Discuss Zechariah 1

  • Jesse - In Reply on Zechariah 1 - 2 years ago

    If you put it in years, three score would be 60. A score is 20.
  • Denise Miller on Zechariah 1 - 2 years ago
    Question: What does threescore mean? How long is threescore?
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Zechariah 6 - 2 years ago
    They seem to be Zechariah 1:8-10, Zechariah 6:2,

    Possibly Revelation 6:4, context Revelation 6, & context Zechariah 1,

    Please pray for wisdom James 1:5,

    They seem to be walking to & fro, Zechariah 1:10,11,

    Bay horses are reddish brown, Grizzled- speckled , Zechariah 6:7

    2Chronicles 16:9, Zechariah 4:10,

    But also Job 1:7, Job 2:2,

    Psalms 139, for encouragement

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Matthew 23 - 2 years ago
    Zechariah 1:1,

    I believe you may be mistaken, not the Word of GOD

    In my study I looked up the "Court"

    The Court : Exodus 27, in the tabernacle, Exodus 40:20-33, the House: 1Kings 6:16-36, 1Kings 8:64, 2 Chronicles 4:6-22, Solomon made,

    2Chronicles 24:18-27, Court, before captivity into Babylon, note Isaiah was prophesing of it, in 2 Chronicles,

    Zechariah, Zacharias, etc. 2Chronicles 29:1, 2Kings 14:29, 2Kings 18:2 2Kings 15:8,11, even Luke 1:5,12,13,18,21,40,59,67,

    There seems to be several men with same name, but Jesus specified "the son of Barachias" Zechariah 1:1, note: Luke 11:50-51, Matthew 23:31-39, 'between the temple & the alter '

    Zechariah son of Berechaih was alive prophesing during the 2nd year of Darius, Zechariah 1:1, seemingly During: Daniel 6:1, Daniel 9:1, Daniel 11:1, the time of rebuilding, Ezra 4:24, Ezra 5:7, Ezra 6:13, Haggai 1:15, Haggai 2:10, Nehemiah 12:22,

    Please note Zechariah 7:1, the house of The LORD was rebuilt & Zechariah approached their sin, Zechariah 7, he even speaks of the 70 years of captivity: Zechariah 7:5,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • GiGi - In Reply on Zechariah 1 - 2 years ago
    Thanks Mishael,

    That is a wonderful post.
  • Mix With Faith_Pray this Every Day - In Reply on Zechariah 1 - 2 years ago
    Thank You Father The life of God flows in my blood and cleanses my arteries of all matter that does not pertain to life. My heart beats with the rhythm of life, carrying the Life of God throughout my body, restoring LIFE AND HEALTH ABUNDANTLY. ( John 17:23; Eph. 2:22).

    I have a strong heart. Every heart beat floods by body with life and cleanses me of disease and pain. Ex. 23:25 Mark 11:23.

    I command my blood cells to destroy every disease germ and virus that tries to inhabit my body. I command every cell of my body to be normal In Jesus' Name. Rom. 5:17; Luke 17:6

    Every cell that does not promote life and health in my body is cut off from its life source. My immune system will not allow boils and infection to live in my body In Jesus' Name! Luke 17:6; Mark 11:2

    I am redeemed from the curse of the law and my heart beats with the rhythm of life. The spirit and life of God's Word flows in me cleansing my blood of every disease and impurity.

    The law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death; therefore, I will not allow sin, sickness or death to lord over me! Rom 8:2; 6:13,14

    The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in me, permeating His life through my veins, sending healing throughout my body Rom 8:11.

    In Jesus' Name I forbid my body to be deceived in any manner. Body, you will not be deceived by any disease germ or virus. Neither will you work against life or health in any way. Every cell in my body supports life and health.

    Let's look at the principle that could be the key to you being a partaker of God's provision concerning your healing.

    There is probably no other subject as important to your healing and health than the principle of CALLING THINGS THAT ARE NOT. We see in Romans 4:17-22 that Abraham became fully persuaded that God would do what He had promised. The way he became fully persuaded was by calling those things which were not manifest as though they were.

  • Free - In Reply on Zechariah 1 - 2 years ago
    Dear Ronnette, i feel the same blessings from all here at the KJV web site. This is comforting all things in me in this last days.

    Love y all and God have give us a wonderfull tools.

    God bless us in Jesus name
  • Ronnette on Zechariah 1 - 2 years ago
    I had the most wonderful time this morning reading all comments and the explanations about this chapter after reading the entire Chapter 1. I thank God and praise The LORD for all of you. I seldom read something that really encourages me, specially when you are in bed sick and covered with boils. It is not like Job, but enough to pull you down. Despite that situation, I want you all to know, you all made me so comforted. I love to read from the saints comments all the time. I continue to pray for all of you and we continue to pray for Israel's safety and salvation. Agape.
  • ELB - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Sister Kay:

    I know you are a child if God because the WORD says you are a child of God.

