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Bible Discussion Thread


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  • Harold Robinson - In Reply on Philippians 4 - 5 years ago
    All Praises belongs to God, for He is Worthy to be Praised. When we stop and Thank God for what He has already done in our lives. Then we want have time to complain about things, that we don't have. Each and Every day. God open up my eyes and start me on own my way. I say Thank-you God, for giving me a little bit more time on earth. Time isn't nothing, if you don't value it properly. May the peace of God be with you and most of All In You..
  • David Orren - In Reply on Philippians 4 - 4 years ago
    I agree.. humility and the ability to be grateful is so important. But grateful to whom? There are so many working hard right now to support people through the Corona Virus.

    If God created all things, why did he create the Corona Virus? Who should we be grateful to? The one who created the problem? Or the people who are trying to help get us out of this predicament?

    Or did God just make a big mistake this time?
  • Saimone - In Reply on Philippians 4 - 4 years ago
    God has never made a mistake....we humans make mistake and have to face the consequence of it all. God will always intervene if we ask him to.
  • David Orren - In Reply on Philippians 4 - 4 years ago
    I do think the Tsunami was a bit of a mistake.. don't you think?

    And what about the Corona Virus?

    And the way that the Church has consistently covered up child abuse? And gotten away with it!

    If God had done all those things on purpose.. well... that would be very hard to forgive. My guess is that God is not bad, he just does take his eye off the ball sometimes. Means we need to learn to think more for ourselves and learn judgement and common sense. I think that is what a good God would want.
  • T Bone - In Reply on Philippians 4 - 4 years ago
    Hello, it sounds like you believe God exists, but somehow assume he's supposed to micromanage everything, and somehow assume you're entitled to Him serving you, as if he's a genie in a bottle? You're lucky you even exist, God didn't have to create you. Look at your heart- absolutely nothing causes it to beat currently, but it does. You could call that a miracle you're even alive. Also He didn't have to give you freewill, but did. You could have been a mindless puppet, but you're not. So, you can use that freewill to slander Him all you want, but that's not going to increase your rewards in the afterlife if you're looking for comfort. No one is entitled to anything.
  • David Orren - In Reply on Philippians 4 - 4 years ago
    Hi T-Bone,

    The Tsunami Covid19 are pretty big... not really micromanagement.

    I feel very privileged to be on this planet and am grateful for everything I have and for the people around me. I want friends who are generous with each other because that is the right thing to do, and because they feel good doing that. Not because they are afraid or are trying to get something in return.

    Why are Christians continually afraid and feel they deserve to be continually punished?

    Most people will do the right thing if they have enough choice to do so. Only a few will only do the right thing out of fear. Do you feel you have to behave properly, out of fear, and in order to get something?
  • David Orren - In Reply on Philippians 4 - 4 years ago
    Why do we deserve nothing? My children deserve to live in a safe and enjoyable world and I have the power to help that to happen, so I hold myself accountable for doing everything I can to make that happen.

    Many Christinas believe God has All Power. Is he not accountable to do everything he can?

    So why did he create the Corona Virus? Should we not hold him accountable?
  • David - In Reply on Philippians 4 - 4 years ago
    Should we thank God for the Corona Virus?
  • Adam - In Reply on Philippians 4 - 4 years ago
    Why? Do you blame God for all bad things and praise someone else for all good things? Is that rational? What if God gave man freewill and man chooses evil sometimes, is that still God's fault?
  • David Orren - In Reply on Philippians 4 - 4 years ago
    How is Corona Virus NOT a product of God's work?
  • Adam - In Reply on Philippians 4 - 4 years ago
    If it's bioterrorism or something man prepared in a laboratory then it would be man-caused. But let's say it's mostly natural like other viruses or diseases, does that automatically mean you should blame God? This is a cursed and fallen world because of the original sin Genesis 3:13-19 and natural disasters are since allowed to happen. Everyone is going to die from Earth then have an opportunity to spend eternity in heaven or hell. Jesus died for you so you can be forgiven and spend an eternity in paradise if you accept his gift.
  • David Orren - In Reply on Philippians 4 - 4 years ago
    Christians say that God created all things. Christians celebrate that God created all the beautiful natural things. Then who created all the bad natural things?

