Discuss Romans 6 Page 26

  • The Sweet on Romans 6 - 11 years ago
    Romans 6 is one of my all time favourite bible chapters. It is so powerful. It should set your heart pounding. Romans 6 is about ceasing from sin. It may be about ending the double life we can lead. Paul says v7 "he that is dead is freed from sin" (also v18, v22). Pretty clear isn't it? The old man (natural sinful nature by birth) is crucified with him,v6 that the body of sin might be destroyed. Yes Jesus died that we might have eternal life, v23, but by New Birth we can be freed from sin now. We no longer need to be slaves to sin because the natural (nature of sin) has been destroyed by Christ's death and resurrection. This was the whole point of Christ's death, to defeat sin so that we might live. Now! Eternal Life is a continuation of this in a new body. Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit to make this possible. Without receiving the Holy Spirit personally, being freed from sin is impossible.
  • David on Matthew 28 - 11 years ago
    I don't believe in adding my opinion to the Word of God, rather accepting it and obey it all. There is a command to teach nations and baptizing them ( Acts 2:38, Acts 8:16, Acts 10:48, Acts 19:5, Acts 22:16, Romans 6:3-5), and even in 1 Corinthians 1:13-15 and Colossians 3:17 that all we do in word or deed should be in the name of Lord Jesus. To me, it is not about what I think, it is about obeying the Word.
  • Soldier for Christ on Romans 6 - 11 years ago
    I agree with Paul here, should we continue in sin that grace may abound? God forbid it; why should we who are dead to sin live any longer therein? Or are you not dead to sin? It’s simple either you’re lost or saved in or out, with Christ or against Him which to me is a really scary thought. There was a study that said the two worst ways to die were to drown or burn to death and the Bible calls hell a lake of fire, in hell you will never die you will just feel the pain of dying forever. I'm not trying to make you doubt if you’re saved or not just wanting to make sure you know and if you’re not give yourself to the Lord now; tomorrow may be too late. Repent of your sin and turn from your wicked ways ask for the Lord’s forgiveness, after you’re saved you need to get baptized to symbolize that you are washed from your sin and have given yourself over to Christ. Once you've made the decision you can be dead to sin and remember not to live any longer therein. Now I'm going to close with this: the Lord Jesus Christ loves you but hates your sin so remember to live no longer therein.
  • Patty on Acts 2 - 11 years ago
    If baptism isn't important to be saved then why does Christ say it is so often in the scriptures? Because it is very important.
    Mark 16:16 | Read whole chapter | See verse in context
    He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

    Acts 11:16 | Read whole chapter | See verse in context
    Then remembered I the word of the Lord, how that he said, John indeed baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost.

    Luke 3:21 | Read whole chapter | See verse in context
    Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven was opened,

    Matthew 20:23 | Read whole chapter | See verse in context
    And he saith unto them, Ye shall drink indeed of my cup, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with: but to sit on my right hand, and on my left, is not mine to give, but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of my Father.

    Acts 1:5 | Read whole chapter | See verse in context
    For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence.

    Romans 6:3 | Read whole chapter | See verse in context
    Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?

    1 Corinthians 1:16 | Read whole chapter | See verse in context
    And I baptized also the household of Stephanas: besides, I know not whether I baptized any other.

    Matthew 20:22 | Read whole chapter | See verse in context
    But Jesus answered and said, Ye know not what ye ask. Are ye able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of, and to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with? They say unto him, We are able.

    Mark 10:39 | Read whole chapter | See verse in context
    And they said unto him, We can. And Jesus said unto them, Ye shall indeed drink of the cup that I drink of; and with the baptism that I am baptized withal shall ye be baptized:

    Matthew 3:14 | Read whole chapter | See verse in context
    But John forbad him, saying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me?

    Mark 10:38 | Read whole chapter | See verse in context
    But Jesus said unto them, Ye know not what ye ask: can ye drink of the cup that I drink of? and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?

