Appears the Jewish prophecy of Solomon has been fulfilled and the directions followed. There are 2 churches involved in this and the treaty of Nicea adds more. The Jewish people remember were not all in favor of Jesus and the fulfillment of the scriptures all come to a head at this place we are in time and this is not the first time. Look back to many religions over time and it is not about being right or wrong when many recognize the LORD and that to be JESUS while others contest the name and remember, he has gone by many names throughout the milennia.
Lord and Lord of Hosts... The difference between the 2 is almost enigmatic here; however, we are talking about 2 different entities here. Why has this never been brought up in the modern "Church" and, significance?
You'll have to go read the Commentary, as it is long and not enough space to post here
by Matthew Henry
9-17 Those only who lay their hands to the plough of duty, shall have them strengthened with the promises of mercy: those who avoid their fathers' faults have the curse turned into a blessing. Those who believed the promises, were to show their faith by their works, and to wait the fulfilment. When God is displeased, he can cause trade to decay, and set every man against his neighbour; but when he returns in mercy, all is happy and prosperous. Surely believers in Christ must not trifle with the exhortation to put away lying, and to speak every man peace with his neighbour, to hate what the Lord hates, and to love that wherein he delights. Let the hands of all who labour in the cause of the gospel be strong, serving the Lord in true holiness, assured that their labour shall not be in vain.
The restoration of Jerusalem. (1-8) The people encouraged by promises of God's favour, and exhorted to holiness. (9-17) The Jews in the latter days. (18-23)1-8 The sins of Zion were her worst enemies. God will take away her sins, and then no other enemies shall hurt her. Those who profess religion must adorn their profession by godliness and honesty. When become a city of truth and a mountain of holiness, Jerusalem is peaceable and prosperous. Verses #4,5|, beautifully describe a state of great outward peace, attended with plenty, temperance, and contentment. The scattered Israelites shall be brought together from all parts. God will never leave nor forsake them in a way of mercy, for this he has promised them; and they shall never leave nor forsake him in a way of duty, as they have promised him. These promises were partly fulfilled in the Jewish church, betwixt the captivity and the time of Christ's coming; and they had fuller accomplishment in the gospel church; but the full import must be as to the future times of the Christian church, or the future restoratio
The Church is never in "heaven" per se at the wedding ceremony. Everything takes place on earth. The Lord will dwell in Jerusalem when he returns.
Acts 1:6-12 The angel said the Lord will return in like manner.(Notice the Lord was on the Mt. of Olives when he left earth)
Zechariah 14:1-5 (Read the entire chapter) Notice verse 5 His feet shall stand that day upon the Mt. of Olives which is before Jerusalem on the east. (The entire chapter of Zechariah 14 takes place while the Lord is dwelling on earth)
Zechariah 14:9-11 Lord shall be king over all the earth.
Zechariah 14:16-19 The Feast of Tabernacles will be held in Jerusalem each year where Jesus will be dwelling.
Zechariah 8:1-8 Lord returns to Zion and dwells in the midst of Jerusalem. Jerusalem will be called City of Truth. He will bring his people to Jerusalem to be his people and he their God. (This has not taken place yet; it's all future)
Isaiah 66:15-18;19-20;23-24 All flesh will come worship him from one new moon to another, one Sabbath to another. People who are in the lake of fire will not have their fire quenched. (this is all future)
Revelation 20:1-3 The Angel comes to bound Satan 1,000yrs. (This is the First resurrection) These saints will reign with Christ 1,000yrs.
I Thessalonins 3:13-17 The Lord coming with all his saints in the clouds. See Daniel 7
Daniel 7:1-3;13-14; (verse 13 remember the Lord said he's coming back in the clouds?)
Daniel 7:7-18;27 (verse 27 under the heaven is where Jesus' Kingdom will be)
Luke 1:26-27;30-33 (What did the angel tell Mary? Read verse 30-33.) That God promised DAvid someone would come through his lineage and sit on the throne of David. (Jesus will come to earth to sit on David's throne.)
Psalm 123:11-16 The Lord swore in truth to David he will sit upon David's throne. (Who are his children? the Saints).
hello just wanted to say that just like God breathed on the people of Isreal and so forth He will do the same today God just wants to know can He trust Us. God Bless
Marlo, if the nations want to learn about Jesus then why would they come to the Jews who clearly have rejected him? That cannot be the meaning. Yes, Jesus could be refered to later in chapter 13, which is refering to a false prophet, but not in chapter 12, since the context does not fit in with Jesus' life at all. Go and learn!
