Discuss Romans 3 Page 13

  • Jeff on Psalms 11 - 9 years ago
    Good works alone will not get us to heaven, in fact works has nothing to do with salvation. We are saved by God's grace alone. Salvation is a free gift from the Lord, and our works after that are our choice-though God does expect us to live by the book. Because of our sin, we are separated from God. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23 The Penalty for our sin is death. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23 The penalty for our sin was paid by Jesus Christ! But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 If we repent of our sin, then confess and trust Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we will be saved from our sins! For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Romans 10:13 ...if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Romans 10:9,10
  • Mike on Romans 3 - 9 years ago
    all have sinned, sinned has the letters "ed " at the end of it, that means past tense. Our Savior Jesus said " go and sin no more " redeemed by the blood of the Lamb AMEN.
  • Blessed on Romans 3 - 9 years ago
    gal. 5:22 the fruit of the spirit no law is above because the spirit establish the law through faith in all thy ways acknowledge him JESUS say he come not to break the law but to fulfill it
  • Ingrid on Romans 3 - 9 years ago
    I love the book of Romans! It encompasses all the truth of what Christ is to Christians. He is the one who, by grace, brought forgiveness to ALL who simply accept him as the son of God, as Redeemer of sin, as the Holy and Anointed one. This book tells us that there is not one who is not a sinner, not one who does not need his blood to be cleansed in front of God the Father 's eyes. And, that there is nothing WE can do to work our way to eternal life...no works of charity so there will be no boasting the only righteous thing to do is to accept Him and hold that peace in our hearts knowing that we are his adopted children, sons and daughters of the King of kings to whom He grants his most beautiful promise of eternal life!
  • Jacob on James 2 - 9 years ago
    James is written to the twelve tribes verse 1. We are not Jews. In the body of Christ there are no distinctions Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. So this is a letter that you can find great teaching instruction for the body of Christ but where it crosses the Pauline epistles it is not for you doctrinally. It will be addressed to Jews in the tribulation doctrinally. Compare being justified by works in this epistle with being justified without works in the church age Romans 3:28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. Until Acts 7 with the rejection of Stephens message the end of the world is in view and the Lord could have came back without a church age. James was written during this time period. The Lord was rejected again and the Church age inserted. This did not take the Lord by surprise but He gave the Jews a legitimate offer. Once the Church is caught out the book of Hebrews will show the amendments to the Law and the book of James will begin their doctrine as the Lord will begin dealing with Jews who have to keep the works like in the O.T. Deuteronomy 6:25 And it shall be our righteousness, if we observe to do all these commandments before the LORD our God, as he hath commanded us. Revelation 12:17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. Today no works are connected Rom 4:5 but once the church is out the sealing of the Holy Spirit will be gone and you will have to keep up the works.
  • William elam on Romans 3:4 - 9 years ago
  • Dan on Romans 3:25 - 9 years ago
    Because we exercise faith in the ransom paid by Christ Jesus, we have inner peace and a close relationship with God.
  • Jeffrey on John 8 - 9 years ago
    Romans 3:23 goes with John chapter 8. For all have come short of the glory of God. If we are to be true followers of Christ, we have to stop condemning one another and start loving each other. We are all sinners so we should not judge others. John 3:16-17 say 's for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him shall not parish but have eternal life. For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved. So saints if Jesus didn 't condemn us who are we to condemn others. Lets live out the Lords commandment which is to love others as Christ loves the church. Be blessed and stay strong in the Lord.
  • Chuck on Romans 3 - 9 years ago
    rob sabbath was made for man not man for the sabbath, the sabbath cannot save you from hell only Jesus Christ the perfect lamb of god will read colossians 2-16.
  • Uno hoo on Romans 3:16 - 9 years ago
    The end of the wicked is destruction and misery, both in life and death. Death for the Christian is a God shepharded transition into His heavenly abode where all tears will be wiped away. Not so for the lost who have their misery forever.
  • Amen and Amen on Romans 3:22 - 9 years ago
    It 's so easy to change the meaning of a sentence or doctrine with just a very slight change or omission, "the faith in " versus "the faith of " It 's a beautiful thing to witness how many of my brothers and or sisters in Christ, have refused to fall for the devil 's trap of believing that the correct translation is "faith in ". It 's just marvelous!!
