Bible Discussion Thread

  • Peter Buckland on Luke 11:32 - 4 years ago
    Mrs Karen Buckland, married 26 years suffered a Stroke back in 2018 through a Lifestyle Solution s Carer not giving Asthma Puffer as per Care Plan, received neurosurgery and made full recovery to her pre-existing very limited mobility condition but is now kept from returning home to her husband and purpose built home, Church Fellowship, voting, physio, socializing and being respected as a Recipient of a WA Volunteer of the Year Award from then Governor of Western Australia, Michael Jeffery, Karen stated at her last Guardian ship Review that she wanted to return home but this was ignored. Karen has been deemed to be the Holder of 100% Full Mental Acuity but this is ignored. WA Justice Minister Quigley has threatened me with fines and or imprisonment for publishing this sorry saga. God's Law needs to be Obeyed...
  • Chris - In Reply on Luke 11:32 - 4 years ago
    Peter, that's indeed a sad account you've shared. Has John Quigley or his department even cared to give you the full reasons for their decision, in writing? You could take that determination & have it considered by a legal firm (maybe removing the Justice Minister's name in case that colours their judgement) & see whether: 1. the prevention of Karen's return home & pursuing normal activities is lawful, and 2. whether Quigley's threats to the publication of your side of this story is even justifiable & constitutional.

    Yet, in our hearts we know that the operation of governments & their judgements are very often totally opposed to Scriptural warrants & though leaving us sad & hopeless, we know that wickedness at all levels will be brought to Light & a true severe judgement will be pronounced upon the perpetrators. I know, little comfort here, when such injustices are the order of the day, but we can only trust in God, Who not only will judge righteously, but give Karen & her loved ones the grace & mental & emotional fortitude to live in such circumstances. God IS ABLE: just continue to hold out in believing prayer that He will work all things out for good, even though His Work behind the scenes is hidden from us & His Purposes are not revealed. I do hope that Karen will never feel unloved or alone in all this & that the same Spirit Who is in you both will minister in special ways in your situation. Every blessing brother.

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