." Romans 16:26 Thus, we read daily starting in Romans & when we are done for that day take a tassel & mark that ( where we will begin to read the next day) & do our daily business
Later, we read again in Genesis & when done tassel that page. So, each day we continue this (and will read Ro to Rev.) many times more as we progress through the scriptures of the prophets
Then when we completed Acts, "Proclaiming God wins and the devil loses"! Restarting the same process again
That's Gods Establishment Commandment!
Also, Romans through Revelation guides us in what's going on these days. Example Romans 1:27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
Knowing that God is a God of order & the simplicity in Christ Jesus & Jesus tells us to follow Apostle Paul & His establishment commandment.
Thus, we read daily starting in Romans & when we are done for that day take a tassel & mark that ( where we will begin to read the next day) & do our daily business
Later we read again in Genesis & when done tassel that page. Romans 16:26 so each day we continue this (and will read Ro to Rev.) many times more as we progress through the scriptures of the prophets
Then when we completed Acts, "Proclaiming God wins and the devil loses"! Restart the same process again
I had alway wondered why there were 2 tassels for years & that is why
We are truly justified in Romans 3:24-26 equals Gods free gift! (Please also note Ro. Chapters 9/10/11 where Paul is speaking to his brethren/ Israelites/ at that present time beseeching them & only them to perform Ro. 10:9 and know praying is a work & how the Jews at that present time in life THEY would be accepted by The Lord.
Many publishers like Gideon's for example had in the beginning of there book (1941-1958) where to find Salvation also listed Romans 3:24-26 !!! Then satan got more involved derailing souls to Ro. 10:9 in 1960's until present day! 2023.
My soul would be damned doomed for leading you wrongly
1 Corinthians 16:22
If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha.
Luke 17:2
It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.
Hopefully David, you do understand I wouldn't be with my brothers & sisters in Christ and in His Kingdom later in time, if i was leading any soul wrongly
The writing of Paul's gospels = Doctrine Reproof and correction
Romans doctrine Corinthians doctrine with reroof & correction and such
Being only one writing to the Galatians & not knowing how many of them are above!
I agree with most of all you have written. My understanding is at the crucifixion and when the veil was rent from top to bottom was the sign of the fulfillment of the old with the final sacrifice, the ordinances were nailed to the cross, and the new covenant was made, but it was not yet given to the Gentiles. To me, it is clear it was after Stephen's death and the persecution and history puts that right at 3.5 years after the crucifixion.
In Acts 8:57 the high priest and the other rulers made their final rejection of Jesus with this action they "stopped their ears and ran upon him with one accord" That is my understanding when the branch was broken off. In Luke 24:42-48 the end says, "beginning at Jerusalem" That was what they were doing, to the Jew first.
Right after this in Acts 9 Paul's conversion, In Acts 10 Peter's vision and his preaching to the Gentiles, and in Acts 11 when the apostles and brethren heard that Peter preached the word of God to the Gentiles, they were mad and upset with him. They should have understood that was what they were supposed to do but they did not, they were mad, not happy.
I know in scripture they were told they would spread the gospel to the Gentiles and the world, but my understanding of scripture is it was like when they were told He would be killed and rise from the dead, this was also hidden until the given time that Prophecy would be fulfilled, and the mystery revealed.
Romans 16:25-26 Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began, 26 But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith:
You are replying to a comment by "Bagwill" 5 days ago:
Where in the Bible does it say that it's okay for women to be preachers.
MOUNTHOREB REPLY: Woman can prophecy not new info outside of the scriptures 2 Timothy 3:15-17. However, They preach what they have learned to others outside of the church or congregation. When asked a question about the bible. a woman can reply to anyone who is asking the question. even if it's a man, elder 1 Timothy 3 or someone in authority. but within the church or congregation 1 Timothy 3, a woman does not have authority over a man to speak to the whole church or Congregation 1Timothy 2:11,12,14 (unless there's no men available, if this is the case she covers her head within the congregation to PREACH 1 Corinthians 11:5;16 because of the angels in heaven) however, Outside of the building, yes a woman can teach others outside (family, neighbors etc.) Acts 2:16,17.
Jesus allowed women to speak to him and listen. even sit at his feet and ask questions. he allowed woman to speak and listened to them. and to follow him as he preached. Luke 1:36-38; John 4:7-54; John 11:20-29; John 20:11-18; Acts 1:14; Luke 8:1-3; Luke 10:38-42; Romans 16:1-5; Acts 18:2; Acts 18:24-26;
In marriage: Ephesians 5:21-33
These are all the scriptures I can think of. Revelation 22:17 "Its free"
If one decide to minister on this site he has the freedom to do so.
If one decide not to minister he has the freedom to do so.
If one decide to treat this community as a round table he has that freedom and if one takes the word of God to be handed serious he had that freedom.
Freedom goes on and if it's freedom you want, give it and expect it from everyone including me.
I'm not giving my opinion, I'm repeating what they have literally said out their own mouth!
If the accusation is false that's one thing but if it's true and is as easy as asking them, feel freely to do so.
In other words ask them directly and they should tell you directly that which they have said "We will be Gods and the Gospel which we preach is man made.
If it don't bother you when they say it don't let it bother you when I repeat it.
