Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. ( Proverbs 4:23).
Normally I prefer KJV (and after all that is the focus here) but in this case I prefer the word "Guard" to begin the sentence found in several other versions. In the case of dying to self; and focusing all our energies into serving the Lord several statements below may seem to contradict behaviors normally associated with being a Christian.
Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame. ( Song of Solomon 8:6).
Granted; the whole book of Song of Solomon is focused on the story of human love but surely we can glean some meainings from this book which is included in the accepted Canon (although probably the most reluctantly by the early church). In any case; our God is a jealous God; and we can also apply this to the Spirit which contends against the flesh ( Gal. 5:24).
Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you. ( Matt. 7:6).
This can perhaps be best understood in conjunction with the admonition in Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men's sins: keep thyself pure. ( 1 Tim. 5:22). There are several meanings for laying on of hands which could relate to delegating a promotion of church office or imparting spiritual gifts (I would suggest both would happen simultaneously). In any case; within the house of God we must be discerning enough to recognize those with bad fruit who are going to take whatever they have and use it for nefarious purposes. We also need to be careful that we aren't tempted by the sins of others who wer are attempting to help; whether by reason of our own weaknesses or those who are devious enough to entice us or unwary victims of Satan.
Preserving Peace and Fellowship of these Comment Rooms - 3 years ago
This could be useful. "You (us) shall know the truth, and the truth sets us free." I'm thinking that: Not people, but spirits are on assignment in a room dedicated to Gods Word: the King James Bible.
So like last night I was about to go to bed, and the Holy Spirit said "contention".
If we read Psalms enough, we will see that King David occasionally was victim temporarily to sadness, anger at enemies, King Sauls relentless pursuit and many other issues. We work this stuff out by prayer and sometimes speaking the truth in the spirit of love, for the brethren.
Here is the origin of the spirit of contention. We need to recognize it's been busy in here for weeks. Lord, make me an instrument of Your Peace. Amen. Let's let the Spirit of Christ rule over our hearts.
Roots... "The Works of the Flesh," Galatians 5:19-21.
"By their fruits you will know all men," Matthew 7:20. According to Matthew 6:10; 11:12; 12:29; 16:18; 18:18; 28:18
BIND= Spirit of jealousy
LOOSE= Love of God, 1 Corinthians 13; Ephesians 5:2
Testimony: as a kid I lived in a household divided some ways. Me and my Dad were placid and peaceful. He was full-blood Cajun. I was a negotiator. My sister, the silent one. The others were fighting lots. Dynamics awful to live in. But you learn skills that are useful later on.
Michael the Archangel and Satan (a fired Archangel) contended for the body of Moses. Michael said, "THE LORD REBUKE THEE." Satan let go.
We have to recognize it for what it is. Let's all pray for these Comment Rooms. Lift them up and ask the Lord to bless them; attract unbelieving seekers of salvation in Peace.
GOD is LOVE The world is trying to confuse this message with lies LOVE is what God say's it is not what the world say's.1Corithians 13:1 Love is patient,love is kind,It does not envy,it doe's not boast,it is not proud.It is not rude,it is not self seeking,it is not easily angered,it keeps no record of wrongs.Love does not delight in evil,but rejoices with the truth.
We have a little sister, and she hath no breasts: what shall we do for our sister in the day when she shall be spoken for?
9 If she be a wall, we will build upon her a palace of silver: and if she be a door, we will inclose her with boards of cedar.
Could l get an interpretation on what this scriptures meant during the days of King Solomon and what it meant culturally and religiously for the Jew. Thanks.
God's Word should never be rewritten. It is His divine voice speaking to us. There are other translations, though. They make this easier to understand by presenting it with today's dialect and wording in mind.
Song of Songs is the most praiseworthy, most excellent, and most highly treasured among the speaks of Love 's great victory over all temperatures to infidelity.
Verse 1, Israel is acknowledging that they share the same father as Lebanon but not the same mother. There would be no differences in faith or belief if they both had the same mother. They would treat each other as true brothers. Verse 2 they could share military defense as family. Verse 4, Israel is asking that none force themselves upon Lebanon until Lebanon is ready, until Lenbanon has decided what THEY want. Verse 6 is asking Lebanon to be an ally, not to be jealous of Israel because jealosy fans the coals of war. Verse 7, there is safety in unity and even if the many waters of common enemies approach, they will be defeated. The little sister is the border-wall that stands between them that can not nurture the future on her own. Verse 9, If joined together both nations, Israel and Lebanon, will prosper economically and in security.
