Discuss Ruth 1 Page 4

  • Anonymous on Ruth 1 - 9 years ago
    NAOMI carried Jewish blood so God blessed Ruth for supporting Gods people
  • Philipa on Ruth 1 - 9 years ago
    Affliction is for our own good.
  • Salomey on Ruth 1 - 9 years ago
    We should never judge God according to the conditions of our lives because God is still in the miracle business and he could use anybody else to turn our bad situations around as He did in the lives of Naomi and Ruth so we should watch what we say and do whenever things are bad in our lives.
  • Oluwole David on Ruth 1 - 9 years ago
    Ruth is wonderful chret by God and experience woman in fathit that have the focus inGodand deasiny by God to be the fuet step of all women of God's
  • Patriciarath on Ruth 1 - 9 years ago
  • Rob on Ruth 1 - 9 years ago
    Ruth is a prophetic symbol of the church, she is the gentile bride who marries the kinsman redeemer. Just as the church is the gentile bride of Christ the redeemer. It 's more than just a great story.
  • Emirald on Ruth 1 - 9 years ago
    Ruth is Wonderful book ever to read it. Since there was a famine in Bethlehem, Elimelech his family went to Moab. As believer never take any shade of world. Verse2 says that he continued there which believer can 't. Elimelech never understood the value of the fellowship of saints. He missed it. The consequences of his decision to move to Moab, he lost his life and sons. Its so sorrowful. Other hand though Ruth is Moabitess, she took right decision in spite of her hopeless condition. Being believer our decisions shall be as per word of god. we come to read word of god by hearing his voice every day. Knowing God 's will in believer 's life is prime.
  • Odah james on Ruth 1 - 9 years ago
    The Love of GOD in NAOMI 's life is what Ruth saw and Naomi 's life was a good exemplary life to attract Ruth, praise GOD.
  • Esther Abwa on Ruth 1 - 9 years ago
    Ruth saw the love of God in Naomi and longed for that love. Naomi 's life was exampary enough to attract Ruth to cling to her and befriend her permanently. Ruth did not reject Naomi on the basis of her age, but rather travelled with her and lived to help meet her needs. How many Christian mother in laws are so accepting of their daughters-in laws today? Prayer: Lord, please, let the beauty of Jesus Christ, his wondrous compassion and purity, be seen in me. Amen.
  • Idalia on Ruth 1 - 9 years ago
    A true humble heart, God does not turn away. As history shows, this young widow is inserted into the lineage of which King David is born. What an amazing privilege. This is grace. It 's not where you came from or who or what you followed or did in your past past, rather who you follow now and what direction you are going in now. Jesus is the way, the truth and life.
  • Abby Mwenya on Ruth 1 - 9 years ago
    Who wrote the book of Ruth in the bible?
  • Linda on Ruth 1 - 9 years ago
    Ruth is the perfect example of a true believer as she stood by Naomi through the toughest times unlike Orpah who left
  • Carolyn on Ruth 1 - 9 years ago
    The story of Ruth is 1 of the most incredible story of the bible. Just goes to show you the amazing love of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. I love you Jesus amen and amen praise the Lord hallelujah to the lamb.
  • Ruith on Ruth 1:14 - 9 years ago
    I think she was amazingly faithful with complete confidence that where she was and what she did was Gods will. She is a visual of the verse that says, "He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth its fruit in its season ". She honored the first commandment with a promise in honoring her mother in law. She is clearly beloved of God having a closeness with God so apparent that his only son would be delivered through her lineage. I think she is the most important woman in the o.t. bible. My thoughts of Ruth the Moabites have yet to cease in number and the richness of the teaching becomes more deeply rooted in my soul with each study of the book. I believe this to be the greatest love story of all time,
  • Deniseann on Ruth 1 - 10 years ago
    A perfect example of a humble heart and a willing spirit.
  • Rebecca on Ruth 1 - 10 years ago
    I love the Bible. I love the story of Ruth in the Bible.