    I think we all want to know as much about the Kingdom of God as revealed in his WORD.

    God is Spirit, God is the LIFE, The Father gave the Son to have LIFE in himself, God gave the Son the inheritance of all nations of the world.

    God gave his son a chosen few (which could be millions) to be a royal priestshood, the ones who share in Christ's resurrection.

    Christ and these Sons of God are going to judge the world at the second resurrection.

    WE CANNOT be a righteous judge without becoming exactly like Christ, this in the new creation, being born of Spirit, but having the glorified body of Christ.

    Romans 8:19 For the earnest EXPECTATION of the creature (man) WAITETH (in the grave) for the manifestation of the SONS OF GOD.

    Romans 8:21 Because the creature (man) ITSELF shall be DELIEVERED from the bondage of corruption (the grave) into the glorious liberty of the children of God.

    All this happens after the second resurrection when the Kingdom is established here on earth.

    Mosses and the first children were a shadow: this time Christ is the KING and ALL WILL OBEY.

    Zachariah 14:29 In that day shall there be upon the bells of the horses (THE PRIEST), HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD, and the pots in the Lords house, shall be like bowls upon the alter.

    Zechariah 1:21 Yea every pot in Jerusalem and Judah shall be holiness unto the lord of host: and all they that sacrifice shall come and take of them, and seethe therein, and in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the LORD of host.

    God Bless YOU!
  • David - In Reply on Zechariah 1 - 3 years ago
    Tim 1 Corinthians 6:1-3 We need to remember that angels are messengers but some are on the bad side of the

    fence spiritually so to speak, those we will judge.
  • Tim legarie on Zechariah 1 - 3 years ago
    We will judge the angels! And are not to rise anyone or thing above our God in heaven and Jesus Christ.When we pass over into the heavenly realms will we be like the angels?
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Zechariah 1 - 3 years ago
    Genesis 22:18, Haggai 1:12-13, Genesis 48:15, Luke 11:28, 1 John 5:1-3, hopefully these are helpful.

    There is also a search tab, where you can try searching the site.
  • Dale Owen on Zechariah 1 - 3 years ago
    I read in the old testament I think in Amos or Zackaria where a man obeyed God Daily and God blessed him, Do you know where that is please, dale
  • John 316 on Luke 16 - 3 years ago
    This isn't a comment, been receiving your verse a day for many years. Start my day off with it.But now I wake up and take the verse and put it on a app. Listening to the Holy Spirit on what to say. On line, at first I got this isn't the place for God's Word, but months later, people are saying thanks, amen, gotten JW, anti christ believer. But people our listening and growing in the word of God, Today's verse was James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Used submit to parents, Then I went to the prodigal son story, to the rich man and Lazarus, to putting on the whole armour of God. And lastly John 3:16. Other Bible verses Ephesians 4:27: Luke 8:11-12, I Peter 5:8, I John 3:8, Zechariah 1:3, Psalms 73: 28.

    It's all about having someone come to the Lord Jesus Christ, and believing, trusting, and giving their life to him as their Savior. We both our God's servant, what a blessing!
  • BSP on Zechariah 1 - 4 years ago
    Verses 12-16-God discerned that the people needed more encouragement so he sent another angel. God will send us the encouragement we need if we are faithful to him.
  • Chris - In Reply on Zechariah 1 - 4 years ago
    Nella, I had a read of the whole chapter of Zechariah 1, particularly v 15, & wondered how you were looking at this verse. Do you feel that the LORD, Who is sovereign over all people & all things, only shows a great displeasure in the heathen standing against Israel, rather than doing something about it?

    In this vision (or, dream) that came to Zechariah, the main message to the prophet was that though Israel would suffer at the hands of their enemies (& mostly because of Israel's own sin & disobedience), there would be a day coming when their enemies (now at ease), will be the ones to be dealt with by the LORD (Zech chap 12). This is a wonderful book depicting how God would one day (in the last days) re-visit His people & re-vitalize them with His Spirit, beginning with His Branch (Messiah, Jesus) of which Joshua was used as a type ( Zech 6:12). I'm sure present day Israel would be resting their hope in the surety of this prophetical book, but in grief they will see the Branch Whom they crucified coming to judge them & rule over them one day.

