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  • Questions and Answers - 4 years ago
    I agree Adam that we are not Puppets we do have freedom to choose and God knows what we will choose from Eternity. But forJesus to be asking Him not to lead us down a path where Satan may Tempt us when God tells us that He does not do this. It shows a Contridication so it must be a word error in Translation and there are more than this one in the KJV but they are not to deceive like the Cults do.
  • Knowing Gods Heart of Love - In Reply - 4 years ago
    Lam3:33 For He doth not afflict willingly nor grieve the Children of Men. God cant do evil Job 34:10 He is Love and does not cause us to suffer Ps5 He tests us by giving us opertunities to walk in The Spirit putting our Carnal flesh to death Gods Disapline is we reap the evil we sow untill we Repent and when we do Wow what a Welcome Home Lk15:11-32 We also Live in a fallen World and life Happens.
  • Gods Truth Leaves No doubts - In Reply - 4 years ago
    Once again Adam my Comment in response to yours was deleted even though I confirmed with Scripture in answer to your rejection of it being in error, showing it is. Do you think God makes mistakes Man does as shown much more than once on this Website. Most of what you share is ok but ask for God's Wisdom Adam it's the only way to Understand His Truth100 and He will always Confirm it for you.
  • Adam - In Reply - 4 years ago
    So scripture told you that the scripture has errors and can't be trusted? If you believe that then why do you believe the scripture you say told you that? Have you prayed to God for wisdom about this? Someone trying to undermine the truth of the scripture and spreading falsehoods to others does not come from God.
  • Believe God's Truth Not Mans Error - In Reply - 4 years ago
    Adam its God who shows me His Truth in Scripture and Mans error in Translation and in their understanding of His Truth. I asked for His Wisdom and received it He does not lie James1 Comments with the Scriptures He gave me to Confirm His Truth about the Lords Prayer are not here I never doubt His Truth in Scripture He confirms it with other Scriptures and like the ones I shared with you errors too.
  • Adam - In Reply - 4 years ago
    God does not lie and the Bible is God's word, not man's word. The scripture you claimed was mistranslated was simply misunderstood by you and not mistranslated as you claim. I already explained specifically why. You then claim you're right because you prayed and claim God told you it's an error. That's interesting, because when I pray God confirms the opposite of what you claim.
  • Sharing Gods Truth - In Reply - 4 years ago
    Adam please share the verses God gave you showing error in the ones He gave me confirming Mt6:13. But why was this Comment deleted and others or had Scriptures in them Changed.Cults do this too instead of admitting their errors. The Apocrypha was proven to have Error but Translation Error is not New it's in the KJV and in other Translations this is why I always Seek The Lord First for His Truth.

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