"I am a wall, " He is our protector in times when the storms of this world try to sweep us away. "and my breasts like towers " When Jesus find us He became a tower where we hide ourselves and feed us with His Word like a mother feeding her baby no matter if the place where she is the wind is blowing she will turn her back to the side of the wind whilst feeding her baby. "then was I in his eyes as one that found favour. " Whenever a mother breastfeeds her child her eyes will be upon the baby, in the same way when we look up to our Lord each day we realize than we have found favour from God to save us with His precious blood that was spilled on the cross so that we may be saved. His eyes reflects the favour we received from Him.
1. Verses 1 to 3 Again tell us to love the Word of God with all our hearts.
God requires us to accept Jesus Christ, the Messiah without any reservations.
We should always keep the Word of God very very close to our hearts.
2. Verse 4 calls upon all detractors to refrain from interferring with our relationship with God.
These detractors come in different forms like the dark forces, bad friends,bad spouses,false religions,movies,sports,alcohol,drugs,adultery, worldly persuits and desires just to mention but a few.
3.Verse 5 tells us that Jesus Christ, the Messiah can raise us from very desperate situations and give us a new lease of life.(A rebirth).
It does not matter how deep we have sunk in the pit of sin, only if we turn to Jesus Christ, the Messiah, then our sins will be washed away and we will be restored to our rightful glory as children of God.
Those who have ears let them hear!
God saves you regardless of how low you have fallen in sin.This is the TRUTH.
4.Verse 6 is an intruction from God to humankind to follow his Word diligently both in mind and in deeds.Set me as a seal upon thy heart and set a seal upon thy hand.
This verse tells us frankly that the rewards for accepting Jesus Christ, the Messiah, as our Saviour are equal and opposite to the consequencies of living in sin.
When one follows the Word of God one receives eternal life.This is the TRUTH.
When one rejects Jesus Christ, the Messiah then the reward is death and eternal torment.This is the TRUTH.
No sin is too small or too big for God to rescue someone who has called for help.This is the TRUTH.
5.Verse 7 teaches us that there are no forces in the whole world that can withstand the Word of God.
The verse also teaches us that no matter how rich someone is, one cannot bribe one's way to God.
Money cannot buy righteousness or salvation.
Even all the money and wealth in the world cannot buy one's way to salvation.
In fact it a laughable exercise because the Word of God cannot be bought by worldly possessions.
6.Verses 8 and 9 refer to false religions and people who are half hearted in their worship of God.
For a woman not having breasts is a serious shortcoming.How does she feed her baby?
For a religion which is false cannot stand the test for conformity with the Word of God.
False religions are not compatible to the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
False religions fail the test of conformity to the Word of God.
These are forgiveness, mercy,no retribution,
compassion,equality of humankind before God,free will,No punishmet of a human being by another human being for sin,No idolatry and creating images of worship,No sacred shrines,compulsion to pray, compulsion to dress, and so forth.
All these issues were clearly spelled out by Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
False religions are self glorifying and lead humankind astray.They shower themselves with countless superlatives but alas! they never practise what they preach from their hearts.
False religions take away humankind's God given gift of FREE WILL (FREE CHOICE).
e.g If you commit adultery you will be stoned to death.If you commit apostasy you will be killed.If you drink alcohol you will be flogged.
If you burn a religious book you will be killed.
If you redicule the prophet you will be killed.
Why does the prophet not take care of himself?
Let God judge His own people.We people do not have the authority to judge and punish other people.
This is according to the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
This is according to the Word of God.
Whoever goes against the Word of God leads people astray and should quickly repent of their sin to gain God's mercy and forgiveness.
6. Verse 9 is a requirement for all true believers to help others to overcome their shortcomings.
Those who have serious shortcomings should not be despised.
They should be helped in love and kindness.
This is a duty for all true believers.Those who have freely accepted Jesus Christ, the Messiah as their true Saviour.
7.Verse 10 tells us that if we are upright and walking in the ways of God, then we find favour in God's eyes.
God is pleased with us and HE blesses us.
8. Verses 11 and 12 are a very important lesson to humankind.
This world is God's vineyard which he rents out to us people (keepers).
God requires rentals in terms of our good deeds and our help to others and walking in his ways.
If a person is living in sin that person wont be able to pay God for the time you are 'renting' on earth.You will fall into spiritual arrears.
If a person is doing good that person finds favour in God's eyes and receives blessings.
God expects a person to help others to righteousness according to that person's capabilities and circumstances.
