Bible Discussion Thread


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  • Jennifer - 4 years ago
    Will their be animals in heaven, such as our dogs, cats etc?
  • Church tabor - In Reply - 4 years ago
    Revelation 22:15 15For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie No dogs in heaven
  • Church tabor - In Reply - 4 years ago
    no all the beast of the earth will stay on earth
  • Rachel - In Reply - 4 years ago
    This is to answer the question whether there are animals in heaven. I believe there will be. Read Ecclesiastes 3:19-21. Both animals and humans go to the same place. And in many of the visions of heaven throughout the Bible the prophets always see animals. Jesus himself says that even the sparrows are important to God. So it seems to me that a just and loving God would remember all his creations.

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