    So, the 'Sovereignty of God' is not in question in that verse 15, nor in other similar verses that seemingly shows God 'doing nothing about the situation'. Rather, it again shows to us of how God is concerned about His people & will allow suffering to come to them for their learning but will surely intervene at His appointed Time when He will shower them with His blessings.
  • Nella Rodenburg on Zechariah 1 - 4 years ago
    How does one reconcile Zechariah 1:15 with the sovereignty of God over all things?
  • Paul Hoskey on Zechariah 1 - 5 years ago
    Vs 18-21 can be seen as applicable in our lives today. We daily face the four horns of Lack of understanding, Limitations we place on ourselves, Frustations we encounter, and our Confidence that falls short. God sends His Carpenters daily to rebuild our lives, if we will submit to Him. His Peace that calms us, His Hope that strengthens us, His Faith that substains us, and His Love that s real.
  • Gary Olsen on Zechariah 1 - 5 years ago
    Myrtle trees mean good things are about to happen, but "in the bottom" means that the situation could not be any worse. Behind the red horseman were red horses meaning more war and bloodshed, speckled or black and white horses. Black meaning all the ills of war and white meaning righteousness. So this could mean wars waged with death and famine plaguing the land followed by righteousness.
  • Gary Olsen on Zechariah 1 - 5 years ago
    " Zech. 1:8 I saw by night, and behold a man riding upon a red horse, and he stood among the myrtle trees." Night, here, means the kind of darkness over a land caused by war, famine, sickness, and disease. The man riding the red horse means the blood shed in war. But "he stood among the myrtle trees." Myrtle trees symbolize prosperity and good things to come.
  • Marlo on Zechariah 1 - 6 years ago
    Neither Assyria, Egypt, Babylon, or Media Persia scattered the children of Israel. Yes they were taken into captivity by these nations, but pretty much kept in tact as their identity and location were still known even during the time of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The fact 70yrs is mentioned in the vision denotes the passage as prophetic to occur in a future date beyond ZECHARIA's time.
  • BSP on Zechariah 1 - 7 years ago
    Verse 4: If we had a bad parental example, we aren't doomed to follow their example. We can chose to do right.
  • A disciple on Zechariah 1 - 7 years ago
    Bruce; Why the relentless quarreling? Why the twisting of words and accusations? There are many "similes" used to describe the LORD's taking away of sins in His people... the depths of the sea, behind His back, removed as far as the east is from the west, etc... "Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." So then the aggressive nit-picker and fault-finder inherits what?
  • Bruce on Zechariah 1 - 7 years ago
    disciple: The Lord has removed My Sins as far as The East is from The West. Psalms 103:12. I never heard of Him throwing sins behind Him! What Sins has He Thrown backwards? Some take Pride and sit on The Throne giving directions not Knowing they're on The Wide Road. In that Day Many will Say:Lord,Lord have We done many Wonderful Works? Matthew 7:13-23
  • A disciple on Zechariah 1 - 7 years ago
    (7-17); The LORD's city set upon a hill, all Nations have seen: yet who among all their great ones has ever taken to heart what God has done to Israel, so as to consider themselves lest they also fall into His hands! Instead they have wickedly embolden themselves to fill up their world with all that they have imagined to do, and do not repent; and add to wrath by persecuting the already punished.
  • A disciple on Zechariah 1 - 7 years ago
    (1-6); A precept that was spoken of the LORD in Moses; ( Leviticus 26:39-45); tells how WE in the end of days; when we do indeed confess our sins, and the sins of our ancestors, that we will with that humbled and penitent spirit, accept of the punishment from God, and amend our ways and our doings to walk in truth and do right in His sight. The condition of the world won't change until all is done.
  • Insight777 on Zechariah 1 - 7 years ago
    Traditionally in Israel, horns are shofars, a call to war when they are lifted up. So the word horn is associated with war. Understand that scattered can mean troops, pilots or other military have left their homeland to fight foreign nations. It does not necessarily mean they have disbanded or fled their country in fear. I think it means they have been attacked and are responding with war.
  • Irene123 on Zechariah 1 - 7 years ago
    The whole of the O.T. testifies of - Jesus
  • Irene123 on Zechariah 1 - 7 years ago
    V. 18 - The 4 horns represent 4 kingdoms. Assyria, Egypt, Babylon, Medo-Persia. All are symbols (for the N.T.) that enslaved the Israelites; a type of N.T. sin. The 4 carpenters. Zechariah is saying that God is going to send 4 carpenters to overthrow all these powers. There was a 5th carpenter who would be over all the 4 carpenters - Jesus Christ. He is the master carpenter, who builds us up.
  • Angel on Zechariah 1 - 8 years ago
    Chapter 1 of Zachariah has a lot of revelations about our present world. God is a jalous God just as its writing. The world is full of adultery, fornication, murderer, workers iniquities, idol worshipers etc...The 4 horns are the result of our sins that have scattered our business, families, marriage, giving wars, think every bad situation in our lives. 4 carpenters from God to correct.

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