Bible Discussion Thread

  • Ed Robinson on Psalms 32 - 4 years ago
    Regarding Psalm 32:8 is this the Holy Spirit speaking to us ?
  • Ed Robinson - In Reply on Psalms 32 - 4 years ago
    Thank you
  • Mishael on Who the Holy Spirit is To You - In Reply on Psalms 32 - 4 years ago
    Here is some scriptures to pencil in on the back page of your Bible:

    John 14:26

    John 15:26

    John 16:7

    John 14:6 Lamentations 1:16

    Teacher, Advocate, Helper. Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus. The Greek word is: paracletos (one who comes alongside to Help)

    The thing some people miss is that the Holy Spirit is always close by. Even tho he's a Spirit with no visible me, He is beside you. Talk to Him. Study with Him. Be aware of His presence.

    It's hard, but don't grieve him or quench Him. He is God, the Holy Spirit. He loves you more than anyone else you've ever known.

    Sing to Him and soon you will hear His song singing in your heart. Anything that hurts in you, will be healed.

    Luke 4;18-19 ( Isaiah 61:1). Jesus speaking about the Spirit of the Lord.

    Gifts and ministries of the Holy Spirit, that He imparts as He wills. 1 Corinthians 12:31

    One thing was hard for me to learn: walk beside the Holy Spirit, and don't run ahead of Him. :)

    Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord....

    A LOT of wisdom is given in Proverbs. Also, David was a man after Gods own heart. It's good to study WHY.
  • Chris - In Reply on Psalms 32 - 4 years ago
    Ed, you may get other opinions on this Psalm, but my impression is that it is David speaking throughout the Psalm & seems very likely that it is a sequel to Psalm 51, another penitential utterance. If you look at Ps 51, you will see a similar style (i.e. vv 1-12 showing David's pleas & confession, & then v 13 records that "then will I teach transgressors"). Likewise, in Ps 32, vv 1-7 shows the blessing of forgiveness & then v 8 (& this may follow a similar thought), "(only then) will I instruct thee & teach thee".

    However, this interpretation is open-ended as one can only make an assumption from our standpoint. Yet, from portions from other Davidic Psalms, there is clear indication that they were Holy Spirit inspired so as to convey the Lord's Mind or Action to readers. So, to answer your question, I believe the whole Psalm is David's utterance (even in his giving of instruction after first confessing) but, as in all Scripture, the Psalm is inspired by the Spirit & therefore it is He Who speaks to us in our reading & meditation, applying it to our specific need.

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