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  • Haniel midala on Hebrews 12 - 5 years ago
    why is it that Moses name is not in the book of genesis and which date is the book written and why is that people attributed it to moses
  • Chris - In Reply on Hebrews 12 - 4 years ago
    Magdalena has given a very good summary that Moses' authorship of Genesis would have come from oral or written modes from his ancestors. And the point here for those who may want to support the theory of evolution or find some other arguable subject in Genesis, is that the Lord Jesus Christ, God's Word made flesh, spoke of Moses & did not at any time question what was written in the Torah. Jesus could have said,"Well folks, I have news for you: Genesis is not altogether accurate". However, all of the Law & the Prophets were fully accepted & widely used by Jesus in His Ministry. I would direct you to the site: Answers In Genesis > Did Moses write Genesis. It's a long piece but worth the read.
  • Magdalena - In Reply on Hebrews 12 - 4 years ago
    Moses was not yet born during the events of Genesis, so he is not named in Genesis. He was born during the time of sojourning in Egypt, and it is the Book of Exodus that deals with this part of Israel's history and Moses' personal history is part of that book. History was given orally before it was written down. Traditionally the first five books of the Bible have been attributed to Moses, first by Judaism and then by Christianity.

    These are called the Books of the Law (Torah). Moses was the lawgiver (the Ten Commandments). I'm sure there's more. Maybe someone else can add on to this.

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