The book of Ruth gives me the reassurance that God's is aways faithful to His people. When things seems as though they are just too much for you God always have a way of stepping in to help you,in ways you never think possible. I,m comforted just to know that in spite of all that I'm going through My God will see me through
Truly this beautiful and true story reminds us of our dear Redeemer who purchased us with a great price. To redeem us He died for us on Calvary shedding His blood on the cross. What a wonderful Saviour is Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
What a great message. No mater how dark our night is, the morning shall certainly come with glorious light. And with the dawn shall a great joy to the shame of the night.
I could read Ruth every day and learn something new every time. This book is the prime example that no matter what happens good will come out of it and it is all part of God 's plan.
wow this chapter of the bible clearly talks about the mystry of God. How he fulfilled his promise by given us his son Jesus Christ, from Abraham Jacob 's prophecy of Jesus,Juda slept with his daugther inlaw and gave birth to pharez a generational father of Boaz and king David.this is a great mystery
This chapter of Ruth shows us that when you remain faithful to God he will always reward you when Ruth said your God shall be my God and your people shall be my people she showed her faithfulness Her faithfulness and obedience is rewarded in this chapter after her obedience to her mother in law to all the instructions she gave her We even see her getting into the lineage of Jesus after she begat obed the father of Jesse the father of David You never know what God has in store for you remain faithful and obedient as Ruth
I think Ruth is such a woman of character, gracious, humble, hard working, self-less and discreect. I enjoy this book so much, it's very emotional for me because we do have wonderful examples of godly living in the scriptures to follow.
Naomi and Ruth story is faith-lifting experience. It goes to confirm that God can make ways in the midst of HOPELESSNESS. It should encourage every Believer in Jesus that the LORD JEHOVAH CAN NEVER forget His own whatsoever is the reason. It therefore behoves on us to have ABSOLUTE TRUST AND CONFIDENCE IN HIM, for He will SURELY MAKE A WAY FOR US. This, therefore, means that no SACRIFICE IS TOO GREAT FOR HIM. Let us learn to LOVE HIM MORE 'COS HE IS DEPENDABLE AND TRUSTWORTHY. SHALOM!
i really adore this story of Ruth because it is a fullfilment of Gods Promises of being faithful to us through the end. God is always alive in our lives and aware of every situation . We are the ones who carry negative minds about God
Ruth is a good story where hope is raised out of despair when one holds unto the LORD.Both Ruth and Noami where in a state of no hope.Noami did the right thing to return to Israel a place of the LORDs calling, and Ruth did the right thing to forsake all that she knew and keep faithful by sticking to her mother in law.It is a story that encourages us never to give up even when there seems to be no tangible hope as long as the LORD is there, there is a future!