I really enjoy reading the book of Ruth.Obedient is the word to use when describing this woman.She knew that Naomi was with the true living God and she followed. There were moments when I felt God pulling at my heart telling me,' no dont do that or stop this he is not the man for you", and I still did what I wanted to do.I am now suffering because of my disobedience. That is why I love reading this story, Because Ruth could of stayed to continue worshipping a fake God . I dont think God forces you to do what he wants, he wants a willing vessel.I am in a place where I know I dont belong because of my disobedience. Now I have to go thru so many different challenges to get back to where I need to be in life.Poverty,single mom of four with two fathers who does nothing but lies to me all the time.A daughter who steals and not doing well in school,a son who is involved in Emo and two disobedient babies 1 and 4 years old.Sometimes I wish I was like Ruth. It is so beautiful to know that you are in the will of the lord, Because I know now that everything he has for us are good and not for evil.
How refreshing it is to experience an authentic and shear love and concern for someone like naomi a dependent a widow who could not offer ruth anything at all.
With no capacity for hope, life had dealth with Ruth as it had with her mentor Naomi who knew the Lord of Lords.
However, i see the Lord of the breakthrough setting ruth up,and since she can be trusted with little to nothing to be loyal to her mother-in-law, naomi's well being is secured.
The Lord is saying here, for your selflessness i have commanded the earth to bring you a harvest greater than that you have lost.
You've lost money, your covering (husband)her people in the since that her heart no longer longed to go home not even while her mother yet lived.
I truly see our Lord repositioning His children here in this story, by relocating these two women back to the blessed place, where He had commanded the blessings for their lives to flow in Bethlehemjudah Naomi's home.
Only those who can discern these things will partake of His perfect will and plan for there lives.
His ways are not our ways nor are His thoughts our thoughts.
These hurts we encounter through life i am persuaded that it is to bring us to an expected end of Christ, so we have to trust our Lord and follow Him as best and intently as one possibly can.
Our Lord bless the hearers of His words.
With no capacity for hope, life had dealth with Ruth as it had with her mentor Naomi who knew the Lord of Lords.
However, i see the Lord of the breakthrough setting ruth up,and since she can be trusted with little to nothing to be loyal to her mother-in-law, naomi's well being is secured.
The Lord is saying here, for your selflessness i have commanded the earth to bring you a harvest greater than that you have lost.
You've lost money, your covering (husband)her people in the since that her heart no longer longed to go home not even while her mother yet lived.
I truly see our Lord repositioning His children here in this story, by relocating these two women back to the blessed place, where He had commanded the blessings for their lives to flow in Bethlehemjudah Naomi's home.
Only those who can discern these things will partake of His perfect will and plan for there lives.
His ways are not our ways nor are His thoughts our thoughts.
These hurts we encounter through life i am persuaded that it is to bring us to an expected end of Christ, so we have to trust our Lord and follow Him as best and intently as one possibly can.
Our Lord bless the hearers of His words.
daughter in lord Ruth (=