    And I am wondering what it is that I did in the first place? I cannot blame my children for the sins I may have committed. That would be unreasonable of me. I need to be accountable for what I do. . So why would you - or God - blame me for the sins that Adam committed?
  • Adam - In Reply on Philippians 4 - 4 years ago
    >So why would you - or God - blame me for the sins that Adam committed?

    Hi David, do you feel that someone is blaming you for Adam's sins? Who? I don't know of anyone being blamed for that. Did you read the previous verse shared? It explains what happened after Adam and Eve sinned- the world was cursed in a sense. This explains natural things people consider bad. Also keep in mind that satan is considered god of this world and allowed to roam, deceive, and possibly even afflict people physically: 2 Corinthians 4:4, 2 Corinthians 12:7. God allows things to happen and we sometimes sustain collateral damage from others or the natural environment. This world is very temporary for everyone.
  • David Orren - In Reply on Philippians 4 - 4 years ago
    Adam says that 'Jesus died for you so you can be forgiven and spend an eternity in paradise if you accept his gift.'
    Why do I need to be forgiven? For what?!

    This suggest that I am guilty of something. What exactly?

    You say that God is all powerful. That he created the heavens and the earth. So God has created the Coronavirus.

    Why do Christians not hold him accountable for this? If he were a man, he would go to prison for spreading Bioterrorism. Why don't Christians hold him accountable?

    Why instead do Christians assume PEOPLE are guilty about something for which we need forgiveness? Why do Christians flip reality and ignore the enormous suffering he has caused?
  • Stephanie - In Reply on Philippians 4 - 4 years ago
    My friend, come now, let us reason together, saith the Lord. For God is not willing that any should perish, Matthew 18:11, John 3:16 Of his Son it is said the Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised," "To preach the acceptable year of the Lord." The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." 2 Peter 3:9; Luke 4:18
  • David Orren - In Reply on Philippians 4 - 4 years ago
    It seems to me that being good to other people is just plain common sense.

    We do not need a God to be good. Just need to use common sense.

    Why do Christians need to be afraid of God in order to be good?

    Perhaps many were beaten as children and made to be afraid?

    Children who are not beaten or made to be afraid but treated kindly can and do grow up doing the same for their children. No need to be afraid - or make others afraid - in order to be good.

    Its common sense to be wary of those who would make us be afraid in order to do what they want.

    Common sense and treating other people as one would like others to treat us is sensible. Be with people who treat you with respect.
  • Stephanie - In Reply on Philippians 4 - 4 years ago
    Repentance must be exercised toward God, because we have all sinned, broken his righteous law, violated the rule of his government, and brought discord into his harmony. We must exercise faith toward Jesus Christ because he has become our sacrifice and surety. He has died that we might have remission of sins that are past," and obtain grace and help so that we may keep the commandments of the Lord our God. 1 John 3:4; Matt 5:19
  • Stephanie - In Reply on Philippians 4 - 4 years ago
    The commandments of God are comprehensive and far reaching; in a few words they unfold the whole duty of man. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength..Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Mark 12:30, 31. In these words the length and breadth, the depth and height, of the law of God is comprehended; for Paul declares, Love is the fulfilling of the law" Romans 13:10. The only definition we find in the Bible for sin is that "sin is the transgression of the law 1 John 3:4. The Word of God declares, "All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23. There is none that doeth good, no, not one.
  • Adam - In Reply on Philippians 4 - 4 years ago
    Hi David,

    >Why do I need to be forgiven? For what?!

