Discuss Romans 8 Page 60

  • Graca on Romans 8 - 11 years ago
    everything work together to produce good result to those who love the Lord
  • Bandile Mngomezulu_south africa on Romans 8:35 - 11 years ago
    God says nothing made or nothing to be made can seperate us from Him, so ever let yourself to decieve you from seperating you from him. Be addicted to God as he is an addiction to they that love him
  • Cosmos Osei-Kumi on Romans 8 - 11 years ago
    'For we know...' this 'we' encompasses you, the devil, situations, events, time, circumstances etc. That is why you should relax irrespective of what seems to be happening.
  • Ann on Romans 8:23 - 11 years ago
    I am, presently, in the throws of trying to lose weight and earnestly seeking God and His Strength, as I know from past failures, I cannot do it by myself. This was today's Scripture reading in my Devotional and these "comments", as an added treat, have been a tremendous blessing. I love this site and us it often. Thanks for providing it! God bless! :)
  • Clarita on Romans 8:28 - 11 years ago
    All things won't be good, but He'll work it for good AMEN.
  • Rosalinasaysonkotapay on John 5 - 11 years ago
    To: Mark Hudson: ...to the FOURTH argument regarding the statement of JESUS, he who believes in ME though he die will live, and shall never die... the EXACT and CORRECT statement that was written is this, "Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he "WERE DEAD", yet "SHALL HE LIVE": And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die" ( John 11:25-26)... meaning, "For if ye live "AFTER THE FLESH", ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do "MORTIFY THE DEEDS" of the body, ye shall live ( Romans 8:13)... and you shall NOT FULFIL THE LUST of the flesh ( Galatians 5:16)... THEREFORE ...you WERE DEAD because you LIVED AFTER THE FLESH and then when you believed Jesus Christ that's the time when you SHALL NEVER DIE... because from then on you do not walk after the flesh anymore but after the Spirit... and that is when you do mortify the deeds of the body... and to MORTIFY the deeds of the body is to MORTIFY our members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness,inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience: In the which ye also WALKED SOME TIME, when ye LIVED IN THEM ( Colossians 3:5).
  • Edmund on John 1:12 - 11 years ago
    Only sons of God can enter the Kingdom of God.
    Only the Holy Spirit can make you a son of God. Ro.
    Only by adoption can you become a son of God. 8:15
    Only God's family have His name. Eph. 3:14-15
    Only sons of God can see Him face to face. Re 22:4
    Only sons of God will not be stung. Rev 9:4
    Only sons of God have the seal of God. Rev 9:4
    Only sons of God believe in the name "Son of God" John 1:12 and 1 John 5:13
    Only sons of God wear the white robe of the martyr.
    Only sons of God are under the alter of God. Rev 6:9-11
    Only sons of God who suffer with him can be glorified with him. Romans 8:17
    Only sons of God know His name. John 17:6 & 26, Rev. 2:17
    Only when the son free's are you really free. Jn 8:32
    Only the son of God can teach you the truth. Jn 14:26 & 16:13
    Only the sons of God can receive the grace of God.
    Only the son of God knows this as true.
  • Niyi on Romans 8:28 - 11 years ago
    It's the word of God, there shouldn't be any controversy
  • Bro Herbert on Leviticus 17:11 - 11 years ago
    Yes is very correct that the life of the "Natural man" is in the blood, because these man is born only of natural efforts. Since ADAM disobeyed GOD and was separated from the life of GOD (Became spiritually dead and started living from the senses which are control by SATAN).

