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  • Freedomborn in Truth on Jude 1 - 4 years ago
    We see in Jude one of the reasons why the Apocrypha was not included in the Bible because it claimed that Angels had Children with earthly Woman but God tells us that our DNA is differant from theirs and Animals too in 1Cor15:38-40 this is why Evolution is also impossible. The Angles will be in chains untill Judgement day and we see that their Sin was Homosexuality in v7. God Bles You All- Annie.
  • Stanjett - In Reply on Jude 1 - 4 years ago
    I was just wondering who took an angels DNA?
  • Freedomborn in God's Truth - In Reply on Jude 1 - 4 years ago
    Stangett I read your Comment on the Verse of the Day but have not received it or can I find it on this Website do you work for them. Where in Genesis does it say what you claim but if your refering to the Apocrypha Jude V7 shows one of the reasons why it was not included in the Bible and it has other errors too God does not make Mistakes. Please read my other Comments about the Apocrypha - Annie.
  • Freedomborn in Truth..... - In Reply on Jude 1 - 4 years ago
    Not sure Stanjett if you will receive my last Comment or if it's as I wrote it but you can be sure If God said it I Believe it and that Settles it. Please Read 1Cor15:38-58 Do you know you didn't come from Apes even if you do like Bananas. Blessings- Grannie Annie.
  • Freedomborn In Truth - In Reply on Jude 1 - 4 years ago
    We know Stangett that God who Created all things Good tells us about DNA but this is a Modern name Angels DNA is differant from ours and Animals 1Cor15:38-40 this is why Evolution is also impossiable - Blessings Annie.
  • Juniorjunior - In Reply on Jude 1 - 4 years ago
    No one. We are God's DNA.

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