Discuss Romans 6 Page 19

  • BSP on Romans 6 - 6 years ago
    Verse 12~We need to gain control over our sinful inclinations. We can choose to do what is right.
  • Mari on Matthew 21 - 6 years ago
    The thief on the cross died in the old covenant. Jesus had not risen for the New covenant to begin. For Water baptism: Mark 16:16-17, 1Peter 3:18-21, Romans 6:3-8, kjv. Amen
  • Judah on Romans 6 - 6 years ago
    It means, Our sinful body (Old man) the old man is basically you before you learned God's laws
  • Randy on Romans 6 - 6 years ago
    Jesus said that whosoever commits sin is the servant of sin. So the only way to not serve sin is to stop sinning. But God be thanked, that ye WERE the servants of sin. Sin is all unrighteousness. Being free from sin we are now servants of Righteousness. PEACE!
  • Bruce Wayne on Romans 6 - 6 years ago
    Will, look at 1 John Chapter 3. Sin is a transgression of the Law (Law of God that is: His 10 commandments). If you continue in transgression of the Law then you continue serving sin. If you obey his 10 commandments you serve God. Psalms 89:34, God said he would never alter the very thing that came from his lips...from his very lips came his 10 commandments-See Exodus 20.
  • Quansto on Romans 6 - 6 years ago
    Hi Will versus 6 is saying that our old man or old personality died when Jesus died for us. so we are no longer slaves to sin
  • A disciple on Romans 6 - 6 years ago
    Will Virella; What it means that our old man is crucified with Christ, and that the body of sin is destroyed, and that from now on we should not serve sin? It means that when we repent and ask the Lord Jesus to forgive us for all we've done and are then really and truly converted; Jesus breaks the power of sin's hold of us, and we can start our life anew; no longer a stupid and helpless slave!
  • Will Virella on Romans 6 - 6 years ago
    What does it mean, Roman 6:6 Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin?

    Thank you
  • Chris sprosty on Romans 6 - 6 years ago
    Romans 6 teaches to the believer we must obey God turn to obedience to enter heaven. Its sin to death or obedience to life.. So simple ! But most are already shouting not of works so making they own god and calling him Jesus that's why he says "depart from me worker of iniquity i never knew you"twisting the word of God is what the masses out there do..not of works doesn't mean you don't have to obey
  • Smeshque on Romans 6 - 6 years ago
    It is not of works lest any man should boast. But, belief leads to obedience. Obedience in loving God with all are being and our neighbor as self. Faith is an active thing. In James 2 you can see how faith without works is dead. It is not enough to just say I believe. One must execute that belief in obedience. If we love HIM we will keep HIS commandments.
  • Mike fisher on Romans 6 - 6 years ago
    Why is man so beset with contributing to his salvation by his works, there is none righteous, not one, yet we think we can attain some level that is pleasing to God. The standard is Jesus our part is to believe that, take God at his word and walk in it.
  • Eutychus - 6 years ago
    Jesus says, "If your eye offend you, pluck it out". Matt 18:9. But, if your mouth defiles you, it is your entire body that is being defiled. And since our bodies are the temple of God, we are defiling that temple. "If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy". 1 Cor. 3:17.