  • Reinarudo Watanabe on Ephesians 2 - 9 years ago
    EPHESIANS 2:8 COMMENTS 3 31 2015 11:40 PM Yea, we believed by the grace of God through our faith unto the Lord Jesus Christ, we are saved. For it is the gift of God that given to us. ROMANS 3:24, 10:9-11. Thank you Lord for the abundance grace that none can be measure. A-men.
  • Adam on Prayer of Manasseh 1 - 9 years ago
    Seems to suggest Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob did not sin? But know that all have according to Romans 3:23.
  • RNM 3-15 ROM on Romans 3 - 9 years ago
    ROM 3-15... Rob, of course God forgives you, a disciple asked Yeshua or Jesus, how many times should we forgive our brother 7 times, and Jesus said no 70 times 7 times, in other words as many time as he sins against you and then asks for forgiveness you are to forgive him, this was given to us for and example of how God forgives us. But I feel your pain, once we give ourselves to our Lord and Savior we repent of our sins, we confess them in secret to our Messiah, we should be baptized by someone like minded then we start the process of sanctification, which is basically cleaning up our act or life, when you feel temptation you half to communicate with Jesus to help you through, He will make a way to escape it but you half to try and be in tune with the Spirit because the Spirit will guide you into truth, or make a way out, it is by this method, as long as you do not quench the spirit, "which is holding back what the Spirit is trying to do. " That strengthens us its sort of like, picturing a muscle, the more resistance you give it the stronger it becomes. The next most important part is to study, read and above all, if you desire to fellowship, search out a true church one that is in Obedience to God, and that observes the True Holy 7th day Sabbath, I hope I 've been a little helpful. PRAISE OUR CREATOR GOD AND HOLY YESHUA AMEN!!
  • Justin imbert on Romans 3 - 10 years ago
    Thanks Elliot!
  • Rob on Romans 3 - 10 years ago
    what about if sin is continuing in your life , and you can 't stop , does God still forgive you ?even though you try ?
  • RNM 3-7 ROM on Romans 3 - 10 years ago
    ROM 3-7...There is no fear of God before their eyes. Rom 3:18 This is talking about YOU!! You blindly follow and obey Man 's commandments, while Totally rejecting GOD 'S Commandments at least the most important one, that a certain fallen angel has deceived you into believing is no longer valid or that it 's been done away with. I 've got an important message for all, all ten commandments are alive and well including the 4th, the Sabbath Commandment the 7th day. This is not a Commandment for the jewish only, but for all mankind, it is a Memorial to God 's Creation, and to reject it, is an admission of disbelief in GOD being the Creator Which is rejecting GOD himself, you may scoff or have some snide remark to say to that, but the fact remains we live in the information age, and their is no excuse for any to worship GOD in ignorance, the truth about how the false Sunday Sabbath came about is at your fingertips. Their was a time after the Reformation that GOD winked at man 's ignorance, but we have come a long way since then, and their is no excuse now AMEN!!
  • Kevin Bordeaux on Romans 3 - 10 years ago
    Jesus came that we might have life. You are living and breathing right now, so maybe we are talking about a spiritual life? Not physical life. When Adam and Eve ate the fruit "all men died " according to the Bible but Adam and Eve actually covered their lower parts? So they didn 't die physically....? The Greek Hebrew definition for repent means to think differently. Gods ways are not like our ways, so we must get on Gods way of thinking. Repentance is good for the soul, but God actually needs us to stop being sorry, and start doing the work! God knows your heart, so you don 't have to convince him that you are sorry, repent and change your mind, which in turn will change your actions.
  • Elliot on Romans 3 - 10 years ago
    Justin imbert, No, it is not possible for us to live a sin free life. That 's what Paul is saying in chapters 2 and 3. But verse 28 says, "Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. " We are not saved by our own deeds, but by the deeds of the only person on earth to live a sinless life: Jesus Crist. Ask God to forgive you from your sins and have faith In Jesus, and you will be blameless before God.