For people with the same capabilities and circumsances God expects also equal efforts to uplift humankind to righteousness and to do good.
8.Verses 13 and 14 tell us about the influence of the Word of God.
It reaches even the most unlikely of places.And all the people should hearken to the Word of God.
Verse 14 teaches us that as true believers we should yearn for the quick spreading of the Word of God to all the four corners of the world.
We should be tools in making sure the Word of God spreads without any hindrance.
Jesus Christ, the Messiah will reach out to all humankind all over the world and there will remain noone in this world who will plead ignorance of the existence of Jesus Christ, the Messiah when he comes for the SECOND time.
If we repent of our sins and accept Jesus Christ, the Messiah as our Saviour we will surely receive Salvation.
Brothers and Sisters the choice is ours.God loves us to the extreme.
Why do we turn our backs to Light and plunge ourselves into darkness where there is nothing except suffering and death?
Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. ( Proverbs 4:23).
Normally I prefer KJV (and after all that is the focus here) but in this case I prefer the word "Guard" to begin the sentence found in several other versions. In the case of dying to self; and focusing all our energies into serving the Lord several statements below may seem to contradict behaviors normally associated with being a Christian.
Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame. ( Song of Solomon 8:6).
Granted; the whole book of Song of Solomon is focused on the story of human love but surely we can glean some meainings from this book which is included in the accepted Canon (although probably the most reluctantly by the early church). In any case; our God is a jealous God; and we can also apply this to the Spirit which contends against the flesh ( Gal. 5:24).
Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you. ( Matt. 7:6).
This can perhaps be best understood in conjunction with the admonition in Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men's sins: keep thyself pure. ( 1 Tim. 5:22). There are several meanings for laying on of hands which could relate to delegating a promotion of church office or imparting spiritual gifts (I would suggest both would happen simultaneously). In any case; within the house of God we must be discerning enough to recognize those with bad fruit who are going to take whatever they have and use it for nefarious purposes. We also need to be careful that we aren't tempted by the sins of others who wer are attempting to help; whether by reason of our own weaknesses or those who are devious enough to entice us or unwary victims of Satan.
So like last night I was about to go to bed, and the Holy Spirit said "contention".
If we read Psalms enough, we will see that King David occasionally was victim temporarily to sadness, anger at enemies, King Sauls relentless pursuit and many other issues. We work this stuff out by prayer and sometimes speaking the truth in the spirit of love, for the brethren.
Here is the origin of the spirit of contention. We need to recognize it's been busy in here for weeks. Lord, make me an instrument of Your Peace. Amen. Let's let the Spirit of Christ rule over our hearts.
Spirit of Jealousy: Manifestations:
Revenge-Spite, Anger-Rage, Jealousy, Hatred, Cruelty, Strife, Contention, Competition, Envy, Cause Divisions Scriptures; murder
( Genesis 4:4-6; 37:3,4,8; Proverbs 6:34; 10:12; 13:10; 14:16-17,29-30; 22:24-25; 27:4; 29:22-23; Numbers 5:14,30; 1 Thessalonians 4:8; Song of Solomon 8:6; Galatians 5:19)
Roots... "The Works of the Flesh," Galatians 5:19-21.
"By their fruits you will know all men," Matthew 7:20. According to Matthew 6:10; 11:12; 12:29; 16:18; 18:18; 28:18
BIND= Spirit of jealousy
LOOSE= Love of God, 1 Corinthians 13; Ephesians 5:2
Testimony: as a kid I lived in a household divided some ways. Me and my Dad were placid and peaceful. He was full-blood Cajun. I was a negotiator. My sister, the silent one. The others were fighting lots. Dynamics awful to live in. But you learn skills that are useful later on.
Michael the Archangel and Satan (a fired Archangel) contended for the body of Moses. Michael said, "THE LORD REBUKE THEE." Satan let go.
We have to recognize it for what it is. Let's all pray for these Comment Rooms. Lift them up and ask the Lord to bless them; attract unbelieving seekers of salvation in Peace.
9 If she be a wall, we will build upon her a palace of silver: and if she be a door, we will inclose her with boards of cedar.
Could l get an interpretation on what this scriptures meant during the days of King Solomon and what it meant culturally and religiously for the Jew. Thanks.
God requires us to accept Jesus Christ, the Messiah without any reservations.
We should always keep the Word of God very very close to our hearts.
2. Verse 4 calls upon all detractors to refrain from interferring with our relationship with God.
These detractors come in different forms like the dark forces, bad friends,bad spouses,false religions,movies,sports,alcohol,drugs,adultery, worldly persuits and desires just to mention but a few.
