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  • Patty Tozi on Jeremiah 10 - 4 years ago
    Anne. People need the Lord. The Lord is your Shepherd. We all should Love each other as He First Loved Us.God gave us His Only Begotten Son to suffer for our Sins thru His Blood-- so we can be with His Father. You have the special gift of understanding the true meaning of being a Christian. The Bible has all your answers. Patty
  • Freedomborn in Love* - In Reply on Jeremiah 10 - 4 years ago
    Thank you Patty for your Loving Encouragement and your Faithfulness Heb10:24-25 Yes it's all about God's Love shared in His Truth Jesus said how we Treat Others is how we are Treating Him Matt25:31 He never watered down His Truth even though He was rejected many times and than Killed. His Love for us like our Abba Fathers is greater than any Wordly acceptance or riches. God Bless you Greatly -Anne
  • Freedomborn in Life... - In Reply on Jeremiah 10 - 4 years ago
    As we know Raymond God Loves everyone He is Love and can be no other way but He hates evil. Homosexuality like all Sin is evil Rom1:24- 32 but except for the Unforgivable Sin Heart Repentance brings God's Forgiveness and Freedom although if there is no True Repentance as shown by continuing to Sin without guilt or fear of the Consequences it leads to Commiting the Unforgivable Sin - Blessings Anne

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