This is a King James site and what's written in it tells us to mark such a person.
Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. Romans 16:17.
Galatians 1:8-9.
Titus 3:10.
2 John 1:10-11.
Sometimes it's easier to know what the bible says than to do what it says.
Hi G.M. Donnetta....The most blessed woman in the bible was Mary...Simply b/c she birth Christ our savior but this is an interesting question....When that woman in luke 11:28... was praising Mary Jesus replied More blessed are them that hear my Words and keeps them....Impling that we can all birth Christ in our hearts by hearing his words as the parable of the sower tells us of them that hear and keeps his Words....The Wheat is a baby Christ...Unless ya receive the Kingdom of God as a lil Child you will in no wise enter there in....That Woman ( humanity ) in Rev 12:10 is birthing another Christ..A Baby Christ the Son of man...mankinds fruit unto God....The wheat is a baby Christ simply b/c the sower of that good seed is Christ the bridegroom....And his words are his seeds....When he breathe on them he was propagating very God ...Thus them that hear his Words and keeps them are gonna birth a baby Christ....Which is the H.G. that Child of Promise....Thus we are all gonna be his mother when that book is opened that contains the words of life...That Jesus wrote with his own blood.....Who are my Mother and Brethren Jesus asked.... then he answered himself saying them that hears my words ( his seeds) and keeps them which will initiate a birth of Christ in us....She brought forth a manchild that is gonna rule all nations....which is the H.G. that Child of Promise to all the world....That woman in Rev 12 is humanity that hears his Words and keeps them resulting in a pregnancy then that New BIRTH....Whosoever receives one such child in my name receives me....Thats y he is saying that which is born of the spirit is spirit which is that New BORN babe desiring the sincere milk of the word....Which is the H.G. our new heart and new spirit our new innerman....That New Creature ok lemme go
This form of self-transformation is also referred to as self-righteousness ( Romans 10-3), while in truth you follow after a image of a false god and a false Christ ( Matthew 24:24; Mark 13:22; Gal. 4:8; Rev. 12:9). This is how Satan has transformed himself into an angel of light ( 2 Cor. 11:13-15) and deceived the whole world ( Rev. 12:9), as people by nature are in fact children of the devil ( Acts 13:10).
Gal. 1:11,12. The gospel which was preached of me is not after man. For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ ( Daniel 12:4,9; Amos 3:7; Matthew 16:17; Luke 2:26; Romans 16:25; 1 Cor. 2:10; Gal. 1:16; Eph. 3:3,5; Rev. 1:1).
The Word of God is God ( John 1:1) and the scriptural references we use serve as confirmation that it is not us that speak, but the Spirit of our Father that speaketh in us ( 2 Samuel 23:2; Matthew 10:20; Acts 4:8; 6:10).
Narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it ( Matthew 7:14).
You has said something a few days ago (I can't find it) but it had to do with false teaching and how it might impact those who might be new believers.
Anyways, in my study today in Romans, a couple of verses pinged my memory and got me thinking about this.
Romans 16:17 says, Now I appeal to you, brethren, and listen to this, the command:
Mark them which cause divisions and offences.
The word mark is the work SKOPOS. We get our word scope from this word. And it is in present participle form in the Greek, which means continue to observe.
Be continually looking at those who cause divisions and offenses (SCANDALONS) contrary to the doctrine which you have learned.
Paul said in Galatians Chapter 1 that if anybody preaches any other gospel than that which he has preached, let them be accursed.
That's pretty bold and authoritative. If they preach contrary to the doctrine which Paul has taught and has given them, mark them. That's command number one. Command number two is avoid them. The word avoid means to go out of your way to avoid them.
Romans 16:18 gives us the characteristics of these people:
For they are such as serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; which is a term that is used for their own satisfaction.
And by good words.
Interesting. This is the word useful. With useful words and fair speeches (and this is the word eulogy) they deceive the hearts of the simple.
The word simple in the Greek text means nave. With useful words and fair speeches, they deceive the people who are nave.
These are those who may be the most vulnerable to any teaching that might be contrary to scripture.
You are absolutely right when you say "How can anyone think that God will not deal with humans who persist in the same sin any differently than He deals with Satan".
Well this group also says "There is no Satan! and there is no Hell!
Every verse in scripture that makes a sinner cry out for salvation they falsely spiritualize the threat right out the text causing no need for repentance.
I just point these things out from time to time to let the newcomers know the craftiness of their plot and we all don't hold those views.
Romans 16:17 tells us to mark these that causes division.
"Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them".
These false teachers permitted by God to manifest who's his and who's not. as seen here in 1 Corinthians 11:19.
"For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you."