3.Verse 5 tells us that Jesus Christ, the Messiah can raise us from very desperate situations and give us a new lease of life.(A rebirth).
It does not matter how deep we have sunk in the pit of sin, only if we turn to Jesus Christ, the Messiah, then our sins will be washed away and we will be restored to our rightful glory as children of God.
Those who have ears let them hear!
God saves you regardless of how low you have fallen in sin.This is the TRUTH.
4.Verse 6 is an intruction from God to humankind to follow his Word diligently both in mind and in deeds.Set me as a seal upon thy heart and set a seal upon thy hand.
This verse tells us frankly that the rewards for accepting Jesus Christ, the Messiah, as our Saviour are equal and opposite to the consequencies of living in sin.
When one follows the Word of God one receives eternal life.This is the TRUTH.
When one rejects Jesus Christ, the Messiah then the reward is death and eternal torment.This is the TRUTH.
No sin is too small or too big for God to rescue someone who has called for help.This is the TRUTH.
5.Verse 7 teaches us that there are no forces in the whole world that can withstand the Word of God.
The verse also teaches us that no matter how rich someone is, one cannot bribe one's way to God.
Money cannot buy righteousness or salvation.
Even all the money and wealth in the world cannot buy one's way to salvation.
In fact it a laughable exercise because the Word of God cannot be bought by worldly possessions.
6.Verses 8 and 9 refer to false religions and people who are half hearted in their worship of God.
For a woman not having breasts is a serious shortcoming.How does she feed her baby?
For a religion which is false cannot stand the test for conformity with the Word of God.
False religions are not compatible to the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
False religions fail the test of conformity to the Word of God.
These are forgiveness, mercy,no retribution,
compassion,equality of humankind before God,free will,No punishmet of a human being by another human being for sin,No idolatry and creating images of worship,No sacred shrines,compulsion to pray, compulsion to dress, and so forth.
All these issues were clearly spelled out by Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
False religions are self glorifying and lead humankind astray.They shower themselves with countless superlatives but alas! they never practise what they preach from their hearts.
False religions take away humankind's God given gift of FREE WILL (FREE CHOICE).
e.g If you commit adultery you will be stoned to death.If you commit apostasy you will be killed.If you drink alcohol you will be flogged.
If you burn a religious book you will be killed.
If you redicule the prophet you will be killed.
Why does the prophet not take care of himself?
Let God judge His own people.We people do not have the authority to judge and punish other people.
This is according to the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
This is according to the Word of God.
Whoever goes against the Word of God leads people astray and should quickly repent of their sin to gain God's mercy and forgiveness.
6. Verse 9 is a requirement for all true believers to help others to overcome their shortcomings.
Those who have serious shortcomings should not be despised.
They should be helped in love and kindness.
This is a duty for all true believers.Those who have freely accepted Jesus Christ, the Messiah as their true Saviour.
7.Verse 10 tells us that if we are upright and walking in the ways of God, then we find favour in God's eyes.
God is pleased with us and HE blesses us.
8. Verses 11 and 12 are a very important lesson to humankind.
This world is God's vineyard which he rents out to us people (keepers).
God requires rentals in terms of our good deeds and our help to others and walking in his ways.
If a person is living in sin that person wont be able to pay God for the time you are 'renting' on earth.You will fall into spiritual arrears.
If a person is doing good that person finds favour in God's eyes and receives blessings.
God expects a person to help others to righteousness according to that person's capabilities and circumstances.
For people with the same capabilities and circumsances God expects also equal efforts to uplift humankind to righteousness and to do good.
8.Verses 13 and 14 tell us about the influence of the Word of God.
It reaches even the most unlikely of places.And all the people should hearken to the Word of God.
Verse 14 teaches us that as true believers we should yearn for the quick spreading of the Word of God to all the four corners of the world.
We should be tools in making sure the Word of God spreads without any hindrance.
Jesus Christ, the Messiah will reach out to all humankind all over the world and there will remain noone in this world who will plead ignorance of the existence of Jesus Christ, the Messiah when he comes for the SECOND time.
If we repent of our sins and accept Jesus Christ, the Messiah as our Saviour we will surely receive Salvation.
Brothers and Sisters the choice is ours.God loves us to the extreme.
Why do we turn our backs to Light and plunge ourselves into darkness where there is nothing except suffering and death?
Those who have ears let them hear.
Glory be to God All Mighty!
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