Bible Discussion Thread

  • Albert sandlin on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    i need help to quit smoking
  • Chris - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    Albert, I will assume that you are a Christian who is still caught up in this habit. Any habit that controls us means that Christ is not the One to completely indwell us, fill us & control us by His Spirit. Romans 6:16 speaks about being slaves in other ways, but this Truth can be applied to anything that we are servants (subject) to in our bodies: "Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?" & 1 Corinthians 6:12: "All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any."; & this tells us that there are many things we can do (i.e. that the Bible doesn't clearly forbid us to do), but those things (e.g. smoking, etc.) are not the proper thing to do (e.g. becoming captive to it, for health reasons, etc.).

    Yet, even though the Scriptures are clear as to what we should do, we know that only God, by His Spirit, can give us the strength to gain victory. The apostle Paul said that he could do all things through Christ, Who gave Him the strength ( Phil 4:13); i.e. he looked to Him & called upon Him whenever he couldn't do something in his own strength. It is that continual reliance upon the Lord & particularly being on guard when that urge comes to have a smoke. In the '70s, I was gripped by cigarettes as well. But after I was saved, my friend (a non-Christian) & I decided to give up. God had led me (or, us) to a 'herbal cigarette' that gave us the sense of smoking but without the nicotine/tar: in other words, it wasn't habit forming & in fact, helped me to eventually drop the habit in short while. My friend went back to smoking, but God gave me the strength to press on & I've never looked back.

    So Albert, don't lose heart; God can help you as you look to Him each day for this habit & also check out the market for something to assist you to get release from this.
  • Arissa Nolastname - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    My prayer is for life and not death, for Christ is Life and HE defeated death, hell and the grave. I pray Holy Spirit, that Spirit that rose Jesus from the dead to be alive in your sister. May she be released from the shadow of death and her body, spirit and soul, her past, present and future be brought under the dominion of Christ Jesus. May He be there with her to break the hold the devil/his agents have on her. Jesus is Lord. May His Peace be with you.

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