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  • Samuel on 1 Corinthians 6 - 4 years ago
    Can Christians smoke or have tattoos
  • Luis - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 6 - 4 years ago
    Would Jesus smoke or have tattoos?
  • James cardoza - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 6 - 4 years ago
    Jesus would not give in to those things of the flesh.And Jesus would not mark his body to validate his beliefs.
  • Mishael Tattoos vs Mark of the BEAST - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 6 - 4 years ago
    James Cardozo: we weren't to mark up our bodies. Back then it was probably more likely to get infections; there were no antibiotics. And like now, if you want to get some taken off, I'm guessing it's expensive?

    In the 1960's, we had gatherings in the park and PAINTED each other, made hats of flowers.... the "all you need is love" generation. The first generation to let their kids raise themselves.

    Every generation since then has had to reach farther and deeper to be cool or weirder than their parents...who gradually stopped following God, to follow that greenback in the sky :/ The LOVE of money is the ROOT of all evil. We can't take it with us, you know? Live simpler - less problems.

    Isaiah 8:19-20. I'm gonna preach it again: wizards that PEEP and MUTTER are not God. We run to godless Google to look for answers 19 times a day. Computers and all the amazing electronics are not your friends. We're being tracked with cookies and by data miners. How did Isaiah see this? The Holy Ghost ratted out the future.

    Get tracked for following God! Search the scriptures! See what other gems of wisdom are laying right there for us to trip over.

    Don't you see? The spirit of Antichrist is already here. We're all being tracked. If we take The Mark of the Beast, we're already dead. Tattoos aren't the mark of the BEAST. You're going to be ordered to take it in your hand or upon your forehead... so you can use your money. You're going to be forced to worship him as if he was god. The REAL God, almighty God will not receive you into the Kingdom with that mark! You're dead, remember?

    Now you have a responsibility to preach this truth to your friends. HUGE difference between a tattoo and a EVIL mark from Antichrist. He, false prophet and Satan are all headed for the Lake of Fire. It's not a beach you know.

    Quit sinning now, Run to Jesus and be born again!! Have your name written in the Lambs book of LIFE. Tell your friends you are SAVED !

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