Interestingly, after studying scripture I've noticed, GOD gave mankind dominion, on Earth. Genesis 1:26,27,28, GOD didn't take that dominion away, people have misused their powers. They/we will all give account: Revelation 1:5-8, Romans 14:12, Daniel 4:3,34, Matthew 25:31-46, Matthew 18,
Jesus was here to show us how to bring His Kingdom the Kingdom of GOD on Earth, with Love, John 3:16-21, John 13:34, Romans 12:10, 1John 4:7,12, 1Peter 3:8, John 15:17, James 2:13-17, Luke 13:34,
one day all dominion will go to Christ: 1Corinthians 15:20-28, Romans 16:20,
Galatians 4:1-8, Colossians 3:21,
Matthew 20:25-28, Ephesians 1, (whole chapters) 1Peter 4, Jude 1,
Jesus gave all that believe in him, authority under heaven: from GOD ALMIGHTY: Matthew 28:18-20, Matthew 6, Luke 11, Mark 3:15, Acts 4:30,31, Luke 9:2,
We all have power in the natural if even just to comfort someone else, & as we grow in faith, supernatural power in prayer, through GOD & Christ Jesus our Savior.
My understanding, Jesus coming, the Messiah/Christ was not a secret, Daniel 9:25 prophesied when He would come. Jesus came to fulfill the prophets and the law, and when Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus, and Jesus was filled without measure, John 3:34.
John the Baptist proclaimed it, John 1:34 and His disciples did as well, John 1:41 Jesus told the woman at the well He was the Messiah, John 25:25-26 and Martha John 11:27. It was confirmed by all the miracles Jesus did by the Spirit of God, Matt. 12:28 the kingdom of God has come, but the death and resurrection were, at that time a secret/mystery, Rom. 11:25.
The kingdom of God has come, John said it was at hand, Matt. 3:1-2. After John was put in prison Jesus came preaching Mark 1:14-15. The mystery of the kingdom; they were looking for the stone to crush Rome and the kingdom would be set up then Daniel 2:44, but it was like the parables of the mustard seed and the yeast Matt. 13, increasing even today until the crushing blow at Jesus second coming.
The disciples knew Jesus was the Messiah/Christ, so I am sure that was part of their preaching, but Jesus' death and resurrection were hidden even from the disciples Luke 9:45. We see how they fled when Jesus was arrested, Matt. 26:56, and they did not believe He resurrected Mark 16:10-11Luke 23:10-11 it was hidden from them for if Satan had known the results, he would have tried to stop it.
Jesus spoke mainly to the Pharisees and Sadducees in parables to fulfill the prophecy, Matt. 13:10-15Mark 4:10-13Luke 8:10. The mystery was not revealed until after Jesus was resurrected as Jesus told them the Holy Spirit would bring remembrance and teaching to them John 14:26John 16:3-4Romans 11:25Romans 16:25 the promise to Abraham Genesis 17:4-7 and that seed was Jesus the Messiah/Christ.
This is my understanding may someone else have another, pray and study for your understanding.
Secret - consultation, intimacy, Hebrew word translation into "cowd" company of persons (in close deliberation)
Virginia G. Cantu, Actually you've got it right, important part "GOD hates evil". Proverbs 3:32, Ecclesiastes 12:14. He also will direct us, & sometimes even give us insight into His plans. Psalms 73:24, Matthew 6:6, Deuteronomy 29:29, Psalms 91:1, Daniel 2, Daniel was given the secret dream the ruler had & the interpretation meaning. Amos 3:7,
Even the secret of Christ Jesus the promised Messiah= Romans 16:24-27,
My thoughts on this verse is that to "Kiss the Son" (referred her to the Son of God and Anointed On-Messiah) is to worship him and submit to Him. In O.T. times the pagans around the Israelites kissed their idols as an act of worship. See 2 Kings 19:18.
Also, kissing a king, prince, or other dignitary was a sign of respect and honor with the kisser often kissing the hand or feet of the dignitary who was seen as more honored than the one kissing.
Also, in Scripture, kissing was a sign of deep love, as with Joseph kissing each of his brothers when he revealed to them who he was in Genesis 31:28 or Paul instruction us to greet one another with the holy kiss in Romans 16:16 and elsewhere.
In this Psalm, kings and rulers are instructed to Kiss the Son, (the Anointed One, Messiah, King, Son of God). So, I think it means that these officials were rebellious towards God and are being asked to repent and turn back to God by submitting and worshipping the King of the World, Jesus Christ.
Ronnette Part 1 Galatians 1 on Galatians 1:16 - 2 years ago
Very nicely explained by Henry in 1710. This chapter speaks so loud to me that there is a need to share. First, the fact that we all know in Acts what happened in Damascus when Paul was converted. Here Paul uses the words to tell the readers in Spiritual way that He is in fact chosen by Jesus Christ 1:1 and became a servant of Christ 1:10. Paul even certified that he received the gospel 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 not from man, but it is indeed by the revelation of Jesus Christ 1 :10-11. To certify something is indeed really deep in any professions. You investigate, you observe, you speak the truth, you have proven without a shadow of a doubt, you interviews people involved, you have all strong evidence, you even travel to a place to find that true evidence, you rely only on facts and the person that has integrity to tell truth. I guess you get the gist. The fact that he went to Arabia (Mt. Sinai) 1:17 God must have told Paul something that only Paul knows. Remember 2 Corinthians 12:1-4? How can you not think Paul is the 12th Apostle with this evidence? That is why 1 Timothy 2:15 tells us to study. Go figure and look at other Bible other than KJV. They removed the word "study". Folks I am not kidding you. There is something real God is telling us today. I would not lie either about this because I sense the urgency to tell this forum for whatever reason God only knows. Anyway, Paul then saw Peter for 15 days 1:18 and imagined the conversations then between Peter and Paul. In Acts Peter is telling everybody WHO they crucified was God. Then Paul revelation was that blood of Jesus Christ will saved the whole world if you believe and trust and have faith on that alone Romans 3:25. Not of works just by faith Ephesians 2:8-9. What a profound revelation. You do not want to be accursed 1:9 outside 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. We will be judged according to Paul's gospel Romans 2:16, Romans 16:25, 2 Timothy 2:8. I have not even say thekickeronthischapterandIranoutofspace
Acts 18:1, possible during 2Timothy 4:20-22, Acts 18,
During Paul's lifetime, sometime after Jesus rose from the grave, Acts 1, Acts 9, because Paul was preaching with those who where close with Jesus. Galatians 1:18, Acts 10, Acts 11, Galatians 2:1,7,8,11,14, Matthew 4:18,
Part 1.