    Now the man that is "BORN AGAIN" has inherited the ETERNAL LIFE OF GOD ( 1 JOHN 5:11-13) by vital reality of the son-ship, which is produced by legal reality of HIS SON JESUS CHRIST taking our place of sin and death that we may take HIS place of LIFE and RIGHTEOUSNESS. Thus; the new man' life is no longer in the blood but in the spirit ( Romans 8:11)...............Thanx and GOD bless
  • RosalinaTapay on Psalms 33 - 11 years ago
    (My respond to Linda's Psalms Chapter 33 comment about verse 15 on 9/10/2013, 8:52pm): Psalms 33:15 tells about the strength of kings among men as vain because neither it delivers any for safety. While Romans 8:30 discussed about those whom God has called, justified, and glorified. But the verse that I would say has comparison with Psalm 33:15 is Romans 8:2-3 because it tells as that the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus can make you free from the law of sin and death which was weak through the flesh. As God sending His Son, for sin, condemned sin in the flesh.
  • Linda on Psalms 33:15 - 11 years ago
    Can Psalm 33:15 and Romans 8: 30 have any comparison?
  • Rosalina on Genesis 2 - 11 years ago
    My respond to Delories's Genesis Chapter 2 comment on 9/08/2013, 7:51am: In Matthew 3:7 and Mark 1:11 God said that Jesus is His beloved Son. In Isaiah 14:12 the one fallen from heaven was Lucifer, son of the morning. In Job 1:6 it's written that the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them. But it's not written there that Satan is among God's son. Now in Romans 8:14 it says, "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God". Therefore, God need not a wife and have sex like human beings to make children. In fact in Matthew 3:9 Jesus says, "And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham". So for God to create His own children is by spirit and not by flesh.
  • S Letminlal Haokip on Romans 8 - 11 years ago
    Without receiving the holy spirit we(human) can not enter the kingdom of God
  • Kamanga on Romans 8 - 11 years ago
    '...If God is for us who can be against us?' God shall be behind thee only if you testify, proclaim and do His Word in all truth, and no one with evil weapon, mind or discouragement shall prosper.
  • Ashie on Romans 8:28 - 11 years ago
    Tru story
  • Terhemba Aondona on Romans 8:20 - 11 years ago
    The creature was made subject to vanity: means Adam who was created in the image of God and the entire human race became useless and unable to please God. NOT WILLINGLY: here means man did not choose to be separated from God but rather loose the privilege of pleasing God from the garden of Eden. BUT BY REASON OF HIM THAT HATH SUBJECTED THE SAME IN HOPE: here the bible is talking about the hope in Jesus who has secured our redemption. That though we missed it but we now have it.
  • Pastor franklin on Romans 8:19 - 11 years ago
    I think paul having looked back at the prophesy of joel concerning God's people, discover that the sons of God have not waked up to take their place of power and as a result, the whole creation travaileth in pain... no one else can set then free except sons of God.....
  • Isaac umelo on Romans 8:30 - 11 years ago
    I notice that many Christians are hung up with being justified. They strive to seen as righteuos in the eyes of the world. This passage shows that there is still a gap between being rightous and being glorified. At the peak of Glory, we do not need to be proved right. We are then seated above principalities and powers where the devil can no more accuse us.
  • Will copeland on Romans 8 - 11 years ago
    So, believer.. how do you read? "Thou shall not".. if carnal you will read "Don't do!!!" and like Paul you will struggle. But, Romans Chapter 8 unveils the mystery of the New Covenant.. Jeremiah looked forward to this day in Chapter 31 as does the book of Hebrews when they spoke of the mystery of "Christ in us the HOPE of Glory." Jesus hinted at this when speaking of John the Baptist. Christ said of John, that "he was the greatest ever born of woman...but the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he." If you would, Jesus was pointing to a single difference between the Old and New Covenants.. if you would, John,was still in the drivers seat of his life..A new day would be coming, and now is when the believer lets the Spirit of God drive the car.. Life lived in submission to the Spirit of God allows us the privilige to read "Thou Shall Not" as "Thou Will Not" or "Wont Do".. God actually rights His will on fleshly tables of the heart. The heart is known for being the central boilermaker of the will and if God lives in the Heart the behaviors grow like fruit from the vine.
  • Ihuoma Nwaubani on Romans 8 - 11 years ago
    I believe what this potion of d bible is talking about is spiritual n not physical tribulation because as a child of God u must experience tribulation, persecution etc. But as a true child of God we have to stand firm in our faith no matter what comes our way. In that we are showing our love n faithfulness to God and He also promised us in 1 Con. 10:13...God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted above what you are able, but will with the temptation also make the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.
  • Esther Idika on Romans 8:27 - 11 years ago
    He that searches everything (even thoughts not uttered) knows what is the mind of the Spirit, for the Spirit makes intercessions for God's people according to the thoughts and purpose of God.
  • Nwodo gerald on Romans 8:28 - 11 years ago
    Dis verse a soul lifter,it reminds us about Gods luv ad promises. Teling us about faith ad love because if you love God you wil have faith in him which will make you be among his chosen ones and i believd ALL THINGS WILL WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD FOR YOU whether trials or blessings
  • Miracle on Romans 8:35 - 11 years ago
    I lov to hear dis word.nothing shall separete me form the lov of god.
  • Harold Caffee on Romans 8:28 - 11 years ago
    Why do people ***ume that the "all things working together for good" is talking about something that happens to you or someone else that is bad? I think it's talking about spiritual things working together for our good if you are a child of God.....Think about all the things that belong to us as children of God....Salvation, the Name of Jesus, the Word of God, the Holy Spirit, prayer, Worship, Praise and the list goes on and on....Why ***ume he's talking about bad things happening to us....Surely, all bad things that happens to us can't all be good...The Devil stealing, killing and destroying us can't be working for our good..Jesus came to give us life...Now that's working for our good...
  • Sir Gabriel Simeon on Romans 8:19 - 11 years ago
    It is the onerous task on the believers worldwide. In this epistle, Apostle Paul moves us from the tradition of being the followers of Christ in obscurity to such followers with evidence and proofs of HIS POWER THROUGH THE WORKING OF THE PRECIOUS HOLY SPIRIT IN US CAUSING SIGNS AND WONDERS. IT IS THROUGH THIS WE CAN EXTEND HIS KINGDOM TO THE 'UN REACHED'. IT IS THROUGH THIS ALSO THAT EXPECTED PERFECTION OF THE CHURCH CAN BR ATTAINED.
  • Charles Yarbrough on Romans 8 - 11 years ago
    17...must suffer spiritual sufferings such as ephesians 6 and acts 14:22 to be glorified. these sufferings are not like a car wreck or death in the family...its suffering in the heavenly realms. so basically if you dont suffer this way, you are not going to be glorified with Jesus when He comes back to judge the living and the dead.
  • Jack Slaton on Romans 8:9 - 11 years ago
    I believe the s in spirit should be small. Verse is referring to Christ temperament and disposition.9 9
  • John s on Hebrews 6:6 - 11 years ago
    listen,read romans 8:35-39.you will see GOD was talking about the Hebrews who went back to the old worship.Richard we all fall short,thats why GOD gives us GRACE!!!!!
  • Thomaneca harvey on Romans 8 - 11 years ago
    how I feel that the world would be much better if everyone will live like good godly peoples and we all should gives the lord much prayer time like we give any other things lots of time we have to remember that jesus die for us so why not give him what he asking...
  • Mary chacina on Romans 8:28 - 11 years ago
    I think this world should live for the lord

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