  • Jacob on Acts 1 - 10 years ago
    Part 2 NENE. Now James is addressed to the twelve tribes. See verse 1. We know that there is a doctrinal change after Philemon because there is a distinguishing of Jews and gentiles again. Hence the twelve tribes. Under Paul's church age doctrine, there is no difference when you are saved Gal 3:28. James is addressed doctrinally to the Jews in the tribulation. See Revelation 7:4 for example. Now the Bible can 't contradict so we read in James 2:14 that justification is by works then in Romans 3:24,4:24, and 5:1 Justification by faith. Which is it? Paul is our spokesman for today Rom 11:15,16:4, 1Tim 2:7,2 Tim 1:11,2:7,etc. So for the church age justification is by faith alone Eph 2:8-9. After the church is caught out 1 Thess 4:16-18 the Holy Spirit will again deal much like the O.T. and salvation can be lost again and one must endure to be saved. See Matt 24:13, Heb 3:6,14, etc. You don 't have to endure to be saved in the church age, Christ will make sure you endure 1 Cor 1:8 and you are sealed Eph 1:18,4:30. Hope this helps.
  • Justin imbert on Romans 3 - 10 years ago
    My question is, how can we live a sin free life? Would it be possible for us to live a sin free life? If we are sinners by nature, them how does God save us?
  • Ps. Enoch Asiedu on Romans 3 - 10 years ago
    It is true that Jesus stated it clear what to mix with what, but dearly beloved, about tithe...... we are there was only a change in the law. The change is this, that we pay tithe to the 'in-charge. The new testament did not close the chapter of paying tithe entirely, it only changed the fact that tithe was paid only to the Levites. But according to Hebrews 7: 5 - 17.. So, tithe is not ended...
  • Narcisse on Romans 3 - 10 years ago
    I like verse 20-22 where it s clear that we ve to focus our energy in the new testament, I wonder why people still apply the old testament in our daily life even Jesus said it many times that we cannot mixed new wine in the old container. let s follow Jesus only but we can read old testament just for knowledge not rules. no way in the world people can apply 2 constitutions at the same time. the bible is the only book that ve 2 constitutions if we consider also the old testament as our constitution which I do not agree. that why Jesus did not agree with things like tithe bcs it s a law but with him we can give with love where there is no limit but only ur heart. OLD TESTAMENT IS OLD WE NEED NEW TESTAMEENT WITH JESUS
  • Simon thoka on Romans 3 - 10 years ago
    this is more about the redemption and the effect of the law upon human kind.the law was segredatory and not accomodating all but grace through faith in Christ is the great blanket that covers and removes the sin of people without partiality.The works of man and the law failed to bring redemption.
  • Martha on Psalms 1 - 10 years ago
    Anonymous, we as flesh and blood do not have the ability to change ourselves but the blood of Christ is sufficient to cover your sins. Matthew 26:28 28 For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God Acts 3:19 - Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord Matthew 26:28 - For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.
  • Reinarudo Watanabe on Isaiah 1 - 10 years ago
    ISAIAH CHAPTER 1 1 15 15 10:00 PM In v16 The LORD God is still merciful unto them. As also written in ROMANS 3:23 6:23 2:7. If we walk unto the way of our Lord Jesus Christ we will attain the eternal life. Praise the LORD. a-MEN.
  • Reinarudo Watanabe on Isaiah 1 - 10 years ago
    ISAIAH CHAPTER 1 1 14 15 10:17 PM In Verse 16 The LORD God is truely merciful, because even the people was gone away backward and rebelled against Him but still gave a chance. As HE saith 16 Wash you, make you clean put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes cease to do evil In ROMANS 3:23 saith For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God In ROMANS 6:23 For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. The same which the LORD God said to them And the same as now through Lord Jesus Christ we have an eternal life. As said in JOHN 3:16 and ROMANS 2:7. Praise the LORD, A-men.
  • Phyllis on Isaiah 1 - 10 years ago
    According to my Bible, I do not get this that all are saved. Going to NT after Jesus, see Romans 3:23 "for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God ". Vs. 18 is telling us that even though we have sinned, we can become cleansed.
  • Rob on Romans 3:25 - 10 years ago
    Have faith in the blood. Thank you Jesus.
  • BSP on Romans 3:29 - 10 years ago
    God is not partial and is a God of all races of people.

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