The term "Kinsman Redeemer" (Hebrew: Goel, [H1350] translated: "kinsman"
Num. 5:8; 27:11; Ruth 2:1; 3:9, 12, 13; 4:1, 3, 6, 8, 14; John 18:26; Romans 16:11) is the title for a position of responsibility within an Old Testament Hebrew family which was established by God.
This individual was entrusted with the ability to protect, as well as seeking justice when a family member was wronged; as a way of maintaining righteousness within the tribal society of Israel.
We might refer to this position as the godfather of the Hebrews, yet in a legal and moral function, as compared to one of criminality and abuse.
The idea of the Kinsman Redeemer held two different functions / roles within the same title.
1st, was the function / role of the "Goel" or Redeemer.
The idea was that if a man died without children, normally his brother, or Goel (Next in line of kinship), had an obligation to raise seed to the dead brother so as to keep his posterity going, along with the inheritance of the land.
He redeemed that man's progeny, this is referred to as the "Levirate law."
2nd, was the function / role of the "Avenger of Blood"
When a "wrong" (Crime) was done to a single member of the family; it was considered a crime against the entire tribe, yet the responsibility was left to kinsman-Redeemer.
It should be remembered that at this time there was no social governmental structure within Israel that would carry on this function.
And even after there was a governmental structure installed, the kinsman-Redeemer still had the responsibility to maintain order and leadership within the family, wherein the government might utilize a punishment of those that had violated a tribe member, this did not override the role of the kinsman-Redeemer.
In the case of a murder committed, the kinsman-Redeemer would fulfill Justice by killing the murderer himself.
This was not looked at as revenge, but justice.
See Part 2.
So let's begin with Jesus. Matthew 7:15: "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves." And the word beware means all of us should be alert, but especially shepherds, to identify not just false teaching, but false teachers, whose ways are subtle. They're clothing themselves with lamb's wool while they're wolves.
And Paul used the same Greek word for beware in Acts 20:28-29 when he said, "Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. . . . I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock."
Jesus used the same word again in Matthew 16:6, but he got more specific: "Watch and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees." Paul had the same kind of group in mind and the same kind of error in mind in Philippians 3:2 and 3:18: "Look out for the dogs, look out for the evildoers, look out for those who mutilate the flesh." And then verse 18:
"For many, of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears, walk as enemies of the cross of Christ." Then in Romans 16:17, he warned, "Watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them."
God bless.
Part 2.
Here's is your response to the original post.
"Hello brother Spencer, Good evening! Thinking of doctrine, the Church practice of
giving and taking reproof by love maybe is part of what you are thinking? Church discipline and restoration?
God bless the walk.
Brother Carleton, That I absolutely agree with! However, that is not in the context of this message.
This message is more in line with Jude 1:3-4 with the focus on what is mentioned in verse 4 "For there are certain men crept in unawares,"
This has the thought of some has come into the fold sort of like through a back door.
Jude 1:10-15. He describes them. They are not Brothern. They are not Sheep.
As for "A Holy kiss.
Does the bible say greet "them" with a Holy kiss? No, I don't think so.
Romans 10:8-10 says the words is ni thy mouth.
These words is what we can confess to others if asked by what means are you saved.
However, what about the guy whom from his heart "by his mouth" speaks against truth?
We don't judge his present spiritual condition; he's done it ALREADY by refusing to believe and enter in the straight and narrow gate. See Matthew 7:13-15. and John 3:18.
What do these verses concerning a Holy kiss have in common? This Holy kiss is for the Brothern.
1 Corinthians 16:20.
2 Corinthians 13:11-12.
1 Thessalonians 5:26.
Romans 16:16.
The Holy kiss wasn't only meant to express love for the Brothern.
The Holy kiss is meant to express acceptance especially at a time when Gentiles was coming into the fold.
It certainly wasn't for non-believers.
Look at 2 John1:10. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed.
Also see Romans 16:17-18.
Does open rebuke harm a brother?
Open rebuke is better than secret love.
Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. Proverbs 27:5-6.
See Part 3
For "H" I choose honest.
God is always honest. He never deceives, nor does He promise and not deliver on that promise. He can be depended upon and His words can be taken as true and sure. There is no shadow of turning in Him, so He is consistently honest and forever honest.
As with all aspects of His nature, they never lessen or increase, never cease nor have a limit. So, he is forever honest. He will always lead us in what is true and good and pure and holy.