    Acts 22:16 | Read whole chapter | See verse in context
    And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized, and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord.
  • Jay on John 4 - 11 years ago
    On how to get saved:
    1. You make a statement that a person must accept Jesus Christ in baptism to be saved in order to go to heaven;
    2. If this is a reference that water baptism is part of a person’s being born again then I must state that the scriptures do not support this belief;
    3. In the church age (age of grace), water baptism is never connected to salvation;
    4. The apostle Paul (apostle to gentiles) says in 1 Corinthians 1:17 that Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect;
    5. So you can determine that water baptism is not part of the gospel message which is the death, burial, and resurrection ( 1 Corinthians 15:1-4), Jesus baptized no one ( John 4:2);
    6. When a person accepts Jesus Christ as his/her saviour, at that moment they are baptized (filled) in with the holy spirit (ghost);
    7. The word baptism means to be immerse (not sprinkled or water poured over the head) and is called believer’s baptism, because it represents the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ ( Romans 6:1-6), which is what happens to a person spiritually at the time we receive Jesus Christ as our savior;
    8. Born again believers get baptized because they are saved, not to get saved;
    9. Christians are baptized in water as act of public display of their faith they received from him ( Hebrews 12:2),and they are making an open commitment to serve and obey Jesus according to the scriptures.
  • Rev on Acts 2 - 12 years ago
    Baptism plays a very real part in our salvation. Jesus spoke in John 3:3-8 of the new birth (being born again) said that we must be born again of Water and of the Spirit. Water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ and the infilling of the Holy Ghost ( Acts 2:1-4). We must Repent (die to sin) we must be baptized in Jesus' name (burial, likened to Jesus, Romans 6:4) and then Receive the Holy Ghost ( Acts 2:1-4; 10:44-47). There is the plan... Thank God I followed it!
  • Ian on Matthew 24 - 12 years ago
    The whore of Babylon is the Catholic Church. Her daughters are the churches that left the Catholic Church but kept many of its pagan rituals it adopted. Sunday worship Easter, Christmas to name the most recognized. The bible proves the real day Jesus died, the month he was born, and day he rose. It isn't Good Friday, Sunday or December. And nowhere in the Bible is Sunday hallowed and commanded to be kept holy and rested on. These are the traditions of man and Jesus warns us about them in Mark 7:6-9 and 13. And the fourth commandment is the commandment he says is forsaken. Even Martin Luther who was taught as a catholic but called them the whore of Babylon. He even recognized the true Sabbath but didn't want to go through the hassle of changing the status quo. Not surprising seeing as the Catholics were killing Christians that kept the true Sabbath. They did this for 1260 years. This period is known as the dark ages. For anyone that wants to see the proof, there are articles with biblical scripture backed with secular history and archeological proofs. Jesus and Paul warned of the false teachers and christs. The Bereans read the Old Testament scriptures to prove what Paul was teaching in the synagogues on the Sabbath. Because there was no New Testament then. The Bible says that He was "without sin" ( Hebrews 4:15). And "sin IS the transgression of the law" ( 1 John 3:4, KJV). So we know that Jesus never transgressed God's law-including the fourth commandment about keeping the Sabbath holy. If Jesus had broken the Sabbath, He would have earned the wages of sin-death ( Romans 6:23), and could not have become our Savior. It is clear, then, that Jesus never broke even the least of God's commandments, nor taught men to do so. On the contrary, He said, "I have KEPT My Father's commandments" ( John 15:10). Furthermore, at the very beginning of His ministry, Jesus set the standard for what would be His lifelong example: "So He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. And as His CUSTOM was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read" ( Luke 4:16). Again, in Luke 13:10, we read, "Now He was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath." The Law of Moses to this day is read in the synagogues. So don't fall for the deception it was nailed to the cross. The reason Jesus called the Pharisees sons of Satan they had added over 60 laws to the Sabbath day not ordered by God. These laws were nailed to the cross along with ceremonial laws like circumcision mentioned in acts.. That is the leaven Jesus tells us not to listen to. Acts 15:20, We should instead write a letter, instructing them to abstain from four things: first, things associated with idol worship; second, sexual immorality; third, food killed by strangling; and fourth, blood. Verse 21, My reason for these four exceptions is that in every city there are Jewish communities where, for generations, the laws of Moses have been proclaimed; and on every Sabbath, Moses is read in synagogues everywhere. Again the Sabbath is expected to be kept by the gentiles to hear the laws of Moses. So the apostles don't think the law was nailed to the cross.