    Have you ever made a mistake in your life and broke one of the 10 commandments? Have you ever once lied, stolen, dishonored your parents, coveted something, committed adultery, etc? If so, you've violated moral law and the punishment for sinning against God is death ( Romans 6:23). Have you ever violated the laws of your city, state, county and had to appear before a judge? Did you accuse the judge of being wrong for punishing you, or did you realize maybe you were the one wrong? What if the judge found you guilty, but instead of you getting the punishment he took it himself for you? That's what Jesus did for you.
  • David Orren - In Reply on Philippians 4 - 4 years ago
    Adam.. we all make mistakes. Does not mean the vulnerable should die a horrible death. Just learn from our mistakes and hold ourselves accountable for how we behave.

    But who is holding God accountable for the misery he creates for millions of people? Why is it Ok for him to create terror across the land? How does that 'punish' in any sensible way? The people who suffer natural disasters are always the poor, not those who live well at the expense of others. How is that fair? I am sure you agree that does not make sense.
  • Adam - In Reply on Philippians 4 - 4 years ago
    David, God created everything and has the power to create or take life, and we don't have that power- you aren't God. Since you're claiming God is 'bad' for random things that happen in the course of nature, do you equally thank God for your life, for food, relationships, making you and giving you each breath of life right now? Or is it just one way, you ignore all the good He's given you, and just want to blame all the 'bad' on Him? I'm sure you know that youre 100% going to die and our time on Earth is just a flicker compared to eternity. Innocent people like children who die go to paradise in heaven. "natural disasters are always the poor" - that's false. Why do you not give God credit for anything good?
  • David Orren - In Reply on Philippians 4 - 4 years ago
    There is so much good I the world. Christians say God responsible for that. But not for the bad? Then who created the Tsunami? And Plague? Why do you praise God for the good things and let him off the hook for the bad things?
  • Adam - In Reply on Philippians 4 - 4 years ago
    We'll end this here since you're repeating the same questions that people generously offered help for. God allows things to run their course you blame God for you not getting everything your way and receiving a certain VIP level of comfort. Even if it's random or an human accident or evil human intention it sounds like you blame God either way, but don't give him any thanks either for giving you life and all the great joys this temporary life has to offer.
  • Bob Hilt - In Reply on Philippians 4 - 4 years ago
    Corona Virus: Romans 8:28 And we know that ALL THINGS work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
  • David Orren - In Reply on Philippians 4 - 4 years ago
    That is an interesting statement and I am curious about how you see the Corona Virus.

    If we know ALL THINGS work together for good to them that love God, does this mean that Christians (who love God) believe all things are good? Do you believe the Corona Virus is good? Why do you think that?
  • David Orren - In Reply on Philippians 4 - 4 years ago
    Why do you claim all good things are a product of God's work? But then say that the bad things are a product of Man's Free will?
  • Vanessa on Philippians 4 - 5 years ago
    well spoken Amen! GB
  • Kenny - In Reply on Philippians 4 - 4 years ago
    Hi guys, David. The first thing we must ALL understand that WE(mortals) are not responsible for Sin. That is because of Lucifer(when in heaven became selfish with Pride), once he was cast out of heaven to this earth...now called Satan,Devil, Accuser of the brethren. God blames Satan for sin, he is the father of it John 8:44.Since sin is the transgression of God's Law(That existed in heaven before man was created. As a result God implemented his plan of salvation that Jesus Christ would come and die for our sins. That being said, we should not fear. If we confess our sins and repent(shy away from them)we are forgiven by the Grace of Jesus. God is a God of love and forgiveness. Trust/Obey.
  • Brenda Patterson on Philippians 4 - 5 years ago
    We need to think about we really don't deserve nothing from God but because he Loves us so much that he gave his all begotten Son all our needs was meet at the cross when he took on my sin he was supplying all my needs then thank you Jesus for your grace.I Believe that all my needs will be meet accord to his riches in glory because he's full of Amazing Grace that I don't deserve. When we receive his love we wont worry about our needs being meet we will know our needs are meet

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