Heb. 6:18 says it is impossible for God to lie because it is against His nature to do so and He is only is what His nature is.
Prov. 14:5 says that a truthful witness does not deceive. So, since God is always truthful, His witness to mankind is never deceptive.
Romans 16:18 describes false teachers as those who use smooth words and flattery to deceive many Since God is honest, He will never use such words with us.
So, because God, in His infinite nature, is honest, we can put our lives in His hands, trusting in what God has promised to do for His children.
"Salute Andronicus and Junia, my kinsmen (relatives), and my fellowprisoners, who are of note among the apostles, who also were in Christ before me."
So Paul had relatives who were in Christ before him. I believe that they were certainly praying for him. I believe that God answered their prayers and saved Paul.
In Galatians 1:15-16 Paul writes, "15 But when it pleased God, who separated me(Paul) from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace, 16 To reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen..."
Here Paul claims that God had chosen him from his mother's womb to send him to preach about Christ.
SO which one is true? Was Paul saved because some people were praying for him OR because that was God's plan before Paul was born?
The answer is, both.
Lets examine it. It was Jesus who appeared to Paul on his way to Damascus. Later God called him to go and preach to the gentiles together with Barnabas, and led them to all the places He intented them to go ( Acts 13:2-4).
So one expects that God gave them His grace to complete their ministry, doesn't he?
But lets read Ephessians 6:19, "And (pray) for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel," Somewhere else Paul asks for prayers for him to be freed from his enemies.
So the question is. Why is Paul asking his fellow christians to pray for him to be given words of preaching? Wasn't God who sent him to preach? Wasn't God going to give him words to do what He asked him for?
Yes it was God who sent him BUT God is expecting us to cooperate with Him. God will not do anything unless we cooperate with Him. He asks for our cooperation, whatever that is, prayers, testimonies, preachings, helping others, ...
Lets not expect for God to do all things on His own while we are laying lazely on our couches. HE WILL NOT. He demands our cooperation, the offering of ourselves for His purposes. And prayers are very significant. So... lets go.
"Salute Andronicus and Junia, my kinsmen (relatives), and my fellowprisoners, who are of note among the apostles, who also were in Christ before me."
Ah, so there were people, Paul's relatives that were in Christ before him and certainly prayed for his salvation. And God answered.
Have a blessed day or night.
And then we have the doxology. Even the doxology is a doctrine. The last few verses cover implication, the doctrine of God as Paul presents the doctrine of God like a summary statement in Paul's benediction.
XI. The Doxology ( Romans 16:25-27)
Implication - The Doctrine of God ( Romans 16:25-27)
Romans 16:25-27 - Paul's Benediction
I know this was a long introduction, but there is so much that we need to know and understand about Romans. It is quite a book and it covers a lot of information. It is my personal belief that if all we had as believers was the book of Romans, we would have everything we need to know about the Christian faith.
I will share my introduction to 1 Corinthians next. God Bless!!!
The first one is instruction, the doctrine of transformation in Romans 12. This is our participation in the body of Christ.
In Romans Chapter 13, we have institution, the doctrine of submission. This is our participation with the system of the world and submission.
Then we have influence, the doctrine of sacrifice. This would be Romans 14:1 through 15:13, as we learn about our participation in the responsibility toward other believers. Uh Oh! That is the doctrine of sacrifice. It is not taught as a suggestion!
Next is identification, the doctrine of the providence of God. This is Romans 15 Verses 14 through 33 which is the participation in the will of God in all of our situations.
And then the interaction, the doctrine of fellowship which is Romans 16 Verses 1 to 24. Romans 16:1 to 16 are personal greetings, Verses 17 to are proper discipline. In other words, once we get to Romans 16 Verses 17 to 20, he's going to say that if you are in association with anyone that is not obeying and teaching the proper doctrine of the book of Romans, don't have anything to do with them.
That's a pretty serious thing to say, especially in our day and our culture when love is supposed to rule over truth. You know? We don't hold anybody to the truth, we got to love them! Paul says, "Well, I got some discipline for you.
In Romans 16:21 to 24, we have the people that were with Paul. They identify themselves.
Interaction - The Doctrine of Fellowship ( Romans 16:1-24)
Romans 16:1-16 - Personal Greetings
Romans 16:17-20 - Proper Discipline
Romans 16:21-24 - People with Paul
Romans 16:22 tells us that it was written by Tertius. He was the amanuensis, the one taking dictation from Paul. It was delivered by Phoebe. In Romans 16:1-2, it gives us her history. She was a deaconess in the church in Cenchrea which is the seaport of Corinth. So, she's going that way and Paul commends the believers there to receive her and help her to deliver this letter up to Rome.
Saint Augustine was converted while reading through the book of Romans. Martin Luther began the Protestant Reformation based on Romans 1:17, "The just shall live by faith." It is just a simple sentence. I'll tell you now that we don't understand it! If we did, we wouldn't be conducting ourselves the way we do as far as our approach to the things of Christ. By faith means faith, trust, believe!
The book of Romans has been known down through history as "The Constitution of the Christian Faith." It is quite a book! When people are first saved, I recommend that they read the gospel of John, and read the gospels about the things of Christ. But as soon as possible, get into the book of Romans because it has every doctrine of the Christian faith contained in it.
