Bible Discussion Thread

  • Alex on Wisdom of Solomon 1 - 4 years ago
    Just a comment by Alex that the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made us free from the law of sin and death. I always think of that script. when i hear you ppl saying God wants to kill us physically, with a literal fire.. When jesus rebuked James and John when that wanted to call a literal fire down from heaven and destroy the Samaritans. Jesus said he came NOT to destroy mens lives but to save mens lives. Ya gotta realize his fire is spirit as God is spirit but God is also a consuming fire . thus that H.G. FIRE is spirit. By my spirit saith the lord. Its simply our old demonic adamic spirit that he wants to consume. The law of the spirit of life in christ jesus has made us free from the law of sin and death. Remember he told James and John you know what manner of spirit you are of, TH WORLD TODAY does not know what manner of spirit they are of ,we are packing satan on our backs and in our hearts thats y all of our works are filthy rags. i.e its like putting lipstick on a pig and expecting God to have a relationship with that pig. But when the sower of that good seed goes forth to sow his seed in our hearts. Its gona result in a new heart and a new SPIRIT. A new innerman which is the H.G. A BABY CHRIST, Unless ya receive the kingdom of God as a LIL CHILD you will in no wise enter there in. Being bornagain of an incorruptible seed even by the words of God, th contents of the book in the right hand of the father th new covenant is gonna initiate a birth of Christ in all of us, And thats how Christ will be multiplied as the stars of heaven via his seed remember that Promise. Thats y jesus refers to the H.G AS the Promise he is the multiplication of Christ. Thou shall suck dry the breasts of the Gentiles even the Gentiles are gonna give birth, th Child is the H.G. A CHILD NOT OF THIS WORLD. AS WE HAVE BORNE THE IMAGE OF THE EARTHLY WE MUST BEAR ( new birth ) THE IMAGE OF THE HEAVENLY. Unto us a child is born. Th 2 nd coming.

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