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  • Mishael on Isaiah 15 - 4 years ago
    It was popular in the 80s and 90s to be a prophet. Then the everyone is a Bishop;

    Then the apostle movement.

    My former Pastor was an anointed teacher/prophet of Bible. He was declared a bishop. Started wearing bishop clothing. He went on trips to evangelize Africa. Met witchdoctors, saw pots of icky stuff that people threw cig butts on as a form of sacrifice, etc. Long story shortened, he came back changed. His parents didn't live up to his idea of holiness. Somehow he renounced Christianity's teachings and left his church after being renounced by Oral Roberts and others.

    Now he's the pastor of a church he formed and he no longer believes in hell. He believes we are living in hell now. His Christian wife divorced him, took the kids.

    What a waste. He's not my Pastor now.

    He's on my prayer list. If the Holy Spirit says to stop, then I will.

    We have to have some discernment in these last days. It is right to ask the Holy Spirit for the gift of discerning of spirits: God,

    Man, evil spirits. Especially now. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you. The Bible says that evil will wax worse and worse in these final days. 2nd Timothy 3:13

    Do not despair. Cast all your cares on God.

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