Bible Discussion Thread

  • Tasha Butts on Revelation 7:9 - 4 years ago
    Please keep me in PRAYERS. I have recently gotten sober. Wheni was out there on drugs and drinking I seen alot of the evilness in the world and I pray that all of that is released from me and god will will bring me back to my soundmind and all thoughts of him. So I can move forward as his daughter and do his work. And for a friends family who are hurting due to her being gone home to our father in heaven. Please and thank u
  • Chris - In Reply on Revelation 7:9 - 4 years ago
    Tasha, just one more quick word for you. You clearly recognize how far you had gone from God & now you have come back to Him. You will also notice that your enemy, the Devil, will not be far away from you to entice you to the things that you were once addicted to. This & other ways will the Devil use to get you away from God & His Love for you. The best way to defeat the enemy is to resist him by going to prayer immediately & talk to God about what is happening. When you finish talking with God, spend time in the Bible & soak up God's Words for you. I tell you the truth, when I had to deal with people who were being attacked by the enemy, as soon as we prayed, as soon as God's Word was read, the Devil fled - He hates the Word - it is Truth & He is a Liar, the father of lies.

    So, I just share this short word for encouragement to you & to remind you to flee temptations & run into God's Word. Find a good Bible believing, God honouring Fellowship near to you so you may be strengthened in your faith. May He bless you in your life & as you are also then able to help that family who are mourning their loss.
  • Bro. Don - In Reply on Revelation 7:9 - 4 years ago
    Tasha, Be encouraged. Nothing feels better than knowing you're a daughter of the King of Kings and that you are doing what is pleasing in His sight. God bless you.

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