God's Word is always true. He wrote it, its inspired which means God breathed. He gave us Jesus, His Son. He did come in the flesh. Now, we have this wonderful word which is in print! God knows what He doing. So, we must press on for the high calling of God! As my preacher said many times before The Word of God Will Help You, if You Let It. Let's win souls for Jesus today and everyday. God bless
According to my research, April was the original first month in the Julian calendar. Hence April fools. However doing simple math in my head I backed up the first month of the year March. Which would make June the fourth month. Guess what June is now guys! Gay pride month and I would not be surprised if satan did this on purpose to mock the fourth month feast of Yahuah
Dear Irene123 - clearly v23 has not yet come about. Look at verse 19 - it says that the 4 fast days shall turn into days of joy. The Jewish people are still keeping these days as days of mourning as they have for the last 2000 years. So just as v19 has not yet come about, so too v23 has not yet happened. This is clear and unrefutable. See also Jeremiah 16:19
V. 23 - After the church age begins, Acts 2:38, the Jewish apostles and disciples went to the Gentiles and the Gentiles 'went' to the Jews (accepted the Jews testimony of Jesus). The believing Jews and Gentiles were the Christians at that time - the Jews 'n Gentiles were first called' Christians' at Antioch.
Jews come from the House of Judah (JUH-dah; JEW). The House of Judah was the tribes of Benjamin and Judah. The House of Israel was scattered amongst the nations after being taken captive in Assyria. Essentially if you believe in Christ you are thus grafted in as part of Israel. Christianity today does not preach this message, for they believe the OT is rendered obsolete, which is absolutely false.
Verse 23 - this is clear proof of the truth of Judaism - in times of messiah why are all the nations going to the Jews saying G-d is with them. Obviously because their's was, is and always will be the only true religion - this will only become clear in the messianic era!!
Paradox ! May our Heavenly Abba Dad and Eternal Father Yahweh Elohim Bless and Enrich those Ten Men indeed to His Everlasting Glory, in and through His Son, our Glorious Blessed near future Majesty King to come, Christ Yeshua Jesus, Glory Amen and Amen. SHALOM ISRAEL ZION ! COME LORD YESHUA ! God Bless you. Shalom yedda dim.
In verse 19 the months are the Jewish feast months. The most important point in verse 19 is in the last part that "Truth comes before Peace ". Which we know will not come until the Prince of Peace comes back at the second advent. Verse 23 is a prophetic verse of the Gentile Nations in the Millenial Reign of Christ.
To Jan Wertheim, concerning V23, first you must understand who are the Jews and when christianity came to be known as christians, muslims, etc..You will find the answers in the Bible and history books.
First and foremost, praise and glory to the Most High God and Jesus Christ our Lord. Second, it is not possible to take one book and one chapter to discuss anything. You must use as scripture quotes: rightly divide, line upon line, and precept upon precept. After reading the comment, many thoughts are in error and not according to scripture. We get into trouble when we add and/or subtract from the word of God. We can find everything written in the old by the prophets, we will find in the new because God does not change!
Read, and pray for understanding.The Word is not to be debated but understood through knowledge from God. They are one yet they are two...
I am sorry Timothy you are wrong. If this verse is referring to Jesus who you claim is God then why would they say God is with you. Also he is not the seed of David and is himself admitted that he did not come to bring peace. It is clearly talking about the Jewish people, that we the true messiah comes, the whole world will realize that the truth is with the Jews and their Torah and no longer will they be dispised and abused as they have been over the millenium (see Isaiah end ch52/ start 53.
8:19 Thus saith YHUH TZBAUT the fast of the fourth [Y-YBRH MUZT (YUYBRH MWE)] and the fast of the first [YHSYMHCH MUZT (YSYMCH MWE)] and the fast of the seventh [Y-YBHSH MUZT (YUYBSH MWE)] and the fast of the tenth months [YRYHS-H MUZT (YRYSUH MWE)] shall be to the house of YHUDH (HDWHY) joy and gladness and cheerful feasts therefore love the truth and peace.
Take note of the fifth month that it was mistranslated and should be the FIRST month. It means you have to atone for your sins on the tenth day of every first, fourth, seven (remember the atonement day) and the tenth month. May YAHUAH bless you all.
Timothy Wayne George on Zechariah 8 - 12 years ago
Dear Jan, Jesus is Jehovah God, and he is the truth. The gentiles will come to him, because he is of the seed of David, and the Prince of peace. Christ shall reign, and restore one pure language to all people. There will be perfect peace, and truth on earth. No more division, because Satan will be locked up for 1000 years in the abyss.
