Discuss Ruth 1 Page 6

  • Blessing Uneku Musa on Ruth 1:16 - 11 years ago
    The people you stay with at the moment are the most valued ones, drive away the bitterness of where you came from, count not the entreats of the present moment, and always try to find a solace anywhere, and it shall be your dwelling place. In life it is difficult to go back to old place to stay rather we plan for new leaving with those that are doing well and accept us. I have a strong emotional feeling and difficulties when departing from anywhere, anybody and anything.
  • SANDRA on Ruth 1 - 11 years ago
    Ruth is the kind of person we all strive to be, to someone we love and have been accustomed to. In her way of life, she understood God’s word and she had become more like a daughter than a daughter in law to Naomi. She made the statement your God shall be my God and your people my people. Naomi had become a bitter woman as she was had in mind that God had forsaken her for something she must have done, as she lost her two sons and her husband. In those days, family took care of the elderly. But God had not forsaken Naomi, as he had instilled in Ruth the love of her mother in law. This is such a love story and one of my favorite books of the Old Testament.
  • Miriam on Ruth 1 - 12 years ago
    Ruth has a great faith and she knew God has not forsaken her.
  • Annie on Ruth 1 - 12 years ago
    I think we should be like Ruth and move on.
  • Barbara on Ruth 1 - 12 years ago
    The love that was shown by the daughter in law was that agape love, the love of Jesus. But the test that God put them through, was passed by Ruth and Naomi. We all get tested in many ways, but do we stand with the love of God or do we bail like most do.
  • Chiamaka on Ruth 1 - 12 years ago
    I think we should be like RUTH the great grandmother of JESUS.
  • Wanda Martin on Ruth 1 - 12 years ago
    I think that Ruth had a never ending love and she was fully committed not just to her husband that passed away, but to her mother-in-law too. Ruth was a caring and concerned daughter-in-law and she was loyal even after the death of her husband.
  • Gem on Ruth 1 - 12 years ago
    Ruth saw the Godliness in her mother in law and wanted to forsake her people and her GODS TO FOLLOW WHAT is good it was love that drew Ruth to Naomi her mother in law. I believe Naomi was kind thoughtful and wise often gives Ruth good encouragement in the end Ruth did not want to leave her side. Ruth is also very kind-hearted and thoughtful. She decided to stick with her old mother in law to the end. This is truly a love relationship.
  • Brenda on Ruth 1 - 12 years ago
    God will always put someone in our lives so we won’t be alone. Ruth was very caring and a woman of God. Because Ruth did not want to leave Naomi.
  • Saundra on Ruth 1 - 12 years ago
    Isn't it awesome how GOD always plants someone without our life too comfort us when we need it most? Naomi's trials didn't begin until Ruth had already been firmly planted in her life. Having gone through some close family dealths I am a true testimony that GOD will never leave us without someone to comfort us. He will be ther 24 hrs. a day also. Naomi is an example that even when we have our doubts, GOD will stear us on the right path.
  • Mary on Ruth 1 - 12 years ago
  • Magira chacha on Ruth 1 - 12 years ago
    god chose any one he pleases regardless of the background of that person, god planned before even naomi went to moab, that jesus christ wiil generate from ruth. always god is faithful will not ;eave us empty in any circumstances we might be in, naomi by then could not recognise the love of ruth on her, that kind of love we need especially when those we love are in difficulties.
  • Karen on Ruth 1 - 12 years ago
    Thats the love of God which we are to show each other. Ruth showed her Love and took care of her mother-in-law as her own mother and God blessed them both.
  • Ntombi on Ruth 1 - 12 years ago
    Ruth did not end behind the reapers but was promoted to the hous of Boaz to their mistress while first they saw her as a begger. You may start down but your destiny is so high to be the ruler over all
  • Patrick on Ruth 1:16 - 12 years ago
    a lot of commitment willing to loss it all for the sake of the destiny
  • Grace Kusotera on Ruth 1 - 12 years ago
    What have you are going through please do not change your name to Mara, do not be bitter for the Lord will be working something for you through the destiny that is inside of you, only your Ruth knows what you cant see Naomi, the destiny of the genealogy of Christ inside you is calling Ruth to following you, there is something very massive, very huge and gigantic inside of you, a vision for the world, Keep you name or call yourself, blessed, call yourself praise, call yourself breathtrough, call yourself dreams, call yourself faithful and let God work the promise inside you while you are praising Him for your Ruth.
