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  • Timothy Wayne George on Hosea 5 - 12 years ago
    The Lord said he would be as lion to Ephraim, and a young lion to Judah. God said I will return to my place till they acknowledge their wickedness, and in their affliction they shall seek me. Jesus wept over Israel, and said how ofter would I have protected you as a hen protects her chickens under her wings behold your house is left unto you desolate. Paul said my heart's desire is for Israel to be saved. Thank God this will happen in the tribulation, and we must continue to pray for the peace of Israel. God is calling out Jew, and Gentile in the Church age. When the Church age is over, God will return his attention to Israel. Jesus will be coming back as the Lion of the tribe of Judah to take the title deed of this world back from Satan.

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