Discuss Ruth 1 Page 5

  • Jerome on Ruth 1:13 - 10 years ago
    Even in naomi distress she is runing away the two persons she has around her. And that 's the way we are today one hurt and we hurt we push God away and everyone else around us.
  • Semalign on Ruth 1 - 11 years ago
    And her name is written in the Book of the Bible as she is in the Line of the House of Dave Jesus What a wonderful history that shows how we got salivation
  • Owinja Benjamin on Ruth 1 - 11 years ago
    Ruth shows a rare loyality to Naomi, that is her mother in-law & a deep devotion to the God of Israel.
  • Faithfull on Ruth 1 - 11 years ago
    She was wise to leave the Royal Family unlike Lots wife!
    the royal family (one)in the earth to this day are an aristocracy over the entire world this is the Beast both before and after it came up out of the sea Rev. 13:1. All the rulers over the entire earth Kings Queens Judges Corporate-Managers Musicians Producers and all the people of Majestic titles. and in the end times anyone can join by taking the unholy Mark of the Beast
  • Bridget nyondo on Ruth 1 - 11 years ago
    m touched by ruth's courage to turn from a royal family of a pagan nation to follow a widow who has lost everything.to me she portrayed great faith
  • Buddy on Ruth 1:16 - 11 years ago
    Ruth's promise of fidelity is a beautiful statement of grace. It is also an absolutely standard part of a middle-eastern custom to this day in which a new wife literally leaves her family and joins the family of her husband. This cultural meaning of Ruth's promise is rarely mentioned or understood in western societies.

    To me, it urges us to take our solace where it is offered.
  • Leroy on Ruth 1 - 11 years ago
    There are times what seems right to us it is not,to the one daughter in law, it seemed the right thing to do was to return to her people (the world), but to Ruth who found a new way of life was able to see and take this new life with faith, in the God that her mother-in-law knew so she choose the path of the mother-in-law and also to worship her God. To God be the Glory. Let us all have that eye to see and ear to hear and the understanding as Ruth did. All blessing.
  • Leroy on Ruth 1 - 11 years ago
    There are times what seems right to us it is not,to the one daughter in law, it seemed the right thing to do was to return to her people (the world), but to Ruth who found a new way of life was able to see and take this new life with faith, in the God that her mother-in-law knew so she choose the path of the mother-in-law and also to worship her God. To God be the Glory. Let us all have that eye to see and ear to hear and the understanding as Ruth did. All blessing.
  • Paul kamiti on Ruth 1:16 - 11 years ago
    Thanks to all the brethren that commented its wonderful,I always think about Ruth's testimony,who is supposed to testify,the groom or the bridegroom.I would requests in-depth study of the entire book of RUTH.
  • Shakeman T on Ruth 1 - 11 years ago
    mothers and daughter of faith i edge you, never lose your lamps. Keep them shining, as Ruth did, it shall be with us. With Him- Christ everything is possible. Amen.
  • Paul Leckner on Ruth 1 - 11 years ago
    Now I know the significance of my mother's older sister's name. My Aunt Ruth.
  • Mel on Ruth 1:16 - 11 years ago
    Ruth gained a testimony of the living Christ and would not be persuaded to return. We are all given free agency and must choose which path to follow. There really are only two paths. The crooked path of sin and the straight path of Grace and everlasting love. Ruth chose to follow Grace and in doing so she left the natural (sinful) man(woman) behind. Grace is the light of the living Christ. Nature versus Grace. The meaning of life is to decide which path to follow. Sounds simple. I wish that it were.
  • Anonymous on Ruth 1 - 11 years ago
    Naomi was a very good example for us women today to be a good mothers and mother in-laws even thou Naomi's her sons had passed away she still loved her daughter in-laws and blessed them and they loved her as well.she did not lose her sons she gained daughters that she did not have before.
  • Stelle on Ruth 1 - 11 years ago
    Ruth is a very good daughter in-law and she used the wisdom that de lord has giving her , i really want to be like her
  • Ntombifuthi on Ruth 1 - 11 years ago
    If bitterness doesn't come your way you won't no what sweet test like until you meet or tests bitterness os you won't know and say this is sweet because you know where you came from for Gods plan are perfect n sweet to us.
  • Maidzunzi on Ruth 1 - 11 years ago
    It is a blessing from God to have o daughter in law
  • Gladys on Ruth 1 - 11 years ago
    I would very much want to be a daughter in law like her and have a daughter in law like her. She is a blessing to everyone she came in contact with
  • Lambert Aliginia on Ruth 1 - 11 years ago
    The story is full of love,even though naomi lost all she had but her love was able to win ruth to bethlehem far from worshiping idols again.
  • Olwthu on Ruth 1 - 11 years ago
    the book of Ruth is one the books in the bible that reveals and demonstrate what love is and how it should be shown or portrayed. but there is something that i picked up also, as musch as we can say that she did not want to leave her mother in law- Ruth decided to leave her family and chose to waste the chances of getting marrid again (as they were given the freedom by Noam), because the religious life of the family. Ruth left the gods of moab and risk her life to go the nation that she was not familiar with. parise be the most high
  • Shirley on Ruth 1 - 11 years ago
    ruth found salvation through naomi, in fact she was a idol worshiper, and she be came the most honorable woman of God through marrying boaz and conceived with child through comes christ.
  • Malahlisa on Ruth 1 - 11 years ago
    Massege from God
  • Lucy on Ruth 1 - 11 years ago
    i love the spirit of ruth she decided not to go back toher gods but pursue the real GOD
  • Rachel on Ruth 1 - 11 years ago
    I love the this book because of the love they gave each other the souport of her mother in law;;; she could have left but she stood still
  • Rose on Ruth 1 - 11 years ago
    I admire Ruth for being steadfast and loving the woman who loved her and leaving her land and keeping her eyes on the The Lord and obeying Him..I feel so unworthy and wish and hope and pray to have a closer walk and walk by faith and not sight..and to wait upon The Lord..I ove this book..I love them all but a very touching and heartfelt bond of such love for another.
  • Lizette Pérez on Ruth 1 - 11 years ago
    Ruth is loyal. Put God in first place.not matter the consequences she don't give up & never leaves God. She's very grateful. She has a wonderful heart & soul
  • Timothy on Ruth 1 - 11 years ago
    how far does our faith go? do we give up when afflictions come or we are willing to continue in love like Ruth to Naomi? the story of Noami and Ruth really encourages me in this age we live. may God help me to continue holding on to Him through our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • James muthoni on Ruth 1 - 11 years ago
    naomi was a good ambasador of her God in a forein land , do we today?
  • Faye on Ruth 1 - 11 years ago
    she was a woman of greater faith,contentment and kept her eye on the Lord.
  • Egbu, Abel Agbai (Mr) on Ruth 1:16 - 11 years ago
    It is a confession of commitment and loyalty. Any man or woman with this kind of resolve will make heaven.
  • Talalelei Esekia on Ruth 1 - 12 years ago
    Ruth 1:16. Thank God for Ruth. She loved her mother-in-law and revered her. That’s why she never left her and followed her. Because of Naomi's God, the God of mercy accepted to be her God forever.

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