At that time is "the transition" to include all us gentiles = of all nations was in play.
Romans = doctrine
As Paul progresses in order in his gospels with doctrine Reproof & correction mixed in..
Note: We are truly justified in Romans 3:24-26 equals Gods free gift!
(Please also note Ro. Chapters 9/10/11 where Paul is speaking to his brethren/ Israelites/ at that present time beseeching them & only them to perform Ro. 10:9 as we know praying is a work & how the Jews at that present time in their life THEY would be accepted by The Lord. Some of that (rightly dividing of course) is for both!
Scotty as you read God inserts into the reader his understanding bc God knows who is serious & who is not. God knows the beginning to the end and the end to the beginning!
Knowing that God is a God of order & the simplicity in Christ Jesus!
Jesus tells us to follow Apostle Paul & His "establishment commandment." Romans 16:26 Thus, we read daily starting in Romans & when we are done for that day take a tassel & mark that ( where we will begin to read the next day) & do our daily business
Later, we read again in Genesis & when done tassel that page. So, each day we continue this (and will read Ro to Rev.) many times more as we progress through the scriptures of the prophets
Then when we completed Acts, "Proclaiming God wins and the devil loses"! Restarting the same process again
That's Gods Establishment Commandment!
Also, Romans through Revelation guides us in what's going on these days. Example Romans 1:27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
Thus read Ecclesiastes 1:9
Knowing that God is a God of order & the simplicity in Christ Jesus & Jesus tells us to follow Apostle Paul & His establishment commandment.
Thus, we read daily starting in Romans & when we are done for that day take a tassel & mark that ( where we will begin to read the next day) & do our daily business
Later we read again in Genesis & when done tassel that page. Romans 16:26 so each day we continue this (and will read Ro to Rev.) many times more as we progress through the scriptures of the prophets
Then when we completed Acts, "Proclaiming God wins and the devil loses"! Restart the same process again
I had alway wondered why there were 2 tassels for years & that is why
We are truly justified in Romans 3:24-26 equals Gods free gift! (Please also note Ro. Chapters 9/10/11 where Paul is speaking to his brethren/ Israelites/ at that present time beseeching them & only them to perform Ro. 10:9 and know praying is a work & how the Jews at that present time in life THEY would be accepted by The Lord.
Many publishers like Gideon's for example had in the beginning of there book (1941-1958) where to find Salvation also listed Romans 3:24-26 !!! Then satan got more involved derailing souls to Ro. 10:9 in 1960's until present day! 2023.
My soul would be damned doomed for leading you wrongly
1 Corinthians 16:22
If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha.
Luke 17:2
It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.
Hopefully David, you do understand I wouldn't be with my brothers & sisters in Christ and in His Kingdom later in time, if i was leading any soul wrongly
The writing of Paul's gospels = Doctrine Reproof and correction
Romans doctrine Corinthians doctrine with reroof & correction and such
Being only one writing to the Galatians & not knowing how many of them are above!
I agree with most of all you have written. My understanding is at the crucifixion and when the veil was rent from top to bottom was the sign of the fulfillment of the old with the final sacrifice, the ordinances were nailed to the cross, and the new covenant was made, but it was not yet given to the Gentiles. To me, it is clear it was after Stephen's death and the persecution and history puts that right at 3.5 years after the crucifixion.
In Acts 8:57 the high priest and the other rulers made their final rejection of Jesus with this action they "stopped their ears and ran upon him with one accord" That is my understanding when the branch was broken off. In Luke 24:42-48 the end says, "beginning at Jerusalem" That was what they were doing, to the Jew first.
Right after this in Acts 9 Paul's conversion, In Acts 10 Peter's vision and his preaching to the Gentiles, and in Acts 11 when the apostles and brethren heard that Peter preached the word of God to the Gentiles, they were mad and upset with him. They should have understood that was what they were supposed to do but they did not, they were mad, not happy.
I know in scripture they were told they would spread the gospel to the Gentiles and the world, but my understanding of scripture is it was like when they were told He would be killed and rise from the dead, this was also hidden until the given time that Prophecy would be fulfilled, and the mystery revealed.
Romans 16:25-26 Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began, 26 But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith:
God bless and have a good day.
Where in the Bible does it say that it's okay for women to be preachers.
MOUNTHOREB REPLY: Woman can prophecy not new info outside of the scriptures 2 Timothy 3:15-17. However, They preach what they have learned to others outside of the church or congregation. When asked a question about the bible. a woman can reply to anyone who is asking the question. even if it's a man, elder 1 Timothy 3 or someone in authority. but within the church or congregation 1 Timothy 3, a woman does not have authority over a man to speak to the whole church or Congregation 1Timothy 2:11,12,14 (unless there's no men available, if this is the case she covers her head within the congregation to PREACH 1 Corinthians 11:5;16 because of the angels in heaven) however, Outside of the building, yes a woman can teach others outside (family, neighbors etc.) Acts 2:16,17.