  • Lucy on Romans 6:19 - 12 years ago
    All I want is to know Christ and experience the power of his resurrection.
  • Biodun Williams on Proverbs 5 - 12 years ago
    Proverbs 5 starts with a great and strong admonition that we should give, so to speak, committed and concentrated attention to the Word of God- and that refers to His Wisdom ( Psalms 37:4 John 15:7). But why such recommendation? It is because God‘s love is always instructional, corrective, inspiring; and as matter of fact encouraging. And in this Proverbs 5;1, Solomon, through the Wisdom of God, places great emphasis on obedience, and that is with regard to, giving attention to God’s Word. You see, the truth; God's Word, is filled with His love, truth, graciousness, peace, mercy and loving kindness. And when we give attention and plenty of time to the dictates of the Word of God, gossips, rumours, backbiting, innuendos and lies that others dish out won’t affect us. John 1:12, You see, he that loves the LORD and daily feeds and honour His Word, is hidden in Christ who is hidden in God. It is a mystery and yet it is real. Therefore, Proverbs 5 contains so much, as it encourages towards righteousness, godliness and holiness; and also warns individual Christians against immorality. When the truth of God Word is honoured, blessings become the norm ( 1 John 5:4). In other words it becomes a daily occurrence in the lives of the practitioners of the dictates of the Holy Writ, the Word of God. And with that comes genuine prosperity. It therefore connotes that the warnings against immorality are highly important for the true believer, so that the substances and such things that he carries, does not depart and flee into others habitation. And that is because the things of the Holy Spirit are not compatible with the arm of the flesh. Therefore, the reason for such strong warning and admonition, the implication of this, is that we give unwavering attention to the Word of God, and to really reflect on it and not on immorality. The more attention and time we give to meditating on the Word of God, the more intimate we become with the Holy Spirit; and the more the blessing and revelation He will pour upon us. In fact because the Kingdom of God is already inside whoever truly loves and believes God and His Word through the person of Jesus Christ, then investing committed attention to His Word and the practice of it cannot but result in outpouring of the blessings and favours of the Almighty God upon such individuals, ( Matthew 6:10; Luke 17:21, Romans 6:16). God has placed ministry gifts within the Body of Christ that we can learn from- and that is beside personal study of His Word. And therefore, it is wise to take advantage of such favours, and ministrations. And when the right type of attitude is put in place in that direction, that would result in practical righteousness, as we conduct ourselves, humbly and genuinely in line with the Word of God. In Deuteronomy 28:14, it talks about the blessings of obedience- while the other part of it talks about the curse of disobedience. When you read through it you cannot but marvel no matter who you are. And therefore the importance of taking on board God's dictates saturates and fills our being and then puts it in our mouths, as we conduct our lives in righteousness. We also declare it toward sanctification and purification, and that is because we are the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ. However, we must never forget that, all these are only for whosoever trusts and obeys; for you can't be wiser that your belief system. Hence the importance and relevance of genuine and committed obedience towards the dictates of the Holy Writ; for it has to be to you according to THE level of your dependency on God. That means devotion, humility and consecration.
  • Robin atwater on Romans 6 - 12 years ago
    Romans 6 doesn't talk about water baptism. It says we must be baptized into His death. The thief on the cross is a perfect picture of this. He was not water baptized - but shared in Christ’s death because of his faith. Because he was crucified with Christ (baptized into His death) nevertheless he lived. So also we are baptized into His death, in the spiritual sense when we place our faith in His death. The obedience that is required of us is Christ's obedience. If you back up to the end of Romans 5 you will see that by one Man's obedience all were made perfect. That one Man is Christ. What are we doing trying to be made perfect by our efforts? Unless you are talking about being obedient to the Gospel- which is just believing. And at that point, the sin nature is made inoperable and no longer dominates you (not sinless perfection, but still not dominating your life). This is what it is meant by "He who is dead, is free from the sin (nature)." Our faith plunges us into His death. Verse 6 explains, in the original Greek, that it is not the sin nature that dies, but it is made inoperable when we die. Thus, I am crucified with Christ. We gain that position by faith alone in His death. It is not obedience to The Law, or any law. Our labour is to rest. We simply believe. If you'd like to hear more teaching on Romans 6, go to thecross.tv and click on Bible College. It will explain more to you how you can be free. Praise God!