  • Victoria Eulen Nakiboneka on Isaiah 43 - 12 years ago
    wonderful scripture,i especially love the part where it says the water shall not go over you and the fire shall not burn you. reminds of last sunday's sermon at my home church,the pastor read from ruth 1:1-6. he said though there is famine in bethlehem sometimes, God IS ever present there so no on eever dies from famine while in moab, where naomi and her family sought refuge, you die there, and you don't multiply.
  • Onesai cee on Ruth 1 - 12 years ago
    this is an encouraging chapter teaching us to love,and obey God's laws.It tells us how God's favour stayed with Naomi even in a different land and people she didnt know God made her life liveable.With all the pain of her loss she was sustained and provided for even the companion she had from Ruth was God given,finding someone who sticks with you all the way.Thats owesome!!!!
  • Annie Mckenzie on Ruth 1 - 12 years ago
    Ruth is showing use how to love each other. when you do love a person you would do any thing for them.
  • Agrineth on Ruth 1 - 13 years ago
    I think Ruth is showing us how to love,because when you love someone you must be prepared to do anything for them,just as God was prepared to give us Jesus,the only son He has,God wants us to go all the way with him no matter what difficulties and pains we come across in the way,lets give God our all
  • Timothy Wayne George on Ruth 1 - 13 years ago
    We see in the book of Ruth, how the will of God is accomplished even when decisions are made that may seem opposite to what God would have wanted. Ruth's love for Naomi shows God's love for us in providing the kinsman redeemer the Lord Jesus Christ. It was the will of God for Ruth and Boaz to be married, and be the kinsman redeemer. God commended his love for us in that while we were sinners, Christ died for us. This is the greatest love story in the Bible and may God bless all of us for studying it.
  • Tamara on Ruth 1 - 13 years ago
    when I read this I see disobedience if Naomi husband obeyed god instead of associating himself with the moabities who were idol worshippers his family would not have to go through this ,remember the lord said obedience is heaven first law
  • DELORES ACKER on Ruth 1 - 13 years ago
    Ithink Ruth was a very good person but she was full with pain a husband and two sons was dead and she was left with no body and looking to God for answers but her daughter inlaw altho she was ggreaving and had that pain she dicided to to go with Ruth no matter were she was going she would go togeather so the pain would not be somuch on both of the the could pray togeather and support in the time of sorrow that is what Jesus say to help one other so this is a powerful lesson and we have to help each other the lesson in this is we have to reconize that we have pain and sorrow but we must not dewll on it we have to get up and move on and let God handle the grief it a lot to learn in this lesson
  • James on Ruth 1 - 13 years ago
    Tricia, I believe the answer to Ruth chapter 1:13
    Tarry, means to stay with.
    God Bless.
  • Eli torres on Ruth 1 - 13 years ago
    Strange land, different people,but God was still with Neomi. Ruth must have seen something different about her. When we know someone is very close to God don't we want to be near them?
  • DEBBIE on Ruth 1 - 13 years ago
    With Ruth being the example to married women today,we sh,d lvaove our mothers-in-law so sh,d they regardless of the challenges of today n God wil bless us as long as our eyez r fixed on Jesus alone puttin in mind HE is a jeolous GOD.
  • Tricia on Ruth 1:13 - 13 years ago
    What is ruth saying"tarry"?
  • RUTH on Ruth 1 - 13 years ago
    The book of Ruth is very spiritfill, Ruth was a Moabite and wasnt allowed in Isreal but she loved her mother-in- law so much that she follow,Father was truly mercyful to them.LIKE HE IS TO US!
  • Kathay Allen on Ruth 1 - 13 years ago
    Many times, God's greatest blessings are hidden. Those who are humble and selfless, are the ones who find God's true treasures. And God knows that he can trust them with His great blessings, because they have the right spirit, and a wholehearted commitment to God. Ruth was such an example of the kind of person that God could trust, because of her character. It encourages me to strive to do better, to allow the Lord to develope those attributes in me, that I may be more pleasing to Him.
  • Jansje on Ruth 1:18 - 14 years ago
    i think that she was faithful in what she said

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