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  • Olivia on Isaiah 43 - 11 years ago
    "But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine..." We must always put in our remembrance exactly what HE has done for us. There have been billions and millions of people that have walked the earth and yet the Lord himself calls us each by our name. Once we are called and saved, washed in his blood then we must remember that we are A new creature (...old things are passed away) most of all we are FREE from the shackles of fear, depression, anxiety, insecurities...etc. Those names are no longer our identity, instead he has changed us and molded us into his children, into a CHRIST-ian. We no longer have to be ashamed, in fact we can rejoice simply because he allowed us to receive his grace and mercy and we SHOULD NO LONGER let our fears paralyze our forward movement. We must continue to press toward the mark and our new name and his power allows us to press a little further.

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