    Our deliverance then is Romans 6:1-7, and our baptism, for, "He that is dead, is freed from sin." Romans 6:7.
  • BSP on Romans 6 - 7 years ago
    Verse 17: We don't want to begrudgingly be obedient, but we want to be obedient from the heart towards God.
  • Randy on Romans 6 - 7 years ago
    Hi Audrey, I agree that the blood of lambs and goats could not wash the sins of the Jews or our sins away, but the Blood of Christ does! FREE from sin! Now serve Him in righteousness, HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, not my tears. Holy to the LORD!
  • A disciple on Romans 6 - 7 years ago
    Audrey; You may have been misinformed about forgiveness in the Law and the Prophets. See Leviticus 4:20,26,31; 5:10,13; 6:7; 19:22; Numbers 14:19;15:26. Adam and Eve were forgiven and released to live out the rest of their lives and propagate the whole human race because of the Word of God that Christ would come in the flesh and undo the works of the devil and the power of sin; so RECONCILING man.
  • A disciple on Romans 6 - 7 years ago
    Audrey; You may have been misinformed about forgiveness in the Law and the Prophets. See Leviticus 4:20,26,31; 5:10,13; 6:7; 19:22; Numbers 14:19;15:26. Adam and Eve were forgiven and released to live out the rest of their lives and propagate the whole human race because of the Word of God that Christ would come in the flesh and undo the works of the devil and the power of sin; so RECONCILING man.
  • Audrey Love on Romans 6 - 7 years ago
    Hi Randy, The Old Covenant did not forgive sin nor could it. The Old covenant is a foreshadow of Christ. Everything is about Jesus. Jesus was the Passover lamb, Jesus was the final sacrifice. The blood of lambs and goats could not wash the sins of the Jews or our sins away. From the priests offering the lamb up as a sacrifice, foreshadows the Priests in the NT offering up Jesus to be sacrificed.
  • A disciple on Romans 6 - 7 years ago
    Emanuel; Let me try to explain it another way you might better understand. The tail isn't supposed to wag the dog! We live now in this tabernacle of a flesh body on earth, that's appointed already to die. WE are spirits housed in this body. Jesus has broken the bonds of our spirits' servitude to the flesh; and given us His Spirit to lead us in victory every day, if we abide in Him.
  • Randy on Romans 6 - 7 years ago
    Emanuel: Friend, please tell me then what Jesus did for us. The old covenant forgave sin, so what does the New Covenant do? As far as me and my family, we will never go back to thinking we are still yet sinners after what Jesus did for us! The KJV says "while we WERE yet sinners". The KJV says "Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin"! Holy
  • Emanuel Fernandes on Romans 6 - 7 years ago
    Disciple, you never answered my question youre very vague and ambiguous which most lost people are! So a saved person'S flesh DONT SIN? (THE KEY WORD BEING FLESH!) Then why do we need a glorified body ? Whats the day of redemption? if we dont sin why does our body needs to be redeemed? ITS BECAUSE IT STILL SIN! Paul said I myself(soul) serve the law of God. MY FLESH SERVES THE LAW OF SIN!
  • Emanuel Fernandes on Romans 6 - 7 years ago
    youre handling the word of god deceitfully your nothing but a scribe christian philosopher so this is my last time trying to reach you. WHY DONT YOU POST THE WHOLE VERSE! Its written that ye sin not. WHERES THE THE REST. If ye do sin know that ye have the advocate with the father jesus christ the righteous. YOURE ARE CLEARLY LOST! YOU THINK YOUR SINLESSLY PERFECT!
  • Emanuel Fernandes on Romans 6 - 7 years ago
    Youre sins are forgiven past present and future. YOURE NOT GLORIFIED YET YOUR FLESH WILL SIN BUT YOU ARE NO LONGER ATTACHED TO YOUR FLESH. You have been uncircumised the SOUL NO LONGER SINS IT HAS BEEN Redemed. Until the blessed HOPE YOUR WILL SIN SO NO CHRIST HAVE FORGIVEN YOUR SIN . Its still present in your flesh it will be taken away at the day of redemption
  • Emanuel Fernandes on Romans 6 - 7 years ago
    Yes this character limit is frustrating trying to edify through posting is very frustrating I perfer face to face but kjv bible believers are very rare I have to travel a long way to meet one in person.
  • A disciple on Romans 6 - 7 years ago
    Emanuel; part of the problem may be with the format of trying to communicate in 400 or less characters. I can see obviously that you are reading your Bible, and you strongly believe the basic tenets of the Faith. But the point we are trying to make is that Jesus' work on the cross was to break the power of sin over us to make us fit for His Presence. And He has provided all for us to not sin!
  • Randy on Romans 6 - 7 years ago
    Emanuel: I guess it just comes down to if one believes HE took away our sin or not. Cannot be both. Grace and Peace.
  • A disciple on Romans 6 - 7 years ago
    Emanuel; "My little children, these things I write unto you, THAT YOU SIN NOT!" The Apostle then goes on with words of comfort and encouragement "IF anyone sin.." but not to throw a blanket declaration over all of us that we're still in bondage. Who told you that you're sinning every day? Are you really? Jesus saves us FROM OUR SINS so that we can be reconciled to God and be His children in truth.
  • Emanuel Fernandes on Romans 6 - 7 years ago
    Saved people there is a battle raging inside of him we STRUGGLE with sin. A lost person sin and has no conscience and justifies it. You can't tell the difference maybe because your poor discernment! Paul not me said
    Romans 7:20 Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. 7:24 O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this deat!
  • Emanuel Fernandes on Romans 6 - 7 years ago
    I think you need to examine yourselves to see if your saved. Is this a nkjv forum I'm I the only one reading from a kjv. Saved people STILL SIN those are Paul words NOT MINE. You clearly admit that saved people are sinlessly perfect. Your flesh profiteh nothing YOU WERE MAKING MY POINT. That's the verse you used in your argument if your lowered your pride.
  • Randy on Romans 6 - 7 years ago
    Emanuel: That's the saddest thing I've ever heard. "Evil and sin dwells within me"....My God! Didn't Jesus do ANYTHING for you! What DID HE do for you? Tell me. It's not about feelings...it's about believing! Obedience, not sacrifice! If we are yet in our sin, Christ is not raised in us, and out faith is vain! For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified. Truth
  • Randy on Romans 6 - 7 years ago
    Emanuel: Grace

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