  • Angel Cheverez on Romans 6:23 - 12 years ago
    Spelled wrong: For the wages of sin is death: but the gift of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Thanks Jesus Christ.
  • André on Job 1 - 12 years ago
    The Bible clearly states that ‘’the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.’’ Romans 6:23. And death and life are mutually exclusive. The trouble is that most unbelievers do judge from the cover, without entering the book, which is completely wrong. They take the Bible as a baby playbook, so they set all sort of barriers, not because of what they know, but mainly, because of what they don’t know.
    Sure there is profit in being a good person as the Bible says ’’For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.’’ 1 Timothy 4:8 And I have chosen both bodily exercise and godliness. God bless you.
  • Bb_959 on Acts 4:12 - 12 years ago
    Read Frenz's Comment on Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 10:9-10, 13, Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, John 3:3 Acts 4:12, Acts 16:16-40 (v31).
  • Rbeca on Galatians 6 - 12 years ago
    This Chapter has truly taught me how to live a rightful life in the eyes of God. Many times I have struggled to keep myself distant from the things that slowly make me depart from God. This makes me realize the flesh is weak but the spirit is strong. I am a living testimony, 18 years old, and born in a Christian home. However this does not define our place in heaven. As a Daughter of God I have learned that the flesh leads humanity and even the Christian community to deviate from the word and the actions that define a true Christian. And Paul tells us “for he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption”, thus enclosing that if one lives a sinful life without prayer, fasting, and lack of faithfulness, one reaps spiritual deficit and departure from God. The things that would hold us back from God become our daily doze. In addition Romans 6:23 clearly describes that the “wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life.” Sin nonetheless is the cause of spiritual death but if we depart from the sinfulness in our life and truly repent, living a life of holiness, we can reach eternal salvation through God ( Romans 8:1 KJV). On the other hand Paul also teaches us that if one is in the spirit, of the spirit we shall reap life everlasting. Life everlasting is not just accepting God and believing we are saved. Life everlasting is keeping a sane life in front of God and above all keeping a life of holiness. Because we consciously know we are tainted and feel spiritually dirty in the presence of God but the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ allowed us to break the chains of condemnation and repent from our sins. The letter Paul wrote to Rome allowed me to grasp and recall the scripture in 2 Corinthians 5: 17 “Therefore if any man [be] in Christ, [he is] a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”
  • Frenz on Matthew 28 - 12 years ago
    Jesus said in these verse! Go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Jesus did not mention NAMES but name (SINGULAR) (Proper Noun) Father, Son and Holy Spirit is NOT A NAME they are ALL TITLES! It is the name of God (JESUS CHRIST) that we should be baptize and not the TITLE for there is ONLY ONE GOD ( Deuteronomy 6:4; 1 John 5:20; Isaiah 43:10) Jehovah is Jehovah Saviour Jesus Christ revealed in the New Testament that is why there is NOT without this the plan will not be fulfilled, ( Gal 4:3-4) Fullness of time has come God sent forth his Son born of a woman ( Isaiah 7:14) God will give you a "SIGN" ( Isaiah 9:6) This boy will be given a name Emmanuel ( Matthew 1:20-23) That it is the Angel Gabriel who gave the name of this child and his name is Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins. That is why there is power in his name! Jesus will SET YOU FREE ( John 8:32) for Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the father except through ME (Jesus). Because BAPTISM refers to REMISSION OF SINS, without baptism our SINS are not forgiven and our soul is destined to hell, that is why He said in Romans 6:23: ‘’For the wages of Sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ’’. This is God's Plan of salvation. The offering of Bulls and animals is not good in the sight of God that is why He sent his Son born of a woman to redeem those who are under the law ( Galatians 4:3-4). And God is Spirit ( John 4:24), He came into world as a sinful flesh to die on the cross for our sins. That is why that in the name of Jesus there is Remission of Sins ( Acts 2:38); In the name of Jesus there is salvation ( Acts 4:12); in the name of Jesus there is healing. In other words without this process our soul will not be saved. Our faith must have WORKS ( James 2:24) God bless you all.
  • Malaki on Romans 6:23 - 12 years ago
    Understandable and it is a clear massage

