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  • Marie on Revelation 11 - 4 years ago
    Revelation 11:19 Say the Temple of God was opened in heaven, ad there were lightnings, and voices, and thundering, and an earthquake, and great hail, is this what John saw, and this will be fulfilled after Christ return to earth? Some people believe that Revelation has already happen, but I do not believe that. I believe this part of the Bible will be fulfilled after Christ return and receive his believers into the kingdom. Can someone give me some insight on this matter? Thank you and God bless you.
  • RMackenzie - In Reply on Revelation 11 - 4 years ago
    The Bible tells us that when Jesus comes, everything will be destroyed ( 2 Peter 3:10) and lay desolate for 1000 years ( Jer. 25:33). According to Revelation 20, when that 1000 years are finished there will be a third coming of Christ with the saints. During this descent from heaven the wicked who have lain dead for 1000 years will be resurrected ( Rev 20:5) and Satan will gather together a great army and try to attack the city of GOD ( Rev 20:7-9)...but to no avail... the wicked who have come together, will be destroyed by GOD. Rev 20:9

    Then GOD will set up HIS kingdom on the earth... The heavens and the earth will be made new... Rev 21:1-5..
  • Bob Hilt - In Reply on Revelation 11 - 4 years ago
    I say you are correct in your belief. Some of revelation was past, some present in John's day and some was future like chapters 20-22.

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