Jesus allowed women to speak to him and listen. even sit at his feet and ask questions. he allowed woman to speak and listened to them. and to follow him as he preached. Luke 1:36-38; John 4:7-54; John 11:20-29; John 20:11-18; Acts 1:14; Luke 8:1-3; Luke 10:38-42; Romans 16:1-5; Acts 18:2; Acts 18:24-26;
In marriage: Ephesians 5:21-33
These are all the scriptures I can think of. Revelation 22:17 "Its free"
Yes we have freedom of speech as the world gives.
What is important to spiritual growth is truth!
That's what we earnestly seek for.
If one decide to minister on this site he has the freedom to do so.
If one decide not to minister he has the freedom to do so.
If one decide to treat this community as a round table he has that freedom and if one takes the word of God to be handed serious he had that freedom.
Freedom goes on and if it's freedom you want, give it and expect it from everyone including me.
I'm not giving my opinion, I'm repeating what they have literally said out their own mouth!
If the accusation is false that's one thing but if it's true and is as easy as asking them, feel freely to do so.
In other words ask them directly and they should tell you directly that which they have said "We will be Gods and the Gospel which we preach is man made.
If it don't bother you when they say it don't let it bother you when I repeat it.
This is a King James site and what's written in it tells us to mark such a person.
Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. Romans 16:17.
Galatians 1:8-9.
Titus 3:10.
2 John 1:10-11.
Sometimes it's easier to know what the bible says than to do what it says.
God bless.
This form of self-transformation is also referred to as self-righteousness ( Romans 10-3), while in truth you follow after a image of a false god and a false Christ ( Matthew 24:24; Mark 13:22; Gal. 4:8; Rev. 12:9). This is how Satan has transformed himself into an angel of light ( 2 Cor. 11:13-15) and deceived the whole world ( Rev. 12:9), as people by nature are in fact children of the devil ( Acts 13:10).
Gal. 1:11,12. The gospel which was preached of me is not after man. For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ ( Daniel 12:4,9; Amos 3:7; Matthew 16:17; Luke 2:26; Romans 16:25; 1 Cor. 2:10; Gal. 1:16; Eph. 3:3,5; Rev. 1:1).
The Word of God is God ( John 1:1) and the scriptural references we use serve as confirmation that it is not us that speak, but the Spirit of our Father that speaketh in us ( 2 Samuel 23:2; Matthew 10:20; Acts 4:8; 6:10).
Narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it ( Matthew 7:14).
Seek, and ye shall find ( Matthew 7:7).
You has said something a few days ago (I can't find it) but it had to do with false teaching and how it might impact those who might be new believers.
Anyways, in my study today in Romans, a couple of verses pinged my memory and got me thinking about this.
Romans 16:17 says, Now I appeal to you, brethren, and listen to this, the command:
Mark them which cause divisions and offences.
The word mark is the work SKOPOS. We get our word scope from this word. And it is in present participle form in the Greek, which means continue to observe.
Be continually looking at those who cause divisions and offenses (SCANDALONS) contrary to the doctrine which you have learned.
Paul said in Galatians Chapter 1 that if anybody preaches any other gospel than that which he has preached, let them be accursed.
That's pretty bold and authoritative. If they preach contrary to the doctrine which Paul has taught and has given them, mark them. That's command number one. Command number two is avoid them. The word avoid means to go out of your way to avoid them.
Romans 16:18 gives us the characteristics of these people:
For they are such as serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; which is a term that is used for their own satisfaction.
And by good words.
Interesting. This is the word useful. With useful words and fair speeches (and this is the word eulogy) they deceive the hearts of the simple.
The word simple in the Greek text means nave. With useful words and fair speeches, they deceive the people who are nave.
These are those who may be the most vulnerable to any teaching that might be contrary to scripture.
Any thoughts?
You are absolutely right when you say "How can anyone think that God will not deal with humans who persist in the same sin any differently than He deals with Satan".
Well this group also says "There is no Satan! and there is no Hell!
Every verse in scripture that makes a sinner cry out for salvation they falsely spiritualize the threat right out the text causing no need for repentance.
I just point these things out from time to time to let the newcomers know the craftiness of their plot and we all don't hold those views.
Romans 16:17 tells us to mark these that causes division.
"Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them".
These false teachers permitted by God to manifest who's his and who's not. as seen here in 1 Corinthians 11:19.
"For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you."
God bless.
Interestingly, after studying scripture I've noticed, GOD gave mankind dominion, on Earth. Genesis 1:26,27,28, GOD didn't take that dominion away, people have misused their powers. They/we will all give account: Revelation 1:5-8, Romans 14:12, Daniel 4:3,34, Matthew 25:31-46, Matthew 18,
Jesus was here to show us how to bring His Kingdom the Kingdom of GOD on Earth, with Love, John 3:16-21, John 13:34, Romans 12:10, 1John 4:7,12, 1Peter 3:8, John 15:17, James 2:13-17, Luke 13:34,
one day all dominion will go to Christ: 1Corinthians 15:20-28, Romans 16:20,
Galatians 4:1-8, Colossians 3:21,
Matthew 20:25-28, Ephesians 1, (whole chapters) 1Peter 4, Jude 1,
Jesus gave all that believe in him, authority under heaven: from GOD ALMIGHTY: Matthew 28:18-20, Matthew 6, Luke 11, Mark 3:15, Acts 4:30,31, Luke 9:2,
We all have power in the natural if even just to comfort someone else, & as we grow in faith, supernatural power in prayer, through GOD & Christ Jesus our Savior.