    Praise the Lord for his salvation
  • Jon on Psalms 1 - 12 years ago
    The entire content of this Psalm is summarized in Romans 6: 23 for the wages of sin is death, it says and it gives God's alternative that 'the gift of God is eternal life'. That gives more emphasis to Psalm 1.
  • Tuhoe on Romans 6 - 12 years ago
    There is a penalty for sin. You cannot save yourself. Ephesians 2:8-9 says it is by Grace (unmerited favor), getting what we don't deserve, a free gift of eternal life. All you have to do is take it.
  • Betty on Romans 6:12 - 12 years ago
    Take off mortality and put on Immortality.
  • Winston capilitan on Romans 6:23 - 12 years ago
    sin of the wicked;punishable by the second death to hell according the Book of Revelation 21:8,therefore the key of salvation is the Acts 2:38,Gal.3:27, Luke 24:47-48, Acts 4:11-12,no other Name from heaven....mostly the people today no time for God because of wealth and big business..
  • Reni persaud on Romans 6:14 - 12 years ago
    please explain the superiority of grace over the observance of the law.
  • Source on Romans 6 - 12 years ago
    Romans 6 is about how we are baptised,i.e, we hear the gospel, believe in it, get baptised and live the life of obedience towards God, as like Jesus Christ did. Baptism is the full immersion into water and come out as a new man. This also means that we put to death this flesh and blood that we are bound to sin and rise up as a new man towards God, that we may live thorugh his son the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ is the son of God, the holy Spirit is the separate power of God, therefore they are not one.
    Jesus was also baptised to potray to us that he himself was of flesh and blood in which he was tempted in every way,just like us.Yet, he did not sin..."For the wages sin is death", therefore the grave/hell/hades could not hold him for he was sinless.
  • Boyet Christian on Luke 1 - 12 years ago
    Hello Gabriel, thanks for your reply. Mary is blessed above all people because she is KECHARITOMENE, literally it means "she who has been graced" in a COMPLETED sense. God saved Mary in a most sublime manner. She was given the grace to be saved completely from sin( Luke 1:28, Romans 6:14) so that she never committed even the slightest transgression ( Jude 24-25). Every Christian is NOT completed in grace and in a permanent sense ( Philippians 3:8-12). But according to the angel, Mary is ( Luke 1:28). You and I sin, not because of grace, but because of a lack of grace, or a lack of our cooperation with grace, in our lives. This greeting of the angel is one clue into the unique character and calling of Mary. Only Mary is given the name "full of grace" and in the perfect tense, indicating that this permanent state of Mary was completed.
  • Motumi on Romans 6:4 - 12 years ago
    It shows us that god gave us power to defeat.
  • Teacher / Prophetess April on Romans 6:3 - 12 years ago
    This means that we take on CHRIST's name as well as enter into a sacred union with HIM. This act of baptism is an outward showing as well as a clear mind with CHRIST.When we are baptized in JESUS' name, we are in full understanding that there is no way to the father except in through by the son. And the father, the son, and the holy ghost are ONE. CHRIST died for our sins, and in order to be a partaker in HIS sufferings and a joint heir in HIS kingdom, baptism is a requirement. Everything that is to be done in word or deed is to be done in JESUS' name.
  • Anonymous on Romans 6 - 12 years ago
  • Anonymous on Romans 6 - 12 years ago
  • Nevermore Mazongo on Romans 6 - 12 years ago
    There are two ways to a person's life.
    1. Either you obey Satan and become a servant of sin and free yourself from righteousness.

    2.Or you obey God All Mighty and become a servant of righteousness and free yourself from sin.

    Blessed are those who make the right choice.
  • Ann johnson on Romans 6 - 12 years ago
    Know ye not, that so many of us were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into His death? Baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ, not father,son, and Holy Ghost, was part of the salvation message delivered on the Day of Pentecost by Peter. If you haven't taken on His Name in water baptism, Please obey and be a partaker of his death and God will fill you with the Holy Ghost which symbolizes His resurrection. God bless.
  • Robert tyre on Romans 6 - 12 years ago
    there are so many people in this world, that are so confused about God and the Word of God, it causes'a brain malfunction,and it is hard to realize that sin really exist in a persons life. and will destroy him or her, unless treated. while a person, continues to deny how powerful sin is, and how close, that sin, will send him or her, to an awful end in life. meaning a judgment that will send his soul and spirit to hell.

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