What is going on in verse 23? Why, in the day of the messiah are people going to the Jews to ask of G-d and not to Christians, Muslims etc? Could it be that they are right and the truth is with them!!??
this scripture give us an evidence that if we hearken diligent and obey the word of the lord. God perfect everything that concern us.he will provide for our need in the time of f ermine
Solomon wrote all of Genesis you know.
by Matthew Henry
9-17 Those only who lay their hands to the plough of duty, shall have them strengthened with the promises of mercy: those who avoid their fathers' faults have the curse turned into a blessing. Those who believed the promises, were to show their faith by their works, and to wait the fulfilment. When God is displeased, he can cause trade to decay, and set every man against his neighbour; but when he returns in mercy, all is happy and prosperous. Surely believers in Christ must not trifle with the exhortation to put away lying, and to speak every man peace with his neighbour, to hate what the Lord hates, and to love that wherein he delights. Let the hands of all who labour in the cause of the gospel be strong, serving the Lord in true holiness, assured that their labour shall not be in vain.
The restoration of Jerusalem. (1-8) The people encouraged by promises of God's favour, and exhorted to holiness. (9-17) The Jews in the latter days. (18-23)1-8 The sins of Zion were her worst enemies. God will take away her sins, and then no other enemies shall hurt her. Those who profess religion must adorn their profession by godliness and honesty. When become a city of truth and a mountain of holiness, Jerusalem is peaceable and prosperous. Verses #4,5|, beautifully describe a state of great outward peace, attended with plenty, temperance, and contentment. The scattered Israelites shall be brought together from all parts. God will never leave nor forsake them in a way of mercy, for this he has promised them; and they shall never leave nor forsake him in a way of duty, as they have promised him. These promises were partly fulfilled in the Jewish church, betwixt the captivity and the time of Christ's coming; and they had fuller accomplishment in the gospel church; but the full import must be as to the future times of the Christian church, or the future restoratio
Acts 1:6-12 The angel said the Lord will return in like manner.(Notice the Lord was on the Mt. of Olives when he left earth)
Zechariah 14:1-5 (Read the entire chapter) Notice verse 5 His feet shall stand that day upon the Mt. of Olives which is before Jerusalem on the east. (The entire chapter of Zechariah 14 takes place while the Lord is dwelling on earth)
Zechariah 14:9-11 Lord shall be king over all the earth.
Zechariah 14:16-19 The Feast of Tabernacles will be held in Jerusalem each year where Jesus will be dwelling.
Zechariah 8:1-8 Lord returns to Zion and dwells in the midst of Jerusalem. Jerusalem will be called City of Truth. He will bring his people to Jerusalem to be his people and he their God. (This has not taken place yet; it's all future)
Isaiah 66:15-18;19-20;23-24 All flesh will come worship him from one new moon to another, one Sabbath to another. People who are in the lake of fire will not have their fire quenched. (this is all future)
Revelation 20:1-3 The Angel comes to bound Satan 1,000yrs. (This is the First resurrection) These saints will reign with Christ 1,000yrs.
I Thessalonins 3:13-17 The Lord coming with all his saints in the clouds. See Daniel 7
Daniel 7:1-3;13-14; (verse 13 remember the Lord said he's coming back in the clouds?)
Daniel 7:7-18;27 (verse 27 under the heaven is where Jesus' Kingdom will be)
Luke 1:26-27;30-33 (What did the angel tell Mary? Read verse 30-33.) That God promised DAvid someone would come through his lineage and sit on the throne of David. (Jesus will come to earth to sit on David's throne.)
Psalm 123:11-16 The Lord swore in truth to David he will sit upon David's throne. (Who are his children? the Saints).
David's throne will be in Jerusalem.
I will continue...
Read, and pray for understanding.The Word is not to be debated but understood through knowledge from God. They are one yet they are two...
8:19 Thus saith YHUH TZBAUT the fast of the fourth [Y-YBRH MUZT (YUYBRH MWE)] and the fast of the first [YHSYMHCH MUZT (YSYMCH MWE)] and the fast of the seventh [Y-YBHSH MUZT (YUYBSH MWE)] and the fast of the tenth months [YRYHS-H MUZT (YRYSUH MWE)] shall be to the house of YHUDH (HDWHY) joy and gladness and cheerful feasts therefore love the truth and peace.
Take note of the fifth month that it was mistranslated and should be the FIRST month. It means you have to atone for your sins on the tenth day of every first, fourth, seven (remember the atonement day) and the tenth month. May YAHUAH bless you all.