Bible Discussion Thread

  • Suresh Paryag on Revelation 7:9 - 4 years ago
    What is the difference from frankincense and the incense ( Samagra )burnt by Hindus
  • Chris - In Reply on Revelation 7:9 - 4 years ago
    Suresh, Frankincense is similar to Incense, in that it too can be used for providing aroma & also of have some medicinal value. Of course, we note that Frankincense was brought as a gift by the Magi to the new born baby Jesus, usually understood as a symbol of Jesus' future priestly role (as Gold was for His Kingship & Myrrh, prefiguring His death).

    Whereas, Incense in Hinduism, though similar in providing a sweet odour, is essentially used in the performance of puja & prayers to a deity in an offering made in love to the deity. And incense is used in other religions as well for similar purposes, other than to given a sweet smell in a house, generally used today. In pure Christianity, incense is not used, as we believe that the God Whom we worship delights in His people coming to him anywhere, anytime & without the need of any paraphernalia to bring Him any further delight or acceptance. We come to God in simple love & faith & believing He hears & answers our prayers to Him.

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