Hopefully these are helpful
Romans 14:12, 1Peter 4, Jude 1, Zechariah 3, 1Chronicles 21:1, Job 1, Job 2, Matthew 4:10, Mark 1:13, Luke 4, Luke 22, John 13,
Mark 4:15, Luke 13:16, Acts 5, notice Acts 4:32-37, continued into Acts 5, - Acts 5:13, 1Corinthians 7:5, 2Corinthians 11:13,14, 2Thessalonians 2:9, John 7:24, Romans 14:13,
Acts 26:18, Romans 16:20, Revelation 12:9, Revelation 20, Psalms 98:9,
James 1:5,
Hopefully these give you wisdom
My understanding, Jesus coming, the Messiah/Christ was not a secret, Daniel 9:25 prophesied when He would come. Jesus came to fulfill the prophets and the law, and when Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus, and Jesus was filled without measure, John 3:34.
John the Baptist proclaimed it, John 1:34 and His disciples did as well, John 1:41 Jesus told the woman at the well He was the Messiah, John 25:25-26 and Martha John 11:27. It was confirmed by all the miracles Jesus did by the Spirit of God, Matt. 12:28 the kingdom of God has come, but the death and resurrection were, at that time a secret/mystery, Rom. 11:25.
The kingdom of God has come, John said it was at hand, Matt. 3:1-2. After John was put in prison Jesus came preaching Mark 1:14-15. The mystery of the kingdom; they were looking for the stone to crush Rome and the kingdom would be set up then Daniel 2:44, but it was like the parables of the mustard seed and the yeast Matt. 13, increasing even today until the crushing blow at Jesus second coming.
The disciples knew Jesus was the Messiah/Christ, so I am sure that was part of their preaching, but Jesus' death and resurrection were hidden even from the disciples Luke 9:45. We see how they fled when Jesus was arrested, Matt. 26:56, and they did not believe He resurrected Mark 16:10-11 Luke 23:10-11 it was hidden from them for if Satan had known the results, he would have tried to stop it.
Jesus spoke mainly to the Pharisees and Sadducees in parables to fulfill the prophecy, Matt. 13:10-15 Mark 4:10-13 Luke 8:10. The mystery was not revealed until after Jesus was resurrected as Jesus told them the Holy Spirit would bring remembrance and teaching to them John 14:26 John 16:3-4 Romans 11:25 Romans 16:25 the promise to Abraham Genesis 17:4-7 and that seed was Jesus the Messiah/Christ.
This is my understanding may someone else have another, pray and study for your understanding.
God bless,
Secret - consultation, intimacy, Hebrew word translation into "cowd" company of persons (in close deliberation)
Virginia G. Cantu, Actually you've got it right, important part "GOD hates evil". Proverbs 3:32, Ecclesiastes 12:14. He also will direct us, & sometimes even give us insight into His plans. Psalms 73:24, Matthew 6:6, Deuteronomy 29:29, Psalms 91:1, Daniel 2, Daniel was given the secret dream the ruler had & the interpretation meaning. Amos 3:7,
Even the secret of Christ Jesus the promised Messiah= Romans 16:24-27,
Hopefully these are helpful
My thoughts on this verse is that to "Kiss the Son" (referred her to the Son of God and Anointed On-Messiah) is to worship him and submit to Him. In O.T. times the pagans around the Israelites kissed their idols as an act of worship. See 2 Kings 19:18.
Also, kissing a king, prince, or other dignitary was a sign of respect and honor with the kisser often kissing the hand or feet of the dignitary who was seen as more honored than the one kissing.
Also, in Scripture, kissing was a sign of deep love, as with Joseph kissing each of his brothers when he revealed to them who he was in Genesis 31:28 or Paul instruction us to greet one another with the holy kiss in Romans 16:16 and elsewhere.
In this Psalm, kings and rulers are instructed to Kiss the Son, (the Anointed One, Messiah, King, Son of God). So, I think it means that these officials were rebellious towards God and are being asked to repent and turn back to God by submitting and worshipping the King of the World, Jesus Christ.
Interesting years don't seem as significant to GOD as they are to man. Isaiah 55:8-11
Events, seem to be the significant time table to GOD, Genesis 15:13-16, Revelation 6:9-11, 2Peter 3:8-11, Romans 16:25, Revelation 10:7,
It almost seems like you're asking because of a Biblical study question
2 A bishop then must be blameless, the (husband) of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;
Read the chapter I Timothy 3:1-16
Acts 18:1, possible during 2Timothy 4:20-22, Acts 18,
During Paul's lifetime, sometime after Jesus rose from the grave, Acts 1, Acts 9, because Paul was preaching with those who where close with Jesus. Galatians 1:18, Acts 10, Acts 11, Galatians 2:1,7,8,11,14, Matthew 4:18,
Hopefully you find these helpful
Because by the time of the writing most that Paul taught walked away from
Him and he was given the knowledge of the mystery of the function of the Body
Of Christ the Church of of in the age of Grace.Kept secret before the world began
Romans 16:25+26.