Bible Discussion Thread

  • John on Isaiah 57 - 4 years ago
    When God wrote the Bible did he make a mistake and leave out the Word Rapture? Because the Word rapture is not in the Bible nor does it ever describe a rapture. When doing researching, one will find, (what will happen to those that are asleep will rise first, then the ones that are still remaining will be caught up...etc) This is TOTALLY 2nd coming of Christ.

    1.) What will happen to the dead.

    2.) Second coming

    That is all the Bible ever

    talks about!

    God LOVES all his children
  • Ken Beltran - In Reply on Isaiah 57 - 4 years ago
    Hi John

    Taken from gracethrufaith...(Jack Kelley)

    The English translation of 1 Thes. 4:17 , where Paul introduced the rapture, reads in part,

    After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.

    In the Greek language the word translated "caught up" is harpazo. It literally means to seize, or carry off. About 1700 years ago, when the Bible was translated from Greek into Latin, they used a word we pronounce "rapture" to translate harpazo. (Rapture is a word of Latin origin that also means "to carry off".) Not being a Greek word, rapture is not part of the original language of 1 Thes. 4:17. And since our English Bibles are translated directly from Greek, it doesn't appear in our translations either. But while the word itself is not there, the event it describes certainly is.

    Word study credit goes to Jack Kelly gracethrufaith


  • Fricis Ukstins - In Reply on Isaiah 57 - 4 years ago
    1 Corinthians 15:52 even states when Christ will return ... at "the last trumpet"

    the Greekbword for Trump here isvthe clarion call or the last call as in a bar and is only found in 1 other place ... Revelation at judgement ... there is no "rapturing" the church out .
  • Mishael - In Reply on Isaiah 57 - 4 years ago
    Caught Up in the Clouds. I think it was the Greek word, Rapta, that started the controversy.

    Sometimes called the Last Day
  • Ken - In Reply on Isaiah 57 - 4 years ago
    Correct, at the last trump (after the seven years of Tribulation), the Church is absent from any associated text. It is because the Church was raptured (harpazo) prior to the tribulation period...

    We await the final count of the gentiles (and converted Jews) to come in.

    At that point of the final number, the rapture occurs, the Bride of Christ (the Church) is taken away, the Age of Grace ends, and Daniel's 70th week begins... not a good time nor place to be here on Earth. The Bible says that the sorrow and grief will be unlike any period preceding. Envision the Holocaust again, only worse...


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