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  • Esther Abwa on 1 Chronicles 3 - 12 years ago
    Wow!David had six children by six different wives within seven and a half years in He-bron(v1-4).He also had nine children(+)in Jerusalem from wives and concubines.According to prophecy,the Saviour was to come through the line of David,(Solomon and Nathan in v5). As God had blessed David with all things,yet had wedded one man,Adam, to one wife, Eve at the beginning,it appears to me that the devil attempted once again to corrupt 'the seed of the woman' and indeed,launch an attack on David (2Sam12:7-14)'the man after God's own heart' (1Sam13:14). Glory be to God that Matthew 1:1 confirms '..the generation of Jesus Christ,the son of David...' and that God cannot lose a battle, Hallelujah! I have learned that I should not give 'great occasion to the enemies of the LORD to blaspheme...'I also note how mysteriously God worked to equip His Son,Jesus Christ who came through some bad,good and even strange people in the line to save all people who would accept Him.

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