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  • Mickey on Revelation 7 - 4 years ago
    We are going to see glaciers melt, forests burn, volcanic eruptions and other fiery events on tv & news. There will be great protest to stop it, but it's on Gods program now. We have to stand behind Him and preach the Good News.
    People spend every day stuck in traffic, running to and fro. Minds in gridlock over jobs, money worries, rebellious kids, crime; ears plugged into streaming music & video. No one is thinking that it's all gonna burn! I'm an old street preacher. It's not that scary to take it out of this room into GO YE land. Read the fire scriptures & tell them the truth. Invite them to join you at church. My Bible has a faded sticker: Are you walking it or talking it?
  • K D Harms - In Reply on Revelation 7 - 4 years ago
    Talk about fire and brimstone! Please recall, It's the goodness of God that leadeth thee to repentance. -- Rom. 2:4. All you street preachers mix some honey with your vinegar. Put yourselves in the shoeless footsteps of the skid row sinner. He is likely using (abusing) to escape their sinful state. They likely have already experienced the wrath of Satan. He and she are trying to find solace in a dark and crooked and perverse world the they have already been subjected and are currently enduring. So you are the light of God to them and representing God's love for them. What an honor, privilege in the exercised authority and (exousia) power you have - in the absence of the physical Christ!
  • Mickey - In Reply on Revelation 7 - 4 years ago
    In street ministry you find that many out there believe in God and Jesus. They might drink and prefer the company of like friends. I've never met anyone abusive. I buy some a hamburger at McDonald's or give them coupons to get one. I could tell so many heart aching stories. Young teens who'd rather live out there, than at home. All willing to be prayed for and happy to get a cool T-shirt or hoodie. It makes your prayer life explode with purpose and direction. You understand how Jesus met those with needs and did good things and the miracles. He wanted his followers to do the same. I know why he went outside the camp to pray alone.

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