  • JIMMY on Ruth 1 - 10 years ago
  • Jacob on Ruth 1 - 10 years ago
    Ruth had been destined and anointed from heaven. She became the wife of Boaz. Her son was Obed, the father of Jesse, the father of David the King. She connects the history of David to the earlier times, The story of Ruth beautifully illustrates the conversion of non Israelites into the fold of Israel, giving up her former god and former life to unite with the household of faith in the service of the God of Israel see Ruth 1 16
  • Tenjiwe agnes ngumbela on Ruth 1 - 10 years ago
    This is a lesson to us the Christians to follow Jesus Christ,to dwell in Him no matter how bad the conditions. To confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord and Saviour. To prfer to affliction inChrist Jesus knowing that the nice and the beautiful things of this world shall perish but the Word of God endures forever. Thank you Jesus for saving my soul.
  • Meschelle on Ruth 1 - 10 years ago
    This is a very good chapter for a young child to read and that goof that the daughter Ina 's decided that she will follow her.
  • Gugwe wenharo on Ruth 1 - 10 years ago
    there is only one essential element in this great story commitment to a cause which can cause monumentary history, a cause which firmly stablishes a permanent legacy in the christianhood. I also think that vision is an attribute of the Holy Spirit if one is a visionary he she does not normally miss the intended mark
  • Richard K Pukut on Ruth 1 - 10 years ago
    Ruth is a very incredible woman. She made the right decision by following Naomi her mother in law so that we can be saved through Jesus Christ.
  • Alamba on Ruth 1 - 10 years ago
    She determined to save the leaving GOD the GOD of Israel. and she saw an excellent spirit in family she married.
  • Madic on Ruth 1 - 10 years ago
    Ruth got revelation of her great future and she refused to leave her mother in law. Wise decision. We should Love God with all our heart.
  • Kemigisha on Ruth 1 - 10 years ago
    Ruth had positioned well and new God 's timing. In the same way let him make me understand mine.
  • Joyce on Ruth 1 - 10 years ago
    incredible history maker. set a good example for us to follow.
  • Createams on Ruth 1 - 10 years ago
    This book is more than just a love story Ruth is an important example of equality to always include the stranger. Ruth being a Moabitess woman a descendent and daughter of Lot and great grandmother of King David. Ruth is one of many links that unit all men in faith. As it is written in Abraham all nations and families will be blessed.
  • GOD's Word rightly divided on Ruth 1 - 10 years ago
    GOD does NOT do evil EVER!!! GOD may, because of a persons freewill, allow the adversary to wreck and ruin our lives, but HE always has a way out for us. Those of the Old Testament times knew this and when it appears they are blaming GOD for disaster they are really expressing an idiom of GOD 's permission for the evil since they knew about the devil, but didn 't fully understand the devil, his devil spirits, and his kingdom or the way he worked Jesus Christ revealed the enemy and allowed those that followed him, and us who are born again, to plainly see the adversary and his ways.
  • Child of GOD on Ruth 1 - 10 years ago
    The whole subject of the Word of GOD from Genesis 3 15 to Revelation 22 21 is Jesus Christ. He is the Red Thread that binds the Word of GOD here he is portrayed as the Kinsman Redeemer. Like Boaz he is near kin to us and thru him we have redemption he pays for our redemption. Also Ruth is a love story not between Ruth and Boaz, but between Ruth and GOD. How many women would do all that her mother in law told her to do even when she knew that her mother in law was instructing her to do the best thing for herself and her future? Ruth did it because she loved GOD first and knew that her mother in law was instructing her rightly.
  • Moses on Ruth 1 - 10 years ago
    it was not until orpah left that Ruth opened up her mind to her mother in law, and she made her own independent decision,disregarding the ways of her people, and their gods, she chose to folow the God of Israel she confessed her salvation... "thy people shall be my people and thy God my God " wonderful insight!

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