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  • Brian on Jeremiah 10 - 5 years ago
    Deuteronomy 12:30-31 "...How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise. Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God..."

    God said do not do as the heathen. These so called Christian holidays are ALL pagan in origin and true Christians do not celebrate them. It takes very little effort to discover where they came from.
  • Freedomborn... - In Reply on Jeremiah 10 - 4 years ago
    Brian I would appreciate knowing why you think God was calling evil what the Angles, Sheperds and The Wise Men did at Christmas, they were Praising and Thanking Him for Jesus' Birth. I'm a Christian and like many others I remember and give Thanks for Jesus Birth at Christ-mas so are you calling me and them fools only God knows our Hearts Matt5:22 but in Christ Jesus we show our Love -Anne
  • Brian - In Reply on Jeremiah 10 - 4 years ago
    Freedomborn, like you I grew up celebrating them as well. At age 40 God put it on my heart to seek out the TRUTH in His Word. Once He showed it to me I had to decide between following Jesus Christ or my religion. I chose Jesus Christ. It is indisputable those holidays were Pagan and have zero to do with when Christ was born or when He died and rose again. Compare your religion with God's Word...
  • Freedomborn in Truth. - In Reply on Jeremiah 10 - 4 years ago
    Brian, I was a head Atheist for 30 years, as a young girl I was told I came from an Ape and God was not real, at the point of suacide God rescued me and showed me His Love and Reality. After asking for His Wisdom He confirmed His Truth in Scripture, Cult Deception, Man's Translation Error and that Christmas and Easter were not Pagan, God knows our Heart regardless of what they do. Blessings- Anne.
  • Ronnie - In Reply on Jeremiah 10 - 5 years ago
    OR, True Christians celebrate the holidays and recognize the pagan versions as pre-cursors to their true meaning. Pagans did not have Jesus, but God was trying to let them know in ways they might understand during their time that he was coming. :

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